摘要:A. thinking B. character C. looks D. ability 答案: B 指导:作者认为明星最重要的东西是他们的“性格 和对社会的贡献.而不是他们的相貌.把握后文“对社会的贡献 对前文的提示.可排除其他选项.looks"相貌.表情 .thinking"思维 和ability"能力 干扰性比较大.但一个人要对社会做出贡献.光有“思维 和“能力 是不行的.最重要的是个人的“人品.性格 .


 One would have to be a fool to overlook the importance of using positive thinking for you rather than snowing negative thinking to work against you. In recent years, research in psychopharmacology(精神药理学) has proved what many people have known over the centuries: a positive attitude is good for you, good for your health, good for your wealth, good for everything.

      Researchers have found that a positive attitude produces a specific chemical reaction which makes people feel better, while negative thinking results in a reduction of hormone(荷尔蒙) and shuts down the immune system. This leads to illness and depression. Positive thoughts will make you feel better. Even if

you must begin by forcing yourself to be positive, it will become contagious and the positive thoughts will produce nice little chemicals and good feelings which will reinforce the positive thoughts.

      For example, if you force yourself to smile or laugh, even when you "don't feel like smiling or laughing, if you keep at it for a few minutes, you will soon feel like it. Feelings can make thoughts alive, and thoughts can do it, too. Control your thoughts and you can control your feelings. Positive thinking is important in all aspects of our lives. There is probably no single factor more important in determining your success in achieving your career purposes than your own attitude.

      It's often been said that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. And in the office of militant(好战的) negativism, the positive workers shine like gold. You cannot control external events, but you can learn to control your reaction to those events and thereby have a positive attitude and be happy. This important key to success is totally within your control. Use it.

1.We can infer from the passage that       .

   A. positive thinking can cure you of your diseases

   B. positive thinking can easily be generated by anyone

   C. a reduction of hormone may cause you to be depressed

   D. a specific chemical reaction is the cause of negative thinking

2.According to the passage, which of the following is true?

     A. Feeling and thoughts can react to each other.

     B. It's easier to control thoughts than to control feelings.

     C. Your success depends wholly on your attitude.

     D. Keeping smiling will surely make you successful.


3.Just like a one-eyed man in the land of the blind, you should       .

     A. take positive attitude in the office of militant negativism

     B. be kind in your office

     C. pay no attention to what is going on around you

     D. control your feeling to what is happening to you

  4.The best title to the passage is      .

     A. Thinking Benefits People                    B. Why Should People Think

     C. Positive Thinking and Negative Thinking       D. Thinking: The Important Way




It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen        in almost a month. Every day , my husband would        the process of trying to get water to the fields.        we saw some rain soon, we would lose everything.

  On this day I learned the true lesson of        and witnessed the only        I had ever seen . I was in the kitchen when I saw my son, Billy,        toward the woods. He was walking with effort, trying to be as        as possible . Minutes after he        into the woods, he came running back . I went back to make sandwiches ,        that whatever he had been doing was completed. Moments later,        , he was once again walking slowly toward the woods. This activity went on for an hour .        I couldn’t help following him and saw the most amazing        .

  Several large deer stood in front of him. Billy walked right up to them . I almost        for him to get away . A huge deer was        close .        the deer didn’t even move as Billy knelt down. I saw a tiny deer lying on the ground , obviously suffering from        , lift its head to lap up the water cupped in Billy’s hands. When the water was        , Billy ran back to get more . It then became        to me.

  I stood on the edge of the woods, watching the        boy working so hard to save another life. As my tears began to hit the ground, they were suddenly joined by other drops. It was as if the God himself was        with pride. The rain that day saved our farm just like the actions of one little boy who saved another.

1.A. water                            B. rain                                   C. deer                               D. storm

2.A. take over                      B. try on                                C. go about                        D. seek out

3.A. Before                          B. If                                        C. Until                                D. Unless

4.A. helping                         B. sharing                    C. donating                           D. offering

5.A. miracle                         B. lesson                               C. wildlife                    D. virtue

6.A. running                         B. marching                          C. walking                    D. riding

7.A. still                                 B. silent                                 C. secret                               D. sacred

8.A. skipped                         B. slipped                    C. wandered                        D. disappeared

9.A. thinking                        B. wondering                       C. worrying                          D. calculating

10.A. but                              B. besides                   C. however                          D. therefore

11.A. Actually                      B. Finally                      C. Quietly                    D. Surprisingly

12.A. sign                    B. scenery                            C. sight                                  D. scene

13.A. screamed                   B. rushed                              C. made                                D. burst

14.A. mildly                          B. powerfully                       C. dangerously           D. aggressively

15.A. And                    B. Otherwise                        C. Thus                                  D. But

16.A. thirst                           B. illness                               C. heat                                  D. pain

17.A. lost                              B. missing                    C. gone                                 D. served

18.A. annoying           B. clear                                 C. acceptable                       D. puzzling

19.A. kind                   B. clever                               C. naughty                            D. honest

20.A. raining                        B. appearing                        C. chanting                           D. weeping



One of the most common complaints I hear from families is that they are not close. They may be close in proximity, but still not feel close as a 36_. They may live next door or in the same house, but not feel 37 .

Closeness is about  38 . We feel close when we feel 39 ,  when we feel loved and when we simply enjoy being together. We may live far apart and still feel close, or we may 40 a home yet feel distant.

Closeness is a family trait that  41 over time. It is planted by love, watered by honest sharing and fed by true listening. It grows slowly and sometimes 42 years to mature; but it’s roots grow deep. It can 43 most storm and sustain a family through the most 44 time.

I received a letter from a reader in Hawaii. She 45 out that the CEO of one of the island’s largest banks was  46 a run for governor. Since he was well—liked, he seemed to have a good 47 of winning.

But before filing papers, he 48 his mind, stating that he wanted to spend more time with his 49 . Not that elected officials cannot be family—oriented, but he felt he needed more time at home than the job 50 .

Ronald A Young, in the Honolulu Advertiser, said this about the candidate’s decision:”No matter what you 51 in the business world or the social world, if you fail the family, then you have not accomplished much. Failure or success does not 52 in the material wealth you provide them. It is 53 by what of yourself you give to them.”

He made a 54 to give the best of himself to his family. He 55 family closeness first, despite pressure to put more time elsewhere. It’s likely a decision he’ll never regret.

36.A. house

B. home

C. family

D. group

37.A. physically

B. emotionally

C. behaviorally

D. officially

38.A. attitude

B. points

C. ambition

D. ideas

39.A. misunderstood

B. understood

C. annoyed

D. disappointed

40.A. share

B. stay

C. live

D. keep

41.A. grows

B. changes

C. stays

D. happens

42.A. pays

B. spends

C. takes

D costs

43.A. weather

B. carry

C. keep

D. protect

44.A. happy

B. difficult

C. joyful

D. funny

45.A. pointed

B. set

C. put

D. gave

46.A. thinking

B. considering

C. expecting

D. waiting

47.A. sign

B. mark

C. score

D. chance

48.A. kept

B. changed

C. stuck

D. made

49.A. family

B. friends

C. people

D. officials

50.A. provided

B. allowed

C. had

D. gave

51.A. complete

B. finish

C. get

D. accomplish

52.A. lie

B. result

C. say

D. happen

53.A. concerned

B. tested

C. measured

D. examined

54.A. plan

B. solution

C. promise

D. decision

55.A. took

B. brought

C. chose

D. held




Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg, a  36  of about eighty miles. It was late and I was in a hurry. However, if anyone asked me how fast I was  37  ,I’d say I was not over-speeding. Several times I got  38  behind a slow-moving truck on a narrow road, and I was holding my fists tightly with  39  .

At one point along an open highway, I  40  a crossroad with a traffic light. I was alone on the road by now, but as I  41  the light, it turned red and I braked to a stop. I looked left, right and behind me. Nothing. Not a car, no suggestion of headlights, but there I sat, waiting for the light to  42  , the only human being for at least a mile in any  43  .

I started  44  why I refused to run the light. I was not afraid of being  45  , because there was obviously no policeman around, and there certainly would have been no  46  in going through it.

Much later that night, after I  47  a group of my friends in Lewisburg and climbed into bed near midnight, the question of why I’d stopped for that light  48  me, I think I stopped because it’s part of a contract(合同) we all have with each other. It’s not only the  49  , but it’s an arrangement we have, and we trust each other to  50  it: we don’t go through red lights. Like most of us, I’m more likely to be  51  from doing something bad by the social convention that  52  it than by any law against it.

It’s amazing that we ever  53  each other to do the right thing, isn’t it? And we do, too, Trust is our  54  preference.

I was so  55  of myself for stopping for the red light that night.

1. A. flight        B. distance             C. road                 D. length

2.A. thinking       B. driving              C. complaining          D. running

3. A. stopped           B. changed         C. stuck                D. lost

4.A. horror             B. strength             C. understanding        D. impatience

5. A. ran off           B. came to              C. passed by            D. left behind

6.A. passed        B. watched              C. approached           D. found

7. A. stop              B. change               C. turn                 D. die

8.A. way            B. side                 C. city                 D. direction

9. A. wondering         B. suspecting           C. struggling           D. regretting

10.A. abused            B. fined                C. injured              D. killed

11. A. danger           B. sign                 C. time                 D. record

12. A. met with         B. got over             C. got rid of           D. called back

13. A. turned out to        B. came back to       C. referred to            D. occurred to

14. A. virtue           B. suggestion         C. law                D. order

15. A. honor            B. solve                C. break                D. judge

16.A. stopped           B. protected            C. rejected             D. frightened

17. A. speaks of       B. stands by             C. takes in             D. disapproves of

18. A. suspect          B. trust                C. teach                D. care

19.A. only           B. first              C. lucky                D. living

20. A. sorry            B. doubtful             C. sure                 D. proud



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