

One blue sky above us,

One ocean lapping at our shore,

One earth so great and round,

Who could ask for anything more?

Pete Seeger

  In fact, nobody has the right to ask for anything more.If we humans fail to keep a balance between our needs and the needs of the natural world, our great round Earth will no longer be fit to live on.

  There are many reasons for keeping this balance.

  For one, if we continue to over-fish the seas, certain species will disappear.The kinds of fish that we humans catch feed on smaller ones, and if all these killers disappear, the smaller fish will overwhelm(泛滥)the sea.Edible(可食的)fish-as well as many fishermen's livelihoods-will disappear.

  And if we continue to clear land, cutting down trees, the animals, which use trees as a food source and for shelter, will suffer from a disturbance.Many of them will eventually die out.

  Since we love the beauty and grace of deer and moose running in our woods, protection against over-hunting is also a must.If hunters break our laws and kill animals when it is not time, then these species won't be there any more-for beauty or hunting.

  Finally, if man keeps polluting and littering the waters-fresh and salt-nonbiodegradable substances(非降解物质)will build up and make the water unfit to support underwater lives.Again, many people who make their living from the sea will no longer be able to.

  We need this balance to keep the beauty of our world for ourselves and for our children and grandchildren.For if that beauty disappears, everything man can hope to achieve will be lost forever.


The poem at the beginning is quoted(引述)________

[  ]


to show the unlimited natural resources


to show the readers the damage done to nature


to draw the readers’ attention to the protection of the earth


to express the pride of what we've done for nature


Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

[  ]






Water pollution.


Global warming.


Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


Hunters can kill the animals freely when it's time.


The smaller fish will flood the sea because of ocean pollution.


The deer will no longer be beautiful as a result of disappearance of trees.


Both underwater lives and humans will be in danger unless the waters are kept clean.


The passage mainly tells us that ________

[  ]


the necessity of fighting against littering


the serious situation of water pollution


the disappearance of the beauty of our world


the importance of keeping the balance of nature





考查细节理解。第三段“over-fish”,第五段“over-hunting”,第六段 “water pollution”,global warming文章没有提到。本题易。






     One of the best-loved American writers was William Sydney Porter, or O.Henry. From 1893 he lived with his family in a house in Austin, Texas, which is now a museum. Visitors to Austin can see the house. It was saved from destruction (破坏) and turned into a museum in1934. The museum is a good way to learn about the interesting life of the American writer.
     William Porter rented this house in Austin and lived there with his wife Athol and daughter Margaret for about two years. Many objects in the museum belonged to the Porters. Others did not. An important piece in the room is the original photograph over here. It was taken there in the house about 1895. The piano
there goes back to the 1860s. His wife took lessons on it when she first moved to Austin.
     Porter did not start his career as a successful writer. He worked at a farm, land office and bank. He
also loved words and writing. The museum has a special proof of Porter's love of language --- his
dictionary. It is said that he had read every word in that dictionary.
     Later William Porter was forced to leave Austin because he was charged with financial wrongdoing at
the bank and lost his job. Because he was afraid of a trail (审判), he left the country secretly. But he returned because his wife was dying. After her death, he faced the trial and became a criminal. He served three
and a half years in a prison in Ohio.
     William Porter would keep his time in prison a secret. But there was one good thing about it. It provided him with time to write. By the time he was freed, he had published 14 stories and became well known as O.Henry.
     Porter later moved to New York City and found great success there. He published over 180 stories in
the last eight years of his life.
1. O.Henry's house in Austin has been well kept up till now so that ____.
A. Americans can explore their history
B more visitors will be attracted to Austin
C. visitors can learn about O.Henry's life
D. it can show the way of life in the 1860s
2. What do we know about the piano in the house?
A. It was hated by Porter's daughter.
B. It has a long history of about 150 years.
C. Porter's wife gave music lessons on it.
D. Porter usually created music on it.
3. How does the museum prove (证明) Porter was fond of language?
A. With a dictionary he used.    
B. With the records they keep.
C. Using the books they wrote.  
D. Using the photograph they keep.
4. Why did Porter escape from Austin?
A. He didn't want to lose his job.
B. He didn't want to make trouble.
C. He meant to save his wife's life.
D. He was charged with a crime.
5. From the last two paragraphs we know that _______.
A. Porter became famous suddenly
B. Porter spent his time in prison writing
C. Porter suffered a lot from his time in prison
D. life in prison provided what he could write for Porter
     One of the greatest stories of rags to riches success is that of Andrew Carnegie, who started life in
poverty but became one of the richest men in the world.
     Carnegie was born in Scotland in 1835, the son of a weaver. In 1848, the family moved to the United States and at 13 Carnegie began to work in a cotton mill, earning $1.5 per week.About three years later,
he found a better job as a telegraph messenger boy. At work, his superiors (上级) were impressed by
his abilities and willingness to work hard. In 1853, he gained an office job at the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company. This was his first big break. He continued to impress and rose rapidly through the company,
gaining_more_and_more_responsibility.At the same time, Carnegie loved reading very much and made
use of every opportunity to visit the library.He read widely on all subjects, particularly literature.
     Carnegie now began to save a little money and, with the help of his employer, began to make some
successful investments. He invested in the iron industry and eventually set up in business himself, owning
several iron and steel plants. This was where he made his fortune.By the 1890s, the Carnegie Steel
Company was the biggest and most profitable business in the world.
     Carnegie had always believed that the pursuit (追求) of wealth was never an end in itself. In his view,
successful, wealthy people should redistribute their wealth for the benefit of everyone in society. True to
his word, in 1901, at the age of 66, he retired from business and devoted the rest of his life to charity
     Carnegie's lack of formal education and his poor family background clearly didn't put barriers in the
way of success. His rapid rise from poverty to wealth was due to his willingness to work hard, his
intelligence and good business sense, and his talent for making things happen. He died in 1919 at the age
of 83.
1. What can be learnt from the text?
A. Carnegie's employers had a high opinion of him.
B Carnegie made the investments independently after saving enough money.
C. Carnegie believed that we should try to earn as much money as possible in our life.
D. Carnegie could have been more successful if he had been formally educated.
2. What does "gaining more and more responsibility" in the second paragraph most probably mean?
A. Becoming more and more intelligent.
B. Being promoted to higher ranks.
C. Having a better sense of confidence.
D. Reading more and more books.
3. When did Carnegie get his first big success in his life?
A. When he took a job as a telegraph messenger boy.
B. When he worked at the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
C. When he made investments in the iron industry.
D. When he founded the Carnegie Steel Company.
4. Which of the following will be the suitable title for the text?
A. Andrew Carnegie: A Wealthy Man
B. Steel & Iron: The Most Profitable Business
C. From Rags to Riches: The Story of Andrew Carnegie
D. Intelligence and Good Business Sense: Two Factors in Becoming Wealthy
     One of the greatest stories of rags to riches success is that of Andrew Carnegie, who started life in
poverty but became one of the richest men in the world.
     Carnegie was born in Scotland in 1835, the son of a weaver.In 1848, the family moved to the United
States and at 13 Carnegie began to work in a cotton mill, earning $1.5 per week.About three years later,
he found a better job as a telegraph messenger boy.At work, his superiors (上级) were impressed by his
abilities and willingness to work hard.In 1853, he gained an office job at the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company.This was his first big break.He continued to impress and rose rapidly through the company,
gaining_more_and_more_responsibility.At the same time, Carnegie loved reading very much and made
use of every opportunity to visit the library.He read widely on all subjects, particularly literature.
     Carnegie now began to save a little money and, with the help of his employer, began to make some
successful investments.He invested in the iron industry and eventually set up in business himself, owning
several iron and steel plants.This was where he made his fortune.By the 1890s, the Carnegie Steel
Company was the biggest and most profitable business in the world.
     Carnegie had always believed that the pursuit (追求) of wealth was never an end in itself.In his view,
successful, wealthy people should redistribute their wealth for the benefit of everyone in society.True to
his word, in 1901, at the age of 66, he retired from business and devoted the rest of his life to charity
     Carnegie's lack of formal education and his poor family background clearly didn't put barriers in the
way of success.His rapid rise from poverty to wealth was due to his willingness to work hard, his
intelligence and good business sense, and his talent for making things happen.He died in 1919 at the age
of 83.

1. What can be learnt from the text?

A. Carnegie's employers had a high opinion of him.
B Carnegie made the investments independently after saving enough money.
C. Carnegie believed that we should try to earn as much money as possible in our life.
D. Carnegie could have been more successful if he had been formally educated.

2. What does "gaining more and more responsibility" in the second paragraph most probably mean?

A. Becoming more and more intelligent.
B. Being promoted to higher ranks.
C. Having a better sense of confidence.
D. Reading more and more books.

3. When did Carnegie get his first big success in his life?

A. When he took a job as a telegraph messenger boy.
B. When he worked at the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
C. When he made investments in the iron industry.
D. When he founded the Carnegie Steel Company.

4. Which of the following will be the suitable title for the text?

A. Andrew Carnegie:A Wealthy Man
B. Steel & Iron:The Most Profitable Business
C. From Rags to Riches:The Story of Andrew Carnegie
D. Intelligence and Good Business Sense:Two Factors in Becoming Wealthy
     One day Walt Disney had a vision. It was a vision of a place where children and parents could have
fun together. The more Walt dreamed of a "magical park," the more imaginative and elaborate it became.
     The original plans for the park were on 8 acres next to the Burbank studios where his employees and
families could go to relax. Although, World War II put those plans on hold. During the war, Disney had
time to come up with new ideas, and creations for his magical park. It was soon clear that 8 acres
wouldn't be enough.
     Finally in 1953, he had the Stanford Research Institute conduct a survey for a 100-acre site, outside
of Los Angeles. He needed space to build rivers, waterfalls, and mountains; he would have flying
elephants and giant teacups; a fairy-tale castle, moon rockets, and a scenic railway; all inside a magic
kingdom he called "Disneyland."
     The search for the best venue for the park ended in the rural Anaheim, California with a purchase of a
160-acre orange grove near the junction of the Santa Ana Freeway (I-5) and Harbor Boulevard.
     Construction for Disneyland began on July 21, 1954, 12 months before the park was scheduled to
     Some 160-acres of citrus trees had been cleared and 15 houses moved to make room for the park.
However, when the real designing came around, Disney met with inevitable questions. How do you make believable wild animals, that aren't real? How do you make a Mississippi paddle ship? How do you go
about building a huge castle in the middle of Anaheim, California? Disney asked his movie studio staff for
answers. The design of Disneyland was something never done before.   There would be four uniquely
different theme parts: Adventure land , Frontier land , Fantasyland Tomorrow land. Bit by bit, Disneyland
got ready for   Opening Day. The staff worked around the clock to get ready.
     But opening day was a terrible disaster. Beside the terrible opening day conditions, the park did
eventually pick up. By 1965, ten years after opening day, 50 Million visitors had come through the gates.

1. When did Disneyland open?

A. 1953    
B. 1954         
D. 1965      
C. 1955

2. The following statements is true except__________.

A.About 50 million visitors have visited Disneyland so far.
B.Disney must have met many difficulties in building Disneyland.
C.World War II had some influence on the building plan of the Disneyland.
D.Disney was a great man with great imagination and creativity.

3. What can't you see in Disney?

A. rivers, waterfalls, and mountains    
B. flying elephants and giant teacups
D. wild animals                   
C. a huge castle                 
4. The underlined phrase in the last paragraph probably means _________.

A. gather      
B. improve   
C. discover      
D. good

5. What's the main idea of the passage?

A.What visitors can enjoy in Disneyland.
B.The difficulties Disney met in building Disneyland
C.How Disneyland came into being
D.A brief introduction to Disneyland
     One Sunday a few of us decided to take advantage of the first sunny day we'd have for ages to take
a trip down to the coast to visit the penguins again. Last time I went down there was a couple of months
ago and it was a dull cold day. Sunday couldn't have been more different - clear skies and sunshine made
it feel like summer, although it was still -25°C.
      Six of us drove to the coast. It was the first time we'd been off the base on our own without our field
assistant, so it had a slightly different feeling - more like a few friends going to the seaside than an
Antarctic field trip! When we reached Windy Creek, we luckily caught sight of quite a few small flying
seabirds, which are seldom seen there.
     Once on the sea ice we found that some of the more curious penguins had wandered over from the
main group to come and check us out. We'd been told that then they were nursing their chicks (刚孵出
的幼雏) and they would be more careful and nervous than last time, but that didn't seem to be the case. We walked across to the main group which were stretched for a couple of miles along the coast. We sat
down for some sandwiches and soon found ourselves surrounded by many curious observers. Without
any attackers on land, they were very brave and came within a meter of us to pose (摆姿势) for photos.
     Before heading back, we spent a few hours on the sea ice watching the penguins and their chicks,
which had grown dramatically (明显地) since our last visit. It was such a nice day.
1. When did the trip most probably happen?
A. On a dull Sunday.      
B. On a warm Sunday.
C. On a summer Sunday.    
D. On a winter Sunday.
2. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that the six people _____.
A. felt a little nervous      
B. felt a little excited
C. were left all by themselves on their Antarctic base
D. got bored with staying with their field assistant
3. What does the writer mean by saying "but that didn't seem to be the case"?
A. They were told a lie.
B. A wrong decision was made.
C. The truth was the opposite.
D. They didn't believe what they were told.
4. The six people did the following during the trip EXCEPT _____.
A. feed the penguins
B. take pictures of the penguins
C. enjoy watching flying seabirds
D. watch the young penguins

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