

某校正在开展课外阅读小组活动Peter, Helen, Catherine, Elizabeth和Jessica想根据自己小组成员的喜好找一篇英语阅读材料。阅读下面某报纸的文章摘要(A, B, C, D, E, F),选出适合他们的文章,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

1.Peter’s group members are fond of an article which can help them to find something that can both challenge their intelligence and provide entertainment.

2.Helen’s group members are fashionable and fond of advanced technology.They like reading something that can provide them with inspirations in achieving success and changing people’s way of life.

3.Catherine’s group members are athletic and spend a lot of time working out.They are fond of any stories about stars in the sports world.

4.Elizabeth’s group members want to read some articles which can help them keep pace with the trend of fashion.They hope to find in the article some hints on helping improve their appearances.

5.Jessica’s group members are keen on becoming volunteers and therefore are looking for some articles that can increase their chances of being chosen.


Wang’s little big ideas

Apps are transforming smart phones into multi-tasking gadgets that can locate a good restaurant and even help you with your love life.As the iPhone4 hits China, Zhang Chunmei meets the Chinese programmer behind an App Store bestseller to find how a tiny idea can make a big difference and how apps influence our digital lifestyle.


Showcase for talent

Susan Boyle, you better watch out.Semifinal day on China’s Got Talent is fast approaching and these contestants(竞争者) just might push you off your pedestal (宝座).Like them or hate them, there’s no denying the contestants are causing something of a stir across the country.The performers singled out on this page will certainly offer a show about which you’ll have something to say.


Top of the crops

You might think Fashion Week is about dresses rather than hairstyles.But you’d be wrong.Whether the models are in New York, London or Milan, who’s sporting the prettiest, trendiest or most shocking hairstyle is as hot a topic as the clothes on the catwalk.Despite the many hair highlights of the 2010 Fashion Week, we’ve managed to comb through the masses of material to pick a few of our favorites here.


Movie messes with your head

Driving home from a screening of Inception, my husband said to me: “I don’t know how you are going to write about this movie.” “What, you mean without giving anything away?” I asked.“No,” he said.“I don’t know how you are going to explain what it’s about.” The film, by writer-director Christopher Nolan, is a gorgeous(极好的), technically perfect symphony(交响曲) of images and ideas.


Woods to split

The marriage between the golf star and his wife is officially over.Official divorce papers state that “the marriage between the parties is irretrievably broken”, thus bringing to an end the couple’s six-year marriage.Woods and Nordgren have lived apart since Woods’ November 2009 car crash, which was followed by Woods’ public admission of a series of affairs with other women.


Flowers set to bloom

What exactly does it take for a young woman to be considered a “campus flower?” Some say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but surely there must be certain essential criteria.Perhaps we can get some answers by taking a closer look inside the training camp of the Universiade Star in Shenzhen, a competition organized to select the guides, waiters, torchbearers and flag bearers for the 2011 games.










1. C___________ drove me inside.

2. Fresh air is of great b___________ to our health.

3. It’s important to know your own strengths and w___________.

4.China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals, when people a__________ the moon and in China, enjoy mooncakes

5.Many a child ___________ to death in Africa because of the lack of food last century.

6. At the beginning of the year, farmers usually have a lot of a___________ work to do.

7. The c__________ of some European countries are quite different from ours.

8. Without p___________, you cannot take photos here.

9. He managed to save the d___________ girl, which was praised by many people.

10.The famous “ Oprah Winfrey Show” is b___________ live every Friday on CNN.

【答案】11.Curiosity   12. benefit   13. weaknesses   14. admire    15. starved  

16. agricultural 17. customs 18. permission  19. drowning  20.broadcast














某校正在开展课外阅读小组活动Peter, Helen, Catherine, Elizabeth和Jessica想根据自己小组成员的喜好找一篇英语阅读材料。阅读下面某报纸的文章摘要(A, B, C, D, E, F),选出适合他们的文章,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    1.Peter’s group members are fond of an article which can help them to find something that can both challenge their intelligence and provide entertainment.

    2.Helen’s group members are fashionable and fond of advanced technology.They like reading something that can provide them with inspirations in achieving success and changing people’s way of life.

3.Catherine’s group members are athletic and spend a lot of time working out.They are fond of any stories about stars in the sports world.

    4.Elizabeth’s group members want to read some articles which can help them keep pace with the trend of fashion.They hope to find in the article some hints on helping improve their appearances.

    5.Jessica’s group members are keen on becoming volunteers and therefore are looking for some articles that can increase their chances of being chosen.


Wang’s little big ideas

Apps are transforming smart phones into multi-tasking gadgets that can locate a good restaurant and even help you with your love life.As the iPhone4 hits China, Zhang Chunmei meets the Chinese programmer behind an App Store bestseller to find how a tiny idea can make a big difference and how apps influence our digital lifestyle.


Showcase for talent

Susan Boyle, you better watch out.Semifinal day on China’s Got Talent is fast approaching and these contestants(竞争者) just might push you off your pedestal (宝座).Like them or hate them, there’s no denying the contestants are causing something of a stir across the country.The performers singled out on this page will certainly offer a show about which you’ll have something to say.


Top of the crops

You might think Fashion Week is about dresses rather than hairstyles.But you’d be wrong.Whether the models are in New York, London or Milan, who’s sporting the prettiest, trendiest or most shocking hairstyle is as hot a topic as the clothes on the catwalk.Despite the many hair highlights of the 2010 Fashion Week, we’ve managed to comb through the masses of material to pick a few of our favorites here.


Movie messes with your head

Driving home from a screening of Inception, my husband said to me: “I don’t know how you are going to write about this movie.” “What, you mean without giving anything away?” I asked.“No,” he said.“I don’t know how you are going to explain what it’s about.” The film, by writer-director Christopher Nolan, is a gorgeous(极好的), technically perfect symphony(交响曲) of images and ideas.


Woods to split

The marriage between the golf star and his wife is officially over.Official divorce papers state that “the marriage between the parties is irretrievably broken”, thus bringing to an end the couple’s six-year marriage.Woods and Nordgren have lived apart since Woods’ November 2009 car crash, which was followed by Woods’ public admission of a series of affairs with other women.


Flowers set to bloom

What exactly does it take for a young woman to be considered a “campus flower?” Some say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but surely there must be certain essential criteria.Perhaps we can get some answers by taking a closer look inside the training camp of the Universiade Star in Shenzhen, a competition organized to select the guides, waiters, torchbearers and flag bearers for the 2011 games.

任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题l分, 满分l0分)

请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意: 每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题纸上相应题号的横线上。

You might think body language is universal. After all, we're the same species, right? But basics like what is considered a polite greeting and definitions of "personal space" vary widely from culture to culture. Americans, for instance, are considered rather reserved in the way they greet friends, and they define personal space more broadly than most other cultures. Knowing how another culture's basic body language differs from yours may be of use next time you travel internationally.

Mind how you meet and greet. Americans and Canadians, male and female, tend to greet each other with a nice firm handshake. In Asian countries, the polite form of greeting is to bow, and the lower you bow, the deeper respect you have for the person you are bowing to. In Spain, Portugal, Italy and Eastern Europe, men kiss each other on the cheek.

Be careful about eye contact. In America, intermittent(断断续续的) eye contact is preferable in a conversation--unless it's someone you care deeply for. In Middle Eastern countries, intense prolonged(持久的) eye contact is the norm, and the person you're speaking with will move very close to you to maintain it. The Japanese, on the other hand, consider it an invasion of privacy, and rarely look another person in the eye.

Americans, in general, smile when they meet or greet someone. Koreans, however, think it's rude for adults to smile in public--to them, smiling in public is a sign of embarrassment.

Don't point. Most Americans think nothing of pointing at an object or another person. Native Americans consider it extremely rude to point with a finger, and instead they point with their chin. It's also rude to point with a finger in China; the polite alternative is to use the whole hand, palm facing up.

Give the right amount of space. In Asian cultures, particularly China, the concept of personal space (generally defined in America as a three-to-four-foot circle for casual and business acquaintances) is nearly nonexistent. Strangers regularly touch bodies when standing in line for, say, movie tickets. People in Scandinavian countries, on the other hand, need more personal space than we do.

Title: How to (71)_______ Body Language in Different Cultures


In America

In some Asian countries

Meeting and greeting

Both male and female have a (72)_______ to greet each other with a nice firm handshake.

It’s polite for people to bow when they meet and greet.

Eye contact

People (73)_______ to make an intermittent eye contact in a conversation.

Considering intense prolonged eye contact unacceptable, Japanese won’t look another person in the eye.


It’s normal for Americans to smile when they meet and greet.

In Korean, people seldom smile in public because it represents (74)_______.


Most Americans often point at an object or another person (76)_______ native Americans.

Chinese always try to (75)_______ pointing with a finger because it’s a rude manner.

Personal space

Americans (77)_______ to keep a three-to-four-foot distance when they are with  casual and business acquaintances.

It’s almost (78)_______ in China.


People behave great differently in different culture and knowing the differences of body language may be (80)_______ when you travel abroad.


任务型阅读: 五个人在讲述自己的故事。下面是他们讲述故事的后述部分,阅读下面五个选项(A、B、C、D、和E),选出符合各自故事前述部分的最佳选项,选项中有一项是多余选项。

67. What I read is mainly about the history of sports. I don’t have much time for anything else, except that I like dancing a lot. Some people say I’m not very good at it, though. I’m happy I’m active, doing things instead of watching people do.

68. I’m particularly interested in current affairs. So I often choose the TV news. And sometimes watch the sports. In some ways I think I learn more than I did at school.

69. Our joy is not only due to the appreciation of his diligence, but also of his strong will. Now I feel happy because something in this boy’s heart moved me and made me know that we mainly depended on our own feet to stand up, not just others’ help.

70. However, all things went contrary (相反的) to my wishes. I was wrong, extremely wrong! What the so-called developed and prosperous city is only the mirage (海市蜃楼).

A.    Jonny’s Story

   About month ago, I heard that Johnny, one of my cousins, had got a high score and he could successfully enter a famous university in Shanghai. All of us felt very pleased for him. As you know, he has been an orphan (孤儿) since he was 3 years old.

B.    Eve’s Story

   I haven’t much interest in studying. To be honest, I don’t like reading very much, except for magazines and that sort of things. Just do light reading to kill the time. But I do enjoy TV. Not that I watch everything. In fact, I choose my programs very carefully.

C.    Zhang’s Story

   Once, I brought with great ideas to come to this city to realize my dreams. Everything in my eyes seemed to be perfect at that time and I thought that there would be nothing imperfect that would come into my life.

D.    Ted’s Story

   I’m a very active sort of person --- I simply love doing things. That’s why I enjoy sports so much. Actually I mean playing. I hardly ever watch them on TV, but I read quite a bit about them.

Ben’s Story

When I left school five years ago, I said to myself, “That’s it. No more learning for me. Now I can enjoy myself in the evening.” But about a year ago my boss said, “We’re going to get a computer in the near future.” What did he mean? I simply didn’t know.

某校正在开展课外阅读小组活动Peter, Helen, Catherine, Elizabeth和Jessica想根据自己小组成员的喜好找一篇英语阅读材料。阅读下面某报纸的文章摘要(A, B, C, D, E, F),选出适合他们的文章,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。
1.Peter’s group members are fond of an article which can help them to find something that can both challenge their intelligence and provide entertainment.
2.Helen’s group members are fashionable and fond of advanced technology.They like reading something that can provide them with inspirations in achieving success and changing people’s way of life.
3.Catherine’s group members are athletic and spend a lot of time working out.They are fond of any stories about stars in the sports world.
4.Elizabeth’s group members want to read some articles which can help them keep pace with the trend of fashion.They hope to find in the article some hints on helping improve their appearances.
5.Jessica’s group members are keen on becoming volunteers and therefore are looking for some articles that can increase their chances of being chosen.

Wang’s little big ideas
Apps are transforming smart phones into multi-tasking gadgets that can locate a good restaurant and even help you with your love life.As the iPhone4 hits China, Zhang Chunmei meets the Chinese programmer behind an App Store bestseller to find how a tiny idea can make a big difference and how apps influence our digital lifestyle.
Showcase for talent
Susan Boyle, you better watch out.Semifinal day on China’s Got Talent is fast approaching and these contestants(竞争者) just might push you off your pedestal (宝座).Like them or hate them, there’s no denying the contestants are causing something of a stir across the country.The performers singled out on this page will certainly offer a show about which you’ll have something to say.
Top of the crops
You might think Fashion Week is about dresses rather than hairstyles.But you’d be wrong.Whether the models are in New York, London or Milan, who’s sporting the prettiest, trendiest or most shocking hairstyle is as hot a topic as the clothes on the catwalk.Despite the many hair highlights of the 2010 Fashion Week, we’ve managed to comb through the masses of material to pick a few of our favorites here.
Movie messes with your head
Driving home from a screening of Inception, my husband said to me: “I don’t know how you are going to write about this movie.” “What, you mean without giving anything away?” I asked.“No,” he said.“I don’t know how you are going to explain what it’s about.” The film, by writer-director Christopher Nolan, is a gorgeous(极好的), technically perfect symphony(交响曲) of images and ideas.
Woods to split
The marriage between the golf star and his wife is officially over.Official divorce papers state that “the marriage between the parties is irretrievably broken”, thus bringing to an end the couple’s six-year marriage.Woods and Nordgren have lived apart since Woods’ November 2009 car crash, which was followed by Woods’ public admission of a series of affairs with other women.
Flowers set to bloom
What exactly does it take for a young woman to be considered a “campus flower?” Some say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but surely there must be certain essential criteria.Perhaps we can get some answers by taking a closer look inside the training camp of the Universiade Star in Shenzhen, a competition organized to select the guides, waiters, torchbearers and flag bearers for the 2011 games.

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
