摘要:2. , he likes swimming.


Watson entered Mr. Smith’s office. The Boss was a hard man. He fired people who didn’t do well without giving them a second chance.

“Watson,” said Mr. Smith, “this past year your department hasn’t earned money. We’re going to drop that department. It’s finished. I’ m sorry, —but you’ll have to go.” “But, sir—if I just had a little more time. For the moment I need the job to keep my son at Riverside School.”

“What’s that!” said the Boss. “Riverside! I didn’t know you had a boy there. That’s an expensive school for a man with your salary.”

“I know, sir. But he likes it there so much! He’s a star trackman(田径运动员) and the best boxer in the school. The boys call him Champ(冠军) there.”

The Boss sat perfectly still for a long time—a faraway (恍惚的) look in his eyes. Then, suddenly, he said, “We’ve got to close your department, Watson. But you’ll take over a new job in another department. It means longer hours—maybe more pay. Now get out. You’re here for life.”

Watson got out, with surprise in his face. Then the Boss took a letter from the top drawer of his desk. It was Herbie’s last letter from Riverside School —written a few days before he died. He had read it over and over again with sick pain. The letter read: I can’t say the boys here are any nicer to me than the others were. I guess it’s the same everywhere when you’re a cripple (跛脚的人). But don’t worry about me, Dad. They’ve got a good chemistry department here. And there’s one boy here who is really great. He’s a track star and boxing champ and just tops in chemistry. The boys call him Champ. He made them stop throwing my books around. And he knocked a boy down who hit me. He is the best friend I ever had. Dad, when I grow up, I want to do something for Champ. Something big—that he won’t even know about.

Your son,   Herbie

1.The underlined word “drop” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by ________.

A. fall              B. close        C. punish         D. sell

2. It can be inferred from the text that Champ is_______.

A. Watson’ s son                  B. Mr Smith’ s son

C. a teacher of Mr Smith’s son       D. the son of Mr Smith’s friend

3.From the text we know that Herbie_______.

A. was a college student            B. didn’t live to grow up

C. made friends with many boys      D. died from a car accident

4.Watson was given a second chance because_______.

A. Mr Smith wanted to help Watson’s son

B. a man was needed in another department

C. Herbie told Mr Smith to do so in his letter

D. Mr Smith wanted to realize his son’s dream



When I was younger it seemed that the super hero was Batman or Spiderman. As I grew up, I looked to real people with some of these qualities to be my super hero including being strong, honest, friendly, brave, skilled, hardworking, and reliable. The person I think of when I hear these words is my dad.

My dad is one of the toughest people I have ever met. He has been through it all. When I was five, 60 percent of his body was burned. In 1999 he fell from a tree, breaking his arm and shattering his ankle. In 2004, he had a liver transplant (移植) after being on the list for six years after a bad blood transfusion that gave him Hepatitis C. Now, my dad is 45 years old and feels better than he has in 15 years.

My dad is one of the most reliable people I know. Anything I ask of him, he does. Whenever he tells me he is going to do something, it is always done before I get home from work. Whenever I need my dad, he is there. When I was ten and he told me my grandmother was going to die, I felt really down. He was the one there trying to cheer me up.

My dad has worked hard for everything he has. At home, he is always busy doing projects and has painted every room in our house. After our shop was built, he constructed an office you would think a professional built. When I do something stupid, he helps me fix it. Of course, he does his complaining, but I know he likes fixing things just as much as I like tearing them up.

My dad has been one of the greatest parts of my life. I have learned a lot from watching him and I don’t believe I will ever meet anyone like him. I hope when I grow up, I can possess the same qualities as my dad, and have someone look up to me as a good role model. This is why my dad is my hero. 

1.The author describes his father as reliable mainly _________.

A.by appearance     B.by example        C.by comparison      D.by behavior

2.What does the underlined word “shattering” mean in Paragraph 2?

A.breaking          B.transplanting       C.burning           D.destroying

3.The second paragraph is mainly about ___________?

A.the reasons why 60% of Father’s body was burned.

B.the successful skin transplant in 2010.

C.the sufferings Father has gone through in the last 15years.

D.the operations that Father had through his 45 years of struggle

4.Which of the following can best describe the father?

A.busy, tough and reliable                  B.strong, skilled and optimistic

C.tough, reliable and hardworking            D.rough, reliable and friendly

5.Which of the following can best serve as the title of this passage?

A.My Father—My Hero                    B.My Father and I

C.A Man Who Survived                    D.A Good Model to Respect







Creative Writing — by Mrs. A. McClellan

Creative writing is a course in which we study and apply the methods used in various forms of fiction writing. Writing is a skill of art in itself. We are guided by Ezra Pound’s opinion:“Make it new.”Creative writing does not only provide us with an opportunity to express ourselves, but also holds our attention to word choice, paragraph development, and other skills useful in writing.


Journalism — by Dr. E. Brandt

Journalism is a course for seniors, in which we will cover how to gather, write, and report the news. We will discuss how information is, or can be, organized. This course also aims to develop communication skills required of journalists.


A classic is a literary work that has stood the test of time. Generations of readers have turned to classics to discover that which is ever-lasting. Through both the works themselves and the people they mirror, we may better be able to see ourselves. In this course, we will read works in both British and American literature(文学). We will write reviews of what we read.


Technical Writing — by Mr. J. Allen

What is technical writing? It is the course devoted to improving your communication skills in, for , and through technology. Activities for this course will help you develop communication skills that are necessary for writers and speakers working with technology or in business.


Non-fiction — by Dr. M. Tim

The course is a study of non-fiction through reading many different types of non-fiction. The course will also be about the possible changes in journalistic reporting and the sharing of personal stories of various people on various topics such as travel and adventure. We will examine some of the best writing in the world and deal with the techniques used in this text type.


World Literature — by Mrs. A. McClellan

World Literature examines the common people found in quality Literature worldwide, from Europe to America, from Asia to Africa, and introduces a variety of cultural background at different points in history. In these worlds, we find not only what is unique to each culture, but what is universal. We are also able to tell what makes for a good story, no matter from where or whom the story springs.

46.Mike spent his childhood mostly in his father’ s study, where he read novels by British and American writers. Next term he will become a senior student. He thinks it’ s time that he read more of their works and learned to write about them.

47.Joseph is good at the language arts, and in his spare time he likes to write short stories. It is his wish that his stories would be printed in local newspapers. So he is thinking of taking a course to develop his writing skills, such as wording and paragraph organization.

48.A lively and caring girl, Anna takes an active part in social activities. She is trying to write reports for newspapers about what she sees and hears But few of them are accepted because of poor organization of information. She feels the need to improve her writing and communication skills next term.

49.Ian traveled worldwide with his parents when he was very young. Under their influence, he becomes greatly interested in stories of travel and adventure. He hopes to write his own stories in the future. So next term, he will choose a course to study the best writing of this type.

50.Susan comes from China. As a junior back home, she wrote quite a lot of short stories, some of which were published in newspapers. Her parent’ s suggest she read some classics by Asian and Western writers. She thinks it helpful in her writing. So she is going to take a course of this kind next term.



Vince, Jason, Rosa, Danny和Donna各自打算参加学校的一个俱乐部。阅读第71~75题中的个人情况说明和A到F六个俱乐部介绍,选出特合各人个性特征的最佳选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。

1. As a freshman in university, Vince enjoys a lot of spare time. But unlike some of his classmates who waste the time on sleep and computer games, he wants to make his spare time more colorful. He will use the first year to travel around to broaden his horizon.

2. Having traveled a lot, Jason realized the need to keep the beautiful scenery forever in his mind. So he saved money and bought a camera. Now all he needs is the skill to catch the breathtaking moment.

3. Smart and adorable, Rosa is a popular singer in her university. Besides, like an English-majored student, she speaks fluent and beautiful English. It always comes to her mind why not put singing and English together, it will be a perfect way to learn and entertain.

4. Everyone has a dream, so does Danny. He dreamed of becoming a diplomat(外交官) since childhood. So he likes to read the books concerning politics, economy and foreign affairs. His classmates thus gave him the nickname "Mr. Know Everything".

5. Donna spent her childhood mostly in her father's study, where she did a lot of readings about Chinese classical literatures. Now as a college student, she thinks she should make full use of her free time to read as many literary books as possible.

A.Siyuan Club It was founded in September, 2007. Our club is aimed at bringing students into traditional Chinese culture and classical literature. We have had some outings for visiting cultural relics and watched art movies related to Eastern and Western ancient cultures. All these activities can build a good link between Chinese and Western cultures.

B.View Forum This club aims to explore students' global view in politics and enable students to think logically and critically by looking at and discussing current events. There are 12 members and 4 meetings have been held on the discussion of several different topics. Students are encouraged to focus on the happenings in the world and build their own opinions.

C.Mathematics Club It is an academically-oriented club organized by students who are interested in mathematics, who are strong or even weak at mathematics. It is like an extended stage to continuously study mathematics outside the classroom. There are about 45 club members arranging regular team work, collecting updated exercises for extra practice, organizing lecture notes for revision and recruiting new members.

D.Photographic Club It was established by a group of shutterbugs with the purpose of promoting an interest in photography. Students can learn how to take and edit photos using professional software and have the opportunities to exhibit their works. Also the members are required to take pictures in all the university affairs.

E. Youth Club     It was founded in October, 2006. It is aimed at making students' spare time more colorful. Our club mainly organizes trips for both individuals and organizations and all our activities are based on investigation in order to give good service to students.

F. Harmony Club     Established in November 2007, this club is to teach traditional English song; and deliver English culture and music. One reason why it is so popular is that it often invites famous musicians to give coaching lessons here. You are welcome to join it.



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