摘要: A. which B. that C. when D. where



When the first European arrived in the land now called Canada, around 400 years ago, there were about 350,000 native people living there. Most of these people were later forced to live in separate places, called reserves, away from the cities where the Europeans settled.

The French and the British both settled in Canada and fought for the control of it. Finally in 1763 Britain defeated France and Canada became a British colony. Today both English and French are the official languages of Canada. Most French-speakers live in Quebec Province.

Canada became a separate country from Britain in 1867. At that time it had a population of 3.4 million. Today Canada’s population is 30 million as a result of immigration(移民).

The first Chinese immigrated to Canada in the late 1800s. More have recently arrived and like to live in either Toronto, Canada’s largest city, or in Vancouver on the Pacific coast.

Canada is a cold, northern country with long winters, so winter sports are popular. Ice hockey is known as Canada’s national sport. However, Canadians also like to make the most of the short summer and enjoy picnics by the lakes or hiking in the mountains.

Canadians love to travel across their huge country and usually do so by car. But to get to some places you need to take a ferry. Really long journeys from the east to the west coast are taken by train or by plane.

Canadians celebrate many different holidays. One of the most important is Canada Day on July 1st which recalls when Canada became united. Another important day honors Britain’s Queen Victoria. It is called Victoria Day and is held on the last Monday in May. Like the USA, Canada also celebrates Thanksgiving.

59. We can infer from the first paragraph that _________________.

A. Canada has a history of about 400 years long

B. Europeans are the first people to arrive in Canada

C. Native Americans were not treated equally in Canada

D. Europeans and Native Americans always lived peacefully together

60. The first Chinese immigrants to Canada _______________.

A. came in 1867                                           B. lived in Toronto and Vancouver

C. added up to 30 million                              D. arrived in the late nineteenth century

61. The underlined part in the fifth paragraph is closest in meaning to _________________.

A. to make full use of                                          B. to offer the best of

C. to give up the biggest joy of                      D. to work through most of

62. The passage is mainly about ______________.

A. the history of Canada                           B. transport in Canada

C. basic knowledge about Canada                   D. the geography of Canada




       When important events are happening around the world, most people turn to traditional media sources, such as CNN and BBC for the news.However, during the war in Iraq in 2003, many people followed the war from the point of view of an unknown Iraqi citizen who called himself “Salam Pax ” .(Salam Pax means peace)

       Salam Pax wrote a diary about everyday life in Baghdad during the war, and posted it on his website.Pax’s online diary was a kind of website known as a “blog”.Blogs are online diaries, usually kept by individuals, but sometimes by companies and other groups of people.They are the fastest growing types of website on the Internet.

A blog differs from a traditional website in several ways.Most importantly, it is updated much more regularly.Many blogs are updated every day, and some are updated several times a day.Also, most blogs use special software or websites, which can help ordinary people easily set up and start writing their own blogs.

       There are many different kinds of blogs.The most popular type is an online diary of links where the blog writer surfs the Internet and then posts links to sites or news articles that they find interesting , with a few comments about each one .Other types are personal diaries, where the writer talks about their life and feelings.Sometimes these blogs can be very personal.

       There is another kind of blogging, called “moblogging ”, short for “ mobile blogging ”.

Mobloggers use mobile phones with cameras to take photos, which are posted instantly to the Internet.The use of mobile phones in this way made the headlines in Singapore when a high school student posted a movie he had taken of a teacher shouting at another student on the Internet.Many people were shocked by what the student did, and wanted phones with cameras to be banned from schools.

       Many people think that as blogs become common, news reporting will rely less on big media companies, and more on ordinary people posting news to the Internet.They think that then the news will be less like a lecture, and more like a conversation, where any one can join in.

49.Which statement about Salam Pax was true?

A.He worked for CNN.

B.Salam Pax was not his real name

C.He was famous as a host in BBC

D.He used a mobile phone for his blog

50.What is the biggest difference between blogs and traditional websites?

A.Blogs are updated much more often      B.Blogs contain links to other websites

C.Blogs use special software              D.Blogs contain personal information

51.According to the passage, which statement about the future is most likely ? In the future ____

A.everyone will have a blog

B.large media companies will be unnecessary

C.people will be able to learn the news from other points of view

D.blogging technology will be banned

52.What is the passage mainly about ?

A.the history of the Internet           B.new types of media

C.the war in Iraq                D.the increase of using computers



When the first European arrived in the land now called Canada, around 400 years ago, there were about 350,000 native people living there. Most of these people were later forced to live in separate places, called reserves, away from the cities where the Europeans settled.

The French and the British both settled in Canada and fought for the control of it. Finally in 1763 Britain defeated France and Canada became a British colony. Today both English and French are the official languages of Canada. Most French-speakers live in Quebec Province.

Canada became a separate country from Britain in 1867. At that time it had a population of 3.4 million. Today Canada’s population is 30 million as a result of immigration(移民).

The first Chinese immigrated to Canada in the late 1800s. More have recently arrived and like to live in either Toronto, Canada’s largest city, or in Vancouver on the Pacific coast.

Canada is a cold, northern country with long winters, so winter sports are popular. Ice hockey is known as Canada’s national sport. However, Canadians also like to make the most of the short summer and enjoy picnics by the lakes or hiking in the mountains.

Canadians love to travel across their huge country and usually do so by car. But to get to some places you need to take a ferry. Really long journeys from the east to the west coast are taken by train or by plane.

Canadians celebrate many different holidays. One of the most important is Canada Day on July 1st which recalls when Canada became united. Another important day honors Britain’s Queen Victoria. It is called Victoria Day and is held on the last Monday in May. Like the USA, Canada also celebrates Thanksgiving.

59. We can infer from the first paragraph that _________________.

  A. Canada has a history of about 400 years long

B. Europeans are the first people to arrive in Canada

C. Native Americans were not treated equally in Canada

  D. Europeans and Native Americans always lived peacefully together

60. The first Chinese immigrants to Canada _______________.

  A. came in 1867                                           B. lived in Toronto and Vancouver

  C. added up to 30 million                              D. arrived in the late nineteenth century

61. The underlined part in the fifth paragraph is closest in meaning to _________________.

  A. to make full use of                                          B. to offer the best of

  C. to give up the biggest joy of                      D. to work through most of

62. The passage is mainly about ______________.

A. the history of Canada                                  B. transport in Canada

  C. basic knowledge about Canada                   D. the geography of Canada


When a group of children politely stop a conversation with you, saying: “We have to go to work now,” you’re left feeling surprised and certainly uneasy. After all, this is the 1990s and the idea of children working is just unthinkable. That is, until you are told that they are all pupils of stage schools, and that the “work” they go off to is to go on the stage in a theatre.

  Stage schools often act as agencies(代理机构)to supply children for stage and television work. More worthy of the name “stage school” are those few places where children attend full time, with a training for the theatre and a general education.

  A visit to such schools will leave you in no doubt that the children enjoy themselves. After all, what lively children wouldn’t settle for spending only half the day doing ordinary school work, and acting, singing or dancing their way through the other half of the day?

 Then of course there are times for the children to make a name and make a little money in some big shows. Some stage schools give their children too much professional work at such a young age. But the law is very tight on the amount they can do. Those under 13 are limited to 40 days in the year; those over 13 to 80 days.

 The schools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in the profession for which they are being trained. So what happens to those who don’t make it? While all the leading schools say they place great importance on children getting good study results, the facts seem to suggest this is not always the case.

 People would stop feeling uneasy when realizing that the children they’re talking to________.

    A. attend a stage school      B. are going to the theatre

    C. have got some work to do     D. love singing and dancing

   In the writer’s opinion, a good stage school should ________.

    A. produce star performers

    B. help pupils improve their study skills

    C. train pupils in language and performing arts

    D. provide a general education and stage training.

 “Professional work” as used in the text means ________.

    A. ordinary school work       B. money-making performances

    C. stage training at school      D. acting, singing or dancing after class

  Which of the following best describes how the writer feels about stage schools?

    A. He thinks highly of what they have to offer.    

    B. He favours an early start in the training of performing arts.

    C. He feels uncomfortable about children putting on night shows.

    D. He doubts the standard of ordinary education they have reached.


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