摘要: took up 5. Take down


I take the train to work every morning from a train station near my house. I can get to the station quite  _36__ because there’s a short cut(捷径)to the station. But in the summer, it can get quite smelly because of all the   37. So I always try to   38   through it. Today I was trying to do so as usual __39__ something made me stop for a moment. I saw the most beautiful __40__ by an old woman walking in front of me with the help of a white __41__.
She was short and   42   and had white hair. She was walking __43__ as each step took some effort. I hadn’t specially noticed her   44 , until she stopped near a rubbish bin(垃圾箱).
She slowly placed her walking stick ___45__ the rubbish bin. Then she leaned (斜倚着) on it with her right hand. She bent down and _46__ the rubbish. She clearly found it  _47___ and it took her a while. She _48__ some rubbish with her left hand and slowly straightened herself up again. All the while she used the rubbish bin to __49   herself. She threw the rubbish inside the bin and then   50  walking. It all took her great effort.
There’s no much rubbish and no one ever does ___51__ about it. I was moved to _52__ this old woman make such a great effort to keep even a small part of it __53__! I haven’t been able to __54__ thinking about that all day.
I want to follow her example. I’ve decided to pick up rubbish of the __55__ if I meet from now on. I hope people will do the same as I do.

A.hardB.early C.easilyD.late
A.soB.therefore C.whenD.because
A.at midnightB.at duskC.at lastD.at first
A.in B.aroundC.againstD.under
A.searched forB.threw awayC.reached for D.looked for
A.unable B.difficult C.differentD.impossible
A.picked upB.dropped downC.put inD.lifted up
A.wall B.deskC.groundD.classroom


I take the train into work every morning from a train station near my house. I can get to the station quite  31  because there’s a short cut(捷径) to the station. But in the summer, it can get quite smelly because of all the  32 . So I always try to  33  through it. Today I was trying to do so as usual when something made me stop for a moment. I saw the most beautiful  34  by an old woman walking in front of me with the help of a white stick.
She was short and  35  and had white hair. She was walking  36  as each step took some effort. I hadn’t specially noticed her at first, until she stopped near a rubbish bin.
She slowly placed her walking stick   37  the rubbish bin. Then she leaned(倾斜) on it with her right hand. She bent down and reached for the rubbish. She clearly found it difficult and it took her a while. She   38  some rubbish with her left hand and slowly straightened herself up again. All the while she used the rubbish bin to   39  herself. She threw the rubbish inside the bin and then  40  walking. It all took her great effort.
There’s so much rubbish and no one ever does  41  about it. I was moved to see this old woman make such a great effort to keep even a small part of it clean! I haven’t been able to   42  thinking about that all day.
I want to follow her example. I’ve decided to pick up rubbish off the ground if I meet from now on. I hope people will do the same as I do.

A.easily B.hard C.early D.late
A.boxes B.bottlesC.paper D.rubbish
A.richB.weakC.clever D.sad
A.lifted upB.dropped downC.picked upD.put in
A.hideB.warm C.helpD.support


Growing up, I wanted to be just like my mom. She was kind. People always seemed to feel comfortable in her presence. For years, she was a volunteer in our community. I loved going to the local nursing home with her where she taught a ceramic class.
On one summer day, Mama told me to get changed and meet her at the car.
I had planned to spend the day at the lake with friends. Why did she have to ruin everything? I imagined the cool lake water. Irritated, I climbed into the car and slammed the door shut. We sat in silence. I was too upset to make conversation.
“Tasha, would you like to know where we are going?” Mama asked calmly.
“No,” I said.
“We are going to volunteer at a children’s shelter today. I have been there before and I think it would benefit you,” she explained.
When we reached the shelter, Mama rang the doorbell. Moments later, we were greeted by a woman. She led us to the front room where all of the children were playing. I noticed a baby whose body was scarred with iron marks. I was told it was because she wouldn’t stop crying. The majority of the children had noticeable physical scars. Others hid their emotional wounds.
As I took in my surroundings, I felt a gentle tug on my shirt. I looked down to see a little girl looking up at me. “Hi. You want to play dolls with me?” she asked. I looked over at Mama for reinforcement. She smiled and nodded. I turned back and said, “Sure.” Her tiny hand reached up and held mine, as if to comfort me.
My mom taught me a valuable lesson that summer. I returned to the shelter with her several times. During those visits, some of the children shared their troubled pasts with me and I learned to be grateful for what I had. Today as I strive to instill (逐渐灌输) these values in my own child, I reflect back to that experience. It was a time that I will never forget.
【小题1】The author admired her mom for ________.

A.her kindness to othersB.her excellent teaching
C.her quality of honestyD.her positive attitude to life
【小题2】According to Paragraph 3, when she was asked to go out with her mom, the author was ________.
【小题3】From the passage we learn most children in the shelter ________.
A.were often punished by staffB.weren’t allowed to go outside
C.were once treated badlyD.all suffered from mental illness
【小题4】The underlined word “reinforcement” in the passage is closest in meaning to “________”.
【小题5】What lesson did the author learn from her experience?
A.To value what you take for granted.B.To play with children is fun.
C.To love others is to love yourself.D.To do as what your parents do.


I took a trip after lunch and on my way home I stopped at a park in this beautiful little town. I really wanted to enjoy the    _ wind of one of the last days of summer. I know I still have a lot of time left according to the ___. But I’ve seen too many summers suddenly____

  When I had a rest at a __ , a man came, who was about my __ . Maybe we could have common topics. “Good _ _ , my friend!” he said as he _  _ down on the opposite side of the table. “You don’t live __ , do you?” “No, I’m just _  _ . I live about an hour and a half from here.” “What do you do for a living?” he asked. “I’m a _  _  .” “Well, I should have known,” he said.

Now he had my _  _ . How could he possibly know what I did for a living just by __ at me? “You were dreaming and wondering just like an author. I could see in your eyes. Most people see how _  _ the town is, but you see many other things most people don’t take the time to see.” I just wondered about his _  _ . “What do you do for a living?” “_  _  I’m a journalist (记者) for our local paper. But I call myself a reflection because I _  _ what I see in my job. My words can _  _  the world around me. I can write about what I know faithfully and I know these people for I have been _  _ here so long. So you can imagine how _  _ the news is here. They are in turn a reflection of me.”

If you had to _  _ what a good person would be like, could you fit the description? I hope you’re a good reflection.

1.A. cool        B. hot        C. strong         D. cold

2.A. schedule    B. weather    C. calendar       D. experience

3.A. start       B. change     C. worsen         D. disappear

4.A. chair       B. table      C. restaurant     D. station

5.A. height      B. weight     C. accent         D. age

6.A. night       B. afternoon  C. evening        D. morning

7.A. sat         B. settled    C.  calmed        D. lay

8.A. distantly   B. nearby     C. comfortably    D. alone

9.A. passing by  B. giving up  C. thinking over  D. walking off

10.A. designer    B. thinker    C. painter        D. writer

11.A. interest    B. secrete    C. trust          D. patience

12.A. shouting    B. working    C. smiling        D. looking

13.A. busy        B. scenic     C. wide           D. peaceful

14.A. career      B. situation  C. history        D. advantage

15.A. Originally  B. Actually   C. Really         D. Recently

16.A. report      B. consider   C. remember       D. study

17.A. record      B. decorate   C. monitor        D. reflect

18.A. watching    B. waiting    C. living         D. traveling

19.A. funny       B. important  C. truthful       D. numerous

20.A. copy        B. describe   C. draw           D. guess



I take the train into work every morning from a train station near my house. I can get to the station quite  31  because there’s a short cut(捷径) to the station. But in the summer, it can get quite smelly because of all the  32 . So I always try to  33  through it. Today I was trying to do so as usual when something made me stop for a moment. I saw the most beautiful  34  by an old woman walking in front of me with the help of a white stick.

She was short and  35  and had white hair. She was walking  36  as each step took some effort. I hadn’t specially noticed her at first, until she stopped near a rubbish bin.

She slowly placed her walking stick   37  the rubbish bin. Then she leaned(倾斜) on it with her right hand. She bent down and reached for the rubbish. She clearly found it difficult and it took her a while. She   38  some rubbish with her left hand and slowly straightened herself up again. All the while she used the rubbish bin to   39  herself. She threw the rubbish inside the bin and then  40  walking. It all took her great effort.

There’s so much rubbish and no one ever does  41  about it. I was moved to see this old woman make such a great effort to keep even a small part of it clean! I haven’t been able to   42  thinking about that all day.

I want to follow her example. I’ve decided to pick up rubbish off the ground if I meet from now on. I hope people will do the same as I do.

1.                A.easily          B.hard           C.early     D.late


2.                A.boxes          B.bottles         C.paper    D.rubbish


3.                A.go             B.walk           C.rush D.pass


4.                A.mark           B.color           C.back D.act


5.                A.rich           B.weak           C.clever    D.sad


6.                A.slowly          B.happily         C.quickly   D.angrily


7.                A.under          B.against         C.in   D.around


8.                A.lifted up        B.dropped down   C.picked up D.put in


9.                A.hide           B.warm           C.help D.support


10.               A.enjoyed        B.remembered    C.continued D.started


11.               A.everything      B.something      C.anything   D.nothing


12.               A.regret         B.keep           C.mind D.stop




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