摘要: - do you go to the movie? -Onee a month. A. How many B. How far C. How soon D. How often 答:D.Do How often 长时间做一次


What is the difference between a college and a university? This is a good question for students who want to attend a college or a university in the United States.
Colleges and universities have many things in common. Both provide a greater understanding of the world and its past. Both provide education in the arts and sciences. And both can help prepare young people to earn a living.
Students who complete their undergraduate studies either at a four-year college or a university receive a bachelor’s degree. One difference is that many colleges do not offer graduate studies.
Universities are generally bigger, offer more programs and do more research. Modern universities developed from those of the Middle Ages in Europe. The word “university” comes from the Latin “universitas”. This described a group of people organized for a common purpose. The word “college” comes from a Latin word with a similar meaning, “collegium”. In England, colleges were formed to provide students with places to live in. Usually each group of students was studying the same thing. So college came to mean an area of study. But a college can also be a part of a university. The first American universities divided their studies into a number of areas and called each one a college. This is still true.
Programs in higher learning may also be called schools. The University of Arizona in Tucson, for example, has 18 colleges and 10 schools. They include the colleges of pharmacy (制药学), education, engineering and law. They also include the schools of architecture, dance and public administration.
College is also used as a general term for higher education. A news report might talk about “college students” even if they include students at universities. Or someone might ask, “Where do you go to college?”
Today, most American colleges offer an area of study called liberal arts. These are subjects first developed and taught in ancient Greece. They include language, philosophy and mathematics. The purpose is to train a person’s mind instead of teaching job skills.
【小题1】The passage is probably written to _________.

A.persuade students to go to college instead of schools
B.tell students the differences between colleges and universities
C.help students make a better choice of what kind of colleges they should go to
D.inform students about how much they are going to spend in going to college
【小题2】When the term “college students” appears in a newspaper, it may refer to ________.
A.only students studying in colleges
B.students studying in colleges in the USA
C.only students studying in universities
D.students receiving higher education
【小题3】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Both universities and colleges include different schools.
B.The purpose of liberal arts is to train a person’s job skill.
C.Both universities and colleges can help prepare students to make a living.
D.Most American universities have 18 colleges and 10 schools.
【小题4】The area of study called liberal arts is designed to _______.
A.get students ready to earn a living
B.teach students subjects from engineering to philosophy
C.help students achieve a stronger and clearer mind
D.encourage more students to begin the study of arts


When you are little, it’s not hard to believe you can changed the world. I remember my enthusiasm when, at the age of 12, I addressed the people at the Rio Earth Summit. “I am only a child,” I told them. "Yet I know that if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty and finding environmental answers, what a wonderful place this would be. In school you teach us not to fight with others, to work things out, to respect others, to clean up our mess, not to hurt other creatures, to share, not be greedy. Then why do you go out and do the things you tell us not to do? You grownups say you love us, but I challenge you, please, to make your actions reflect your words."
I spoke for six minutes and received a standing ovation. Some of the delegates even cried. I thought that maybe I had reached some of them, that my speech might actually spur(刺激) action. Now, a decade from Rio, after I've sat through many more conferences, I'm not sure what has been accomplished. My confidence in the people in power and in the power of an individual's voice to reach them has been deeply shaken.
When I was little, the world was simple. But as a young adult, I'm learning that as we have to make choices--education, career, lifestyle--life gets more and more complicated. We are beginning to feel pressure to produce and be successful. We are learning a shortsighted way of looking at the future, focusing on four-year government terms and quarterly business reports. We are taught that economic growth is progress, but we aren't taught how to pursue a happy, healthy or sustainable way of living. And we are learning that what we wanted for our future when we were 12 was idealistic and naïve(天真).
Today I'm no longer a child, but I'm worried about what kind of environment my children will grow up in. I know change is possible, because I am changing, still figuring out what I think. I am still deciding how to live my life. The challenges are great, but if we accept individual responsibility and make choices, we will rise to the challenges, and we will become part of the positive tide of the change. I hope this goal will be met through our common efforts. Thank you all.
57.The purpose of what the speaker said at the age of 12 was to          .
A.end poverty and make school beautiful
B.find environmental answers and show off
C.focus people’s attention on some social problems
D.find a wonderful place and clean it up
58.What does the underlined word “ovation” in the second paragraph refer to?
A.A long period of laughing.
B.A cold and unfriendly welcome.
C.An expression used for greeting.
D.Great applause or cheering.
59.The information in the text is presented mainly through          .
A.question and answer         B.a personal lecture[来
C.cause and effect                  D.listing steps in a process
60.Which of the following best describes the speaker?
A.He is an experienced educator.         B.He is an impolite man.
C.He is a man of great worries.   D.He is a man of social responsibility.


The carrunning along the well?lit road now sank in darkness.I broke the ____ on purpose____ that the driver was too tired to drive.“When do you go back home in the evening”“9 o’clock after this ____.” “Then when do you come out in the morning” I ____ another question.“9 o’clocktoo—just as if I worked at an office.” His __ surprised mebecause every time I ride a taxiwhat I ___ from the driver are only complaints that they have to work from morning till nightit’s hard to earn money and they’re often ___ by the policeor that their leaders are seated lazily___ the fruits.But this driver told me“I find it ____ to be a section chief as I was before.I like driving just for ____.It’s fortunate that I hardly drive ____ a passenger.So I earn two or three thousand yuan a month with ease.YesI never ____ an empty taxi.If it goes southwardI go northward.If it goes along a ____I turn into a narrow street.”

His words showed his ____ with his life and the pride he ____ in his job.Such feelings are so rare among people nowadays as oxygen in high ____.As an ancient saying goes“Neither joy in material ____ nor grieve(悲痛) over personal setbacks.” How many people nowadays can show high ideals by ____ living and go far with a calm mindI couldn’t help feeling ____ when finding such a state of mind in a stranger on a cold ___.

1.A.window? Bstillness

Csilence? Dquietness

2.A.on condition? Bfor fear

Cin belief? Din order

3.A.night? Btrip

Ccycle? Dprocess

4.A.threw out? Bgave away

Cmade up Dled to

5.A.character Bconfidence

Cattitude? Deasiness

6.A.suffer?? Brequest

Cbenefit? Dhear

7.A.detected? Bordered

Cfined? Dseized

8.A.keeping? Btasting

Cenjoying? Dchoosing

9.A.exciting? Bdisappointing

Ctiring? Damazing

10.A.freedom? Bpleasure

Chobby? Dcompany

11.A.without Bwith

Cbehind? Dbeside

12.A.follow Badmire

Cenvy Dmeet

13.A.route? Bpath

Crailway? Dhighway

14.A.intelligence? Bsatisfaction

Ccompetition? Dhonesty

15.A.made? Bheld

Ccaught? Dtook

16.A.buildings? Bmountains

Cstandard? Dheaven

17.A.gains? Bconcerns

Csupports? Dlosses

18.A.special? Bhappy

Csimple? Doriginal

19.A.angry Bcontent

Cdangerous? Dcurious

20.A.morning? Bnight

Cmoment? Dseason



He is a lesson to every boy who ever picked up a basketball and dreamed that it would change his life.
The lights were never brighter and the crowds were never bigger for a homegrown sports hero than they were a quarter-century ago for Ray Hall. But his athletic achievements, as impressive as they are, are to my mind not what is most admirable about the man.
Known as “Sugar Ray” in his teens, Hall was rated among the country’s top 25 high school basketball players. An inner-city kid from a solid family, Hall took on the challenge of lifting Canisius College — still recovering from its failure — back to respectability, rejecting more favorable offers. His status of a savior (救世主) brought more pressure than any 18-year-old should have to handle. However, I watched him mature into the player who led Canisius back to daylight.
After college Hall played professionally in Italy and Greece for over 10 years until a car accident at 32 ended his basketball career. The news that he would never play again shocked Hall but unlike so many others he was ready for life after basketball. When I met Hall — still fit at 46 — for lunch Monday, he wore a cut-sharp gray suit, designer tie and blazing white shirt that screamed Success. “That was always the question — when the cheers end, where do you go? Who do you turn to?” he said. “It starts and ends with that person in the mirror.”
Hall got the concept of academics-first from his parents. He graduated from Canisius a semester early. “No matter how good of an athlete you are, you are just one injury away from losing it all,” he said. “But if you take care of things academically, you are prepared until you leave this earth.”
For the past 14 years, he has been in a computer sales job at Ingram Micro. He married his college sweetheart. They have three kids and a nice house in the suburbs. He figured out early what others learn too late: Athletics is part of a journey, not the destination.
Congratulations, Ray, you made it. In more ways than one.          
【小题1】Ray was regarded as a savior because ________.

A.he liked to take on challenges
B.he helped his team to regain its glory
C.he was faithful to his hometown city
D.he fought hard against failure at a young age
【小题2】According to the writer, which of the following best describes Ray’s success?
A.Unlike other athletes, he was academically superior.
B.He defeated his injury and returned to the playground.
C.He enjoys a successful job and a happy family.
D.He has gained impressive athletic achievements.
【小题3】What’s the right order of the events related to Ray?
a. He was rated among the best high school basketball players.
b. He was in a car accident.
c. He graduated from Canisius College.
d. He started his computer sales job.
e. He gave up his athletic career.
A.a, c, b, e, dB.a, c, e, b, dC.c, a, b, d, eD.c, a, e, b, d
【小题4】We can learn from the passage that ________.
A.Ray was from an academic family
B.Ray was very mature in his teens
C.Ray was once desperate facing the cruel reality
D.athletics was not Ray’s final goal in life
【小题5】What was the writer’s intention in writing this passage?
A.To describe the difficulties of being a professional athlete.
B.To explain the importance of choosing the right college.
C.To emphasize the need for a good education.
D.To warn against playing professional basketball.


My daddy doesn’t know how to express love. It is my mum that makes everyone happy and calm in
our family; while Daddy only works day and night, never looking us in the face. But Mum makes a
wrongdoing list of us for Daddy scolding us. She was a spy!
Once, I stole a candy. Daddy asked me to put it back and told the shopkeeper I would like to carry
loads for her. Well, Mum told him I was jut a child.
I broke my leg on the playground. It’s still Mum that held me tightly in her warm arms. Daddy
drove us right to emergency room. He was asked to move the car away for that space was for
ambulance. Daddy got angry, “What do you think of it? A touring car?”
On my birthday party, it was, again, my mum that took over the cake for me. And my dad was busy
with blowing balloons and setting the table and doing the housework.
While looking over our album, my friends always ask, “What does your father look like?” God
knows. He photos others all the time. So there are many photos of my mum and me, pretty and lovely
And I still remembered the day when dad taught me riding. I asked him not to let his hands away,
but he did the opposite. And I certainly fell onto the ground. I got angry and decided to get on the bike
and rode. But he smiled again.
Mum wrote every letter to me while I was in college. He, except checks, did write a letter, but
extremely short, just a few words, saying, “Without your playing on the lawn, my son, my lawn grows
prettier than before.”
Every time I phoned, it seemed that he wanted to talk, but he would say, “I will get your mum.”
On the day of my wedding, Mum cried as if we would never meet again, while dad went out with a
nasal sound.
From very young, I heard him saying, “Where have you been?” “When do you go home?” “Did you
get oil for your car?” “…” Dad really knows nothing about showing love. Unless…
Maybe he showed while I didn’t notice.
1. From the first and second paragraphs, we can infer that ______.
A. it was the daddy that was in charge of his children’s education
B. the writer’s parents loved their children, at the same time, they were strict with them
C. the children were all afraid of their father so they had to be cute
D. the writer’s mom was like a spy who reported what the children did to the father
2. Why did the father get angry when he sent the writer to the hospital?
A. Because he parked his car at a wrong place.
B. Because the parking space of the ambulance was very crowded.
C. Because the writer’s injury made the father quite upset.
D. Because the person paid little attention to his son’s serious injury.
3. According to Paragraph Six, we know the father______.
A. was not patient when he taught the writer riding
B. might want to see his child fall off the bike
C. used a wrong way of teaching his child riding
D. might want his son to learn riding through independent practice
4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. The dad posted checks to the writer while he was in college.
B. The dad had no single photo of his own in the album.
C. The dad scolded the writer for having damaged the lawn.
D. The dad got excited when participating in the writer’s wedding.


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