摘要:40.A.social B.daily C.family D.school


China Daily Oct.11.2008-TheMinistry Of Health has called for more awareness from the public on the mental health of the young.as part of efforts to mark World Mental Health Day which fell on Friday.

More than 15 percent of Chinese youths have been found with mental problems.and about 30 million young people under 17 are suffering from depression,the Shanghai-based Wenhui Daily reported.The World Health Organization estimates that before 2020,the rate of children with mental problems will increase to 50 percent ,and mental problem will become a major factor behind deaths and illness in the young worldwide.

Dang Xianhong,the spokesperson for the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau,said rapid

social change is one of the reasons behind the rising number of youngsters with psychological problems.If these mental dispenses are not addressed on time, science of crimes,drug-taking

and other dangerous behaviors are expected to rise.Experts said mental diseases could be caused by many factors,such as the inability to handle interpersonal relations well, unstable emotions and pressures from an overload of studies.A number of expects have also said the one child policy is another reason leading to poor mental health in the young.Children are said to be too “spoiled”and“selfish”in a one child family.

It’s reported that schools in many cities are rolling out measures to help students maintain their mental well-being.Yin Jingmiao, a teacher of the Beijing No,105 Middle School,told China Daily that the school invites psychologists to provide counseling to students three times a month.“Students can be arranged to have 40-minute counseling sessions.” Yin said.“The school also gives lectures on mental health to senior grade students before they take the national college entrance exams to help ease any anxiety arising from the tests.”

Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.Efforts to Mark World Mental Health Day

B.Public Awareness on Youngsters’Mental Diseases Expected

C.How to Maintain Mental Well-being

D.Seriousness of Youngsters Mental Health Problems

The writer intends to tell us in the second paragraph that _____.

A.metal problems will become as serious as deaths and illness

B.only young people are suffering from metal health problems

C.mental health problems of the young are becoming a popular problem

D.the rate of children with mental problems will increase to 50 percent

Which could be the consequence if the problem is left untreated?

A.Inability to handle interpersonal relations.

B.Unstable emotions.

C.Drug.taking and other dangerous behaviors.

D.Rapid social changes

Why is Beijing No.105 Middle School mentioned in the passage?

A.To provide the students with counseling sessions.

B.To give an example showing how mental problems are dealt with.

C.To help ease the anxiety arising from college entrance exams.

D.To call on other schools to learn from No.105 Middle Schoo1.


Facebook means never having to say goodbye.The social media website has enjoyed a reputation for reconnecting old friends. Last week, a guy whom I hadn’t seen since my bachelor (单身汉) party five years ago sent me a friend request.I accepted and waited for “Easy E” to send me a greeting of some kind. He had sought me out, after all.

I learned from his profile that he was in a relationship and had a son.However, I’m pretty sure we won’t ever write wall-to-wall, let alone e-mail each other.But he’ll remain a friend of’ online until one of us makes a point of’ removing the other from his official list.

My pool of friends consists of family members, college buddies, co-workers from past and present, and friends of’ friends. There are 35 in all.If I spent some time uploading old e-mail addresses, I’m confident that I could increase my friend count actually.

A person could make a mission out of’ reconnecting with childhood friends, former classmates,  distant cousins, and those one would like to get to know better.And some people can even handle hundreds of no-screen relationships, keeping up with the daily happenings of their small army of’ companions.After all, there are worse fates than having too many friends.

Thanks to e-mail, the inability to schedule face-to-face meetings no longer means a friendship must come to a close.But even with e-mail, people will lose touch if one or both parties stop writing back.That’s normal.People move from school to school, job to job, city to city.You never have to feel guilty for breaking away.

Every day, the masterminds of’ Web 2.0 find new ways of’ making human communication easier. However, convenience can be a crutch(拐杖).Some things shouldn’t be simplified.Talking about friendship, there can be no shortcuts.

65.According to Paragraph l, the website is famous because  ___________ .

       A.it has an interesting name of “ Facebook”

       B.it helps people get in touch with old friends

       C.it can send people a greeting of’ some kind

       D.it reminds people of ‘events in the past

66.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

       A.There are 35 people in the author’s list of’ friends right now.

       B.The author communicates with all the 35 friends by e-mails.

       C.The list of 35 friends doesn’t include the old e-mail addresses.

       D.It is not difficult for the author to increase his friend count.

67.What does the writer mean by saying “However, convenience can be a crutch(拐杖)”?

      A.The masterminds of Web 2.0 also sell crutch online.

       B.Taking a crutch is a new way of’ making friends online.

     C.Convenience is dangerous for human communication.

       D.Convenience is not really good for human communication.

68.What does the author think of’ the convenience of’ communicating online?

       A.The technology could not keep true friendship forever.

     B.The social website of Facebook means nothing at all.

     C.There will be no ways of making real friends online.

       D.People will not lose friends with the help of the Facebook.



  In today's Internet age, the demand for online games continues to grow.Online computer game centers exist in many cities and towns throughout Asia.Facing the pressures of school and life, people tend to the virtual world, expecting an escape from these problems.Too often, however, they can lead to problems and unhealthy addictions.

  This is most clearly seen in the example of South Korea.The country has the world's highest percentage of high-speed Internet services.It also has a high number of online game players and related problems.In 2002, a young man fell down suddenly and died while playing online games.He had been playing almost nonstop for 86 hours at an Internet café.Another young man killed his sister after becoming confused between the online world and real life.A 12-year-old boy stole US $ 16, 000 from his father and ran away from home.He did this to continue his addiction with an online game.Such problems, however, don't just happen in South Korea.They are spreading to other parts of Asia, as well.

  What kinds of people develop online game addiction? What does the problem look like? Dr.SueHuei Chen, a clinical(临床的)psychologist, researches Internet addiction.She discovered some signs of at-risk individuals(个人)such as lacking friendships and good social skills.Those problem individuals feel it so difficult to stop playing online games that they could sacrifice things such as school or family.They feel the need to spend more and more time online.And they become upset if anyone tries to limit(限制)their online game playing.

  How many problem game players are there? In mainland China, the number of problem online gamers is frightening.In 2004, the China daily reported that China had 13.8 million online game players.Furthermore, it stated that 80 percent of these were under 25 and had signs of addiction.Such numbers point toward a growing problem among Chinese young people.

  Make sure to keep control over your online game playing.If you don't control it, it can get control of you.


Why do people tend to the virtual world?

[  ]


Because people like playing games.


Because people face the pressures of school and life.


Because they don't like studies.


Because they don't listen to their parents.


What is mainly discussed in the passage?

[  ]


The disadvantages of the Internet.


The online game problems in Asia.


The popularity of online games worldwide.


The cause of online game addiction.


According to Paragraph 2, which of the following statements is NOT true?

[  ]


The young killer's sister was killed in a fictional(科幻)world


Online game playing results in the young man's death.


People in South Korea have access to the Internet most easily.


The teenage boy stole money because of his playing games online.


What can we learn from the passage?

[  ]


Most people in Asia have developed an addiction to online games.


Online game addictions cause many life-and-death arguments in South Korea.


Lonely people seem to more easily develop Internet addictions.


In the year 2004 there were a total of 13.8 million Chinese visiting the Internet.



  People with less education suffer fewer stressful days, according to a report in the current issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior.

  However, the study also found that when less-educated people did suffer stress it was more severe and had a stronger effect on their health.

  From this, researchers have concluded that the day-to-day factors that cause stress are regular.Where you are in society determines the kinds of problems that you have each day, and how well you will cope with them.

  The research team interviewed a national sample of 1,031 adults daily for eight days about their stress level and health.People without a high school diploma reported stress on 30 percent of the study days, people with a high school degree reported stress 38 percent of the time, and people with college degrees reported stress 44 percent of the time.

  “Less advantaged people are less healthy on a daily basis and are more likely to have downward turns in their health.”leading researcher Dr.Joseph Grzywacz of Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, said in a prepared statement.“The downward turns in health were connected with daily stressors(紧张刺激物), and the effect of daily stressors on their health is much more damaging for the less advantaged.”

  “If something happens every day, maybe it’s not seen as a stressor.”Grzywacz says.“Maybe it is just life.”


Stress level is closely related to ________

[  ]


family size


social position


body weight


work experience


Which group reported the biggest number of stressful days?

[  ]


People without any education.


People without high school degrees.


People with high school degrees.


People with college degrees.


The less advantaged people are, the greater ________

[  ]


the effect of stress on their health is


the effect of education on their health is


the level of their education is


the degree of their health concern is


Less-educated people report fewer days of stress possibly because ________

[  ]


they don’t want to tell truth


they don’t want to face the truth


stress is too common a factor in their life


their stress is much greater


Facebook means never having to say goodbye. The social media website has earned a reputation for reconnecting old friends. Last week,  a guy whom I hadn't seen since my bachelor party five years ago sent me a friend request. I accepted and waited for "Easy E" to send me a greeting of some kind. He had sought me out,  after all.
I learned from his profile that he was in a relationship and had a son. However,  I'm pretty sure we won't ever write wall-to-wall, let alone e-mail each other. But he'll remain a friend of' online until one of us makes a point of' removing the other from his official list.
My pool of friends consists of family members, college buddies, co-workers from past and present,  and friends of' friends. There are 35 in all. If I spent some time uploading old e-mail addresses, I'm confident that I could increase my friend count actually.
A person could make a mission out of' reconnecting with childhood friends, former classmates,  distant cousins, and those one would like to get to know better. And some people can  even handle hundreds of no-screen relationships, keeping up with the daily happenings of'  their small army of' companions. After all, there are worse fates than having too many friends.
Thanks to e-mail, the inability to schedule face-to-face meetings no longer means a friendship must come to a close. But even with e-mail,  people will lose touch if' one or both parties stop writing back. That's normal. People move from school to school,  job to job, city to city.You never have to feel guilty for breaking away.
Every day,the masterminds of' Web 2.0 find new ways of' making human communication easier. However, convenience can be a crutch (拐杖). Some things shouldn't be simplified.When it comes to friendship,  there can be no shortcuts.
【小题1】According to Paragraph l,  the website is famous because          

A.it has an interesting name of'“ Facebook”
B.it helps people get in touch with old friends
C.it can send people a greeting of' some kind
D.it reminds people of 'events in the past
【小题2】From the second paragraph we can learn that the writer         
A.would write to the friend quite often
B.asked the friend to e-mail him
C.did get some information about the friend
D.would keep in touch with the friend forever
【小题3】Which of 'the following statements is NOT true?
A.There are 35 people in the author's list of' friends right now.
B.The author communicates with all the 35 friends by e-mails.
C.The list of'35 friends doesn't include the old e-mail addresses.
D.It is not difficult for the author to increase his friend count.
【小题4】What does the write mean by saying “However, convenience can be a crutch(拐杖)”?
A.The masterminds of Web 2.0 also sell crutch online.
B.Taking a crutch is a new way of' making friends online.
C.Convenience is dangerous for human communication.
D.Convenience is not really good for human communication.
【小题5】What does the author think of' the convenience of' communicating online'?
A.The technology could not keep true friendship forever.
B.The social website of Facebook means nothing at all.
C.There will be no ways of making real friends online.
D.People will not lose friends with the help of' the Facebook.


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