Visiting friends is probabley one of the most common occurrences
in daily life. Generally s , it is polite to call a friend before 1.
you visit, but often very close friends just drop in each other 2.
without calling. Some people enjoy a (惊喜)visit from a friend, 3.
but many people do not. Take Americans for example, those don’t 4.
like surprise visits may tell their friends to call first they come. 5.
This is (可接受的)because most people are vdry busy. Dropping 6.
in at a busy time can l to some problems for the person visiting 7.
and the person visited. It is a good idea to ask a friend w he or 8.
she (介意)your just dropping by without calling. If you are not 9.
sure your friend (欢迎)surprise visits, call first. 10.
1. speaking 2. that 3. surprise 4. who 5. before
6. acceptable 7. lead 8.whether 9. minds 10.welcomes w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m