
Man's shopping can be and often is completed in five minutes, which is less than a quarter ________.

[  ]

A.that of a woman's

B.of a woman

C.of that of a woman

D.of a woman's


倍数词+that of “是……多少倍”,less than a quarter that of a woman's“不到女人用的四分之一的时间”.




1.Which skirt is more beautiful?

[  ]

A.The red one.

B.The black one.

C.The green one.

2.Who wrote a letter to Li Ming?

[  ]

A.Li Ming.


C.A girl.

3.Who are they going to ask about the question?

[  ]

A.Their teacher.

B.Their father.

C.Mr Green.

4.What is the name of the film?

[  ]

A.A Famous Star in China.

B.The Fivestar of China.

C.Red Star Over China.

5.How many people went to the Great Wall?

[  ]







6.What is the woman doing now?

[  ]

A.She is cooking.

B.She is reading a book.

C.She's writing a letter.

7.Where does the man ask the woman to see him?

[  ]

A.Near the garden.

B.In the garden.

C.Outside the park.

8.How long does the woman ask the man to wait?

[  ]

A.For about 10 minutes.

B.For less than 5 minutes.

C.For about 20 minutes.


9.What does the woman want to buy?

[  ]




10.What colour does the woman like?

[  ]

A.Dark red.



11.Where did the woman's friend buy the pair of shoes last month?

[  ]

A.In the man's shop.

B.In the No. 1 shop.

C.In her friend's shop.


12.What are they talking about?

[  ]

A.About shopping.

B.About taking a vacation.

C.About visiting a friend.

13.How long will the man be away from home?

[  ]

A.10 days.

B.16 days.

C.a couple of days.

14.Whom is he going with for the holiday?

[  ]

A.With his family.

B.With Miss Emily.

C.With his family and the woman.


15.What is the man going to do?

[  ]

A.He is looking for the lost jacket for his son.

B.He wants to buy a jacket for himself.

C.He wants to buy a jacket for his son.

16.How much is the black jacket?

[  ]

A.Fifty-two dollars.

B.Twenty dollars.

C.Twenty-five dollars.

17.What did the man buy at last?

[  ]

A.A black jacket.

B.A blue jacket.



18.What were the family going to do?

[  ]

A.To work on a farm.

B.To spend their holidays.

C.To move to a new house.

19.When were they going to get to the station?

[  ]

A.Before 11:40.

B.Before 11:00.

C.At 11:30.

20.Why did Mrs Smith move all their clocks and watches 20 minutes ahead the night before?

[  ]

A.She wanted to make her husband feel surprised.

B.Their car was not fast enough.

C.She didn't want to be late for the train.



1.What will Tom probably do?

[  ]

A.Look for a phone nearby.

B.Pay the woman's phone bill.

C.Use the woman's phone.

2.How much money did the woman pay for her coat?

[  ]

A.1,000 yuan

B.1,250 yuan

C.1,300 yuan


3.what is the woman going to do at last?

[  ]

A.Stay inside.

B.Join her friend.

C.Go out for some fun.

4.How did the woman get the information?

[  ]

A.From a friend.

B.On the Internet.

C.In the newspaper.

5.Why did the man feel sorry?

[  ]

A.Because he hadn't got everything ready for the woman.

B.Because there was no desk for the woman in the office.

C.Because he wasn't able to help the woman with her writing.




6.What can we learn about the garden?

[  ]

A.It's tidy.

B.It's big.

C.It's just OK

7.What does the man think of that place?

[  ]

A.It is the best place he has ever known.

B.It's very quiet and good for his life.

C.It's very convenient with so many life facilities.


8.Where does the man work most probably?

[  ]

A.In a shop.

B.In the Consumer Advice Service.

C.In the local post office.

9.Where did the woman buy her computer?

[  ]

A.In the man's shop.

B.In a nearby big department.

C.From a shop in another far place.

10.How did the woman buy her computer?

[  ]

A.The shop sent the computer to her by post.

B.She went to the shop and bought it right there.

C.She asked the local shop to send it to her home.




1.What do you think the man is? Why?

[  ]

A.A policeman, because he works hard.

B.A postman, because he often works late.

C.A taxi driver, because he often works through the evening rush hours.

2.When were they having this dialogue?

[  ]

A.After the man finished his work.

B.After they got up.

C.Before they went out shopping.

3.How is the weather in New York compared with the weather in Florida?

[  ]

A.Colder.  B.Warmer.  C.Rainier.


4.What does the woman want to buy?

[  ]

A.Blouse.  B.Skirt.  C.Shoes.

5.What color does the woman like?

[  ]

A.Dark red.  B.Yellow.  C.Black.

6.Where did the woman's friend buy the pair of shoes last month?

[  ]

A.In the man's shop.

B.We don't know.

C.In her friend's shop.


7.When will the woman go shopping?

[  ]

A.Friday.  B.Saturday.  C.Sunday.

8.Why is the man's wife baking a cake?

[  ]

A.It's the man's wife's birthday.

B.It's the man's birthday.

C.It's their son's birthday.

9.When will the party begin?

[  ]

A.At 7 o'clock.

B.At 8 o'clock.

C.At 9 o'clock.


10.What kind of ticket does the woman have?

[  ]

A.A return ticket.

B.A single ticket.

C.A train ticket.

11.How much did a ticket to Pittsburgh cost last month?

[  ]

A.22 dollars.

B.20 dollars.

C.32 dollars.

12.When does the woman have to be at the station?

[  ]

A.At 12 o'clock.

B.At 2:15.

C.At 2 o'clock.


13.What does an ambitious person like to do when he gets older?

[  ]

A.To become successful and famous.

B.To live a comfortable life.

C.To become the owner of a big company.

14.Who will win the competition in all fields of work?

[  ]

A.Those who are clever and quick.

B.Those who are strong and healthy.

C.Those with the most training and experience.

15.What makes it easier for you to get a job today?

[  ]

A.Age.  B.Education.  C.Experience.




1.How will Betty go to work today?

A.By bike.

B.By bus.

C.On foot.

2.What’s the possible relationship between the speakers?

A.Husband and wife.

B.Mother and son.

C.Father and daughter.

3.What will the speakers probably do?

A.Go cycling.

B.See a film.

C.Go sailing.

4.Which bus does the man want to take?

A.A No.5.

B.A No.13.

C.A No.63.

5.What does the man speaker want to do?

A.Leave a message for Julia.

B.Invite Julia to dinner.

C.Book a room for Julia.




6.When will the speakers meet?

A.At 7∶30 am.

B.At 1∶00 pm.

C.At 12∶15 pm.

7.Where will the woman probably go at 2∶15 pm?

A.To William’s home.

B.To a gym.

C.To a barber’s.


8.How does the man get the information?

A.By phone.

B.By QQ.

C.By note.

9.How long has the meeting been put off?

A.Two hours.

B.Half an hour.

C.Two hours and a half.


10.How much does a double room cost a night?

A.$ 100.

B.$ 200.

C.$ 300.

11.How will the woman and her husband probably go to Vancouver?

A.By plane.

B.By bus.

C.By car.

12.How long will the woman and her husband stay in Vancouver?

A.For 6 days.

B.For 7 days.

C.For 8 days.


13.What’s the time now?

A.About 1∶50.

B.About 2∶00.

C.About 2∶10.

14.How does the man come here?

A.By bike.

B.By bus.

C.By car.

15.What is the woman going to do?

A.Attend classes.

B.Have her lunch.

C.Go to the man’s shop.

16.How long does the woman spend on classes a day?

A.8 hours.

B.7 hours.

C.6 hours.


17.How old are the bell and the tower?

A.600 years.

B.300 years.

C.150 years.

18.Which of the following is the original one?

A.The tower.

B.The bridge.

C.The bell.

19.What happened to the church 150 years ago?

A.A food.

B.A fire.

C.An earthquake.

20.When does the bell ring every day?

A.At noon.

B.When the sun rises.

C.When the sun sets.

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