摘要: A woman’s body contains less water and more fatty tissue, which increases alcohol absorption a male body . A. being compared to B. compared to C. comparing to D. to compare to


For some minutes, all was quiet in the street. Then from across the street someone came walking.

It looked like a man of middle height, dressed in a big raincoat, a soft hat and rubber-soled boots or shoes, and making little sound while walking. No one was in sight. It was a street with two rows of about fifty small houses and there were three lamps on either side. The lamp nearest to the child’s house could be seen clearly, but the others were almost hidden by the smoky air. A car passed the end of the street and its lights showed faintly,but clearly enough to show the smooth skin of a woman’s face. The car disappeared as the woman, wrapped up in her coat, reached the doorway of the child’s house. She put a key in the lock quickly, pushed the door open and stepped inside, then closed the door without looking round. She began to breathe hard.

She leaned against the door for a moment, then straightened up as if with an effort, and walked towards the door of the front room, the passage leading to the kitchen, and the narrow staircase. She hesitated outside the door, then went up the stairs quickly but with hardly a sound. There was enough light from the narrow hall to show the four doors leading off a small landing(楼梯平台). She pushed each door open in turn and shone a torch inside, and the light fell upon beds, walls, furniture, a bathroom hand-basin, a mirror which flashed brightness back; but this was not what the woman was looking for. She turned away and went downstairs, and hesitated again at the foot of the stairs, then turned towards the kitchen. Clearly there was nothing there, or in the small washroom that she wanted. Two rooms remained; the front room and a smaller one next to it. She opened the front room door. After a moment, she saw the child’s bed and the child.

1.The lights of the car passing the end of the street showed that ______.

A.a woman was driving the car

B.someone was standing by a street lamp.

C.a man and a woman were walking up the street.

D.a woman was walking by herself up the street.

2.After the woman closed the front door, she ___________.

A.looked round quickly

B.started breathing again

C.rested before moving

D.walked straight towards the front door

3. When she was upstairs, the woman _______.

A.saw that there was a wash-basin in each room

B.noticed a mirror which she was looking for

C.found a torch in one of the rooms

D.opened four different doors

4. Once she was in the house, the woman behaved as if what she was looking for ____

A.might be in the kitchen

B.was more likely to be upstairs

C.would be easily seen by the light from the hall

D.would look frightening to a child



People say teenagers are no good. They make too much noise in shopping malls; they drive recklessly(不顾一切地) up and down America’s main streets; they carry chips on their shoulders as big as the Sears Tower. And at least some of the time those things are true. But we shouldn’t forget that there are hard moments in the life of a teenager too.

I watched such a moment not long ago at a woman’s funeral. I didn’t expect the event to affect me. Through much of the ceremony, in fact, I remained unmoved.

The teenage grandson stepped forward. With his very first deep breath, every heart in that church was achingly reminded of something we had all forgotten. Softly he began: “I want to share a few values that Nana taught me. She never failed to see light in any situation. When our family dog would truely attract her, what would Nana say? ‘oh, what beautiful barking that dog has!’ That was Nana. ”

“She was a strong woman who often lived in the shadow of my grandpa, who was a successful businessman in this city. But she was the one behind the scenes who provided the strength and support for my grandpa’s career,” he said, with a voice now trembling, “That was Nana’s way.”

Through a low sob, he continued, “Whenever she did anything worth recognition, you ’d have to hear about it from a different source, because she was never one to show off.”

Finally, in a voice breaking free of sorrow, he looked up and said, “Nana taught me courage. She put up an incredible fight to the end, when she died peacefully, which is how she lived her life. That was Nana’s way, and I hope I can carry on in the same manner.”

There are no hearts as sensitive as those of teenagers, because everything is happening to them for the first time. The trouble with teenagers is that they haven’t learned to be controlled.

When that boy rose to speak about the woman who surely had been his truest and dearest friend, his honest voice dragged each of us out into the open where we could no longer hide in the calm ceremony . He exposed us to the truth about this very real woman who believed in a boy who probably tried the patience of many adults. He reminded us that his grandmother was more than another dot on the chart of life and death.

All over again we felt those powerful losses crossing our own hearts, and we knew that when you say good-bye to something happy, something young in yourself. And that something never really returns, and the pain never really goes away.

In the first paragraph, the writer gave some examples to_____.

A. support his idea that young people are no good.

B. introduce his point of view about young people.

C. tell people every coin has its two sides.

D. young people often make mistakes.

From the boy’s speech, we know _____.

A. his grandmother had great influence on him.

B. they had a dog which often attacked people

C. people had forgotten her until the boy appeared..

D. his grandmother was so weak that she is always living in the shadow of his grandpa

Which of the following statements is true?

A. The boy ‘s speech moved no one present at the funeral except the writer.

B. The boy’s being good at expressing himself enabled him to draw everyone’s attention.

C. The boy was too grieved to accept the fact that his grandmother had passed away.

D. The writer didn’t expect the event would affect him.

What words can best describe grandmother’s quality?

A. weak, mild and modest.

B.. easygoing, cautious and considerate

C. sensitive and hard on others.

D, patient, optimistic, strong and helpful.

The passage tells the readers____.

A. facing certain bitter facts help young people to grow.

B. young people have to control themselves

C. the adults should learn from the young.

D. the adults should teach the young how to be brave





I stopped to let the car cool  36 and to study the map. I had expected to be near my destination(目的地) by now, but everything still seemed  37 to me. I was only five when my father had  38 me abroad, and that was eighteen years  39 . When my mother had  40 after a car accident, he didn’t quickly  41 from the shock and loneliness. Everything around him was full of her  42 , continually reopening the wound.  43 he decided to go abroad. In the new country he paid much attention to  44 a new life for the two of us,  45 he gradually forgot the past. He did not marry again, and I was  46 without a woman’s care, but I lacked  47 , for he was both father and mother to me. He always  48 to go back one day and see old friends again and to visit my mother’s  49 . He became ill for a few months  50 we planned to go and, when he knew he was  51 , he made me promise to go on my own.

  I  52 a car the day before landing and bought a map,  53 I found most helpful on the last stage. My father had described over and over again what we could see on the way there, so I was pretty  54 that I could find it. Well, I had been wrong, for I was now  55 .

  36. A. up       B. off      C. of        D. to

  37. A. unfamiliar    B. similar    C. unusual      D. familiar

  38. A. brought     B. carried    C. taken      D. fetched

  39. A. later       B. since     C. then        D. ago

  40. A. been disabled  B. died      C. gone up     D. passed by

  41. A. return      B. make     C. go back      D. recover

  42. A. presence     B. absence    C. arrival      D. show

  43. A. Since      B. For      C. So       D. Before

  44. A. earning     B. starting    C having      D. opening

  45. A. in case     B. so that     C. so long     D. so much

  46. A. brought up    B. taken up    C. brought out     D. taken off

  47. A. anything    B. nothing    C. everything     D. something

  48. A. imagined     B. supposed    C. meant      D. asked

  49. A. house      B. room     C. church      D. grave

  50. A. before      B. after     C. until       D. as

  51. A. lying       B. dying     C. helping      D. living

  52. A. bought      B. lent      C. borrowed    D. hired

  53. A. what      B. that      C. how       D. which

  54. A. sad      B. happy      C. sure       D. interested

  55. A. away      B. out      C. gone      D. lost



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