摘要:664] He said he an American before. [译文] 他说她从来就没有遇到过美国人. A. has never met B. had never met C. would never meet D. was never met [答案及简析] B. 主句中是一般过去时态.从句只能是过去的时态.


第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30分)
Beijing has reported its first death case of A/H1N1 flu, also the fourth on the Chinese mainland, health authorities said Wednesday. The patient, a freshman at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, had tested positive for A/H1N1 flu and died Tuesday, a spokesman with the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau said.
The young student and some other schoolmates developed fever and other flu symptoms during a military training--a compulsory training for freshmen at Chinese universities -- in the past week in Daxing District in suburban Beijing. The student was sent to a district hospital Monday as the physical condition deteriorated , but died Tuesday.
More than 3,000 freshmen from the university attended the military training starting October 22, and 28 out of 71 who had temperatures above 38 degrees Celsius had tested positive for A/H1N1 flu, the health bureau spokesman said. "The health and education authorities have ordered the university to improve prevention measures and quarantine the patients. Currently, they are all in stable condition and no severe case has been reported," he said.
The A/H1N1 flu has earlier caused three deaths on the Chinese mainland -- an 18-year-old woman in Tibet who died on October 4, a 43-year-old woman who died on October 16 in Tibet's neighboring province of Qinghai, and an unspecified patient who died on October 25 in the northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The Chinese mainland had reported 35,664 confirmed cases of the A/H1N1 flu by 3 p.m Monday, the Ministry of Health said.
56.              have been reported on the Chinese mainland
A. Four deaths    B. Three deaths   C. Two deaths    D. Five deaths
57. The underlined word “deteriorated” in Paragraph 2 most probably means       .
A. become better  B. become worse   C. become crazy   D. become silent
58. According to the news, we can see               
A. the government has done nothing about the flu           
B. the government hasn’t taken the flu seriously
C. the government has done something about the flu    
D. the government hasn’t known what to do                              
59. Which of the following is true?
A. The student died from the military training.
B. Only the student had a fever.
C. Those who have caught the flu will die
D. New students at Chinese universities must receive a military training



 第三部分  阅读理解(共15小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30分)


Beijing has reported its first death case of A/H1N1 flu, also the fourth on the Chinese mainland, health authorities said Wednesday. The patient, a freshman at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, had tested positive for A/H1N1 flu and died Tuesday, a spokesman with the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau said.

The young student and some other schoolmates developed fever and other flu symptoms during a military training--a compulsory training for freshmen at Chinese universities -- in the past week in Daxing District in suburban Beijing. The student was sent to a district hospital Monday as the physical condition deteriorated , but died Tuesday.

More than 3,000 freshmen from the university attended the military training starting October 22, and 28 out of 71 who had temperatures above 38 degrees Celsius had tested positive for A/H1N1 flu, the health bureau spokesman said. "The health and education authorities have ordered the university to improve prevention measures and quarantine the patients. Currently, they are all in stable condition and no severe case has been reported," he said.

The A/H1N1 flu has earlier caused three deaths on the Chinese mainland -- an 18-year-old woman in Tibet who died on October 4, a 43-year-old woman who died on October 16 in Tibet's neighboring province of Qinghai, and an unspecified patient who died on October 25 in the northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The Chinese mainland had reported 35,664 confirmed cases of the A/H1N1 flu by 3 p.m Monday, the Ministry of Health said.

56.              have been reported on the Chinese mainland

A. Four deaths    B. Three deaths    C. Two deaths     D. Five deaths

57. The underlined word “deteriorated” in Paragraph 2 most probably means       .

 A. become better  B. become worse   C. become crazy    D. become silent

58. According to the news, we can see               

A. the government has done nothing about the flu           

B. the government hasn’t taken the flu seriously

 C. the government has done something about the flu    

D. the government hasn’t known what to do                              

59. Which of the following is true?

A. The student died from the military training.

 B. Only the student had a fever.

 C. Those who have caught the flu will die

 D. New students at Chinese universities must receive a military training



 第三部分  阅读理解(共15小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30分)


Beijing has reported its first death case of A/H1N1 flu, also the fourth on the Chinese mainland, health authorities said Wednesday. The patient, a freshman at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, had tested positive for A/H1N1 flu and died Tuesday, a spokesman with the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau said.

The young student and some other schoolmates developed fever and other flu symptoms during a military training--a compulsory training for freshmen at Chinese universities -- in the past week in Daxing District in suburban Beijing. The student was sent to a district hospital Monday as the physical condition deteriorated , but died Tuesday.

More than 3,000 freshmen from the university attended the military training starting October 22, and 28 out of 71 who had temperatures above 38 degrees Celsius had tested positive for A/H1N1 flu, the health bureau spokesman said. "The health and education authorities have ordered the university to improve prevention measures and quarantine the patients. Currently, they are all in stable condition and no severe case has been reported," he said.

The A/H1N1 flu has earlier caused three deaths on the Chinese mainland -- an 18-year-old woman in Tibet who died on October 4, a 43-year-old woman who died on October 16 in Tibet's neighboring province of Qinghai, and an unspecified patient who died on October 25 in the northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The Chinese mainland had reported 35,664 confirmed cases of the A/H1N1 flu by 3 p.m Monday, the Ministry of Health said.

56.              have been reported on the Chinese mainland

A. Four deaths    B. Three deaths    C. Two deaths     D. Five deaths

57. The underlined word “deteriorated” in Paragraph 2 most probably means       .

 A. become better  B. become worse   C. become crazy    D. become silent

58. According to the news, we can see               

A. the government has done nothing about the flu           

B. the government hasn’t taken the flu seriously

 C. the government has done something about the flu     

D. the government hasn’t known what to do                               

59. Which of the following is true?

A. The student died from the military training.

 B. Only the student had a fever.

 C. Those who have caught the flu will die

 D. New students at Chinese universities must receive a military training


No one else knew about the extra club in Zach Nash’s golf bag. It belonged to a friend, and Zach forgot it was there as he played his way to victory in a junior tournament(锦标赛)last summer in Wisconsin, US.

The 14-year-old accepted his medal, celebrated with his grandparents who had come from a long way to watch. But when he stopped by his country club to share the news, a professional player noticed something wrong. “Count your clubs,” he told the teenager.

Fifteen—one more than allowed. Zach’s eyes filled with tears.

If Zach had just won a basketball championship or a soccer game and someone had discovered a violation after the win, it would not have mattered. It is nothing unusual for a soccer player to dive to the turf to draw fouls(假摔以使对方犯规).

Golf is different. In a win-at-all-costs world, the game holds itself to a higher standard. Golf isn’t a game where referees watch closely. In golf tournaments, dozens of competitors are spread across acres of land, so officials cannot hope to see each shot. Competitors call penalties(处罚)on themselves.

 “It was a sport for gentlemen, and gentlemen did not care about winning. They care about doing the right thing,” said Robert Simon, a golf coach at Hamilton College in New York.

Honesty became a medal of honor. When one of the game’s early stars, Bobby Jones, was praised for calling a penalty on himself at the 1925 US Open, he replied: “You might as well praise a man for not robbing a bank.”

So even the error had no effect on Zach’s final score—he has never used the extra club, the teenager packed up his medal and dropped it in the mail. “But this is golf, and rules are rules. I just knew what I had to do,” he said.   

Then came another tournament. Before teeing off(开球), Zach counted his clubs—four times.

What can we infer from the text?  

   A. A friend put an extra club in Zach’s bag.     

   B. Zach returned the medal that he had won.    

   C. Zach’s grandparents encouraged him to play fair.

   D. Zach regretted meeting with the professional player.

According to Robert, golf is different from other sports in that ______.

A. honor comes before victory

B. players are superior to coaches

C. referees have to watch each shot     

D. players needn't care about medals

What can be learned from the underlined sentence?

   A. One should be praised for not robbing a bank.

B. Bobby looked down upon bank robbers.

C. Little did Bobby care about the penalty.

D. Observing rules demands no praise.

Why did Zach count his clubs four times before the following tournament?

A. He remembered the lesson.                        B. He lacked self-confidence.

C. He felt a little too nervous.       

D. He was no good with numbers.


The public commonly associates steroid use with big-time athletics. But the drugs may be even more of a menace to teenagers. The synthetic hormones can stunt a young person’s growth by prematurely closing the ends of the long bones in the skeleton. That means a 1.7 metre, 15-year-old high school student who uses steroids “might get bigger but won’t get any taller”, according to a US doctor.

Nearly seven percent of boys in the US try steroids before the end of high school, according to a 1988 study by professors Charles Yesalis and William Buckley, of Penn State University. The estimate comes from a poll of 3,400 seniors in 46 public and private schools across the US.

“Abusers of Steroids did it to improve their appearance and to excel at sports,” Professor Yesalis said. “Parents, teachers and coaches make boys believe that to be an ideal male you need to have these. Then they say: ‘you can’t play games to have fun; you play games to win.’”

“Such attitudes put many high school athletes at high risk of becoming abusers of steroids,” said Mike Gimbel, director of Baltimore County Office of substance Abuse. “For these athletes, the pressure to perform is incredible,” he said. “It was inevitable that it would seep down to high school level.”

The word “big-time” in Paragraph 1 most nearly means “________”.

A. long time               B. good time            C. top rank               D. modern

Why are steroids even more of a threat to teenagers?

A. Because they make teenagers grow too tall.

B. Because they make teenagers get too big.

C. Because they prevent teenagers from getting taller and taller.

D. Because they give teenagers too much pressure.

Which of the following statements is implied but not mentioned?

A. School athletes have too much pressure.

B. Steroids can help people have lots of muscles.

C. The pressure chiefly comes from parents, teachers and coaches.

D. Girls are not interested in steroids.

Which of the following is a good title for this passage?

A. Drugs and Sports

B. The Pressure to School Boys are Too Much

C. School Boys are Interested in Drugs

D. School Athletes Risk Damage from Drugs


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