

★This Week’s Highlights

  ●Visit the new College of Engineering Alumni Web for career services.

  ●coming events, photo collections, and career services.

  ●Reunion Weekend 2004 is just around the corner, and we invite you back to BU to take part in all the fun.

★BU Breaking News

  □Boston University Professor demands Napping at the Workplace in His Speech.(3/18)

  □Boston University Hosts Discussion on Putin, U.S.-Russian ties for Future.(3/11)

  □BU Physicist Receives Boltzmann Award For Excellent Work In Physics at the Conference.(3/8)


  □Learn more about the Young Alumni Council, serving alumni up to 15 years out of BU.

  □Offer students jobs for earning income to pay their taxes.

★Student Village will be the center of BU life.

  □Four BU students share their home schooling experiences, and the lessons they learned.

  □Scientists at the South End will study the world’s most dangerous microbes(微生物), and develop measures to bioterrorism.

  The Alumni Magazine

  Winter 2003


Which of the following statements is true according to the webpage?

[  ]


Alumni Web cares about BU’s scientific research rather than international situations.


BU provides students with home schooling.


Reunion Weekend 2004 is one of the most important news of this week.


Amumni Web was set up 15 years ago.


The underlined word “around the corner” probably means “________”.

[  ]


in the immediate future


at present


in the distant future


around here


If you are a biology student at BU, what is most probably your first choice after you finish reading the webpage?

[  ]


Watch the video of the Discussion.


Buy the magazine Bostonia.


Watch the video of the Conference.


Book tickets for the Reunion Weekend.



This is your chance to win a Breakaway weekend for two people at any of the 83 Breakaway hotels throughout Britain.

  To win the Breakaway weekend for two, answer these four questions and send your entry, to arrive not later than 31 July, 1999, to Team House, 24 Church Street, Ashford, Kent, TN 25 5BJ.

  1. The St Cincent Rocks Hotel, Bristol is on the Avou Gorge which is crossed by the Clifton Bridge. Who designed the bridge?

  2. The Aerodrome Hotel, Croydon is next to the airfield from which England's solo (单独的) pilot made her record nights the 1930s. Who was she?

  3.The Talbot Hotel, Oundle, Northants is not far from the village of Fotheringgay and the castle where one of history's most famous queens was imprisoned. Who was she?

  4. The Larkfield Hotel, Maidstone is a few miles away from one of England's top motor racing tracks. What is the name of the track?

  The person whose correct entry is picked out first by a computer will win the prize. This decision is final. The winner will be sent an excellent value Breakaway booklet giving details of the 83 hotels from which he/she can choose where to spend the prize weekend

  Every Breakaway hotel gives you the chance to see something different, while providing you with comfortable surroundings and good food.

  A Breakaway weekend includes a three-course dinner, accommodation (房间) and a full English breakfast, for two nights. You also get Sunday lunch, either a traditional meal at your hotel, or, if you are planning to go sightseeing, the hotel will provide a packed lunch for you.

  Breakaway hotels are great places for families. Children can choose from their own special menu, and for those up to12 years old accommodation is free of charge when sharing a room with their parents.

  A splendid value Breakaway booklet will be sent to you if you dial this number: 025257527.

(1)Entries for the competition which arrive on 31 July, 1999 will ________.

[  ]

A. be too late for the competition

B. be entered with the others

C. have a better chance of winning

D. go to a different address

(2)Question 4 in the competition is different from the others because ________.

[  ]

A. the hotel described is a modern one

B. it asks about a place not a person

C. the hotel can be reached easily by ear

D. the answer is the name of a man

(3)The announcement suggests that the best way to get a Breakaway booklet is to ________.

[  ]

A. enter the competition

B. write to one of the hotels

C. write to Team House.

D. telephone 025257527

(4)The competition will be won by the person ________.

[  ]

A. who sends in the first correct answers

B. whose correct entry is chosen by a computer

C. whose entry arrives first on 31 July

D. whose entry is the final one chosen by the computer


This Weekend!

  Saturday, May 24

Star WarsⅡ Bus leaves N flagpole at 5∶45 p.m.Return leaves immediately following the movie.Cost $15.Sign up on SWIS by noon on Thursday.

BLOCK PARTY! Bands, volleyball.Starts at 6∶00 p.m.

Grandin Cinema Presents:Hearts in Atlantis.A single mother and her son change when a nice looking stranger enters their life.Grandin, 7∶00 p.m.

NMH Theatre presents a modern play by Don Nigro.Silverthorne Theatre, 7∶30 p.m.Tickets are $ 2 for NMH students, teachers and staff and $ 4 for all others.Anyone wishing to book tickets should SWIS Jake Kavanagh.

  Sunday, May 25

Trip to Six Flags Amusement Park! Bus leaves N flagpole at noon, MH Holbrook 12∶15 pm.Return leaves park at 21∶00 p.m.This trip includes the following two films and is only for those students not attending the Chat.Cost $33.Sign up on SWIS or at the ticket office by noon on Thursday.

Dolben Cinema PresentsHeroes and Heroines.Jennifer Lopez in Anaconda A “National Geographic” film crew is taken hostage by a hunter with a gun, who takes them along in his search for the world's largest and deadliest snake.Dolben, 8∶00 p.m.

Grandin Cinema PresentsThe Others.A woman who lives in a darkened old house with her two children becomes sure that there are ghosts in their house.Grandin, 8∶00 p.m.


According to the passage, NMH is a ________.

[  ]








travel office


How many movies will be on this weekend?

[  ]










What can we learn from the passage?

[  ]


All the weekend activities were organized by Jake Kavanagh.


Two of the movies mentioned in the ads are about social problems.


Those who go to the amusement park will stay there for more than 10 hours.


An NMH student inviting his parents to watch the play together should pay $10.

     This is time of year when we think about giving and receiving presents. Can you find a little
extra(额外的东西)to give? On this page we suggest a few organizations you might like to help.
Littleton Children's Home
     We don't want your money, but children's toys, books and clothes in good condition would be very
     Also,we are looking for friendly families who would take our children into their homes for a few hours
or days and give them not only food but also love. You have so much-will you share it?
     Phone Sister Thomas on 55671.
     Children's Hospice
     We look after a small number of very sick children. This important work needs skill and love. We
cannot continue without gifts of money to pay for more nursing staff(员工). We also need story books and toys suitable for quiet games.
Street Food
     In the winter weather, it's no fun being homeless. It's even worse if you're hungry.
     We give hot food to at least fifty people every night. It's hard work, but necessary. Can you come and help? If not, can you find a little money? We use a very old kitchen, and we urgently need some new
sauce pans. Money for new would be most welcome indeed.
     Contact Street Food, c/o Mary's House, Elming Way, Littleton. Phone 27713.
     Littleton Youth Club
     Have you got an unwanted chair? -a record player? -a pot of paint?
     Because we can use them!
     We want to get to work on our meeting room!
     Please phone 66231 and we'll be happy to collect anything you can give us.
     Thank you!
     Night Shelter
     We offer a warm bed for the night to anyone who has nowhere to go. We rent the former Commercial Hotel on Green Street. Although it is not expensive, we never seem to have quite enough money. Can you
let us have a few pounds? Any amount, however small, will be such a help.
     Send it to us at 15, Green St, Littleton. Please make a check payable to Night Shelter. You can also
call us at 62735.
1. If you like children and you could offer a happy family to a homeless child, you may go to          .  
A. Street Food                  
B. Night Shelter
C. Littleton Children's Home      
D. Children's Hospice
2. We can infer that       .
A. there are too many social problems in this country
B. people are very poor during the time for giving
C. warm-hearted people like to give away money
D. this passage is taken from a local newspaper
3. If you want to help but you have no extra to give, you may dial___ and offer your help.
A. 27713  
B. 55671    
C. 62735    
D. 66231
4. If your child has grown up, you may take the child's things to           .
A. Littleton Children's Home and Children's Hospice
B. Littleton Youth Club and Littleton Children's Home 
C. Children's Hospice and Night Shelter
D. Littleton Youth Club and Night Shelter
     This year, Chongqing primary schools decide to start morning classes an hour later. This will help
students feel less tired. And most primary schools will begin the first classes at about9o'clock in the
     The students are happy about the change.
     Liu Ming told us that his class were excited by the news on the first day of the school. "Great! From
now on we students at Hope Primary School don't have to get up so early!" Liu said that he used to get
up at 6:40 am. Now he can get up at 7:50 am because class doesn't start until 8:50 am.
     Wu Hong feels the same. She said the new timetable(时间表) was good for her health. "I used to get
up at 6:30 am. I had to drink coffee every night, or I would feel too sleepy to finish my homework," said Wu. "Now I can finish it without coffee. Because I can sleep a little longer."
     Many teachers say the change will help students learn better. "Students used to doze(瞌睡) for the
first two classes in the morning," said Huang Shan, an English teacher at No. 1 Primary School. "But now
they are active and learn much better than before."
     But some parents are worried that more sleep will mean less learning. There used to be five classes in
the morning. Now there are only four.
      In fact, every coin has two sides. So does the change in the school timetable.

1 This year, most Chongqing primary schools started the first class at about ________.

A. 8:30 am      
B. 6:40 am    
C. 7:50 am      
D. 9:00 am

2. Hearing the news, the students at Hope Primary School felt _______.

A. worried      
B. sad          
C. excited      
D. angry

3. How many classes are there in the morning in Chongqing primary schools now?

A. Five.        
B. Four.        
C. Three.        
D. Two.

4. Which is RIGHT according to the text?

A. The students in No. 1 Primary School used to doze for the first two classes in the morning.
B. All the parents say the change will help students learn better.
C. The students will have to get up one hour earlier than before.
D. Many teachers are worried that more sleep will mean less learning.

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