
On a cold winter morning, my mother and I were walking home from a pizza store. We were dressed warmly and equipped with the video we had been  26  to watch. I was feeling a little  27  , as I was carrying our shopping bags of snacks and the video.
They were so heavy that I decided to  28  some things. So I started to walk towards the garbage can when I noticed a poor man  29  his bike out of the restaurant in front of us. He held a paper bag with his dirty hand. He  30  over to another nearby garbage can and started  31  it.
I suddenly felt very  32 . I knew this man would take all he could get,  33  I walked up to him and 34  the drink and some snacks over to him. The man, with lines on his face and wrinkles on his forehead, looked up in  35  and took what I gave him.
A huge smile 36  across his face and this 37  me to feel indescribable satisfaction. I felt like I couldn’t be  38  with myself, but then he said: “Wow, first someone gives me this sandwich, then this drink, and now some  39  food; this is my daughter’s  40  day!”
He thanked me happily and started off  41  his bike. I even heard him whistling a song as he rode away.
I now 42  what is meant by the saying “giving is getting”. Everyone in the world needs help, everyone can  43  help and everyone will be helped by showing  44 .
The image of that man’s happiness caused by my small gift appears in my mind  45  I have the chance to do something nice.
26.A.drinking      B.eating          C.dying          D.living
27.A.excited                 B.puzzled        C.tired                   D.satisfied
28.A.pick out          B.eat up            C.put down      D.throw away
29.A.running                B.walking           C.dragging      D.pulling
30.A.headed          B.rode               C.ran               D.fled
31.A.breaking into  B.looking through C.staring at    D.searching for
32.A.cold             B.afraid             C.guilty           D.content
33.A.but                    B.because            C.so                D.if
34.A.turned           B.thought           C.took              D.handed
35.A.surprise        B.detail               C.case                    D.return
36.A.disappeared    B.paused             C.existed             D.spread
37.A.made             B.forced             C.caused           D.gave
38.A.sadder             B.angrier            C.happier            D.crazier
39.A.cheap           B.tasty                C.clean               D.useful
40.A.lucky             B.busy                C.interesting      D.quiet
41.A.by                      B.on                   C.in                  D.with
42.A.remember        B.understand      C.appreciate      D.recognize
43.A.refuse           B.receive            C.offer              D.find
44.A.kindness          B.eagerness         C.willingness       D.braveness
45.A.every time     B.last time              C.atother times         D.next time

26-30 CCDBA     31-35 BCCDA    36-40DCCBA    41-45 BBCAA   



第四节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


     I used to live selfishly, I should admit. But one moment changed me.

     I was on my lunch break and had 26  the office to ger something to eat . On the way, I 27 a

Busker(街头艺人),with a hat in front of him. I had some 28 in my pocker, but I would not give them to him, thinking to myself he would 29 use the money to feed his addiction to drugs or alcohol. He 30 like that type-young and ragged. 31 what was I going to spend the money on ? Only to feed my addiction to Coca-Cola or chocolate! I then 32 I had no right to place myself above 33 just because he was busking.

I  34  and dropped all the coins into his 35, and he smiled at me, I watched for a while. As 36 as it sounds, I expected something  more to come from that moment—a feeling of 37 or satifaction, for example. But nothing happened 38 , I walked off. “It proved to be a waste of 39 ,”I thought.

On my way home at the end of the 40, I saw the busker again and he was 41 . I watched him pick up the hat and walk 42 a cafe counter. There he poured the 43 contents into a tin collecting 44 an earthquake fund-raising(募捐) event. He was busking for charity(慈善)!

Now I donate any 45 I have to charity tins and enjoy the feeling of giving.

26.  A. left           B. cleaned            C. prepared           D.searched   

27.  A. led           B. chose              C. saw               D. fooled     

28.  A. chocolates     B. coins               C. tins               D. drugs    

29.  A. almost        B. only               C. rather              D. still      

30.  A. acted         B. looked              C. sounded           D.smelt    

31.  A. Though        B. For               C. Therefor           D. But       

32.  A. declared       B. realized            C. expected           D. guessed    

33.  A. it            B. all                C. him                D. them      

34.  A. waited        B. followed           C. stopped            D. arrived     

35.  A. rag           B. hat                C. pocket             D. counter    

36.  A. selfish        B. awkward         C. innocent              D. special           

37.  A. happeiness     B. sadness          C. love                 D. hate                

38.  A. Disappointedly  B. Unfortunately    C. Coincidentally         D. Comfortably       

39.  A. words         B. effort           C. space                 D. money             

40.  A. moment       B. day              C. break                D. event             

41.  A. walking around  B. passing by        C. packing up           D. running off         

42.  A. around        B. in                C. behind              D. to                

43.A. chief            B. basic             C. actual               D. total             

44.A.by               B. for              C. on                  D. with              

45.A.work             B. time            C. energy               D.change            

第四节  完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


That night, Joe came back home very late, pulling his heavy legs, obviously tired.He then sat down by the window, ­ 26  his head.

Hearing her husband back, Kay  27  out of the kitchen, but to her  28 , Joe sat still,

without  29 .Usually, when he came back, he would greet her with a kiss or a hug.Immediately Kay 30 something unusual.She went over to Joe and asked, “Tell me, my dear, any 31  news?”

“Well, I have to say that things are not in our  32 .It seems that I have no  33 to defeat my opponent (对手).He’s much more  34 , for he’s been holding the position for nearly four years, and people think he’s done a  35  job.Many signs show that he’s in the 36 .”

“Oh, really? But I still believe you have our own  37 .You’re in your forties at the best age for a man.You’re new, so people have reasons to  38  you to do better.So let’s go to the voters and tell hem, ‘Give Joe Hart a chance, and he’ll show you who’s your better 39”

Their next three weeks were spent  40  different neighborhoods, going to all kinds of parties, and making speeches at universities and gatherings.Even Judy and Julie, their small children, went from door to door,  41  their “Please vote for our daddy, Joe Hart!”

The night before the  42 vote, the whole Hart family were too  43 to fall asleep.The moment before the final result was declared, their  44 were brought to their mouths, but at last they all  45 and burst into tears.

Joe Hart became head judge of the state of Texas, USA.

26.A.lifting         B.raising       C.hanging     D.combing

27.A.walked       B.looked       C.kept        D.stole

28.A.anger         B.joy          C.surprise     D.disappointment

29.A.hope         B.movement    C.patience     D.smile

30.A.said          B.sensed        C.told         D.did

31.A.lucky         B.exciting      C.new        D.bad

32.A.favor         B.way          C.place        D.sight

33.A.time          B.thought      C.chance       D.wish

34.A.interesting     B.experienced   C.lovely       D.fit

35.A.good          B.poor         C.beautiful     D.funny

36.A.success        B.office        C.lead         D.government

37.A.people        B.reasons       C.rights        D.advantages

38.A.force         B.expect       C.order         D.ask

39.A.choice        B.friend        C.leader       D.person

40.A.helping        B.visiting       C.inviting            D.traveling

41.A.answering     B.repeating      C.showing     D.offering

42.A.final         B.next         C.first         D.close

43.A.eager         B.sorry         C.anxious      D.happy

44.A.breaths       B.worries       C.tongues      D.hearts

45.A.left          B.arrived             C.laughed      D.jumped



第四节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including    26  . One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would   27  , so all constructed boats and left, except Love.

    Love was the   28   one who stayed until the last possible moment. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for   29  .

    Richness was   30   Love in a grand boat. Love said, “Richness, can you take me with you?” Richness answered, “No, I can’t. There is a lot of   31   and silver in my boat. There is no  32   here for you.” Love decided to ask Vanity who was   33   passing by in a beautiful vessel. “Vanity, please help me!” “I can’t help you, Love. You are all wet and might   34   my boat,” Vanity answered. Just then Sadness was   35  , so Love asked, “Sadness, let me go with you.” “Oh…Love, I am so   36   that I need to be by myself!” Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so   37   that she did not even   38   Love when Love called her.

   Suddenly, there was a voice, “Come, Love, I will   39   you.” It was a(n)   40  . So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder   41   they were going. When they arrived at dry   42  , the elder went her own way.

43   how much was owed the elder, Love asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who helped me?” “It was   44  ,” Knowledge answered. “Time?” asked Love. “But why did Time help me?” Knowledge   45   with deep wisdom and answered, “Because only Time is able to understand how valuable Love is!”

26. A. Vanity                   B. Richness             C. Time                    D. Love

27. A. float                   B. sink                 C. fly                        D. fall

28. A. very                   B. only                   C. likely                  D. first

29. A. advice                   B. help                C. money                D. time

30. A. passing by      B. looking at           C. facing to            D. thinking of

31. A. water                   B. food             C. gold               D. value

32. A. wealth         B. place                C. need                   D. chance

33. A. still               B. also                 C. even             D. just

34. A. dirty                  B. damage          C. turn              D. steal

35. A. far                    B. near              C. distant            D. closed

36. A. joyful                  B. surprised         C. sad                D. hurried 

37. A. happy              B. angry               C. amazed       D. proud

38. A. saw                  B. notice              C. catch                 D. hear

39. A. take                B. fetch                C. ask                  D. carry

40. A. adviser         B. elder                C. younger             D. helper

41. A. how                B. why                 C. when                 D. where

42. A. shore               B. grass              C. land                  D. room

43. A. Realizing            B. Believing          C. Understanding  D. Questioning

44. A. Kindness             B. Time               C. Power              D. Strength

45. A. cried                B. shouted          C. smiled               D. flushed


第四节 完形填空(共20题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


On a cold winter morning, my mother and I were walking home from a pizza store. We were dressed warmly and equipped with the video we had been  26   to watch. I was feeling a little  27  , as I was carrying our shopping bags of snacks and the video.

They were so heavy that I decided to  28   some things. So I started to walk towards the garbage can when I noticed a poor man  29   his bike out of the restaurant in front of us. He held a paper bag with his dirty hand. He  30   over to another nearby garbage can and started  31  it.

I suddenly felt very  32  . I knew this man would take all he could get,  33  I walked up to him and 34  the drink and some snacks over to him. The man, with lines on his face and wrinkles on his forehead, looked up in  35  and took what I gave him.

A huge smile 36  across his face and this 37  me to feel indescribable satisfaction. I felt like I couldn’t be  38  with myself, but then he said: “Wow, first someone gives me this sandwich, then this drink, and now some  39  food; this is my daughter’s  40  day!”

He thanked me happily and started off  41  his bike. I even heard him whistling a song as he rode away.

I now 42  what is meant by the saying “giving is getting”. Everyone in the world needs help, everyone can  43  help and everyone will be helped by showing  44  .

The image of that man’s happiness caused by my small gift appears in my mind  45  I have the chance to do something nice.

26.A.drinking       B.eating           C.dying           D.living

27.A.excited                  B.puzzled         C.tired                    D.satisfied

28.A.pick out          B.eat up            C.put down       D.throw away

29.A.running                 B.walking           C.dragging        D.pulling

30.A.headed           B.rode               C.ran                D.fled

31.A.breaking into  B.looking through C.staring at     D.searching for

32.A.cold             B.afraid             C.guilty            D.content

33.A.but                     B.because            C.so                 D.if

34.A.turned           B.thought           C.took               D.handed

35.A.surprise        B.detail               C.case                     D.return

36.A.disappeared    B.paused             C.existed             D.spread

37.A.made              B.forced             C.caused            D.gave

38.A.sadder             B.angrier            C.happier            D.crazier

39.A.cheap             B.tasty                C.clean               D.useful

40.A.lucky              B.busy                C.interesting       D.quiet

41.A.by                       B.on                   C.in                   D.with

42.A.remember        B.understand       C.appreciate      D.recognize

43.A.refuse            B.receive            C.offer               D.find

44.A.kindness          B.eagerness         C.willingness       D.braveness

45.A.every time      B.last time                C.atother times          D.next time

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