
One of the most common complaints I hear from families is that they are not close. They may be close in proximity, but still not feel close as a 36_. They may live next door or in the same house, but not feel 37 .

Closeness is about  38 . We feel close when we feel 39 ,  when we feel loved and when we simply enjoy being together. We may live far apart and still feel close, or we may 40 a home yet feel distant.

Closeness is a family trait that  41 over time. It is planted by love, watered by honest sharing and fed by true listening. It grows slowly and sometimes 42 years to mature; but it’s roots grow deep. It can 43 most storm and sustain a family through the most 44 time.

I received a letter from a reader in Hawaii. She 45 out that the CEO of one of the island’s largest banks was  46 a run for governor. Since he was well—liked, he seemed to have a good 47 of winning.

But before filing papers, he 48 his mind, stating that he wanted to spend more time with his 49 . Not that elected officials cannot be family—oriented, but he felt he needed more time at home than the job 50 .

Ronald A Young, in the Honolulu Advertiser, said this about the candidate’s decision:”No matter what you 51 in the business world or the social world, if you fail the family, then you have not accomplished much. Failure or success does not 52 in the material wealth you provide them. It is 53 by what of yourself you give to them.”

He made a 54 to give the best of himself to his family. He 55 family closeness first, despite pressure to put more time elsewhere. It’s likely a decision he’ll never regret.

36.A. house

B. home

C. family

D. group

37.A. physically

B. emotionally

C. behaviorally

D. officially

38.A. attitude

B. points

C. ambition

D. ideas

39.A. misunderstood

B. understood

C. annoyed

D. disappointed

40.A. share

B. stay

C. live

D. keep

41.A. grows

B. changes

C. stays

D. happens

42.A. pays

B. spends

C. takes

D costs

43.A. weather

B. carry

C. keep

D. protect

44.A. happy

B. difficult

C. joyful

D. funny

45.A. pointed

B. set

C. put

D. gave

46.A. thinking

B. considering

C. expecting

D. waiting

47.A. sign

B. mark

C. score

D. chance

48.A. kept

B. changed

C. stuck

D. made

49.A. family

B. friends

C. people

D. officials

50.A. provided

B. allowed

C. had

D. gave

51.A. complete

B. finish

C. get

D. accomplish

52.A. lie

B. result

C. say

D. happen

53.A. concerned

B. tested

C. measured

D. examined

54.A. plan

B. solution

C. promise

D. decision

55.A. took

B. brought

C. chose

D. held



36. C. 文章第一句就提到“关于家庭…”。

37. B. 尽管在形式上是一家人,但在情感上不够亲密。

38. A. 由39、40两空所在的句子可以推断出此处选attitude。

39. B. 关于亲密的理解。我们会在什么时候感觉亲密?当然是感觉到被理解。

40. A. or表示与上句意思相反,结合第一段的情况,我们可能共同拥有一个住所,但是亲感上感觉疏远。

41. A. 从下文的描述“家庭的亲密根植于爱,用真诚的分享来浇灌,用真心的聆听来喂养”可以看出,这种亲密的关系要培养,它才会逐渐生长。

42. C. 固定搭配。

43.A. weather在这里是动词“经受住”的意思,与storm相关。

44. B. 与上句的意思相关,挺过最为艰难的时光。

45. A. 在信中“提及/指出”。

46. B. 竞选州长是一件很严肃的事情,应该用考虑。

47. D. have a good chance of 的意思是有很高的几率,与前面的well--liked相符。

48. B. but表示转折, starting that 表示原因。由此可以看出他改变主意change his mind。

49. A. 原因是他注重家庭,希望有更多的时间和家人在一起。

50. B. 进一步解释原因,并不是作了州长就不能以家庭为中心,而是他自己觉得需要有超过工作所容许的时间和家人呆在一起。

51. D. 在生意场上取得什么样的成就都没有家人重要。

52. A. lie in表示“在于”, result in 表示“结果”,而stay 和happen都不合题意。

53. C. 成功和失败靠…来衡量。

54. D. 与上句的意思联系起来,他因此把最好的自己献给家人,放弃竞选,这是一个决定。

55. C. 而这个决定正是他的选择,他选择把家人放在第一位。


Xinhua Sept.25,2008

       JIUQUAN, Gansu---China launched successfully its third manned spacecraft on Thursday with three astronauts on board to attempt the country’s first-ever space walk.

       The spaceship Shenzhou VII blasted off(发射) on a Long March II-F carrier rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the northwestern Gansu Province at 9:10pm.after a breathtaking countdown to another milestone on China’s space journey.

       On board pilots Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng are expected to orbit the earth for three days, when one of them will float out of the cabin about 343 kilometers above the earth.

       When they make it, China will become the third country in the world who is able to conduct extravehicular activity (EVA) in space following the former Soviet Union and the United States.

       President Hu Jintao watched the historic moment at the launch center, joined by Chinese experts and other work staff.

       Hu briefly met the trio astronauts before they entered the spacecraft Thursday afternoon, wishing them “a complete success in this glorious and sacred mission”.

       “During the mission, you will carry out China’s EVA with homemade EVA space suit, which is a great leap for China’s space technology.” said Hu.

       Other tasks of the Shenzhou VII crew include the release of a small monitoring satellite and a trial of the data relay of the satellite Tianlian-I.

       If successful, the mission would be of great significance to the country’s future plans to build a space lab and a space station, said ZhangJianqi, deputy chief commander of the manned space project.

In which section would the passage be seen in a newspaper?

       A.Science and Technology.        B.Entertainment.

       C.Sports report.                 D.Advertisement

Which one is NOT true according to the report?

       A.China launched its third manned spacecraft.

       B.The pilots on board are expected to orbit the earth for three days

       C.The spaceship Shenzhou VII blasted off  three astronauts on board.

       D.One of the three astronauts will float out of the cabin above the earth.

What is the great leap for China’s space technology during the space journey?

       A.The spaceship Shenzhou VII blasted off successfully.

       B.The astronauts will carry out China’s EVA with homemade EVA space suit.

       C.Three astronauts are expected to orbit the earth for 3 days.

       D.The spaceship Shenzhou VII will release a small monitoring satellite.

The tasks of the Shenzhou VII crew include the following EXCEPT ________.

       A.the release of a small monitoring satellite

       B.a trial of the data relay of the satellite Tianlian-I

       C.carrying out China’s EVA with homemade EVA space suit

       D.building a space lab and a space station   

Louis Armstrong had two famous nicknames(绰号). Some people called him Bagamo. They said his mouth looked like a large bag. Musicians often called him Pops, as a sign of respect for his influence(影响)on the world of music.

Born in 1901 in New Orleans, he grew up poor, but lived among great musicians. Jazz was invented in the city a few years before his birth. Armstrong often said, “Jazz and I grew up together. ”

Armstrong showed a great talent for music when he was taught to play the cornet(短号)at a boy’s home. In his late teens, Armstrong began to live the life of a musician. He played in parades, clubs, and on the steamboats that travelled on the Mississippi River. At that time, New Orleans was famous for the new music of jazz and was home to many great musicians. Armstrong learned from the older musicians and soon became respected as their equal.

In 1922 he went to Chicago. There, the tale of Louis Armstrong begins. From then until the end of his life, Armstrong was celebrated and loved wherever he went. Armstrong had no equal when it came to playing the American popular song.

His cornet playing had a deep humanity(仁爱)and warmth that caused many listeners to say, “Listening to Pops just makes you feel good all over. ”He was the father of the jazz style and also one of the best-known and most-admired people in the world. His death, on July 6, 1971, was headline news around the world.

Armstrong was called Pops because he ______.

A. looked like a musician                   B. was a musician of much influence

C. showed an interest in music             D. travelled to play modern music

The third paragraph is developed ______.

A. by space            B. by examples             C. by time             D. by comparison

Which statement about Armstrong is true?

A. His tale begins in New Orleans.              B. He was born before jazz was invented.

C. His music was popular with his listeners.       D. He learned popular music at a boy’s home.

Which would be the best title for the text?

A. The Invention of the Jazz Music.              B. The Father of the Jazz Style.

C. The Making of a Musician.                   D. The Spread of Popular Music.

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