摘要:D In a world with limited land, water and other natural resources, the harm from the traditional business model is on the rise. Actually, the past decade has seen more and more forests disppearing and the globe becoming increasingly warm. People now realize that this unheathy situation must be changed, and that we must be able to develop in sustainableways. That means growth with low carbon or development of sustainable products. In other words, we should keep the healthy while using its supply of natural resources. Today, sustainable development is a popular trend in many countries. According to a recent study, the global market for low-carbon energy will become three times bigger over the next decade. China, for example, has set its mind on leading that market, hoping to seize chances in the new round of the global energy resolution. It is now trying hard to made full use of wind and solar energy, and is spending a huge amount of money making electric cars and high-speed trains. In addition, we are also seeing great growth in the global markets for sustainable products such as palm oil, which is produced without cutting down valuabe rainforest. In recent years the markets for sustainable products have grown more than 50%. Governments can fully develop the potential of these new markets. First, they can set high targets for reducing carbon emissions and targets for saving and reusing energy. Besides, stronger arrangement of public resouces like forests can also help to speed up the development. Finally, governments can avoid the huge public expenses that are taking us in the wrong direction, and redirecting some of those expenses can accerlarate the change from the traditional model to a sustainable one. The major challenge of this century is to find ways to meet the needs of a growing population within the limits of this single planet. That is no small task, but it offers abundant new chances for sustainable product industries.



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64. Where can you spend the night in a tour?

    A. Cook's Cottage.                     B. Westfield Centrepoint.

 C. Sydney Tower:                      D. Sovereign Hill.

65. What is the time that Cook's Cottage is open on Saturday in the summer?

     A. 11:00 am--2:00 pm.                 B. 5:00 pm--10:30 pm.

     C. 9:00 am--5:30 pm.                   D. 9:00 am--5:00 pm.

66. The Anchorage Restaurant is_______________________.

      A. in Williamstown                      B. in the centre of the city

      C. in Anchorage                        D. in a Cantonese fishing port

67. If you want to buy the best products in Australia, you may call_____________.

   A. 9397 6270          B. 9231 9300         C.  5331 1944        D.  9419 4677


For years, my family has vacationed in the same Florida town. In fact, we just returned home after spending a week of spring break there with our three sons.

Many nights, we take the same scenic drive to dinner at a favorite restaurant. As we travel along Gulf Shore Boulevard, we admire a combination of small beach apartments, swanky high-rises and spectacular homes.

A few years ago, we noticed that whenever we drive this particular route, there are always two men sitting in front of the same third-floor window of a low-rise apartment building that overlooks the road. All that is visible from the road are their two silhouettes. Even during off-peak months, they’ve always been there. Over the years, we’ve had great fun speculating about who they are, whether they’re having a drink, and if so, what they fancy, where they’re from, and what they might be discussing. Our guesses have become a modern form of car bingo. Widowers? Retirees? Partners? We’ve run through the gamut of possibilities.

Eventually, I started beeping the horn as we passed. We’d wave. Our new friends would do likewise. There was something comforting in seeing them. In a world of constant change, it has been nice to look up and see that they are there, just as we remember from our last visit. And then last spring, we drove by and they were missing. The apartment was dark. No one was visible in the window. Strangely, we drove by and they were missing The apartment was dark. No one was visible in the window. Strangely, we grew worried about two people we’d never even met. Where did they go? A new round of the guessing game began.

On our last trip at Christmastime, we were relieved to see them once again. We were driving past about 6 p.m., and there they were at cocktail hour. I told my wife that I suspected they were gin drinkers and said we should buy them a bottle. She said that if I bought it, she’d deliver it. I said, “Tomorrow.”

1.Driving along the scenic route, the author’s family were to          .

A.meet their friends there     B.visit the Florida town

C.appreciate a place of interest      D.have supper together

2.Why did the author blow the horn?

A.It was a pleasure for them to see the two men again.

B.It was his habit while driving along the special route.

C.It was an agreement between him and the two men.

D.It was for the sake of safety while driving.

3.Which of the following can best describe the family?

A.generous and sensitive        B.curious and kind

C.helpful and brave                  D.friendly and hurnorous

4.Which of the following will best continue this passage?

A.The two men’s favorite drinks.

B.The two men’s beach apartments

C.The reason of the two men’s absence

D.The author’s next visit to the town



In a world where comparisons happen non-stop, it is difficult to look outside yourself and to ever be content with who you are. There's always someone who's a bit better. The only solution is to reach inside and measure against what Warren Buffett calls your own inner yardstick. There is no more accurate measure for comparison than who you were yesterday, last week or last decade, when you were at your best.

Nothing useful ever comes from comparison to others. Either you see yourself as better than someone and you get lazy, or you see someone else as better than you and you feel like all your hard work is for nothing. It is a fool's game. None of us are inherently above or below the person next to us. We are who we are. Not one of us is exactly alike. The only direct and honest comparison is within yourself. Everything else is apples to oranges.

My opinion is that you are only allowed to compare yourself to someone else if their life situation is the same as your own. Good luck finding that match. And one thing is for sure. No matter how hard you work and how dedicated you are, there will always be someone who can run a little faster, jump a little higher, score a little better or look a little nicer in a swimsuit. And if there's not, you can bet someone is coming up fast behind you. So how can you always win in life? Become your best competitor.

The following are the reasons why you are your own best competitor.

1. You will always be motivated.

Having an image of your most recent past limits is the perfect thing to push you to the next level. If you ran 7 flights of stairs yesterday, then do 8 today. Who cares if the guy next to you did 15? It doesn't make a bit of difference. You are a more fit person today than you were yesterday. Your own progress is all you need.

2. You will continuously be your personal best.

If you commit to a slightly higher standard of yourself every day, you will always be at the top of your game. And that game will only get better. But if for some reason you fall off your mark, you will always have the past image of your best performance to show you what you're capable of. Once you've done it, you know what's possible and then it's just a matter of doing it again.

Through the passage the writer advises the readers to ________.

A. avoid comparison with others                 B. work much harder

C. pay attention to others’ progress                  D. make full use of motivation

If you want to be content with yourself, according to the author, you should ________.

A. see yourself better than others                B. measure accurately  

C. compare with yourself                           D. be honest with yourself

Which of the following is certain to happen according to the author?

A. Finding someone else who is in the same life situation as you are.

B. Finding someone who runs faster and jumps higher than you.

C. Finding someone who is hiding right behind you.

D. Finding someone who almost always wins in their life.

What can help you up to higher level in your life according to the passage?

A. Comparing yourself with the guy next to you.

B. Thinking about your own progress.

C. Promising to play a game every day.

D. Thinking of your most recent past limits.


An African-American man named John Henry was the hero of former slaves and the people who built the railroads in the US in the 19th century.

John Henry was born a slave. He was known for his strength. Many people say he represents the spirit of growth in America during that period.

John Henry grew up in a world that did not let children stay children for long. Before he was six years old, he was carrying stones for workers building a nearby railroad. By the time John Henry was a young man, he was one of the best railroad workers in the country.

John Henry was asked to lead workers on a hard project, creating a tunnel through a mountain. The project required about 1,000 laborers and lasted three years. Hundreds of men became sick as a result of the hot weather and tiredness. John Henry was the strongest and fastest man. Concerned his friends might lose their jobs, he picked up their hammers and began doing their work. He worked day and night, rarely stopping to have a rest.

One day, a salesman came to the work area with a new drilling machine powered by steam. He said it could drill holes faster than twelve men working together.

John Henry looked at the machine and saw images of the future. He saw machines taking the place of America’s best laborers. He saw himself and his friends unemployed and sanding by a road, asking for food. He decided he would never let the machine take their jobs. Therefore, a competition between a man and a machine began .At first, the steam-powered drill worked twice faster. Then, John Henry started working with a hammer in each hand. He worked faster and faster. People cheered when the machine broke down and was pulled away. But they were sad to find John Henry fall to the ground, with blood spilling all around, and still holding a hammer in one of his hands.“I beat them,”he said. Then he took his last breath.

1.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?

A. Many children in those days starved to death.

B. Children at that time grew much faster.

C. Children in those days had to work like adults.

D. Children at that time couldn’t stay together.

2.Why did hundreds of workers become sick?

A. Because they had to work long hours.

B. Because the weather was hot and they were tired.

C. Because the project was too hard.

D. Because they didn’t have time to eat.

3.John Henry helped do his friends’ work      .

A. because he was the strongest and fastest man

B. for fear that his friends would lose their jobs

C. so that they could regain their strength

D. in order be the hero of the railroad workers

4.Which of the following best describes John Henry?

A. Kind and determined.                               B. Cautious and considerate.

C. Brave and strict.                                         D. Hardworking and stubborn.



Some years ago when I was in my first year in college, I heard Salome Bey sing for the first time. The moment was exciting. Salome’s   1. filled the room and brought the theater to life. I was so   2.  that I decided to write an article about her.

I   3.  Salome Bey, telling her I was from Essence magazine, and that I wanted to meet her to talk about her career. She   4.  and told me to come to her studio next Tuesday. When I hung up, I was scared out of my mind. I   5.  I was lying. I was not a writer at all and hadn’t even written a grocery list.

I interviewed Salome Bey the next Tuesday. I sat there   6. , taking notes and asking questions that all began with, “Can you tell me…” I soon realized that   7.  Salome Bey was one thing, but writing a story for a national magazine was just impossible. The   8.  was almost unbearable. I struggled for days   9.  draft after draft. Finally I put my manuscript (手稿) into a large envelope and dropped it into a mailbox.

It didn’t take long. My manuscript   10. . How stupid of me! I thought. How could I   11.  in a world of professional writers? Knowing I couldn’t   12.  the rejection letter, I threw the unopened envelope into a drawer.

Five years later, I was moving to California. While   13.  my apartment, I came across the unopened envelope. This time I opened it and read the editor’s letter in   14. :

Ms. Profit,

Your story on Salome Bey is fantastic. Yet we need some more relevant materials. Please   15.  those and return the article immediately. We would like to   16.  your story soon.

Shocked, it took me a long time to   17. . Fear of rejection cost me dearly. I lost at least five hundred dollars and the chance of having my article appear in a major magazine. More importantly, I lost years of   18.  writing. Today, I have become a full-time writer.   19.  this experience, I’ve learned a very important lesson: You can’t   20.  to doubt yourself.

21.               A.voice          B.joy            C.smile D.speech


22.               A.proud          B.moved         C.satisfied   D.active


23.               A.visited         B.emailed        C.interviewed    D.phoned


24.               A.refused        B.agreed         C.hesitated  D.paused


25.               A.explained       B.discovered      C.knew D.replied


26.               A.seriously       B.nervously       C.patiently   D.quietly


27.               A.fooling         B.blaming        C.inviting    D.urging


28.               A.hardship        B.failure         C.comment  D.pressure


29.               A.on            B.by             C.with  D.in


30.               A.disappeared     B.improved       C.spread    D.returned


31.               A.compare       B.survive         C.compete  D.struggle


32.               A.face           B.deliver         C.ignore D.receive


33.               A.decorating      B.repairing       C.leaving    D.cleaning


34.               A.anxiety         B.disbelief        C.horror    D.trouble


35.               A.increase        B.replace         C.add  D.mix


36.               A.broadcast       B.create         C.assess D.publish


37.               A.concentrate     B.prepare        C.escape    D.recover


38.               A.energetic       B.enjoyable       C.typical D.endless


39.               A.Holding on to    B.Dating back to    C.Looking back on D.Dropping in on


40.               A.afford          B.attempt        C.expect    D.pretend




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