摘要:The fact the earth is round is true. A.that B.which C.what D.why



One blue sky above us,

One ocean lapping at our shore,

One earth so great and round,

Who could ask for anything more?

Pete Seeger

  In fact, nobody has the right to ask for anything more.If we humans fail to keep a balance between our needs and the needs of the natural world, our great round Earth will no longer be fit to live on.

  There are many reasons for keeping this balance.

  For one, if we continue to over-fish the seas, certain species will disappear.The kinds of fish that we humans catch feed on smaller ones, and if all these killers disappear, the smaller fish will overwhelm(泛滥)the sea.Edible(可食的)fish-as well as many fishermen's livelihoods-will disappear.

  And if we continue to clear land, cutting down trees, the animals, which use trees as a food source and for shelter, will suffer from a disturbance.Many of them will eventually die out.

  Since we love the beauty and grace of deer and moose running in our woods, protection against over-hunting is also a must.If hunters break our laws and kill animals when it is not time, then these species won't be there any more-for beauty or hunting.

  Finally, if man keeps polluting and littering the waters-fresh and salt-nonbiodegradable substances(非降解物质)will build up and make the water unfit to support underwater lives.Again, many people who make their living from the sea will no longer be able to.

  We need this balance to keep the beauty of our world for ourselves and for our children and grandchildren.For if that beauty disappears, everything man can hope to achieve will be lost forever.


The poem at the beginning is quoted(引述)________

[  ]


to show the unlimited natural resources


to show the readers the damage done to nature


to draw the readers’ attention to the protection of the earth


to express the pride of what we've done for nature


Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

[  ]






Water pollution.


Global warming.


Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


Hunters can kill the animals freely when it's time.


The smaller fish will flood the sea because of ocean pollution.


The deer will no longer be beautiful as a result of disappearance of trees.


Both underwater lives and humans will be in danger unless the waters are kept clean.


The passage mainly tells us that ________

[  ]


the necessity of fighting against littering


the serious situation of water pollution


the disappearance of the beauty of our world


the importance of keeping the balance of nature


  As you look up at the moon, you can use a simple trick (戏法)to find out if it's waxing or waning. We can tell the moon is waxing when it's on its way to becoming full. We can tell the moon is waning when it's losing silver each night.

  Here's the trick. Look at the moon, and draw an imagining line where the centre would be if the moon were full. Start at the bottom, and draw the line up the middle and past the top of the moon. The line and the lit side of the moon will form either a lower case of “b” or “d”.

  The “b” stands for “baby”. The baby moon is on its way to full moon phase (阶段). It will appear to grow each night until it is perfectly round.

  The “d” stands for “dying”. The dying moon is headed toward the new moon phase. It will seem to become smaller each night until it can no longer be seen in the sky.

  As the moon travels round the earth the moon appears to change shape. But in fact, the sun is simply lighting up different parts of the moon.

  No matter what phase the moon is in, you can use this trick. Every time, you'll find that you're right about what the moon will do next.

(1) When the moon is on its way to becoming full, we can tell ________.

[  ]

A.the moon is waning

B.the moon is dying

C.the moon is waxing

D.the moon won't appear

(2) When the moon is waning. The moon ________.

[  ]

A.will lose silver each night

B.will disappear in the sky

C.will become bigger and bigger

D.will become smaller and smaller

(3) What kind of the moon will appear to grow each night until it is perfectly round?

[  ]

A.The dying moon.

B.The waning moon.

C.The baby moon.

D.The moon of the night of every month.

(4) Which of the following statements is NOT true?

[  ]

A.The moon travels round the earth.

B.The earth travels round the sun.

C.The moon never changes its shape.

D.The sun is lighting up different parts of the moon.

(5) The best title of the passage is ________.

[  ]

A.The Moon Is Waxing

B.The Dying Moon and the Baby Moon

C.The Moon Is Waning

D.What Will the Moon Do Next


  As you look up at the moon, you can use a simple trick (戏法)to find out if it's waxing or waning. We can tell the moon is waxing when it's on its way to becoming full. We can tell the moon is waning when it's losing silver each night.

  Here's the trick. Look at the moon, and draw an imagining line where the centre would be if the moon were full. Start at the bottom, and draw the line up the middle and past the top of the moon. The line and the lit side of the moon will form either a lower case of “b” or “d”.

  The “b” stands for “baby”. The baby moon is on its way to full moon phase (阶段). It will appear to grow each night until it is perfectly round.

  The “d” stands for “dying”. The dying moon is headed toward the new moon phase. It will seem to become smaller each night until it can no longer be seen in the sky.

  As the moon travels round the earth the moon appears to change shape. But in fact, the sun is simply lighting up different parts of the moon.

  No matter what phase the moon is in, you can use this trick. Every time, you'll find that you're right about what the moon will do next.

(1) When the moon is on its way to becoming full, we can tell ________.

[  ]

A.the moon is waning

B.the moon is dying

C.the moon is waxing

D.the moon won't appear

(2) When the moon is waning. The moon ________.

[  ]

A.will lose silver each night

B.will disappear in the sky

C.will become bigger and bigger

D.will become smaller and smaller

(3) What kind of the moon will appear to grow each night until it is perfectly round?

[  ]

A.The dying moon.

B.The waning moon.

C.The baby moon.

D.The moon of the night of every month.

(4) Which of the following statements is NOT true?

[  ]

A.The moon travels round the earth.

B.The earth travels round the sun.

C.The moon never changes its shape.

D.The sun is lighting up different parts of the moon.

(5) The best title of the passage is ________.

[  ]

A.The Moon Is Waxing

B.The Dying Moon and the Baby Moon

C.The Moon Is Waning

D.What Will the Moon Do Next


One blue sky above us,

One ocean lapping at our shore,

One earth so great and round,

Who could ask for anything more?

Pete Seeger

In fact, nobody has the right to ask for anything more. If we humans fail to keep a balance between our needs and the needs of the natural world, our great round Earth will no longer be fit to live on.

There are many reasons for keeping this balance.

For one ,if we continue  to over-fish the seas , certain species will disappear .The kinds of fish that we humans catch feed on smaller ones , and if all these killers disappear, the smaller fish will overwhelm (泛滥) the sea. Edible (可食的) fish — as well as many fishermen’s livelihoods — will disappear.

And if we continue to clear land, cutting down trees, the animals, which use trees as a food source and for shelter, will suffer from a disturbance. Many of them will eventually die out.

Since we love the beauty and grace of deer and moose running in our woods, protection against over-hunting is also a must. If hunters break our laws and kill animals when it is not time, then these species won’t be there any more — for beauty or hunting.

Finally, if man keeps polluting and littering, the waters —fresh and salt—nonbiode- gradable substances (非降解物质) will build up and make the water unfit to support underwater lives. Again, many people who make their living from the sea will no longer be able to.

We need this balance to keep the beauty of our world for ourselves and for our children and grandchildren. For if that beauty disappears, everything man can hope to achieve will be lost forever.

1.The poem at the beginning is quoted (引述)__________.

       A.to show the unlimited natural resources

       B.to show the readers the damage done to nature

       C.to draw the readers' attention to the protection of the earth

       D.to express the pride of what we've done for nature

2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

       A.Over-fishing.                                      B.Over-hunting.

      C.Water pollution.                                  D.Global warming.

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

       A.Hunters can kill the animals freely when it's time.

       B.The smaller fish will flood the sea because of ocean pollution.

       C.The deer will no longer be beautiful as a result of disappearance of trees.

                                   D.Both underwater lives and humans will be in danger unless the waters are kept clean.

4.The passage mainly tells us that__________.

       A.the necessity of fighting against littering

       B.the serious situation of water pollution

       C.the disappearance of the beauty of our world

       D.the importance of keeping the balance of nature


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