

l. All those standing at the back, please come and sit here.
2. The poor of the city, having lived such a hard life, foughr against the rich in the end.
3. Who was the man shaking hands with our English teacher just now?
4. Tom left home quite early, hoping he could catch the first bus.
5. After lunch, she sat in the sun, with the dog sleeping beside her.
6. Not knowing what to do, we asked Mr. Smith for some advice.
7. Arriving at the station, he found the train had left.
8. Turning to the left at the crossing, you will find the shop you are looking for.
9. We hope the new machine will work faster, thus (这样) reducing our costs.
10. Having been told many times, he still couldn't understand it.


A、You’d better plan regularly.

B、You should build a right attitude.

C、You will benefit from a balanced study.

D、It is always better if you keep comprehensive notes.

E、It’s a good habit to share thoughts and views with other students.

F、Studying before class is as important as researching the subject after class.

Studying Tips and Techniques

    If you often find yourself struggling with your studies, here are some useful tips and techniques that can help you out…

1.____________ It is a common misconception that self-study can begin only after a particular topic or chapter is taught in class. You should start preparing for the class in advance. After attending classes, it is of great importance that you have time to review the notes that you have taken during the class as well as try and read more about the subject on your own. Be it (无论是)reference books, or e-books, try and find more information about your subject so that you have a comprehensive(全面的)view of the topics. Often while reading and self-studying, it happens that you come across doubts and questions that did not occur to you in the classroom. Try and answer these questions yourself with the help of books or the internet. However in case you fail to answer, write down these questions so that you remember to clarify the questions in your next class.

2.____________ Involve yourself in group discussions about the subjects that you are studying. Group discussions can be a great way to broaden your viewpoint over important issues since group discussions give every group member a chance to voice their understanding, which might not necessarily be alike. Group discussions are thus a healthy and a rather informal way of exchanging information and discussing issues. Many teachers encourage the group discussion technique in their classroom as well.

3.____________ No matter how much people disapprove of the process and the timetables, it is a known fact that having a clear and detailed project makes it easier for a person to reach a goal. According to your convenience, map out your daily / weekly/ monthly study. It is always better to have a weekly or a daily arrangement, so that unexpected changes in class schedules or any other changes can be taken into consideration accordingly.

4.___________ Yes, there exist some species of students who burn the midnight oil. The studying process should be such that it leaves enough room for a student to join in entertainment activities and relaxation. Always chalk out a schedule that will not influence your sleep, your health, your sports / entertainment activities and other routine tasks. Also studying a single subject at a stretch (like an entire week or so), can get boring, for this reason plan a schedule that helps you switch from one subject to another in enough time.

5._________ Normally students get too caught up with grades, the percentage and the entire marking system. Always remember that if you study with the aim of acquiring knowledge, the grades will be brighter. However, if you just aim for high grades, there is a chance you might get the grades, but you will miss out on acquiring comprehensive knowledge on a particular subject. Always study with the right point of view, and you will never have to worry about your grades. Knowledge is way beyond grades.







Mrs. Green is a nurse in a hospital in London. She has a lovely daughter. She

    often says to her, "Hey, Baby! Look at you,. looking at me, looking at you looking

    at me." She is going to send her daughter to Grade 1 this September and buy a

    book with 40 pages for her.

Joe enjoys reading picture books about animals.He often buys some new ones.

    Last Saturday he bought a new book. There is such a sentence on the first page:

    "In a heart-warming twist on the ‘I-can-do-anything-you-can-do-better' theme,

    Little Nutbrown Hare goes through a series of declarations regarding the breadth

    of his love for Big Nutbrown Hare."

Tong Tong is five years and two months old now. Her father bought him a story

book for his birthday on July 2. Now he is reading "But as the boy grew older

he began to want more from the tree, and the tree gave and gave and gave..."

Mr. Smith lives in New York City. He has a two-year-old grandson; who likes to

    listen to some stories about animals and read picture books with a hide-and-seek

    adventure and lots of pop-up surprises on every page!

Susan's mother bought her a new book today. In this book, there are many good

bedtime activities---a reappearing little mouse is particularly pesky: By the

end of the little rabbit's goodnight poem, the story has quieted to a whisper,

and the drawings have darkened with nightfall. As you turn the last page, you

can expect a sleepy smile and at least a yawn or two.




Our family finally managed to get together, but in a few days we scattered again to the ends of the earth, and I will begin my new job in a new city. My family has never been ___1 _  in this way . When I think about the    2    future, my heart felt grayish.

       When I    3    in the morning, it was raining outside and the sky was as    4    as my mood. My daughter    5    the new skirt that her uncle bought and she flew around the departure hall in the    6     and drew a small and beautiful picture in the dim crowd.

       The airplane had a good   7    of newspapers, magazines, television programs, food and drinks. The meal even   8    a serving of Haagen-Dazs ice cream. This small present brightened me up   9    . The gentle smile of the stewardess(空姐)was as beautiful as the   10    after the rain.

       When I    11    the airport, the language that entered my   12    was completely different from what I was   13    three hours ago. Although the street lights were as   14   as Allentown’s, the different clothes and expressions of the people    15     me that I am in a new world. I stood in the busy streets like Alice    16    the world in a fairy tale. My heart was    17    with puzzlement about the uncertain future and longing for the new life. When I   18   being able to do what I like once more, that I will make new    19   and that I can enjoy the fun of exploration. I could not   20   to think about starting my new life.

1.A.separated                B.gather                C.divided                     D.surprised

2.A.bright                    B.exciting              C.uncertain            D.unusual

3.A.stood up                 B.got up                C.stayed up            D.woke up

4.A.clear                      B.high                   C.dark                   D.gray

5.A.dressed                   B.wore                  C.liked                  D.had

6.A.station                    B.airport               C.port                   D.house

7.A.offer                      B.number                     C.supply                D.amount

8.A.included                 B.contained           C.followed            D.matched

9.A.successfully            B.especially           C.eventually          D.fortunately

10.A.rainbow                B.ground               C.sky                    D.flower

11.A.got on                  B.got off               C.left away            D.took off

12.A.mouth                  B.eyes                   C.mind                  D.ears

13.A.finding                 B.learning             C.hearing                     D.listening

14.A.long                     B.well                   C.brilliant              D.mamy

15.A.told                      B.reminded            C.suggested           D.explained

16.A.visiting                 B.traveling            C.wandering          D.exploring

17.A.full                      B.filled                 C.satisfied             D.pleased

18.A.set about               B.set out                C.thought over              D.thought about

19.A.friends                 B.enemies              C.mistakes             D.progress

20.A.wait                            B.help                   C.decide                D.afford


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