摘要:support d.help sb./sth.



  Below is a page adapted from an English dictionary.

  Important words to learn:●Essential●improver ● Advanced


  noun[C]DEVICE●1A a piece of equipment which is used to cause liquid, air or gas to move from one place to an-other:a water/bicycle/fuel pump○a UK petrol/US gas pump SHOE●2[USUALLY PLURAL]US(UK court shoe)a type of plain shoe with a raised HEEL and no way of fastening it to the foot which is worn by women 3[USUALLY PLURAL]a type of flat shoe, like a BALLET dancer's shoe when is worn by women 4[USUALLY PLURAL]UK a flat·shoe made of heavy clothy, which is worn by children for doing sports.

  ueerb LIQUID/GAS●1[T USUALLY·ADV/PREP]to force liquid or gas to move somewhere:our latest machine can pump a hundred gallors a minute,○The new wine is pumped into stirage tanks.○The heart pumos blood through the arteries/round the body.INFORMATION2[T]INFORMAL to keep asking someone for information, especially in a way that is not direce:She was pumping me for details of the new projece.

  Idioms pump sb's hand to SHAKE someone's hand(hold their hand and move it up and down, espacially In order to greet them)·pump lron INFORMAL to lift beavy weights for exercise; These days both men and wmen pump irom for fithess.

  Pharsal verbs pump sth into sth to spend a lot of money trying to make something operate succesfully:They had been pumpinh money into the business for some Years without seeing any results.

  Pump sth out(M)REMOVE1 to remove water or other liquid from something using a pump:We took turns pumping out the boat.PRODUCE2INFORMAL DISAPPROVING to produce words or loud music in a way that is repeated, forceful and continuous:The government keeps pumping out the same old propaganda.○The car radio was pumping out music with a heacy beat.

  Pump out sth someone's stomach is pumped out, a Poisonous substance is removed from it by being-sucked Through a tube.She had to go to hospital to have her Stomach pumped out.

  Pump sth up[M]INFORMAL to make someone feel more contident or excited:He was offering them advince and trying to pump them up.○[R]The players were pumping themselves up by singing the national anthem, before the game.

  Pump sth up[M]1 to fill something with air using a pump:Have you pumped up the balloons yet?○ I must pump the tyres up on my bike.2 INFORMAL to increase something by a large amount:The US was able to pump up exports.○Let's pump up the tolume a bit!

  Pump-action/pamp ek/n/ad ectiv[BEFORE NOUN]descnbes a device which operates by forcing songthing, especially air, in or out of a closed space or container; a pump-action shotgun○a pump-action toilet pump prlming noun[U]SPECIALIZED the activity of help-ing a business, programme, economy, etc.to develop by giving it money; The government is awarding small, pump prining grants to single mothers who are starting their oum businesses.


  Noun[C]a humorous use of a word or phrase which has several meanings or which sound like another word:she made a couple of dreadful puns.○This is a well-known joke based on a pun “What's black and white and red(=read)all over? A nepaper.

  Verb[I](-nn-)to make a pun


  Nou HIT●1●(c)a forceful hit with a fist(=closed hand)she gave him a punch lik on us in the nose.EFFECT●2 U the power to be interesting and have a strong effect on people, I felt the performance speech presntation lacked punch DRnk●3[C OR U]a cold or hot drink made by mixing fruit juices pieces of frut and often wine or other alcoholic drinks tool●4[C]a piece of equipment which cuts boles in a maena by pushing a piece of met through it a ticket punch have you seen the hole puneh anghere?

  Verb(T)hit●1●to hit someone or something with your FIST(=closed hand); He punched him in the stomach.2 MALY US to hit with your fingers the bugins on a telephone or the kdys on a keys on a keyboard USE TOCL●3 to make a hole in something with a spscial place of equipment; I was just punching in some hets of paper.○This belt's too big.I'll have to punch an extra hole in it.

  Idioms punch sb's lights out informal to hit someone repeatedly very hard punch the clock us to put a card into a special machine to record the times you amive at and leave work:After 17 years of punching the clock, he just disappeared one morning and was mever heard from again.


What does the word“pump”mean in “He ran in every five minutes to pump me about the case”?

[  ]


Talk with


ask for information.


Listen to


Provide with evidence


When Sally says“The TV propram kept pumping out commercials”, she may be ________.

[  ]










What will the government most probably provide if it is engaged in a pump-priming program?

[  ]


Sums of money


Raw materials


Human resources.


Media support.


When Sylvia says“His speech was OK but it had no real punch”, she thinks it was not ________.

[  ]


fluent and impressive


logical and moving


informative and significant


interestitng and powerful


Mistrust Mars Zhengzhou Ride-share Effort

More than 300 private car owners from a central Chinese city volunteered to offer free rides to citizens to ease crowded public transportation, but many local people didn't accept the offer for fear of being cheated.

The ride-share program was begun in October in Zhengzhou, capital of Henan Province, when Ye Zhantong, a private car driver, started to gather volunteers to offer the free service. The drivers tied a green silk ribbon (丝带) on the car to differentiate themselves from unlicensed taxi drivers. But the free rides haven't been popular among the public as increasing reports of dishonesty have dried up many local citizens' trust towards strangers.

Ye said some of the volunteers have dropped out after they felt their kind intention was being questioned. Passersby walking in heavy rainfall or passengers who missed a bus would remain silent and walk away when the volunteers would stop and offer a ride.

“It's so common that people give us the cold shoulder, and sometimes, take our kindness as ill will,” said one of Ye's volunteers, identified as Binge. “Many would even say: 'Let's get out of here quickly to avoid being cheated by him.'” Some commenters on Weibo explained why they hesitated to participate in a ride-share program. “Trusting a stranger might bring huge risks. I can't take the risk,” one Internet user wrote.

Some said Ye's group wasn't authorized, and cheaters pretending to be kind drivers might volunteer. They suggested traffic authorities issue rules to regulate, protect and promote ride-share programs.

61. The ride-share cars were driven by _____ drivers.

A. licensed taxi         B. unlicensed taxi          C. private car               D. specially-trained

62. Some of the ride-share car drivers _____ .

A. were forced to join Ye’s group                   B. once behaved dishonestly

C. offered free rides only to acquaintances             D. have left Ye’s group

63. The free rides haven't been popular among the public because _____.

A. people often have enough time to wait         B. some think the drivers are cheaters

C. there are many taxies available                    D. many people choose to save money

64. Which correctly explains the expression “give sb. the cold shoulder”?

A. To be unfriendly to sb. .                                   B. To help sb. unwillingly.

C. To sit silently beside sb. .                          D. To try hard to support sb. .

65. The underlined word “mar” in the title possibly means “ _____”.

A. make sth. work the way it should                     B. make sth. less attractive or enjoyable

C.       help sth. to develop or increase                  D. damage sth. so badly that it no longer exists


Below is a page adapted from an English dictionary

verb (stuck, stuck )
push sth in
[+adv./prep.] to push sth, usually a sharp object, into sth; to be pushed into sth: [VN] The nurse stuck the needle into my arm. ◆ Don't stick your fingers through the bars of the cage. ◆ [V] I found a nail sticking in the tyre.
[+adv./prep.] to fix sth to sth else, usually with a sticky substance; to become fixed to sth in this way: [VN] He stuck a stamp on the envelope. ◆ We used glue to stick the broken pieces together. ◆ I stuck the photos into an album. ◆ [V] Her wet clothes were sticking to her body. ◆ The glue's useless-the pieces just won't stick.
[VN +adv./prep.] (informal) to put sth in a place, especially quickly or carelessly: Stick your bags down there. ◆ He stuck his hands in his pockets and strolled off. ◆ Can you stick this on the noticeboard? ◆ Peter stuck his head around the door and said, 'Coffee, anyone?' ◆ (spoken) Stick 'em up! (= put your hands above your head-I have a gun)
become fixed
[V] ~ (in sth) to become fixed in one position and impossible to move: The key has stuck in the lock. ◆ This drawer keeps sticking.
difficult situation
(BrE, informal) (usually used in negative sentences and questions) to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation or person: [VN] I don't know how you stick that job. ◆ They're always arguing-I can't stick it any longer. ◆ The problem is, my mother can't stick my boyfriend. ◆ [V -ing] John can't stick living with his parents.
become accepted
[V] to become accepted: The police couldn't make the charges stick (= show them to be true). ◆ His friends called him Bart and the name has stuck (= has become the name that everyone calls him).
[V] to not take any more cards
Idioms: stick in your mind (of a memory, an image, etc.) to be remembered for a long time: One of his paintings in particular sticks in my mind.
stick in your throat / craw (informal)
(of words) to be difficult or impossible to say: She wanted to say how sorry she was but the words seemed to stick in her throat.
(of a situation) to be difficult or impossible to accept; to make you angry
stick your neck out (informal) to do or say sth when there is a risk that you may be wrong: I'll stick my neck out and say that Bill is definitely the best candidate for the job.
stick to your guns (informal) to refuse to change your mind about sth even when other people are trying to persuade you that you are wrong
Phrasal Verbs: stick around (informal) to stay in a place, waiting for sth to happen or for sb to arrive: Stick around; we'll need you to help us later.
stick at sth to work in a serious and determined way to achieve sth: If you want to play an instrument well, you've got to stick at it.
stick by sb [no passive] to be loyal to a person and support them, especially in a difficult situation: Her husband was charged with fraud but she stuck by him.
stick by sth [no passive] to do what you promised or planned to do: They stuck by their decision.
stick sth<->down (informal) to write sth somewhere: I think I'll stick my name down on the list.
stick out to be noticeable or easily seen: They wrote the notice in big red letters so that it would stick out.
stick sth<->out (of sth) to be further out than sth else or come through a hole; to push sth further out than sth else or through a hole: His ears stick out. ◆ She stuck her tongue out at me. ◆ Don't stick your arm out of the car window.
stick to sth
to continue doing sth in spite of difficulties: She finds it impossible to stick to a diet.
to continue doing or using sth and not want to change it: He promised to help us and he stuck to his word (= he did as he had promised). ◆ 'Shall we meet on Friday this week?' 'No, let's stick to Saturday.' ◆ She stuck to her story.
stick together (informal) (of people) to stay together and support each other: We were the only British people in the town so we tended to stick together.
stick up to point upwards or be above a surface: The branch was sticking up out of the water.
stick with sb/sth [no passive] (informal)
to stay close to sb so that they can help you: Stick with me and I'll make you a millionaire!
to continue with sth or continue doing sth: They decided to stick with their original plan.
from tree
[C] a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been broken from a tree: We collected dry sticks to start a fire. ◆ The boys were throwing sticks and stones at the dog. ◆ Her arms and legs were like sticks (= very thin).
for walking
[C] (especially BrE) = WALKING STICK: The old lady leant on her stick as she talked.
in sport
[C] a long thin object that is used in some sports to hit or control the ball: a hockey stick
long thin piece
[C] (often in compounds) a long thin piece of sth: a stick of dynamite ◆ carrot sticks ◆ (AmE) a stick of butter
[C] (often in compounds) a thin piece of wood or plastic that you use for a particular purpose: pieces of pineapple on sticks ◆ The men were carrying spades and measuring sticks.
in plane / vehicle
[C] (informal, especially AmE) the control stick of a plane
[C] (informal, especially AmE) a handle used to change the GEARS of a vehicle
for orchestra
[C] a BATON, used by the person who CONDUCTS an orchestra
[U] (BrE, informal) criticism or harsh words: The referee got a lot of stick from the home fans.
country areas
(the sticks) [pl.] (informal) country areas, a long way from cities: We live out in the sticks.
[C] (old-fashioned, BrE, informal) a person: He's not such a bad old stick.

46. When Jimmy says: “Every morning, I have to take the crowded bus to school, which I really can’t stick.”, he may feel ________.

A. worried                      B. curious                            C. annoyed                   D. discouraged

47.  Due to her fashionable dress, the woman stuck out when she was walking in the street. “stuck out” in this sentence means “________”.

A. be noticeable              B. be followed                      C. be admired               D. be envied

48. When I was in trouble, Paul was the only one who _______ to help me.

A. stuck in his throat              B. stuck together                  C. stuck up                   D. stuck his neck out

49. Sally said to me: “Try a peaceful life out in the sticks, and you will experience something totally different.” She means ________.

A. I should go to the woods to enjoy a new life.

B. I should ignore the criticism and enjoy myself.

C. I should go to the remote areas to have a change.

D. I should go out by plane instead of by train to change my feelings.



  Below is a page adapted from an English dictionary.


  verb(stuck, stuck)

  push sth in

  [+adv./prep.] to push sth, usually a sharp object, into sth; to be pushed into sth:[VN] The nurse stuck the needle into my arm.◆ Don't stick your fingers through the bars of the cage.◆ [V] I found a nail sticking in the tyre.


  [+adv./prep.] to fix sth to sth else, usually with a sticky substance; to become fixed to sth in this way:[VN] He stuck a stamp on the envelope.◆ We used glue to stick the broken pieces together.◆ I stuck the photos into an album.◆ [V] Her wet clothes were sticking to her body.◆ The glue's useless-the pieces just won't stick.


  [VN +adv./prep.](informal)to put sth in a place, especially quickly or carelessly:Stick your bags down there.◆ He stuck his hands in his pockets and strolled off.◆ Can you stick this on the noticeboard? ◆ Peter stuck his head around the door and said, 'Coffee, anyone?' ◆(spoken)Stick 'em up!(=put your hands above your head-I have a gun)

  become fixed

  [V]~(in sth)to become fixed in one position and impossible to move:The key has stuck in the lock.◆ This drawer keeps sticking.

  difficult situation

  (BrE, informal)(usually used in negative sentences and questions)to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation or person:[VN] I don't know how you stick that job.◆ They're always arguing-I can't stick it any longer.◆ The problem is, my mother can't stick my boyfriend.◆ [V -ing] John can't stick living with his parents.

  become accepted

  [V] to become accepted:The police couldn't make the charges stick(=show them to be true).◆ His friends called him Bart and the name has stuck(=has become the name that everyone calls him).

  [V] to not take any more cards

  Idioms:stick in your mind(of a memory, an image, etc.)to be remembered for a long time:One of his paintings in particular sticks in my mind.

  stick in your throat/craw(informal)

  (of words)to be difficult or impossible to say:She wanted to say how sorry she was but the words seemed to stick in her throat.

  (of a situation)to be difficult or impossible to accept; to make you angry

  stick your neck out(informal)to do or say sth when there is a risk that you may be wrong:I'll stick my neck out and say that Bill is definitely the best candidate for the job.

  stick to your guns(informal)to refuse to change your mind about sth even when other people are trying to persuade you that you are wrong

  Phrasal Verbs:stick around(informal)to stay in a place, waiting for sth to happen or for sb to arrive:Stick around; we'll need you to help us later.

  stick at sth to work in a serious and determined way to achieve sth:If you want to play an instrument well, you've got to stick at it.

  stick by sb [no passive] to be loyal to a person and support them, especially in a difficult situation:Her husband was charged with fraud but she stuck by him.

  stick by sth [no passive] to do what you promised or planned to do:They stuck by their decision.

  stick sth<->down(informal)to write sth somewhere:I think I'll stick my name down on the list.

  stick out to be noticeable or easily seen:They wrote the notice in big red letters so that it would stick out.

  stick sth<->out(of sth)to be further out than sth else or come through a hole; to push sth further out than sth else or through a hole:His ears stick out.◆ She stuck her tongue out at me.◆ Don't stick your arm out of the car window.

  stick to sth

  to continue doing sth in spite of difficulties:She finds it impossible to stick to a diet.

  to continue doing or using sth and not want to change it:He promised to help us and he stuck to his word(=he did as he had promised).◆ 'Shall we meet on Friday this week?' 'No, let's stick to Saturday.' ◆ She stuck to her story.

  stick together(informal)(of people)to stay together and support each other:We were the only British people in the town so we tended to stick together.

  stick up to point upwards or be above a surface:The branch was sticking up out of the water.

  stick with sb/sth [no passive](informal)

  to stay close to sb so that they can help you:Stick with me and I'll make you a millionaire!

  to continue with sth or continue doing sth:They decided to stick with their original plan.


  from tree

  [C] a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been broken from a tree:We collected dry sticks to start a fire.◆ The boys were throwing sticks and stones at the dog.◆ Her arms and legs were like sticks(=very thin).

  for walking

  [C](especially BrE)=WALKING STICK:The old lady leant on her stick as she talked.

  in sport

  [C] a long thin object that is used in some sports to hit or control the ball:a hockey stick

  long thin piece

  [C](often in compounds)a long thin piece of sth:a stick of dynamite ◆ carrot sticks ◆(AmE)a stick of butter

  [C](often in compounds)a thin piece of wood or plastic that you use for a particular purpose:pieces of pineapple on sticks ◆ The men were carrying spades and measuring sticks.

  in plane/vehicle

  [C](informal, especially AmE)the control stick of a plane

  [C](informal, especially AmE)a handle used to change the GEARS of a vehicle

  for orchestra

  [C] a BATON, used by the person who CONDUCTS an orchestra


  [U](BrE, informal)criticism or harsh words:The referee got a lot of stick from the home fans.

  country areas

  (the sticks)[pl.](informal)country areas, a long way from cities:We live out in the sticks.


  [C](old-fashioned, BrE, informal)a person:He's not such a bad old stick.


When Jimmy says:“Every morning, I have to take the crowded bus to school, which I really can't stick.”, he may feel _________.

[  ]










Due to her fashionable dress, the woman stuck out when she was walking in the street.“stuck out” in this sentence means “_________”.

[  ]


be noticeable


be followed


be admired


be envied


When I was in trouble, Paul was the only one who _________ to help me.

[  ]


stuck in his throat


stuck together


stuck up


stuck his neck out


Sally said to me:“Try a peaceful life out in the sticks, and you will experience something totally different.” She means _________.

[  ]


I should go to the woods to enjoy a new life.


I should ignore the criticism and enjoy myself.


I should go to the remote areas to have a change.


I should go out by plane instead of by train to change my feelings.

     A winner of the 2011 L'Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards, Professor Vivian
Wing-wah Yam says she could not have done it without the backing of her family.
     The road to scientific discovery is tougher for women than for men and Professor Vivian Wing-wah
Yam says she couldn't have succeeded without such a supportive family. The 47-year-old from Hong
Kong University was one of five women scientists, from each continent, to receive the 2011
L'Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards at a ceremony on March 3, at UNESCO
Headquarters in Paris. It is the 13th edition of the award since 1998.
     Yam's long and fruitful research on solving the energy problem won her the prize for Asia and the
Pacific. There are several renewable and sustainable(可持续的) energy solutions, like solar power,
which could provide an unlimited source of energy. Some problems must be resolved, however, such as
the low efficiency of solar cells and their high supply costs. Yam and her colleagues hope to overcome
these problems by developing and testing new photoactive(光敏的) materials.
     She became the third Chinese women scientist honored with the so-called "woman's Nobel Prize"
award, after Professor Li Fanghua from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2003, and Professor Ye
Ruyu from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2004.
     "People think chemists are bad guys, but we are the good guys," Yam said in a humorous aside
before explaining her research project on photoactive materials in an earlier speech at L'Institut de
France. For Yam, chemistry is science, but also an art. Amazed by the universe, nature and color in her
childhood, Yam decided on a career in chemistry. "One of the beauties of chemistry is the ability to
create new molecules and chemical species. I have always associated chemists with artists, creating new
things with innovative(革新的) ideas," Yam said.
     As a mother of two daughters, 12 and 14, Yam said she is lucky to have been supported by her
family. She was inspired as a child by her father, a professor in the Civil Engineering Faculty at Hong
Kong University. Yam added her husband, Mak Shingtat, a PhD in chemistry, who accompanied Yam
to the awards ceremony, was also fully supportive of her work. "I can't imagine how my career could
move on without his understanding and support," she said. "I often stay late at night in the laboratory. He
always waits for me outside."
     Yam received her bachelor and PhD degrees from the University of Hong Kong (HKU). She taught
at City Polytechnic of Hong Kong before joining HKU as a faculty member, and headed the chemistry
department for two terms from 2000 to 2005. At 38, she was the youngest member elected to the
Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is also a Fellow of TWAS, the Academy of Sciences for the
Developing World, and was awarded the State Natural Science Award and the Royal Society of
Chemistry (RSC) Centenary Medal. 2011 is the 100th anniversary of Marie Curie's second Nobel Prize,
coinciding (一致的)with the International Year of Chemistry. Today, Curie is still a role model for women
in science.
     Although the participation of women in science, is promoted by UNESCO, notably through
L'Oreal-UNESCO, there are still too few women doing high-level science, says UNESCO
Director-General Irina Bokova. The latest UNESCO report shows less than 40 percent of countries
provide girls and boys equal access to education.
     Each year, the L'Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award recognizes 15 young women
from all over the world, especially developing countries, to encourage and finance their studies. More
than 200 young women scientists are currently supported. "I do not think there is a difference between
men and women in terms of their intellectual abilities and research capabilities (能力)," Yam said. "As
long as one has the passion, dedication and determination to pursue research wholeheartedly, one can
excel regardless of one's gender or background."
    Yam said some young women, who require stability and security, often have to give up their research
because of family pressures. "The only way for women to succeed in science is to get the mental and
material support from family and society. There is a day-care center at my university, and my husband
and mother-in-law help a lot with the housework, so I am able to spend my time on research," she said.
"I have two young daughters, and it is too early to tell whether or not they want to pursue careers in
science. But, I will encourage them to always defend their ideas. To remain determined, and to never be
afraid of failure - this is the advice that they will need to succeed in realizing their dreams."
     Yam also acknowledged her colleague's support, at the awards ceremony. "This (award) not only
recognizes me, but my colleagues and students and my country, China."
1. L'Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards is          .
A. an award for the developing world
B. equal to Women's Nobel Prize
C. held for more than 14 times
D. only to in honour of Marie Curie
2.Why did Yam become a chemist?        .
A. When she was young, she thought chemists were good.
B. She was amazed by the universe, nature and color in her childhood.
C. She wanted to find the beauties of chemistry.
D. She was encouraged by her supportive family.
3. What's Yam's view on men and women?         .
A. Their intellectual abilities and research capabilities are the same.
B. Their passion, dedication and determination are the same.
C. Women require stability and security.
D. Women can't get the mental and material support from family and society.
4.Yam wins the award of UNESCO For Women in Science for          .
A. her fruitful research on solving the environmental problem
B. doing research and test on new photoactive materials
C. inventing an unlimited resource
D. finding solutions on renewable and sustainable energy
5. The word "recognize" in the passage means            .
A. admit or be aware of       
B. be willing to accept sb/sth as valid or approve
C. show appreciation by giving an honor or award            
D. know sb/sth again
6. For Yam, her winning the award mainly thanks to             .
A. Her hard work                
B. Tthe co-work from her students.
C. The help from her colleagues    
D. The support from her family

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