摘要:4.The 20­kilometre­long subway is so far Guangzhou’s largest c project.


Have you ever come across this thing?When a rather dirty,poorly dressed person kneels at your feet and reaches out his hands to beg for a few coins,do you hurry to go,not knowing what to do,or do you feel sad and hurriedly __1__ some money?What should our attitude __2__ beggars be?There can be __3__ question that the world is full of terribly sad stories. It __4__ be terrible to have no idea where our next meal is going to come from. It seems __5__ not to give some money to beggars.

_6__,most of the world's great religions order us to be open­hearted and __7__ what we have with those unluckier than ourselves. But has the world changed?Maybe what was morally right in the old days,__8__ one knew exactly who in the village had suffered misfortune and needed help,is no longer the best idea.Quite a few people will not give some money to beggars.Let us look at their __9__.

Firstly,some believe that many city beggars dress themselves up __10_ to look pitiable but actually make a good __11__.Giving something to beggars only encourages this sort of evil(恶行).__12__,there is the worry that the money you give will be spent on beers,wines or drugs.Thirdly,there is the opinion __13__ there is no real excuse for begging.One might be poor,__14__ that is no reason for losing one's sense of __15__ and self­dependence.

Related to this is the opinion that the problem should be handled by the government _16__ ordinary people. Some people think beggars should go to the local government department and _17__ help.

It is hard to come to any final conclusion:there are various _18__ and we must __19__ them differently. A few coins can save a life in some situations,and even if the money is wasted,that does not take away the moral goodness of the __20__.

1.A. put away      B.hand over       C.take in           D.get out

2.A. at              B.in              C.over             D.towards

3.A. no             B.some           C.any              D.not

4.A. must           B.can             C.need             D.might

5.A. warm­hearted    B.generous        C.cruel             D.considerate

6.A. Strangely       B.Unluckily        C.Certainly          D.Surprisingly

7.A. give           B.donate           C.share             D.contribute

8.A. why          B.when             C.what             D.how

9.A.. arguments     B.quarrels          C.sayings            D.talks

10.A. on show      B.on purpose        C.for fun            D.by accident

11.A.money        B.comfort           C.living            D.decision

12.A.Secondly      B.Surely            C.Possibly          D.Then

13.A.what         B.whether           C.that              D.which

14.A. and          B.but              C.however           D.although

15.A. goodness     B.pride             C.security           D.responsibility

16.A. rather than    B.or rather          C.other than         D.but also

17.A. produce      B.receive           C.earn              D.offer

18.A. cases        B.events            C.conditions         D.states

19.A .go with      B.communicate with  C.deal with           D.meet with

20.A. giver        B.receiver           C.villager           D.government



第四节  完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


That night, Joe came back home very late, pulling his heavy legs, obviously tired.He then sat down by the window, ­ 26  his head.

Hearing her husband back, Kay  27  out of the kitchen, but to her  28 , Joe sat still,

without  29 .Usually, when he came back, he would greet her with a kiss or a hug.Immediately Kay 30 something unusual.She went over to Joe and asked, “Tell me, my dear, any 31  news?”

“Well, I have to say that things are not in our  32 .It seems that I have no  33 to defeat my opponent (对手).He’s much more  34 , for he’s been holding the position for nearly four years, and people think he’s done a  35  job.Many signs show that he’s in the 36 .”

“Oh, really? But I still believe you have our own  37 .You’re in your forties at the best age for a man.You’re new, so people have reasons to  38  you to do better.So let’s go to the voters and tell hem, ‘Give Joe Hart a chance, and he’ll show you who’s your better 39”

Their next three weeks were spent  40  different neighborhoods, going to all kinds of parties, and making speeches at universities and gatherings.Even Judy and Julie, their small children, went from door to door,  41  their “Please vote for our daddy, Joe Hart!”

The night before the  42 vote, the whole Hart family were too  43 to fall asleep.The moment before the final result was declared, their  44 were brought to their mouths, but at last they all  45 and burst into tears.

Joe Hart became head judge of the state of Texas, USA.

26.A.lifting         B.raising       C.hanging     D.combing

27.A.walked       B.looked       C.kept        D.stole

28.A.anger         B.joy          C.surprise     D.disappointment

29.A.hope         B.movement    C.patience     D.smile

30.A.said          B.sensed        C.told         D.did

31.A.lucky         B.exciting      C.new        D.bad

32.A.favor         B.way          C.place        D.sight

33.A.time          B.thought      C.chance       D.wish

34.A.interesting     B.experienced   C.lovely       D.fit

35.A.good          B.poor         C.beautiful     D.funny

36.A.success        B.office        C.lead         D.government

37.A.people        B.reasons       C.rights        D.advantages

38.A.force         B.expect       C.order         D.ask

39.A.choice        B.friend        C.leader       D.person

40.A.helping        B.visiting       C.inviting            D.traveling

41.A.answering     B.repeating      C.showing     D.offering

42.A.final         B.next         C.first         D.close

43.A.eager         B.sorry         C.anxious      D.happy

44.A.breaths       B.worries       C.tongues      D.hearts

45.A.left          B.arrived             C.laughed      D.jumped



A passenger told an air hostess that he needed a cup of water to take his medicine when the plane just took off. She told him that she would   26   the water in ten minutes.
Thirty minutes later, when the passenger’s ring for   27   sounded, the air hostess realized it at once. She was kept so   28   that she forgot to deliver him the   29  . As a result, the passenger was   30  to take his medicine. She hurried over to him   31   a cup of water, but he 32   it.
In the following hours on the   33  , each time the air hostess­ passed be the   34  , she would ask him with a   35   whether he needed help or not. But the passenger   36   paid attention to her words.
When he was going to get   37   the plane, the passenger asked the air hostess­ to   38   him the passengers­’ booklet(意见簿). She was very   39  . She knew that he would write down 40   words, which might result in the loss of her job.   41   with a smile she handed it to him.
Off the plane, she   42   the booklet, and cracked a smile,   43   the passenger put it, “On the flight, you asked me whether I need help or not for twelve times   44  . How can I refuse your twelve sincere smiles?”
That’s   45  ! Who can refuse your twelve sincere smiles from a person?
26.A.take     B.bring    C.carry          D.hold
27.A.food     B.drink    C.service         D.medicine
28.A.tired     B.silent    C.calm           D.busy
29.A.water    B.help     C.milk           D.warning
30.A.held on  B.held up  C.held out      D.held down
31.A.for       B.about    C.with               D.in
32.A.refused   B.accepted C.liked          D.hated
33.A.seat      B.air      C.floor           D.flight
34.A.customer B.passenger  C.guest          D.visitor
35.A.glance     B.look       C.smile          D.cry
36.A.never          B.often    C.always        D.seldom
37.A.on        B.to         C.off           D.from
38.A.hand     B.take      C.throw         D.lend
39.A.glad      B.angry    C.curious        D.sad
40.A.important B.sharp      C.polite        D.nice
41.A.So       B.Because  C.And        D.But
42.A.hid       B.tore      C.opened         D.closed
43.A.if         B.for       C.after         D.when
44.A.in all     B.above all  C.or else       D.or so
45.A.wrong    B.wonderful  C.impossible  D.right


Restoring the quake­hit ecosystems is a question of balancing the interests of the local people and the environment. Rural methane (沼气) projects can reduce the number of locals taking firewood from the mountainsides. The use of straw as food for animals will ensure that vegetation(草木) can grow. In Sihai township and Dazhuangke village, in Beijing, they now have a forestry coverage of 85% or more, compared to the 30% they had 15 years ago. Back then, land was used very inefficiently: one person would use 20 mu of forest just for firewood. With those pressures on the ecosystem, no amount of spending on reforestation will succeed. Then the government relocated the population and paid those who remained to tend the forest and provide coal. This reduced the pressures on the ecosystem and it was able to recover naturally.

         When an ecosystem has not been pushed past certain limits, it is able to recover on its own. Human involvement should only play a minor role, including after an earthquake. This is particularly the case for sandy grasslands, grasslands deserts, the mountains of the south and the northern sides of mountains in the north. In these areas soil remains and the water, light, heat and nutrients needed are available. Less human involvement is even more appropriate in areas with a small population, where it can avoid money being wasted on ineffective efforts, such as creating forests in dry areas.

         The creation of nature reserves should be a model to allow damaged ecosystems to recover. Funding can start at the national level; centrally­funded nature reserves can enforce environmental protection laws and help to promote the local economy. This will solve the problems of reserves being run to make money. When national reserves are funded, local governments will be able to adopt the same model and provide the funds for nature reserves from their own budgets. The first project should be established in nature reserves hit by the quake; these can then become models for other areas.

1.To restore the quake­hit ecosystem, government should ________.

A. forbid locals from taking firewood from the mountainsides

B. encourage local people to feed their animals just with straw

C. spend large amounts of money relocating the population

D. protect the environment without harming locals' interests

2.The forestry coverage in rural Beijing has increased greatly because ________.

A. pressures on land were reduced         B. a large amount of coal is provided

C. no people live in that area             D. locals take good care of the forest

3.According to the passage ________ play(s) a major role in ecosystem recovery.

A. local people                                                                B. nature itself

C. human involvement                                                 D. government's effort

4.According to the last paragraph, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Nature reserves could be helpful to recover the damaged ecosystems.

B. Centrally­funded nature reserves are beneficial to local economy.

C. Some nature reserves are created for the purpose of making money.

D. The first projects on nature reserves should be set up in quake­hit areas.



Not long before, my daughter's shoes were scratched with a knife.She burst into   36 .I took them to the shoemaker to get them   37
The young apprentice (学徒) glanced at the opening and said, " 38  I can do except replace the upper." His master looked at them and said to me, "If you   39  me, I will add more scratches on both of the shoes." K^S*5U.C#O%
I was   40  and asked why.
He explained, "As if the openings were made   41  for the sake of special style and reuse."
Two days later I found there were indeed more scratches on   42  shoe, but all the openings were patched (打补丁) by soft red leather with edges sewed by thick thread,   43 more unique and interesting than ever.I couldn't help but   44  the master's skill.
Another time, my wife's sister's white blouse had been torn, leaving a large opening on the back.My wife   45  the blouse carefully, and then said, "Let me take it   46 _ and mend it."
Seeing the blouse again, I was shocked: all the torn parts had been sewed up by thin and   47  thread and they   48  a look of ice crystal (冰晶) hanging from a winter's branch. 49  , she had attached a snowman and a cabin made of flowery cotton rags onto the shirt.I 50  with praise, "It's just as beautiful as a piece of   51  !"
"I was inspired by that craftsman.Patches are supposed to be   52 , but a skillful craftsman can make it take on a kind of perfection," replied my wife.
Her words inspired me even more: Perfection is   53  to achieve in everything; Patches are unavoidable, so is human's life.Since you can't   54  the existence of wound, you should not expect people's   55  by exposing the wound, which reveals nothing meaningful.

A.laughter B.cheersC.tearsD.speech
A.annoyed B.confusedC.disappointedD.discouraged
A.on purposeB.by accidentC.in vainD.beyond control
A.outsideB.downtownC.home D.abroad
A.red B.white C.pinkD.purple
A.took on B.put onC.decided onD.focused on


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