摘要:去掉are 2.with---on 3.age---aged 4. as well---as well as 5.on---towards/to


     Canada's wealth comes from the exploitation of its rich natural resources and from the work of its
citizens. Canadians are employed in a variety of jobs. All of these jobs can be grouped into one of three
categories: extractive industries, manufacturing industries and service industries.
     Industries that take raw materials from the natural environment are called extractive or primary
industries. Canada has a wealth of natural resources. The extractive industries that have been developed
to exploit these natural resources make an important contribution to the wealth of our economy. Without
these extractive industries and the money they bring from other countries, Canada's economy could not
exist in its present form. Yet only a small percentage of Canada's labour force work in extractive
industries. Extractive industries rely on laboursaving machines instead of human labour.
     Manufacturing industries process the products of extractive industries into finished products.
Manufacturing industries transform raw materials into many different forms to be used by consumers or
by other companies. This processing may be done in one or more stages. For example, iron ore is
transformed into steel in factories. This is called primary manufacturing. The steel is then sent to
companies for further processing into cars, mining equipment, machines, nails, and other products-such
as bicycle frames. This is called secondary manufacturing.
     Manufacturing industries are located in many towns and cities across Canada. Companies try to build
their factories in densely populated areas because they want to near the people who buy their products.
If they locate near their customers, then they save money on shipping costs. Manufacturing industries
provide more jobs to Canadians than do extractive industries. Yet the number of people employed in
manufacturing is still small in comparison to the third category, services. As with extractive industries,
manufacturing process use many machines that require relatively few workers.
     Service industries provide services needed by the extractive and manufacturing industries, and by
society in general. Without these services, society could not operate. The majority of Canadian workers
do not produce "goods" in their jobs. Instead, they provide "services" for others. The range of services
is very great and includes such things as retailing, office work, education, health care, communications,
government, transportation, and personal services.
     Service industries in one form or another are spread over the entire country. In every community
there are stores, banks, schools, police forces, and dozens of other services. The majority of service
industries are found in town and cities because services are provided for people and there are many
more people in urban areas.
     Canada's economy depends upon the creation of jobs in all three types of industry.

                          Introduction All 1.________can be divided into three
categories: extractive industries, manufacturing
industries and service industries.
                   Extractive industries Extractive industries are also called primary industries,
which are 2.________with the exploitation of raw
materials from the natural environment.
                       industries Manufacturing industries 4.________raw materials
into products, which can be used by people or
Manufacturing industries can be
grouped into primary manufacturing
and 5.________ manufacturing.
Primary manufacturing 6.________
steel from iron ore for further processing.
Secondary manufacturing will then use
the steel to make products like cars,
bikes, etc. for people to use.
                    Service industries Service industries provide services the other two industries
need. Without these services, our society cannot 7.________.
Service industries provide jobs for shop
assistants, office 8.________,  teachers,
doctors, and many others.
Service industries mainly provide services
for 9.________.
                        Closing Our society is 10.________on all three types of industry.
     The Western world has  always  been  divided  into  two  types  of people-the cool and the uncool.
It is a   1    that starts in school. The cool kids are good at sports. They are    2    with the opposite sex.
They are goodlooking and people want to    3    their style. They can do their homework but they don't  
  4    a big effort. That would not be cool.
     The uncool kids are in the   5   of the playground. They are very bright,but they don't have great 
    6  skills and they are   7   at sports. When they are not programming computers or doing calculus
(微积分) in their heads, they are reading comic books and watching shows   8    the X Files. They
are   9   as the geeks (怪人).
     Here are the geeks. The geeks are taking over (占上风). Make friends with them now   10    they
will put virus in your computer and    11    your math homework to ruin. Geeks might not be popular at
school, yet they do pass their examinations, and they might not be too popular at university, but    12   
good degrees.
     The most important    13    of the 21st century, computers and IT, has been at least partly created
by geeks. Geek heroes like Bill Gates   14     others to follow their examples. Being a geek is a way of
earning good money. And the creation of the Internet gave them a   15    of their own to work and play
in,making them a global force.   16  , the effect of the geeks   17   popular culture has started a new
trend. It is now cool to be    18  . Geek culture is becoming an important part of general popular
culture, in which what you know is more important than   19    you look like.
But there are also   20  . Geeks were often bullied (欺侮) or laughed at in school. Now a geek may be
your boss. Perhaps it is time for punishment.
(     )1. A. division  
(     )2. A. pleasant  
(     )3. A. take    
(     )4. A. have    
(     )5. A. corner  
(     )6. A. operating
(     )7. A. good     
(     )8. A. like    
(     )9. A. admired  
(     )10. A. and     
(     )11. A. put     
(     )12. A. win    
(     )13. A. industry
(     )14. A. excite  
(     )15. A. room    
(     )16. A. Somehow  
(     )17. A. in      
(     )18. A. rich    
(     )19. A. how     
(     )20. A. risks  
B. part        
B. popular    
B. act        
B. suffer      
B. team        
B. speaking    
B. active      
B. for        
B. thought    
B. so          
B. place      
B. take        
B. progress    
B. discourage  
B. world      
B. However    
B. of          
B. uncool      
B. that        
B. questions  
C. class      
C. crazy      
C. copy       
C. support    
C. group     
C. social    
C. hopeless    
C. such      
C. known      
C. or         
C. bring      
C. wish      
C. discovery    
C. demand    
C. chance    
C. Though    
C. on        
C. attractive  
C. how much  
C. shortcomings
D. habit          
D. particular    
D. advance        
D. make          
D. center        
D. experimental  
D. sharp          
D. as            
D. treated        
D. that          
D. take          
D. finish        
D. improvement    
D. promise        
D. heaven        
D. Besides        
D. for            
D. handsome      
D. what          
D. chances        
     The Western world has  always  been  divided  into  two  types  of people-the cool and the uncool.
It is a    1   that starts in school. The cool kids are good at sports. They are    2    with the opposite sex.
They are goodlooking and people want to   3    their style. They can do their homework but they don't  
  4    a big effort. That would not be cool.
     The uncool kids are in the   5    of the playground. They are very bright,  but they don't have great  
  6   skills and they are   7   at sports. When they are not programming computers or doing calculus(微
积分) in their heads, they are reading comic books and watching shows   8    the X Files.  They are 
   9  as the geeks(怪人).
      Here are the geeks. The geeks are taking over(占上风). Make friends with them now   10     they
will put virus in your computer and    11    your math homework to ruin. Geeks might not be popular
at school, yet they do pass their examinations, and they might not be too popular at university,  but
    12    good degrees.
     The most important    13     of the 21st century, computers and IT, has been at least partly created
by geeks. Geek heroes like Bill Gates   14   others to follow their examples. Being a geek is a way of
earning good money. And the creation of the Internet gave them a    15    of their own to work and play
in,  making them a global force.   16  ,   the effect of the geeks   17   popular culture has started a new
trend. It is now cool to be    18  . Geek culture is becoming an important part of general popular culture,
in which what you know is more important than   19  you look like.
     But there are also    20  . Geeks were often bullied (欺侮)or laughed at in school. Now a geek may
be your boss. Perhaps it is time for punishment.
(     )1. A. division  
(     )2. A. pleasant  
(     )3. A. take      
(     )4. A. have      
(     )5. A. corner    
(     )6. A. operating  
(     )7. A. good     
(     )8. A. like      
(     )9. A. admired  
(     )10. A. and     
(     )11  A. put     
(     )12. A. win      
(     )13. A. industry  
(     )14. A. excite  
(     )15. A. room    
(     )16. A. Somehow  
(     )17. A. in      
(     )18. A. rich    
(     )19. A. how     
(     )20. A. risks    
B. part          
B. popular      
B. act          
B. suffer        
B. team          
B. speaking      
B. active        
B. for          
B. thought      
B. so            
B. place        
B. take          
B. progress      
B. discourage    
B. world        
B. However      
B. of            
B. uncool        
B. that          
B. questions    
C. class      
C. crazy      
C. copy       
C. support    
C. group     
C. social    
C. hopeless  
C. such      
C. known      
C. or         
C. bring        
C. wish      
C. discovery
C. demand    
C. chance    
C. Though    
C. on        
C. attractive  
C. how much  
C. shortcomings
D. habit      
D. particular  
D. advance    
D. make        
D. center      
D. experimental
D. sharp      
D. as          
D. treated    
D. that        
D. take        
D. finish      
D. improvement
D. promise    
D. heaven      
D. Besides    
D. for        
D. handsome    
D. what        
D. chances    
Helene Warton and her sister Charlotte don’t go to school. Instead they are taught in their 1 by their parents, Heidrun and Richard Warton. The Wartons are one of the rapidly growing number of families in Britain who are 2 with the school system. The most famous 3 is probably the Lawence family, whose home—taught daughter Ruth recently 4 a first-class degree at Oxford University, at the age of 13.

    Until Christmas 1982, Helence and Charlotte Warton 5 their local village primary school. But Helence, a clever and tidy girl, had difficulties, “I’m slow at writing and things like that,”she says, “I don’t like reading aloud; I got left 6 .” It was not until Mrs. Warton met another family who were members of a(n) 7 called Education Otherwise that she 8 that it was possible for children to be 9 at home.

    However giving up school can produce an unpleasant feeling and effect on both parents and children. “We were very 10 in the beginning”, says Heidrun Warton. We tried to 11 it like school at first. But gradually the family relaxed, and soon noticed the advantages of home education. Helence could work at her own 12 and began to read a great deal. Curiosity and self—motivation became very important. 13 was no longer competitive, it was divided into subjects and it became more practical. 14 learning from books, Helence and Charlotte started to cook, help in the garden, do housework, visit museums and other places of interest with her parents, and go to drama and music lessons. They got more 15 to see what their mother calls “real life”—their parents and other adults 16 everyday things.

    Heidrun Warton is not a qualified teacher, and she believes that parents don't need special qualifications (资格): “Young children want to learn”, she says. “You don’t 17 children at home; you just allow them to learn.” She has become very 18 about the normal school system. “Education authorities (权威者) are not willing to really 19 . They feel that they are experts, and the only ones 20 to teach children. But mothers will always teach their children more than anyone else-but in a natural way.”

    1. A. village        B. community      C. class         D. home

    2. A. pleased        B. dissatisfied     C. strict         D. content

    3. A. school         B. member       C. example        D. character

    4. A. accepted      B. wanted        C. gained         D. passed

    5. A. dropped       B. attended        C. finished       D. left

    6. A. ahead        B. behind         C. alone         D. over

    7. A. school         B. organization     C. project           D. company

    8. A. realized        B. recognized     C. suggested      D. considered

    9. A. kept             B. raised          C. educated       D. trained

    10. A. unsure       B. angry          C. happy         D. certain

    11. A. put             B. make         C. doing          D. get

    12. A. time         B. way          C. speed          D. idea

    13. A. Teaching     B. Learning        C. Training        D. Educating

&    14. A. Instead of    B. Except for       C. In spite of     D. As well as

    15. A. chances          B. lessons        C. places         D. choices

    16. A. having       B. doing          C. sharing        D. teaching

    17. A. except       B. encourage      C. teach          D. watch

    18. A. moved       B. satisfied       C. puzzled       D. disappointed

    19. A. operate      B. improve       C. remain           D. change

20. A. able         B. eager         C. special           D. easy




  The Western world has always been divided into two types of people--the cool and the uncool. It is 1 that starts in school. The cool kids are good at sports. They are 2 with the opposite sex. They are good-looking and people want to 3 their style. They can do their homework but they don't 4 a big effort. That would not be cool.

  The uncool kids are in 5 corner of the playground. They are very bright, but they don't have great 6 skills and they are 7 at sports. When they are not programming computers or doing calculus(微积分) in their heads, they are reading comic books and watching shows 8 the“X Files”. They are 9 as the geeks.

  Here's the geeks. The geeks are taking over(占上风). Make friends with them now 10 they will put virus(病毒)in your computer and 11 your maths homework to ruin. Geeks might not be popular at school, yet they do pass their examinations, and they might not be too popular at university, but 12 good degrees.

  The most important 13 of the 21st century, computers and IT, has been at least partly created by geeks. Geek heroes like Bill Gates 14 others to follow their examples. Being a good is a way of earning good money. And the creation of the Internet gave them a 15 of their own to work and play in, making them a global force. 16 , the effect of the geeks 17 popular culture has started a new trend(趋势). It is now cool to be 18 . Geek culture is becoming an important part of general popular culture, in which what you know is more important than 19 you look like.

  But there are also 20 . Geeks were often bullied(欺侮) or laughed at in school. Now a geek may be your boss. Perhaps it is time for punishment.


[  ]

A.division   B.part

C.group    D.habit


[  ]

A.pleasant   B.popular

C.crazy    D.particular


[  ]

A.take     B.act

C.copy     D.advance


[  ]

A.have     B.suffer

C.support    D.make


[  ]

A.the other   B.any

C.other     D.another


[  ]

A.operating   B.speaking

C.social     D.experimental


[  ]

A.good     B.active

C.hopeless    D.sharp


[  ]

A.like      B.for

C.such     D.as


[  ]

A.admired     B.thought

C.known     D.recognized


[  ]

A.and      B.so

C.or       D.that


[  ]

A.put      B.cause

C.bring     D.take


[  ]

A.win      B.take

C.wish      D.finish


[  ]

A.industry    B.progress

C.discovery   D.improvement


[  ]

A.excite     B.discourage

C.demand    D.promise


[  ]

A.space     B.world

C.chance     D.heaven


[  ]

A.Therefore   B.However

C.Though    D.Besides


[  ]

A.in      B.of

C.on      D.for


[  ]

A.rich     B.uncool

C.attractive   D.handsome


[  ]

A.how      B.that

C.how much    D.what


[  ]

A.dangers    B.questions

C.possibility   D.chances


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