摘要:54.A.share with B.offer to C.pay for D.take up


Back those photos up
The images were striking.Homes on the East Coast were washed away by Superstorm Sandy. People were in tears, picking up faded photographs, among their only remaining possessions.
If that doesn't move you to get serious about safekeeping your lifetime of memories, what will? The digital age offers tools never imaginable before—including one-click access to a lifetime of family photos.
Here is a brochure (手册) on how to back up (存) your photos and save them online, where they can live forever and be accessible in good times and bad.
The first step for those old photos is to scan them and save them to a digital format (格式).Most,printers come with scanners these days, so that's an easy but extremely time-consuming step.
Storing the photos
With your scans in place, import the photos into your computer, and back them up.
You could make multiple copies of the disks and spread them to loved ones.Or you could choose external (外接的) hard drives or USB thumb drive, and add your photo and video collection from your computer.
Online backup
If you need lots of space, look at a pure online backup service, Caronite.
Caronite backs up 300 million files daily.Once you sign up, it starts to pick up everything you have on your hard drive.But photo collection on your computer's main hard drive charges for $ 59 a year.
Cloud Storage
For folks who don't need automatic backup, but instead want to take a more active approach, Dropbox, Google Drive and Microsoft's SkyDrive let you store files online by yourself, share and instantly access them.All offer free options—2GB of free storage for Dropbox, 5GB for Google and 7GB for SkyDrive.But if you want more, you need to pay.
Bottom Line
The hard drive or flash drive is the cheapest and easiest.But drives can fail.Online services are more expensive, but more secure.With more of us switching back and forth between our computers, such services are the best way to get access to our data from wherever we are.
【小题1】What can we know from the passage?

A.Scanning photos takes little time but costs a lot.
B.The hard drive or flash drive is the cheapest and safest.
C.Google Drive offers unlimited free photo storage on line.
D.Caronite charges for backing up photos from hard drive.
【小题2】Which of the following allows storing files automatically?
A.Caronite.B.Dropbox.C.SkyDrive.D.Flash drive.
【小题3】The main purpose of the passage is to ______.
A.tell real stories about storage services
B.introduce some of the storage services
C.describe the functions of storage services
D.argue about the advantage of storage services


Back those photos up
The images were striking.Homes on the East Coast were washed away by Superstorm Sandy. People were in tears, picking up faded photographs, among their only remaining possessions.
If that doesn't move you to get serious about safekeeping your lifetime of memories, what will? The digital age offers tools never imaginable before—including one-click access to a lifetime of family photos.
Here is a brochure (手册) on how to back up (存) your photos and save them online, where they can live forever and be accessible in good times and bad.
The first step for those old photos is to scan them and save them to a digital format (格式).Most,printers come with scanners these days, so that's an easy but extremely time-consuming step.
Storing the photos
With your scans in place, import the photos into your computer, and back them up.
You could make multiple copies of the disks and spread them to loved ones.Or you could choose external (外接的) hard drives or USB thumb drive, and add your photo and video collection from your computer.
Online backup
If you need lots of space, look at a pure online backup service, Caronite.
Caronite backs up 300 million files daily.Once you sign up, it starts to pick up everything you have on your hard drive.But photo collection on your computer's main hard drive charges for $ 59 a year.
Cloud Storage
For folks who don't need automatic backup, but instead want to take a more active approach, Dropbox, Google Drive and Microsoft's SkyDrive let you store files online by yourself, share and instantly access them.All offer free options—2GB of free storage for Dropbox, 5GB for Google and 7GB for SkyDrive.But if you want more, you need to pay.
Bottom Line
The hard drive or flash drive is the cheapest and easiest.But drives can fail.Online services are more expensive, but more secure.With more of us switching back and forth between our computers, such services are the best way to get access to our data from wherever we are.

  1. 1.

    What can we know from the passage?

    1. A.
      Scanning photos takes little time but costs a lot.
    2. B.
      The hard drive or flash drive is the cheapest and safest.
    3. C.
      Google Drive offers unlimited free photo storage on line.
    4. D.
      Caronite charges for backing up photos from hard drive.
  2. 2.

    Which of the following allows storing files automatically?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
      Flash drive
  3. 3.

    The main purpose of the passage is to ______.

    1. A.
      tell real stories about storage services
    2. B.
      introduce some of the storage services
    3. C.
      describe the functions of storage services
    4. D.
      argue about the advantage of storage services

Learning just as much outside the Classroom

    Every Thursday afternoon,my art history class meets not in our usual lecture hall hut in the Yale University Art Gallery(美术馆).

    We spend our one-hour class discussing two or three of the paintings,many of which are by artists that we have already studied in class.

    The professor begins by selecting one work of art .After giving us a quick background on

the artist,he'll open up for class discussion. Everyone is strongly encouraged to give opinions

to the work.Not every piece we study is necessarily famous or striking in appearance and

subject matter,yet we always manage to make some interesting observations.

  In America,professors always take every opportunity to push textbooks aside and expose

students to real world experiences.

  With some creativity,almost any subject can be applied to such beyond the classroom learning.

  My art history class trips to the gallery are but one example.

  Many other disciplines (学科)also offer opportunities to learn outside the classroom,for instance,business,psychology,art,journalism and biology.

  A friend of mine from Yale taking an advanced psychology course spends every Saturday

working with mentally disabled children.

  Her mornings are spent playing with the kids and studying their sometimes uncontrolled behavior. Then in the afternoon she writes a report on her observations.

  Students generally appreciate these unique learning opportunities.They're almost always fun and interesting,and professors like them because students learn so much in just a few short months.

    No one denies(否认) the value of classroom learning.But it can only take students so far.

    Slides and textbooks may do a good job of carrying facts and dates,but creativity and originality (创造性)of thought cannot be taught.They can only be got through first-hand experience.

1.The writer studies art history        

    A.in a lecture hall                                              B.in an art gallery

    C.in a simple way                                             D.in a practical way

2.To study artists,we should first              

    A.meet and talk with them                      B.pay a visit to their hometowns

    C.get some information about their background     D.copy some works of theirs

3.In American universities it is popular for professors to          

    A.create textbooks by themselves

    B.teach their lectures through real world experiences

    C.ask their students to memorize the texts

    D.share their experiences with the students

4.The writer introduces one of his friends' experiences to us in order to        

    A.give us an example                                        B.praise the professor

    C.praise his friend                                           D.advise us to study psychology

5.The writer holds the opinion that   

    A.learning outside the classroom is the best way

    B.teachers should develop students' creativity

    C.professors had better shorten their lectures

    D.students should put their textbooks away



★This Week’s Highlights

  ●Visit the new College of Engineering Alumni Web for career services.

  ●coming events, photo collections, and career services.

  ●Reunion Weekend 2004 is just around the corner, and we invite you back to BU to take part in all the fun.

★BU Breaking News

  □Boston University Professor demands Napping at the Workplace in His Speech.(3/18)

  □Boston University Hosts Discussion on Putin, U.S.-Russian ties for Future.(3/11)

  □BU Physicist Receives Boltzmann Award For Excellent Work In Physics at the Conference.(3/8)


  □Learn more about the Young Alumni Council, serving alumni up to 15 years out of BU.

  □Offer students jobs for earning income to pay their taxes.

★Student Village will be the center of BU life.

  □Four BU students share their home schooling experiences, and the lessons they learned.

  □Scientists at the South End will study the world’s most dangerous microbes(微生物), and develop measures to bioterrorism.

  The Alumni Magazine

  Winter 2003


Which of the following statements is true according to the webpage?

[  ]


Alumni Web cares about BU’s scientific research rather than international situations.


BU provides students with home schooling.


Reunion Weekend 2004 is one of the most important news of this week.


Amumni Web was set up 15 years ago.


The underlined word “around the corner” probably means “________”.

[  ]


in the immediate future


at present


in the distant future


around here


If you are a biology student at BU, what is most probably your first choice after you finish reading the webpage?

[  ]


Watch the video of the Discussion.


Buy the magazine Bostonia.


Watch the video of the Conference.


Book tickets for the Reunion Weekend.



  We continue our Foreign Student Series on higher education in the United States.Now we move on to college life once you are admitted to a school.The first thing you need to value is a place to live.Housing policies differ from school to school.Students might have to live in a dormitory, at least for the first year there.

  Dorms come in all sizes.Some have suites.Six or more students may line in one suite.Other dorms have many rooms along a common hallway, usually with two students in each room.Many students say dormitories provide the best chance to get to know other students.Also, dorms generally cost less than apartments or other housing not owned by the school.

  Most colleges and universities offer singe-sex dorms, but usually males and females live in the same building.They might live on the same floors and share the same common bathrooms.They may live in the same room only if they are married.

  Edward Spencer is the associate vice president for student affairs at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg.He says it is important to understand the rules of the building in which you will live.He advises students to ask questions before they decide about their housing.For example, if a student requires a special diet, will the school provide it?How much privacy can a student expect?Will the school provide a single room if a student requests one?And what about any other special needs that a student might have?

  Virginia Tech, for example, had a ban against candles in dorms.But it changed that policy to let students light up candles for religious purposes.The university also has several dorms open all year so foreign students have a place to stay during vacation time.


Why do some students in the U.S.choose to live in dorms, according to the passage?

[  ]


Dorms allow students in the U.S.choose to live in dorms


Dorms are safer for students to live in most cases.


Dorms offer the chance to meet other people and are cheap as well.


In most schools students are required to live in the dorms.


The second paragraph is mainly about ________.

[  ]


what suites in American schools are like


what dorms in American schools are like


what dorms are owned by schools


when people get to know each other


Who is the passage most probably intended for?

[  ]


Visitors who want to pay a visit to America


New reporters who expect to report the college life in the U.S.


Travel agencies who take responsibility for training guides.


Foreign students who will study in the U.S.


We can infer from what Edward Spencer says that ________.

[  ]


colleges usually don’t provide a special diet


housing rules differ from one building to another


a ban against candles in dorms is necessary


the U.S.college always satisfies students’ requests


What is the passage mainly about?

[  ]


Places to live in U.S.colleges


housing polices in the U.S.


Advantages of dormitories


Rules of single-sex dorms


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