摘要:( ) A. taking B. making C. being D. getting


A few months ago, Dr. Ken Duckworth, a psychiatrist(心理医生) in Massachusetts, was swimming in his community's pool, chatting with other swimmers. When he mentioned his career, one man wanted Duckworth’s opinion on his struggles with depression; another asked for advice on a family member's mental illness.
“I was sort of amazed. They were talking openly about their mental disabilities with a stranger in a swimming locker room, ” said Duckworth, “That wouldn't have happened 15 years ago. ”
New research shows that these swimmers aren't the only ones opening up. According to a new study, more American adults than ever are reporting being disabled by the symptoms of depression, anxiety or other emotional problems.
The report, published Thursday in the American Journal of Public Health, found that people who said they couldn’t perform everyday tasks or engage in social and leisure activities because of a mental illness increased from 2 percent in 1999 to 2.7 percent in 2009. That increase amounts to nearly 2 million more people disabled by mental distress (痛苦) in the past decade, the report said.
Although people did not say they felt more mental distressed compared to past years, they reported that their mental health problems had a greater impact on their daily lives.
Dr. Ramin Mojtabai, the study's author, said it's unclear whether the findings tell a sad story of greater mental distress in recent times or point to a victory for public education about the importance of acknowledging and evaluating mental illness.
“It is possible that people are realizing the effects of mental illness more acutely now than before," he said. "People could be becoming more aware. ”
Mojtabai said it's also possible that a number of factors could be taking a toll on the population's mental well-being. High unemployment, economic hardships and a growing sense of isolation could be putting greater stress on Americans.
But Duckworth said there could be a more positive explanation -- like his fellow swimmers, people may be getting more comfortable with talking about their mental distress.
“I wonder if this tells us that American culture is becoming more open and is giving people the ability to speak about it,” he said. “If people have this problem and are willing to acknowledge it, then we're getting closer to dealing with it.”
【小题1】Why was Dr. Ken Duckworth surprised when other swimmers talked about the depression with him?

A.He hadn’t expected those swimmers had so many questions.
B.He didn’t know there would be so many people suffering mental disabilities.
C.People wouldn’t talk about their mental disabilities with a stranger in the past.
D.It amazed him that people were becoming more and more open-hearted.
【小题2】Which of the statements may Dr. Ramin Mojtabai agree?
A.More and more people are suffering mental distress nowadays.
B.People may be more willing to acknowledge their mental illness.
C.People are becoming more and more aware of the effects of mental illness.
D.The public education about the importance of acknowledging mental illness is successful.
【小题3】What does the underline phrase “taking a toll on” in para.8 mean?
A.making a contribution to
B.taking part in
C.playing a part in
D.doing harm to
【小题4】What’s the best title of the text?
A.How mental illness come about?
B.Swimmers with mental illness puzzled psychiatrist.
C.Study shows more mental illness.
D.You should have an accurate attitude towards mental illness.


Getting kids to share their toys is a never-ending battle, and forcing them to do so never seems to help. New research suggests that allowing children to make a choice to sacrifice their own toys in order to share with someone else makes them share more in the future. The new findings are published in Psychological Science.

These experiments were conducted by psychological scientists, Nadia Chernyak and Tamar Kushnir of Cornell University. They found that sharing things with others when they are given a difficult choice leads children to think of themselves as people who like to share. It also makes them more likely to act in a pro-social (亲社会的)manner in the future.

Previous research has explained why rewarding children for sharing can backfire. Children come to think of themselves as people who don't like to share since they had to be rewarded for doing so. Because they don't view themselves as "sharers", they are less likely to share in the future.

Chernyak and Kushnir were interested in finding out whether freely chosen sacrifice might have the opposite effect on kids' willingness to share. To test this, the researchers introduced five-year-old children to Doggie, a sad puppet. Some of the children were given a difficult choice: Share a precious sticker(贴纸) with Doggie, or keep it for themselves. Other children were given an easy choice between sharing and putting the sticker away, while children in a third group were required by the researcher to share.

Later on, all the children were introduced to Ellie, another sad puppet. They were given the option of how many stickers to share (up to three). The kids who earlier made the difficult choice to help Doggie shared more stickers with Ellie. The children who were initially faced with an easy choice or who were required to give their sticker to Doggie, on the other hand, shared fewer stickers with Ellie. Therefore, children did not benefit from simply giving something up, but rather from willingly choosing to give something up of value.

“You might imagine that making difficult, costly choices is demanding for young children or even that once children share, they don’t feel the need to do so again,” Chernyak says. “But this wasn't the case: once children made a difficult decision to give up something for someone else, they were more generous, not less, later on.” Chernyak concludes.

1._______ helps children to share more in the future.

A. Rewarding children for sharing                      

B. Forcing children to share

C. Allowing children to share precious things willingly

D. Allowing children to share what they don’t need

2.The underlined word “backfire” means _______.

A. have an opposite effect                                              B. serve as a push

C. cause anger                                                                   D. avoid taking things back

3.Those who were required to share give fewer stickers to Ellie because _______.

A. they regret what they did                                           B. it’s not their own choice        

C. Ellie is not as sad as Doggie                                D. they like to share with a real person

4.We can conclude from the passage that _______.

A. parents will never find a way to get children to share toys

B. a gift should be given to make up for children’s sacrifice

C. children pretend to be generous when they are being observed

D. making difficult choices may influence sharing behavior



Life is too short to waste a moment, so while you still have time, let your hair down, remove that “boring” tag in your so-called life and start making it worthwhile. Below are some tips that will help you live a wonderful life.
1. Keep a Positive Attitude. Enjoy what you have and work on getting the things you desire. Psychologists believe that optimism (乐观主义) is a good defense against unhappiness, so it is better to keep your optimism alive. Feeling sad about your life will only make you sadder, so be happy.
2. Don’t Be Afraid to Take Risks. Life is all about taking risks, and that’s the exciting part of it. Challenges and failure are part of life. Once you learn how to take risks, you’ll soon realize how good it feels not to let moments pass you by.
3. ... You only have one life, so make it worthwhile. Being unwilling to let the past go just keeps you away from the things you should be enjoying at the present.
4. List the Things You Want to Do. Stop lazing around and give yourself something to be busy with. Write down a list of all the things you want to do and make a timeline, not to stress you out, but to remind you of your goals. So don’t put limits to yourself because you’ll never know what may happen.]
5. Try Out Something New. Getting into something or trying something unfamiliar to you may seem scary, but nothing can make you feel happier than being able to overcome your fear. Who knows? You might enjoy it! The world is a big place and there are still lots of things waiting to be explored by you. Go to a foreign place where you know no one.
【小题1】 From Tip One we know that we should             .

A.never be afraid to take risks
B.try something new every day
C.focus on the good things in life
D.get rid of all our former habits
【小题2】What’s the best title for the third tip?
A.Enjoy Today and Let Go of the Past.
B.Never Think of Tomorrow.
C.Remember You Are the Best.
D.Never Change Your Mind.
【小题3】The writer may NOT agree that              .
A.feeling sad about your life does you no good
B.it’s good to keep yourself busy doing something
C.you shouldn’t go to a new place where you have no friends
D.you should enjoy the present instead of always thinking of the past
【小题4】 What is the writer’s attitude toward life?


Life is too short to waste a moment, so while you still have time, let your hair down, remove that “boring” tag in your so-called life and start making it worthwhile. Below are some tips that will help you live a wonderful life.
1. Keep a Positive Attitude. Enjoy what you have and work on getting the things you desire. Psychologists believe that optimism (乐观主义) is a good defense against unhappiness, so it is better to keep your optimism alive. Feeling sad about your life will only make you sadder, so be happy.
2. Don’t Be Afraid to Take Risks. Life is all about taking risks, and that’s the exciting part of it. Challenges and failure are part of life. Once you learn how to take risks, you’ll soon realize how good it feels not to let moments pass you by.
3. You only have one life, so make it worthwhile. Being unwilling to let the past go just keeps you away from the things you should be enjoying at the present.
4. List the Things You Want to Do. Stop lazing around and give yourself something to be busy with. Write down a list of all the things you want to do and make a timeline, not to stress you out, but to remind you of your goals. So don’t put limits to yourself because you’ll never know what may happen.
5. Try Out Something New. Getting into something or trying something unfamiliar to you may seem scary, but nothing can make you feel happier than being able to overcome your fear. Who knows? You might enjoy it! The world is a big place and there are still lots of things waiting to be explored by you. Go to a foreign place where you know no one.
【小题1】From Tip One we know that we should _________ .

A.never be afraid to take risksB.try something new every day
C.focus on the good things in lifeD.get rid of all our former habits
【小题2】What’s the best title for the third tip?
A.Enjoy Today and Let Go of the Past.B.Never Think of Tomorrow.
C.Remember You Are the Best.D.Never Change Your Mind.
【小题3】The writer may NOT agree that _______.
A.feeling sad about your life does you no good
B.it’s good to keep yourself busy doing something
C.you shouldn’t go to a new place where you have no friends
D.you should enjoy the present instead of always thinking of the past
【小题4】What is the writer’s attitude toward life?


Life is too short to waste a moment, so while you still have time, let your hair down, remove that “boring” tag in your so-called life and start making it worthwhile. Below are some tips that will help you live a wonderful life.

1. Keep a Positive Attitude. Enjoy what you have and work on getting the things you desire. Psychologists believe that optimism (乐观主义) is a good defense against unhappiness, so it is better to keep your optimism alive. Feeling sad about your life will only make you sadder, so be happy.

2. Don’t Be Afraid to Take Risks. Life is all about taking risks, and that’s the exciting part of it. Challenges and failure are part of life. Once you learn how to take risks, you’ll soon realize how good it feels not to let moments pass you by.

3. You only have one life, so make it worthwhile. Being unwilling to let the past go just keeps you away from the things you should be enjoying at the present.

4. List the Things You Want to Do. Stop lazing around and give yourself something to be busy with. Write down a list of all the things you want to do and make a timeline, not to stress you out, but to remind you of your goals. So don’t put limits to yourself because you’ll never know what may happen.

5. Try Out Something New. Getting into something or trying something unfamiliar to you may seem scary, but nothing can make you feel happier than being able to overcome your fear. Who knows? You might enjoy it! The world is a big place and there are still lots of things waiting to be explored by you. Go to a foreign place where you know no one.

1.From Tip One we know that we should _________ .

A.never be afraid to take risks               B.try something new every day

C.focus on the good things in life             D.get rid of all our former habits

2.What’s the best title for the third tip?

A.Enjoy Today and Let Go of the Past.          B.Never Think of Tomorrow.

C.Remember You Are the Best.               D.Never Change Your Mind.

3.The writer may NOT agree that _______.

A.feeling sad about your life does you no good

B.it’s good to keep yourself busy doing something

C.you shouldn’t go to a new place where you have no friends

D.you should enjoy the present instead of always thinking of the past

4.What is the writer’s attitude toward life?

A.Positive.          B.Negative.          C.Doubtful.          D.Indifferent.



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