摘要: (09南京市高三第一次调研测试) -Shall I the raincoat? -No hurry. Leave it it is. It looks like rain. A. put on; there B. put on; where C. put away; in the place D. put away; where 答案 D



       "When I was a boy, my father, a baker (面包师) introduced me to     the wonders of song," Tenor (男高音) superstar (超级歌星) Luciano   Pavarotti (卢西亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂) says. "He urged me to work very hard to   develop my voice. Arrigo Pola, a professional (专业的) tenor in my     hometown of Modena, Italy, took me as a pupil. I was also at a     teachers' college at that time. On graduating, I asked my father,     'Shall I be a teacher or a singer?' "


         "'Luciano,' my father replied, 'if you try to sit on two chairs,     you will fall between them. For life, you must choose one chair.' "


         "I chose one. It took seven years of study and frustration (挫折)     before I made my first professional appearance (正式登台演出) . It     took another seven years to reach the Metropolitan Opera (意大利大都会   歌剧院). And now I think whether it's laying bricks (干砌砖工),     writing a book—whatever we choose—we should give ourselves to     it. Commitment (献身精神), that's the key. Choose one chair."  


(1)  Who was the famous Italian tenor superstar's first teacher 


      in the wonders of song?

[    ]


   A. Arrigo Pola.  B. His father.   C. Mondena.   D. None of the above.


(2)  The tenor superstar ______ to improve his voice before 


     he was  Arrigo Pola's pupil.

[    ]


A. practiced a little  

B. studied in a college

C. did a lot

D. took 14 years of hard work

(3) The tenor superstar's father wanted him ________.


[    ]


A. not to fall when he chose chairs to sit on

B. not to be a teacher

C. to be a singer and a teacher 

D. to devote himself to only one cause (事业)

(4) In this article, Luciano Pavarotti tries to tell us that_______.

[    ]

A. it is not easy for him to be a tenor superstar

B. it takes a long walk to make a hero 

C. it took him 14 years to be a successful tenor

D. None of the above is what he tries to tell us.

(5)  From this article, you have learned that _________.

[    ]

A. the key to success is to choose only one chair

B. the key to success is to choose only one job and devote yourself to it

C. no matter what kind of work you choose to do, you can get  some success if you don't work hard

D. success won't belong to you if you work hard enough 


阅读下列短文, 从从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。


    Emily's wedding (婚礼) dress arrived at five o'clock in the   evening, just seventeen hours before the wedding.


    "I just try it on, mother!" she cried, as she ran upstairs. Three   minutes later Emily's cries brought her mother up. The dress was much   too big for her. Emily was in tears.


    "Take it back to the dressmaker's." Mrs. Bale said. "She must alter   it tonight. Hurry now. Take it off and go."


    The dressmaker's shop was closed." CLOSED FOR ONE WEEK HOLIDAY"   said a notice on the door. Fresh tears rose to Emily's eyes. She ran   home again to her mother.


    "This is unlucky," Mrs. Bale said. "But what are we going to do?   Shall I ask Mrs. Peter to help? She was a dressmaker once. I'm sure she   could alter it for you."


    Mrs. Peter was brought in and began to work. She could see what was   wrong. She had to take in a lot of material at the front, and that was   a big job. In fact, she almost made it again. At about ten o'clock the   work was finished, and Emily tried her dress on. It fitted her   beautifully.


    The three women were having a cup of tea when the door bell rang.   Mrs. Bale answered it and looked into the worried eyes of a young woman.   The woman was carrying a large box.


    "Does Miss Emily Bale live here?" she asked.


    "Yes, she is my daughter."     "Oh, I am glad I've found you. There's been a mistake. Your   daughter has my wedding dress, and I've got hers. And I'm getting   married tomorrow!" She held out the box to Mrs. Bale.


(1)  When she tried her wedding dress on, Emily ______.


[    ]


A. let out a cry of joy because it fitted her beautifully        

B. burst into tears because the dress was too big for her        

C. gave a cry of surprise because it was made too big for her

D. was satisfied, waiting for her marriage to begin  

(2) The sentence "She must alter it tonight" in the third paragraph probably means "___________."

[    ]

A. She must pay for it     B. She must make it different        

C. She must give it away   D. She must give us another     

(3)  The dressmaker could not alter Emily's wedding dress because she ___________. 

[    ]

A. was too busy  B. had something else to do        

C. was too lazy  D. would be on holiday     

(4) Which of the following sentences is not true? 

[    ]

A. Mrs. Peter was the dressmaker.        

B. Mrs. Peter was a friend of the Bale family.        

C. Mrs. Peter was able to help Emily.        

D. Mrs. Peter did a good job in altering the dress.     

(5)  What do you think would happen at the end of the story? 

[    ]

A. Neither Emily nor the young woman would have a fit wedding dresses.      

B. The two wedding dresses would fit only Emily.      

C. The two wedding dresses would fit only the young woman.      

D. The young woman would leave in satisfaction.


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