摘要: A. summer B. winter C. spring D. daytime


     Spring, summer, autumn, and winter bring changes in the weather, plant and animal life, and the length
of days and night. Seasonal changes such as these are due to three factors, the tilt (倾斜) of Earth's axis (轴) to one side; the rotation, or turn, of Earth on its axis every 24 hours; and the revolution of Earth
around the sun once every year. Since Earth remains titled in the same direction during its revolution of
the sun, our distance from the sun changes, causing us to experience the changing seasons.
     In summer the Northern Hemisphere (半球), where we live, points toward the sun, bringing us closer
to it and its more direct and powerful rays. Six months later, when Earth is halfway through its revolution
around the sun, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, placing us farther from it and
exposing us to the weak rays of winter. The seasons in one hemisphere are opposite those in the other
hemisphere. However, one area of the Earth - the equator (赤道) - is always closest to the sun, so
equatorial regions experience hot weather throughout the year. In contrast, the polar regions, always
farthest from the sun, experience continuous frigid weather.
     In the Northern Hemisphere, we observe a gradual alteration in the angle of the sun during the year.
About June 21, on the summer solstice, or the first day of summer, the midday sun reaches its highest
point in the sky and produces the year's maximum daylight hours. About September 22, on the autumn
equinox, the midday sun is lower in the sky. Because Earth's axis is titled neither toward nor away from
the sun, equal periods of daylight and darkness result. About December 21, on the winter solstice, or the
first day of winter, the midday sun is at its lowest point in the sky. This brings the year's fewest daylight
hours. About March 21, on the vernal equinox, or the first day of spring, the midday sun is higher in the
sky. Daytime and nighttime hours are again equal.

1. This passage is mainly concerned with ____________.

A. how Earth rotates on its axis
B. why the various seasons occur
C. why each season is three months long
D. which parts of Earth are coldest

2. What happens on the summer solstice? 

A. The midday sun reaches its lowest point in the sky.
B. Earth's axis is tilted neither toward nor away from the sun.
C. There are equal periods of daylight and darkness.
D. The midday sun produces the greatest number of daylight hours during the year.

3. In the last paragraph, the writer presents facts about equinoxes and solstices to explain _________.

  A. why it is hot at the equator
  B. the various lengths of day and night
  C. why the midday sun is directly overhead
  D. the date of the autumn equinox

4. In this passage, the underlined word "revolution" in the first paragraph means ____________.

A. a great change
B. an uprising
C. standing still
D. circling

Several years ago I studied in a university in the biggest city in our country. It’s very beautiful, I could read lots of books there and I made lots of friends there. But it’s hot in  11 . So I usually returned to my hometown when my   12  began. It is not big, but it’s cool and quiet. I could   13  in the daytime and have a good sleep at night.

One day I had some problems to solve. But I didn’t take the   14  home. My father told me Charlie, one of my   15 , had a good library. I went to his house at once. We didn’t see each other after I   16  my middle school. At first he didn’t   17  me. He looked me up and down. And then he called out, “Oh, dear! It’s you, Fred! I haven’t seen you for a long time!”

Of course we were   18  to meet each other again and talked a lot about our schoolmates and   19 . We also talked about the interesting things at that time. Later on he showed me around his   20 . It wasn’t big but there were a lot of nice books in it. And the dictionaries I   21  were in it too. At last I said, “Can you   22  some dictionaries to me, please?”

“I’m sorry I don’t lend any books to others,” said the young man.

“Are you afraid I’ll   23  them?”

“No, I’m not. I’m afraid you won’t   24  them to me. Look! All the books in my library are not   25 , but borrowed!”

1.                A.spring          B.summer        C.autumn   D.winter


2.                A.birthday        B.Saturday        C.Sunday   D.holiday


3.                A.study          B.play            C.rest  D.work


4.                A.books          B.notebooks       C.dictionaries    D.magazines


5.                A.brothers        B.sisters          C.neighbors D.classmates


6.                A.finished        B.heard of        C.looked at D.visited


7.                A.see            B.hear           C.recognize D.call


8.                A.angry          B.happy          C.worried  D.sad


9.                A.doctors         B.teachers        C.workers  D.drivers


10.               A.factory         B.office          C.library D.house


11.               A.needed        B.read           C.wrote D.liked


12.               A.pass           B.send           C.give  D.lend


13.               A.lose           B.sell            C.throw D.read


14.               A.pay            B.return         C.send  D.give


15.               A.found          B.given          C.won  D.bought




Yellowstone Weather

Yellowstone National Park is at high altitude(海拔). Most of the park is above 7,500 feet (2,275 meters).

Yellowstone's weather is unpredictable. In summer, it may be warm and sunny with temperatures in the high 70s. At night in any given month, the temperature may drop close to freezing. So it is best to come prepared for cold evenings and mornings, especially if you are camping or hiking. When you leave your campsite, please leave it prepared for possible thundershowers and wind.

A sunny warm day may become fiercely stormy with wind, rain, sleet and sometimes snow. Without enough clothing, and easy day hike or boat trip can turn into a battle for survival.

Seasonal Weather Information


Cold and snow continue into May, although temperatures gradually climb.Early in spring, daytime temperatures average in the 40s to 50s; by late May and June, they may reach the 60s and 70s. Nighttime lows fall below freezing.


Daytime temperatures are usually in the 70s, occasionally reaching the 80s in the lower elevations (高度). Nights are cool, temperatures may drop in the 40s and 30s--sometimes even the 20s. June can be cool and rainy; July and August tend to be somewhat drier, although afternoon thundershowers are common.


Weather can be pleasant, although temperatures average 10--20 degrees lower than summer readings. Nighttime lows can fall into the  teens and lower. Snowstorms increase in frequency as the weeks go by or towards the end of the fall season.


Temperatures often stay near zero throughout the day, occasionally reaching high in the 20s. Suhzero nighttime lows are common. Annual snowfall averages nearly 150 inches in most of the park. At higher places, 200-- 400 inches of snow have been recorded.


63. The author writes this passage most probably for those who plan to ________ in Yellowstone National Park.

     A.do research work                          B.take a business trip

     C.have sports games                         D.spend their holidays or take a tour

64. Which of the following best describes Yellowstone's weather?

       A.Yellowstone's weather is generally changeable and it snows most of the year.

    B.It's neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter.

    C.Weather in fall is pleasant and temperatures never fall below freezing.

     D.It's pretty warm in the day and very cool at night throughout the year.

65. If you are planning to spend your holidays in Yellowstone National Park in summer, what should you take with you?

     A.Just some light clothing such as T-shirts or skirts.

     B.Just some warm clothing such as sweaters and coats.

     C.Both light clothing and warm clothing.      D.Either light clothing or warm clothing.

66. What does the underlined word "readings" refer to?

     A.literature works     B.books         C.announcements       D.figures




Yellowstone Weather

Yellowstone National Park is at high altitude (海拔). Most of the park is above 7,500 feet (2,275 meters).

Yellowstone’s weather is unpredictable. In summer, it may be warm and sunny with temperatures in the high 70s. At night in any given month, the temperature may drop close to freezing. So it is best to come prepared for cold evenings and mornings, especially if you are camping or hiking. When you leave your campsite, please leave it prepared for possible thundershowers and wind.

A sunny warm day may become fiercely stormy with wind, rain, sleet and sometimes snow. Without enough clothing, an easy day hike or boat trip can turn into a battle for survival.

Seasonal Weather Information


Cold and snow continue into May, although temperatures gradually climb.Early in spring, daytime temperatures average in the 40s to 50s; by late May and June, they may reach the 60s and 70s. Nighttime lows fall below freezing.


Daytime temperatures are usually in the 70s, occasionally reaching the 80s in the lower elevations (高度). Nights are cool, temperatures may drop in the 40s and 30s--sometimes even the 20s. June can be cool and rainy; July and August tend to be somewhat drier, although afternoon thundershowers are common.


Weather can be pleasant, although temperatures average 10--20 degrees lower than summer readings. Nighttime lows can fall into the  teens and lower. Snowstorms increase in frequency as the weeks go by or towards the end of the fall season.


Temperatures often stay near zero throughout the day, occasionally reaching high in the 20s. Suhzero nighttime lows are common. Annual snowfall averages nearly 150 inches in most of the park. At higher places, 200-- 400 inches of snow have been recorded.


64.The author writes this passage most probably for those who plan to ________ in Yellowstone National Park.

     A.do research work                          B.take a business trip

     C.have sports games                         D.spend their holidays or take a tour

65.Which of the following best describes Yellowstone’s weather?

    A.Yellowstone’s weather is generally changeable and it snows most of the year.

    B.It’s neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter.

    C.Weather in fall is pleasant and temperatures never fall below freezing.

    D.It’s pretty warm in the day and very cool at night throughout the year.

66.If you are planning to spend your holidays in Yellowstone National Park in summer, what should you take with you?

     A.Just some light clothing such as T-shirts or skirts.

     B.Just some warm clothing such as sweaters and coats.

     C.Both light clothing and warm clothing.     

     D.Either light clothing or warm clothing.

67.What does the underlined word "readings" refer to?

A.literature works                               B.books 

C.announcements                               D.figures


Yellowstone Weather

Yellowstone National Park is at high altitude(海拔). Most of the park is above 7,500 feet (2,275 meters).

Yellowstone's weather is unpredictable. In summer, it may be warm and sunny with temperatures in the high 70s. At night in any given month, the temperature may drop close to freezing. So it is best to come prepared for cold evenings and mornings, especially if you are camping or hiking. When you leave your campsite, please leave it prepared for possible thundershowers and wind.

A sunny warm day may become fiercely stormy with wind, rain, sleet and sometimes snow. Without enough clothing, and easy day hike or boat trip can turn into a battle for survival.

Seasonal Weather Information


Cold and snow continue into May, although temperatures gradually climb.Early in spring, daytime temperatures average in the 40s to 50s; by late May and June, they may reach the 60s and 70s. Nighttime lows fall below freezing.


Daytime temperatures are usually in the 70s, occasionally reaching the 80s in the lower elevations (高度). Nights are cool, temperatures may drop in the 40s and 30s--sometimes even the 20s. June can be cool and rainy; July and August tend to be somewhat drier, although afternoon thundershowers are common.


Weather can be pleasant, although temperatures average 10--20 degrees lower than summer readings. Nighttime lows can fall into the teens and lower. Snowstorms increase in frequency as the weeks go by or towards the end of the fall season.


Temperatures often stay near zero throughout the day, occasionally reaching high in the 20s. Suhzero nighttime lows are common. Annual snowfall averages nearly 150 inches in most of the park. At higher places, 200-- 400 inches of snow have been recorded.

1.The author writes this passage most probably for those who plan to ________ in Yellowstone National Park.

     A.do research work                       B.take a business trip

     C.have sports games                         D.spend their holidays or take a tour

2.Which of the following best describes Yellowstone's weather?

       A.Yellowstone's weather is generally changeable and it snows most of the year.

    B.It's neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter.

    C.Weather in fall is pleasant and temperatures never fall below freezing.

     D.It's pretty warm in the day and very cool at night throughout the year.

3. If you are planning to spend your holidays in Yellowstone National Park in summer, what should you take with you?

     A.Just some light clothing such as T-shirts or skirts.

     B.Just some warm clothing such as sweaters and coats.

     C.Both light clothing and warm clothing.

     D.Either light clothing or warm clothing.

4.What does the underlined word "readings" refer to?

     A.literature works  B.books       C.announcements              D.figures


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