摘要: of the speech, he started to read a magazine.


James Cleveland Owens was the son of a farmer and the grandson of black slaves. His family moved to Cleveland when he was 9.There, a school teacher asked the youth his name.

"J.C., "he replied.

She thought he had said "Jesse", and he had a new name.

Owens ran his first race at age 13.After high school, he went to Ohio State University. He had to work part time so as to pay for his education. As a second?  year student in the Big Ten games in 1935, he set even more records than he would in the Olympic Games a year later.

A week before the Big Ten meet, Owens accidentally fell down a flight of stairs. His back hurt so much that he could not exercise all week, and he had to be helped in and out of the car that drove him to the meet. He refused to listen to the suggestions that he give up and said he would try, event by event. He did try, and the results are in the record book.

The stage was set for Owens victory at the Olympic Games  in Berlin the next year,  and his success would come to be regarded as not only athletic but also political. Hitler did not congratulate any of the African?American winners.

"It was all right with me, "he said years later."I didn’t go to Berlin to shake hands with him, anyway."

Having returned from Berlin,  he received no telephone calls from the president of his own country,  either. In fact, he was not honored by the United States until 1976, four years before his death.

Owens? Olympic victories  made little difference to him. He earned his living by looking after a school playground, and accepted money to race against cars, trucks,  motorcycles and dogs.

"Sure, it bothered me, "he said later." But at least it was an honest living. I had to eat."

In time,  however,  his gold medals changed his life."They have kept me alive over the years, "he once said. "Time has stood still for me. That golden moment dies hard."


 Owens got his other name "Jesse" when.

A. he went to Ohio State University    

B. his teacher made fun of him

C. his teacher took "J. C."for "Jesse"

D. he won gold medals in the Big Ten meet


 In the Big Ten meet,Owens

A. hurt himself in the back           B. succeeded in setting many records

C. tried every sports event but failed   D. had to give up some events


 We can infer from the text that Owens was treated unfairly in the US at that time because.

A. he was not of the right race

B. he was the son of a poor farmer

C. he didnˊt shake hands with Hitler

D. he didnˊt  talk to the US president on the phone


 When Owens says "They have kept me alive over the years ",he means that the medals.

A. have been changed for money to help him live on

B. have made him famous in the US

C. have encouraged him to overcome difficulties in life

D. have kept him busy with all kinds of jobs


 What would be the best title for the text?

A. Jesse Owens,  A Great American Athlete

B. Golden Moment — A Life?time Struggle

C. Making A Living As A Sportsman

D. How To Be A Successful Athlete




  Besides this question of the time given to pronunciation,there are two other requirements for the teacher:the first,knowledge;the second,technique.

  It is important that the teacher should be in possession of the necessary information.This can generally be go form books.It is possible to get from books some idea of the speech;and of what we call general phonetic rules.It is also possible in this way to get a clear mental picture of the relationship between the sounds of different languages,between the speech habits of English people and those,of your students.Unless the teacher has such a picture,any explanations he makes on his students'pronunciation are unlikely to be of much use,and lesson time spent on Pronunciation may well be wasted.

  But it does not follow that you can teach pronunciation successfully as soon as you have read the necessary books.It depends,after that,what use you make of your knowledge;and this is a matter of technique.

  Now the first and most important part of a language teacher's technique is his own performance,his ability to show off the spoken language,in every detail of sound as well as in fluent speaking,so that the student's ability for imitation is given the fullest space and encouragement.The teacher,then,should be as perfect a model in this field as he can make himself.And to make his own performance better,however satisfactory this may be,the modern teacher has in his hand recordings and a radio,to supply the real voices of native speakers,or,if the teacher happens to be a native speaker himself,or speaks just like one,then to change the method of presenting the language material.

  However,the process of showing pronunciation,whether by personal ex-ample or with the help of machines,is only the beginning of teaching pronunciation.The technique of teaching each sound also needs to be considered.

1.How might the teacher find himself wasting lesson time?

[  ]

A.By spending lesson time on pronunciation.

B.Bu making ill-informed explanations upon pronunciation.

C.By not using books on phonetics in the classroom.

D.By not giving students a clear mental picture of the difference between


2.Students have an ability for imitation which is________.

[  ]

A.plain and obvious

B.well developed

C.not yet developed

D.too weak to be useful

3.What is the main point the author makes about imitation of the teacher?

[  ]

A.It is a matter of secondary importance.

B.Students should be given every chance for it.

C.It depends on the student's ability.

D.Teachers are perfect models for students to imitate.

4.TO Someone teaching his own language to foreigners mechanical aids can________.

[  ]

A.improve his own performance

B.replace his own performance

C.provide examples of native speech

D.make his voice louder

5.Showing pronunciation is to be regarded as ________.

[  ]

A.a part of teaching pronunciation

B.an exercise of value in itself

C.an example of the use of mechanical aids

D.a technique for teaching separate sounds





The Price of a Dream

  I grew up poor—living with my wonderful mother. We had little money, but plenty of love and attention. I was  16  and energetic. I understood that no matter how poor a person was, he could still  17  a dream.

My dream was  18 . By the time I was sixteen, I started playing baseball. I could throw a ninety-mile-per-hour fastball and  19  anything that moved on the football field.

I was also  20 . My high school coach was John, who not only believed in me, but also taught me  21  to believe in myself. He  22  me the difference between having a dream and remaining true to that dream. One particular  23  with Coach John changed my life forever.

  A friend recommended me for a summer job. This meant a chance for money in my pocket—money for a new bike, new clothes and the  24  of savings for a house for my mother. Then I realized I would have to  25  up summer baseball to handle the work schedule, and that meant I would have to tell John I wouldn’t be playing.

  When I told John, he was  26  as I expected him to be. “You have your whole life to work,” He shouted. “Your  27  days are limited. You can’t afford to waste them.” I stood before him with my head  28 , trying to think of the right 29   that would explain to him why my dream of buying my mom a house and having money in my pocket was worth facing his  30  in me.

  “How much are you going to make at this job, son?” He asked. “3.5 dollars an hour,” I replied.

  “Well,” he asked, “is $ 3.5 an hour the price of a dream?”

  That simple question made  31    for me the difference between  32  something at once and having a  33 . I decided myself to play sports that summer and the ___34    year after I finished high school, I was hired by the Pittsburgh Pirates to play baseball, and was  35  a $ 20,000 contract. Finally, I bought my mother the house of my dream!

16. A. happy                       B. polite                     C. shy                                  D. honest

17. A. live                            B. have              C. make                 D. need

18. A. athletics                      B. music         C. business                     D. money

19. A. kick                            B. play                            C. pass                     D. hit

20. A. right                          B. popular              C. lucky                      D. honest

21. A. how                           B. why               C. when                 D. whether

22. A. gave                          B. taught         C. brought                 D. asked

23. A. accident                       B. matter                   C. problem                    D. experience

24. A. aim            B. idea            C. start                  D. purpose

25. A. keep            B. end             C. give                   D. pick

26. A. mad            B. mournful          C. frightened                 D. shameful

27. A. living             B. playing                C. working                   D. dreaming

28. A. moving            B. nodding              C. shaking                   D. hanging

29. A. answers          B. excuses              C. words                   D. ways

30. A. sadness       B. regret                  C. hopelessness              D. disappointment

31. A. direct        B. clear                  C. straight          D. bare

32. A. wanting        B. changing             C. dreaming                D. enjoying

33. A. wish        B. goal                 C. score           D. desire

34. A. following       B. same                 C. previous                  D. very

35. A. charged    B. got                 C. offered             D. presented



China’s second manned(人造的) space flight will be done by two astronauts(宇航员) over five days in 2005. “Shenzhou-VI will be sent into space sometime in 2005,” said Zuo Saichun, a spokesperson of the China Aerospace Science and Technology (CAST). “The spacecraft(宇宙飞船) will make new breakthroughs(突破性进展) in China’s manned space technology.”

    Unlike Shenzhou-V, a little more than a year ago (in October, 2003), the next flight will see two astronauts fly in space for five days. Their capsule (太空舱) is designed to be capable(能够)of orbiting(绕轨道运行) for a whole week, the spokesperson said. “For the first time, astronauts will enter and live in the orbital module(舱) of the spacecraft to do scientific experiments,” said a statement from CAST. CAST did not say what those experiments will be.

    In Shenzhou-VI, scientists have changed the spacecraft’s configuration (构形) to reduce its weight, and tried to improve the performance of on-board equipment. They have also worked to make sure of the energy supply of the spacecraft and further improve its safety. So far, scientists have worked out ways to solve problems on environmental control and life support. Shenzhou-VI will be sent into orbit atop(在……顶上) a Long March 2F rocket.

    Meanwhile, a model of the Chang’e-1 satellite is expected to be sent to orbit the moon in two years. The satellite, part of the three-stage programme, would be followed by the landing of an unmanned vehicle on the moon in the second stage by 2010 and collecting samples(样品) of lunar soil by 2020 in the final stage, according to Sun Laiyan, director of the China National Space Administration.

1.. Which of the following about Shenzhou-VI is NOT true?

     A. It will be sent into space in 2005.

     B. It is capable of orbiting for two weeks.

     C. It will be sent into orbit atop a Long March 2F rocket.

     D. It will be sent into space with two astronauts.

2.. According to the passage, the following problems should be solved before Shenzhou-VI is sent into space EXCEPT ______.

     A. environmental control     B. energy supply

     C. life support              D. lunar soil collecting

3.. Which of the following does NOT belong to the three-stage programme?

     A. Shenzhou-VI’s being sent into space.

     B. A model of the Chang’e-1 satellite will be sent to orbit the moon.

     C. The landing of an unmanned vehicle on the moon.

     D. Collecting samples of lunar soil.

4.. The passage mainly tells us ______.

     A. some problems need solving before Shenzhou-VI is sent into space

     B. Shenzhou-VI will be sent into space in 2005

     C. what China’s space programme is

     D. how China’s three-stage programme is carried out



  In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business. But he was not a good artist. So he invented a very simple cameras. He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his yard. That was the first photograph.

  The next important date in the history! of photography was 1837. That year, Daguerre, another French, took a picture of his studio. He used a new kind of camera and a different process. In his pictures, you could see everything very clearly, even the smallest details. This kind of photograph was called a daguerreotype.

  Soon, other people began to use Daguerre's process. Travelers brought back daguerreotypes from all around the world. People photographed famous buildings, cities and mountains.

  In about 1840, the process was improved. Then photographers could take pictures of people and moving things. The process was not simple. The photographers had to cary lots of films and processing equipment. But this did not stop the photographers, especially in the United States. After 1840s daguerreotype artists were popular in most cities.

  Mathew Brady was a well - known American photographer. He took many pictures of famous people. The pictures were unusual because they were very life - like and full of personality (个性).

  Brady was also the first preson to take pictures of war. His 1862 Civil War pictures showed dead soldiers and ruined cities. They made the war seem more real and more terrible.

  In the 1880s, new inventions began to change photography... Photographers could buy films readymade in rolls(卷). So they did not have to make the film themselves. Also, they did not have to process the film immediately. They could bring it back to their studios and develop it later meaning that they did not have to carry lots of equipment. And finally, the invention of the small handheld camera made photography less expensive.

  With the small camera, anyone could be a photographer. People began to use cameras just for fun. They took pictures of their families, friends and favorite places. They called these pictures" snapshot".

  Photographs became very popular in newspapers in the 1890s. Soon magazines and books also used documentary photographs. These pictures showed true events and people. They were much more real than drawing.

  Photography also turned into a form of art by the end of the 10th century. Some photographs were not just copies of the real world. They showed ideas and feelings, like other art forms.

  The passage is mainly about ________.

  A. the inventoin of cameras

  B. a kind of new art - photography

  C. the development of photography

  D. the important dates in the history of photography

   The first pictures of a war were taken by________.

  A. a French photographer in the 1840s

  B. an American photographer in the 1860s

  C. a German reporter in the 1880s

  D. a French artist in the 1890s

  Photography can also be an art form because artists can ________.

  A. take anything they like

  B. keep a record of real life

  C. take photos of the famous

  D. show ideas and feeling in pictures


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