摘要: 答案A [解析]as引导原因状语从句.句意:因为这本书出版了.所以我有机会让Sam看到我所有想说的话.



某校正在开展课外阅读小组活动Peter, Helen, Catherine, Elizabeth和Jessica想根据自己小组成员的喜好找一篇英语阅读材料。阅读下面某报纸的文章摘要(A, B, C, D, E, F),选出适合他们的文章,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

1.Peter’s group members are fond of an article which can help them to find something that can both challenge their intelligence and provide entertainment.

2.Helen’s group members are fashionable and fond of advanced technology.They like reading something that can provide them with inspirations in achieving success and changing people’s way of life.

3.Catherine’s group members are athletic and spend a lot of time working out.They are fond of any stories about stars in the sports world.

4.Elizabeth’s group members want to read some articles which can help them keep pace with the trend of fashion.They hope to find in the article some hints on helping improve their appearances.

5.Jessica’s group members are keen on becoming volunteers and therefore are looking for some articles that can increase their chances of being chosen.


Wang’s little big ideas

Apps are transforming smart phones into multi-tasking gadgets that can locate a good restaurant and even help you with your love life.As the iPhone4 hits China, Zhang Chunmei meets the Chinese programmer behind an App Store bestseller to find how a tiny idea can make a big difference and how apps influence our digital lifestyle.


Showcase for talent

Susan Boyle, you better watch out.Semifinal day on China’s Got Talent is fast approaching and these contestants(竞争者) just might push you off your pedestal (宝座).Like them or hate them, there’s no denying the contestants are causing something of a stir across the country.The performers singled out on this page will certainly offer a show about which you’ll have something to say.


Top of the crops

You might think Fashion Week is about dresses rather than hairstyles.But you’d be wrong.Whether the models are in New York, London or Milan, who’s sporting the prettiest, trendiest or most shocking hairstyle is as hot a topic as the clothes on the catwalk.Despite the many hair highlights of the 2010 Fashion Week, we’ve managed to comb through the masses of material to pick a few of our favorites here.


Movie messes with your head

Driving home from a screening of Inception, my husband said to me: “I don’t know how you are going to write about this movie.” “What, you mean without giving anything away?” I asked.“No,” he said.“I don’t know how you are going to explain what it’s about.” The film, by writer-director Christopher Nolan, is a gorgeous(极好的), technically perfect symphony(交响曲) of images and ideas.


Woods to split

The marriage between the golf star and his wife is officially over.Official divorce papers state that “the marriage between the parties is irretrievably broken”, thus bringing to an end the couple’s six-year marriage.Woods and Nordgren have lived apart since Woods’ November 2009 car crash, which was followed by Woods’ public admission of a series of affairs with other women.


Flowers set to bloom

What exactly does it take for a young woman to be considered a “campus flower?” Some say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but surely there must be certain essential criteria.Perhaps we can get some answers by taking a closer look inside the training camp of the Universiade Star in Shenzhen, a competition organized to select the guides, waiters, torchbearers and flag bearers for the 2011 games.










1. C___________ drove me inside.

2. Fresh air is of great b___________ to our health.

3. It’s important to know your own strengths and w___________.

4.China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals, when people a__________ the moon and in China, enjoy mooncakes

5.Many a child ___________ to death in Africa because of the lack of food last century.

6. At the beginning of the year, farmers usually have a lot of a___________ work to do.

7. The c__________ of some European countries are quite different from ours.

8. Without p___________, you cannot take photos here.

9. He managed to save the d___________ girl, which was praised by many people.

10.The famous “ Oprah Winfrey Show” is b___________ live every Friday on CNN.

【答案】11.Curiosity   12. benefit   13. weaknesses   14. admire    15. starved  

16. agricultural 17. customs 18. permission  19. drowning  20.broadcast









第Ⅱ卷  (两部分,共35分)




Left behind, we watched as Shackleton and the boat sailed away from Elephant Island. The danger of what lay ahead of them, the chances of them ever returning to find us, the fear that we might never know their fate and possible delays, at first made us feel low and discouraged. But it was not for long. There was nothing like a good dinner of penguin(企鹅) and some dynamic music to make a man feel more cheerful again.

Life now fell into a regular pattern. Just keeping alive took all our time and energy. For example, we had to gather fresh water by grasping and then melting sea-ice. If this drinking But melting the ice was a problem. With no trees growing on Antarctica and no oil, the only fuel we could use was seal fat. This gave off oily, black smoke but had he advantage of burning strongly in fierce winds. We could also eat the remains when the fire died down.

Food was also a problem as there were no vegetables or fruit to be found. As one of’ our group, Lionel Greenstreet noted in his diary after a few weeks how bored he was with the meals: “The food now is pretty well all meat -- seal steaks, cooked seal, penguin steaks, cooked penguin liver.” As a chef, it was my duty to clean and cook these animals, so I was soon being encouraged to vary the meals in whatever way I could. It was difficult.

We had to be very particular about our personal care because a changeable temperature could harm us. It was almost as dangerous to become too hot from wearing too many clothes as to become too cold from wearing too few. Becoming too hot led to sweating and this could freeze very quickly. Another part of the body that needed special caution was the eyes. The ice and snow reflected dangerous rays from the sun so that if we did not wear sunglasses we would suffer from sun-blindness.

Four months of this was as much as the twenty-two of us could bear in this bone-numbing cold. We were lucky that our group wolf worked hard to show an admirable mental attitude and dealt with our ever-present fears in a positive and successful way. Above all, Shackleton encouraged us to have celebrations: for birthdays, festivals or even just because of a good catch of penguin. This kept us cheerful and encouraged harmony in the group.

When rescue did come, we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears. We were at last free to go home to a warm bed, good food and the care of our family and friends. Our optimism and faith in Shackleton had helped us persevere in staying alive and he had repaid us by his commitment to return and save us from a slow but painful death.

Main Points



Shackleton and his boat having (71)   ▲   away, we stayed on Elephant Island, feeling low and discouraged. A dinner of penguin and dynamic music (72)    ▲   us up.

Water problem

To gather fresh water, we grasped and then melt sea-ice by(73)    ▲  

seal fat.

(74)   ▲  problem

Food lacked variety, with only meat from seals and penguins.

Personal care

● Sweating from wearing too many clothes and(75)   ▲   from wearing too few could do harm to us.

● We needed to be (76)   ▲   of the eyes’ being harmed by the dangerous reflected rays from the sun.

(77)    ▲   for our survival

● Our positive (78)    ▲   

● Having celebrations

● Harmony in the group


Four months later, we were (79)   ▲   by Shackleton. And he

(80)    ▲    his promise.





Communication Principles

How you see yourself can make a great difference in how you communicate.“Every individual exists in a continually changing world of experience of which he(or she)is the center”.Many communication scholars and social scientists believe that people are products of how others treat them and of the messages others send them.But every day we experience the centrality of our selves in communication.A student.for instance,may describe a conflict with a teacher as unfair treatment:“I know my teacher doesn’t like the fact that I don’t agree with his opinions.and that’s why he gave me such a poor grade in that class.”The teacher might say the opposite.Each person may believe that he is correct and that the other person’s view is wrong.

The concept of serf originates in communication.Through verbal and nonverbal symbols, a child learns to accept roles in response to the expectations of others.You establish self-image。The sort of person you believe you are,by how others think of you.Positive,negative,and neutral messages that you receive from others all play a role in determining who you are.Communication itself is probably best understood as a dialogue process.Our understanding of communication comes from our interactions with other people.In a more obvious way.communication involves others in the sense that a competent communicator considers what the other person needs and expects when selecting messages to share.So,the communication begins with the self,as defined largely by others,and involves others,as defined largely by the self.

Communication Occurs almost every minute of your life.If you are not communicating  with yourself(thinking,planning,reacting to the world around you),you are observing others and drawing inferences from their behavior.Even if the other person did not intend a message for you.you gather observations and draw specific conclusions.A person yawns and you believe that person is bored with your message.A second person looks away from you and you conclude that person is not listening to you.A third person smiles(perhaps because of a memory of a joke he heard recently) and you believe that he is attracted to you.We are continually picking up meanings from others’ behaviors and we are constantly providing behaviors that have communicative value for them.

More often than not,you may have hurt someone accidentally and you may have tried to explain that you did not mean that. You may have told the other person that you were sorry for your statement.You may have made a joke out of your rude statement.Nonetheless,your comment remains both in the mind of the other person and in your own mind.You cannot go back in time and erase your messages to others.Communication cannot be reversed(倒退),nor can it be repeated.When you tried to re—create the atmosphere,the conversation,and the setting,nothing seemed right.Your second experience with a similar setting and person made far different results.

Paragraph outline

Supporting Details

Communication begins with the self

●People are somewhat products of others’ treatment and messages.

●we are always(71)  ▲  in communication with others.

Communication (72) ▲ others

●Experiences of others help children learn to accept roles.

●Messages from others help you(73)  ▲  who you are.

●Needs and(74)  ▲  of others should be considered.


(75)  ▲ everywhere

●We are communicating with ourselves by thinking,planning and reacting to the outside world.

●We are always(76)  ▲  other people by observing even if they do not intend any message for you.

●We are constantly collecting meanings from others’(77)  ▲  .

●We are constantly(78)  ▲  meanings by what we do.

Communication cannot be reversed nor repeated

●You may explain what you have done,but you cannot(79)  ▲    what remains in the other person’s mind.

●Yon may redo the conversation,but you(80)  ▲  achieve the same results.





   A couple of years ago, I received a $ 600 insurance dividend (保险股息).Sitting at the kitchen table, my wife and I discussed what we might do with the money. I realized now that the refrigerator overheard our talk. The very next day it went wrong. The repairman told us we needed a new unit. Cost:$600. Not long after that, we got a refund(赔偿金)from the shop, enough to pay for a trip to Mexico. “I’ve something to tell you,” I said to my wife in a low voice. “How about the living-room?” she suggested. I remembered the color TV set was there. “No, not there. Let’s go out.” I showed her the check as we stood on the driveway. We held each other excitedly and hardly noticed the rain. My car was parked within5 meters. I didn’t think anything about it at the time. As I started for the airport the next day, the car began making strange sounds. Changing the engine cost about $ 1, 000.

Then I looked through our financial records. I discovered that during the last ten years we spent all our “found money” repairing a hot water heater, a television and a stove.

I never mention money in front of our mechanical equipment. But if this article is published and I am paid for, the word processor(文字信息处理机)is going to go for sure. It’ll know.

1. What went wrong first as the writer’s?

   A. The refrigerator          B. The stove

   C. The TV set              D. The engine of the car

2. What has been repaired and still remains all right?

   A. The car                 B. The color TV set

   C. The stove               D. The hot water heater

3. Which statement is wrong according to the passage?

A.There are many pieces of modern equipment in the writer’s home

B.The writer often discusses with his wife on how to spend their money.

C.The writer has gone into a lot of trouble to repair his things

D.The writer’s refrigerator can overhear him





Some years ago, an American policeman found a woman lying near a lonely road.She did not appear to have   16  , but she was trembling and clearly in a state of shock, so he rushed her to the  __17 __hospital.She began to tell the doctor on duty a story which was   18__ in all respects.She had been __ 19  along a country road __ 20  she had been stopped by a flying saucer   21  in front of her.She had been forced to leave the car and   22_  the flying saucer by creatures which looked like human beings and which could easily make themselves   23_ although they could not __ 24__  They could read her thoughts and she could read   25  They tested her politely and allowed her to  26  after carrying out a number of tests on her.As she otherwise seemed to be __ 27  , the doctor decided that she was probably suffering from the side effects of some medicine.The woman insisted on being   28  to go home, but when she gave her address, it was in a town over a thousand miles from the _ 29  The police then started to make inquiries(打听)and soon ___30_  that there was already a __ 31_  going on for the woman.   32 _ husband badly reported that she had   33   Her car had been found with the driver's door open and the engine running.   34__ the car, the surface of the road had been completely destroyed, not by an explosion or anything of that kind, but   35  a large, round, white, hot object had burnt through it.

16.A.a rest       B.an accident       C.a test D.an idea

17.A.most famous   B.most expensive       C.best             D.nearest

18.A.funny               B.sad                 C.moving         D.astonishing

19.A.driving             B.walking            C.running        D.wandering

20.A.as                  B.since        C.when    D.if



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