摘要:2091] What I asked him is the story happened. [译文] 我问他的是什么时间和什么地点发生的这件事. A. when and what B. what and where C. which and where D. when and where [答案及简析] D. when and where 在从句中充当状语.


On a cold winter morning, my mother and I were walking home from a pizza store. We were dressed warmly and equipped with the video we had been  26  to watch. I was feeling a little  27  , as I was carrying our shopping bags of snacks and the video.
They were so heavy that I decided to  28  some things. So I started to walk towards the garbage can when I noticed a poor man  29  his bike out of the restaurant in front of us. He held a paper bag with his dirty hand. He  30  over to another nearby garbage can and started  31  it.
I suddenly felt very  32 . I knew this man would take all he could get,  33  I walked up to him and 34  the drink and some snacks over to him. The man, with lines on his face and wrinkles on his forehead, looked up in  35  and took what I gave him.
A huge smile 36  across his face and this 37  me to feel indescribable satisfaction. I felt like I couldn’t be  38  with myself, but then he said: “Wow, first someone gives me this sandwich, then this drink, and now some  39  food; this is my daughter’s  40  day!”
He thanked me happily and started off  41  his bike. I even heard him whistling a song as he rode away.
I now 42  what is meant by the saying “giving is getting”. Everyone in the world needs help, everyone can  43  help and everyone will be helped by showing  44 .
The image of that man’s happiness caused by my small gift appears in my mind  45  I have the chance to do something nice.
26.A.drinking      B.eating          C.dying          D.living
27.A.excited                 B.puzzled        C.tired                   D.satisfied
28.A.pick out          B.eat up            C.put down      D.throw away
29.A.running                B.walking           C.dragging      D.pulling
30.A.headed          B.rode               C.ran               D.fled
31.A.breaking into  B.looking through C.staring at    D.searching for
32.A.cold             B.afraid             C.guilty           D.content
33.A.but                    B.because            C.so                D.if
34.A.turned           B.thought           C.took              D.handed
35.A.surprise        B.detail               C.case                    D.return
36.A.disappeared    B.paused             C.existed             D.spread
37.A.made             B.forced             C.caused           D.gave
38.A.sadder             B.angrier            C.happier            D.crazier
39.A.cheap           B.tasty                C.clean               D.useful
40.A.lucky             B.busy                C.interesting      D.quiet
41.A.by                      B.on                   C.in                  D.with
42.A.remember        B.understand      C.appreciate      D.recognize
43.A.refuse           B.receive            C.offer              D.find
44.A.kindness          B.eagerness         C.willingness       D.braveness
45.A.every time     B.last time              C.atother times         D.next time


On a BA flight from Johannesburg, a middle-aged South African lady found herself sitting next to a black man. She called the cabin crew attendant over to complain about her seating.
“What seems to be the problem, Madam?” Asked the attendant.
“Can’t you see?” She said, “You’ve sat me next to a black. I can’t possibly sit next to this dirty disgusting human. Find me another seat!”
“Please calm down, Madam,” the attendant replied, “The flight is very full today, but I’ll tell you what I’ll do—I’ll go and check to see if we have any seats available in club or first class.”
A few minutes later, the attendant returned with the good news, which she delivered to the lady, who cannot help but look at the people around her with a smug and self-satisfied grin.
“Madam, unfortunately, as I guessed, economy is full. I’ve spoken to the cabin services director, and club is also full. However, we do have one seat in first class.”
Before the lady had a chance to answer, the attendant continued.
“It’s most extraordinary to make this kind of upgrade, however, and I have had to get special permission from the captain. But, according to this special situation, the captain felt that it was unbelievable that someone should be forced to sit next to such an obnoxious(讨厌的) person.”
Having said that, the attendant turned to the black man sitting next to the lady, and said, “So if you’d like to get your things, sir, I have your seat ready for you.”
At that moment, the surrounding passengers stood and gave a long-lasting ovation (欢呼) while the black man walked up to the front of the plane…
【小题1】What made the white South African lady angry?

A.She had to find the attendant to complain.
B.She couldn’t find another seat to sit down.
C.The passenger next to her is dirty.
D.She sat next to a black man.
【小题2】Who will fly in first class?
A.The attendant. B.The white woman. C.The black man. D.The captain.
【小题3】How many types of seats are there in the plane?
【小题4】 What was the “special situation” that the attendant mentioned in Paragraph 8?
A.The woman was obnoxious.
B.The black man was obnoxious.
C.The white woman can’t sit next to a black man.
D.The passengers around can’t stand the woman any longer.
【小题5】From the passage, we can make a conclusion that __________.
A.people don’t like those who look down on others
B.the attendant aboard is unfriendly
C.the white lady was refused to go on the plane at last
D.many passengers aboard don’t like to sit next to the black man.


I was shopping in the supermarket when I heard the young voice. 
"Mom, come here! There's this lady here my ___31___!" 
The mother rushed to her son; then she turned to me to ___32___.
I smiled and told her: "It's okay." Then I talked to the boy, "Hi, I'm Darryl Kramer. How are you?"
He ___33___ me from head to toe, and asked: "Are you a little ___34___? 
"Yes, I have a son," I answered. 
"Why are you so little?" he asked. 
"It's the way I was ___35___," I said. "Some people are little. Some are tall. I'm just not going to grow any bigger." After I answered his other questions, I shook the boy's hand, and left. 
My life as a little person is filled with ___36___ like that. I enjoy talking to children and explaining why I look different from their parents. 
It takes only one glance to see my ___37___. I stand 114 cm tall. I was born a dwarf(侏儒). ___38___ this, I did all the things other kids did when I was growing up.
I didn't ___39___ how short I was until I started school. Some kids picked on me, calling me names(辱骂我). Then I knew. I began to ___40___ the first day of school each year. New students would always stare at me as I ___41___ to climb the school bus stairs.  
But I learned to smile and ___42___ the fact that I was going to be ___43___ my whole life. I decided to make my uniqueness an advantage rather than a disadvantage. What I lacked in height, I ___44___ in personality. 
I'm 47 now, and the stares have not ___45___ as I've grown older. People are ___46___ when they see me driving. I try to keep a good attitude. When people are ___47___, I remind myself: "Look what else I have -a great family, nice friends." 
It's the children's questions that make my life ___48___. I enjoy answering their questions. My ___49___ is that, I will encourage them to accept their peers(同龄人), whatever size and shape they come in, and treat them with ___50___.  
31. A. weight                       B. size                   C. shape                       D. personality 
32. A. scold                         B. explain              C. apologize                 D. Respond
33. A. studied                      B. identified          C. inspected                  D. Checked
34. A. lady                          B. mommy            C. person                      D. kid 
35. A. raised                        B. viewed              C. treated                            D. born 
36. A. stories                       B. pains                 C. stares                       D. Excuses
37. A. shortcomings                 B. strangeness        C. uniqueness                D. Shyness
38. A. Besides                      B. Despite             C. Except                            D. Beyond 
39. A. admit                        B. care                  C. realize                      D. fear 
40. A. hate                           B. tolerate             C. forget                      D. ignore 
41. A. determined                 B. struggled           C. managed                  D. learned 
42. A. refuse                        B. enjoy                C. accept                      D. consider 
43. A. exposed                            B. pitied                C. noticed                     D. Avoided
44. A. made up for               B. ended up with    C. kept track of             D. made use of 
45. A. increased                   B. decreased          C. accumulated             D. changed 
46. A. scared                        B. satisfied            C. amazed                    D. puzzled 
47. A. rude                          B. curious              C. regretful                   D. cruel 
48. A. fantastic                        B. meaningful        C. embarrassing            D. special 
49. A. promise                            B. intention           C. hope                        D. advantage 
50. A. respect                       B. frankness           C. sympathy                 D. emotion 


I am a good mother to three children. I have tried never to let my profession   36  in the way of being a good parent.
I no longer consider myself the   37   of the universe.I show up.I listen.I try to laugh.I
am a good friend to my   38  .I have tried to make marriage vows (誓约)   39   what they
say.I am a good friend to my friends,and they   40   me.Without them,there would be nothing to say to you today.
So here’s what I wanted to tell you today:Get a   41  .A real life,not a desire of the next   42  ,the bigger paycheck,the larger house.
Get a life in which you are not   43  .Find people you love,and who love you.And remember that love is not   44  ,it is work.   45    the phone.Send an e-mail.Write a letter.And realize that life is the best thing and   46  yon have no business taking it for granted.
It is so easy to    47   our lives,oar days,our hours,and our minutes.It is so easy to exist   48  to live.I learned to live many years ago.Something really,really   49   happened to me,something that changed my life in ways that,if I had my choice,it would never have been changed at all.And what I learned from it is what,today,seems to be the hardest   50  of all.
I learned to love the   51  ,not the destination.I learned to look at all the good in the world and try to give some of it back because I believed in it.completely and totally.And I tried to do that.in part,by telling others what I had learned.
By telling them   52  :Read in the backyard with the sun on your face.Learn to be happy-
And think of life as a deadly   53  ,because if you do   54  it ought to be lived,you will live it with joy and   55  .
36.A.come           B.stand                  C.take                    D.block
37.A.body           B.star                    C.center                    D.planet
38.A.child           B.husband              C.mother                   D.friend
39.A.mean           B.express               C.concern                  D.convince
40.A.for              B.of                      C.with                   D.to
41.A.job              B.family                C.life                     D.home
42.A.promotion    B.success                C.baby                 D.accomplishment
43.A.busy            B.guilty                    C.immature            D.alone
44.A.game           B.fun                     C.enthusiasm          D.leisure
45.A.Pick up       B.Take up              C.Hold up              D.Get up
46.A.whether       B.what                   C./                                   D.that
47.A.waste                 B.spend                    C.kill                      D.pass
48.A.in favour of   B.instead of            C.in spite of           D.in honoue of
49.A.nice            B.fierce                        C.bad                    D.great
50.A.decision       B.method               C.1ife                    D.lesson
51.A.trip             B.journey               C.tour                    D.travel
52.A.this             B that                       C.it                       D.follows
53.A.routine        B.acquaintance       C.illness                 D.enemy
54.A.as if           B.how                   C.as                       D.than
55.A.delight        B.sorrow                C.anxiety               D.passion


It was just getting dark. There was a touch of fog and I was on a lonely stretch of road.   36
I was going along cheerfully, thinking about the dinner I would eat when I got to Salistury.
I was going along   37 at about thirty-five miles an hour when suddenly I heard a scream, a  38 scream--- “ Help! ” I looked round, but the only   39 of life was a large, black, rather suspicious-looking car just   40  a bend in the road about a hundred yards away. That was where the cry had come from. I   41  speed and went after it. I think the driver saw what I was doing, for he did the same and began to draw   42  me. As I drew near, the girl’s voice came again, a lovely voice but trembling with   43  .
“Let me go, you coward; you’re hurting me. Oh ! Oh ! ”
I felt my   44  boil. The fog was coming down   45  now, and the countryside was lonelier. I had no  46 that the murderous guy in the car noticed this. Again came a cry.
“Drop that knife, you fool. Oh ! ” Then a cry and a groan(呻吟).
If I was to save her, it was now or   47 . Perhaps even now I was too late. But if I couldn’t save the girl, I would at least try to bring the murderer to   48 . The car was only a couple of yards away now. I drove the bike right across its   49 , and its brakes screamed as the driver tried to pull it over and   50  into the ditch(沟)at the side of the road. The door of the car was pushed open angrily and a dark, evil-looking fellow stepped out .
“You fool!” he shouted as he came towards me with his fist raised to hit me. But I was   51   than he. I put all I could into   52  that would have knocked out Joe Louis. It   53  him right on the point of the chin; his  54  slowly bent under him, and he dropped to the ground without a sound. I rushed to the car,   55  open the door and looked inside. There was no girl there. Suddenly from the back of the car came a voice.
“You have been listening to a radio play, Murder in Hollywood, with Mae Garbo and Clark Taylor. The news will follow immediately . ”

A.slowed downB.put onC.added toD.took up
A.right behindB.close toC.away fromD.near by
A.an angerB.a fistC.a beatD.a blow


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