摘要: roll 形


A spiraling (成螺旋形的) tower made from thousands of books in dozens of languages is the later landmark in Buenos Aires, named the World Book Capital this year. Called the Tower of Babel, the 25­meter high tower by Argentine artist Marta Minujin is made from 30,000 books, donated by readers, libraries and more than 50 embassies.

Climbing up its seven floors, visitors to the tower hear music composed by Minujin and the voice of the artist repeating the word “book” in scores of languages.

“Building this tower is really a wonder,” Minujin said, standing before the structure as curious passers­by looked at a downtown city square. “A hundred years from now, people will say ‘there was a Tower of Babel in Argentina...and it didn't need translation because art needs no translation'.”

Minujin, who worked with US artist Andy Warhol, built a full­scale mode of the Parthenon in Buenos Aires in 1983, using books banned by the military dictatorship (专政) that ended that year.

This year's book tower marks Buenos Aires' naming as the 2011 World Book Capital by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

“We've been laying books for 10 days straight,” said Sebastian Atienza, 26, who works for the company that built the tower under Minujin's command. “But it's worth it. It's where all languages come together.”

When the exhibit ends later this month, Minujin said literature lovers will be allowed to come and pick one book each. The rest will be brought down to start a new archive (档案馆) that has already been named The Library of Babel, the name of a story by Argentina's most famous author, Jorge Luis Borges.

51.According to the passage, the Tower of Babel________.

A.is made from 30,000 books from nearly 50 countries

B.is designed by American artist Matte Minujin

C.will hold the book exhibition for 10 days

D.has a height of twenty­five meters

52.After the book exhibition, most books will be________.

A. handed out among visitors

B. donated to UNESCO

C. sent to Argentina's new archive   

D. bought by Jorge Luis Borges

53.The passage is probably taken from a(n)________.

A. advertisement   B. tourism guide  

C. textbook           D. newspaper


第一部分 完形填空(共两节, 20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
完形填空(1) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~10各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。
If you wear socks on your ears, you won’t be punished. Crossing a street against a red light is another matter — it’s against the law. Laws are __1___________ rules made by governments. They keep peace and create order. __2___________ people break laws, their governments punish them. Long ago, people lived only in small tribal groups. They lived together, followed the same __3_____________, and worshipped the same gods. There were no formal laws. __4_____________, people were guided by their customs, morals, and religion.
Over time, cities began to form. Laws became more formal and were written down in legal codes. In about 1750 BC, the king of Babylon __5_____________ one of the first legal codes, the Code of Hammurabi. It listed certain crimes and told how they should be punished. The ancient Romans helped shape our modern view of law. In the 600s BC, citizens of Rome wrote down all of their basic laws on twelve bronze tablets. The Romans declared that no citizen, __6_____________ the ruler, was above the law. Modern law codes are rooted in the Roman system. Such law codes are statutory, meaning they are created and changed by legislatures, not by courts.
Another system of law __7_____________ later in England. Before the 12th century AD., each part of England had its own rules and customs. From the 12th century onward, England became a single nation. The courts of the land made sure people __8_____________ a common set of customs — the English common law.
Unlike the Roman system of law, the common law was never written down in one place. Instead, the courts made decisions about the law __9__________ earlier court decisions. Those decisions are called examples. Each case must be decided in the same way as earlier cases. But if a case has some new aspects, the decision made will set a new example. That way, courts gradually change the law __10____________ society changes.
1.    A. police               B. political                   C. official                     D. officer
2.    A. Unless                     B. Until                        C. Though                    D. When
3.    A. laws                        B. traditions                  C. action               D. principles
4.    A. Instead                     B. Including                 C. Besides                    D. Moreover
5.    A. imagined                  B. assumed                   C. created                     D. supposed
6.    A. except for                B. not even                   C. in addition to            D. besides
7.    A. took effect        B. made up                   C. got over                   D. picked up
8.    A. formed                    B. provided                  C. presented                  D. followed
9.    A. set about                  B. based on                   C. came to                    D. taken over
10.   A. before               B. after                        C. despite                     D. as


(2013·高考新课标全国卷Ⅰ)I went to a group activity“Sensitivity Sunday”which was to make us more ____ the problems faced by disabled people.We were asked to“___a disability” for several hours one Sunday.Some members____chose to use wheelchairs.Others wore sound?blocking earplugs (耳塞) or blindfolds (眼罩)

Just sitting in the wheelchair was a____experience.I had never considered before how____it would be to use one.As soon as I sat downmy____made the chair begin to roll.Its wheels were not___.Then I wondered where to put my____.It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest into____.I took my first uneasy look at what was to be my only means of____for several hours.For disabled people“adopting a wheelchair”is not a temporary(临时的)___.

I tried to find a____position and thought it might be restful____kind of niceto be___around for a while.Looking aroundI____I would have to handle the thing myself! My hands started to ache as I____the heavy metal wheels.I came to know that controlling the____of the wheelchair was not going to be a(n)____task.

My wheelchair experiment was soon____.It made a deep impression on me.A few hours of “disability” gave me only a taste of the____both physical and mentalthat disabled people must overcome.

1.A.curious about? Baware of

Cinterested in? Dcareful with

2.A.cure? Badopt

Cprevent? Danalyze

3.A.instead? Bstrangely

Cas usual? Dlike me

4.A.learning? Bworking

Csatisfying? Drelaxing

5.A.convenient? Bawkward

Cboring? Dexciting

6.A.height? Bforce

Cskill? Dweight

7.A.locked? Brepaired

Cpowered?? Dgrasped

8.A.hands?? Bfeet

Ckeys? Dhandles

9.A.place?? Baction

Cplay? Deffect

10.A.operation? Bcommunication

Ctransportation?? Dproduction

11.A.exploration?? Beducation

Cexperiment?? Dentertainment

12.A.flexible? Bsafe

Cstarting?? Dcomfortable

13.A.yet??? Bjust

Cstill?? Deven

14.A.shown?? Bpushed

Cdriven? Dguided

15.A.realized? Bsuggested

Cagreed? Dadmitted

16.A.lifted? Bturned

Cpressed? Dseized

17.A.path? Bposition

Cdirection?? Dway

18.A.easy? Bheavy

Cmajor? Dextra

19.A.forgotten? Brepeated

Cconducted?? Dfinished

20.A.weaknesses? Banxieties

Cchallenges?? Dillnesses





A very little boy was spending his Saturday morning playing in his sandbox. He had with him a plastic pail (桶) and a shiny, red plastic shovel (铲). In the   36   of creating roads and tunnels in the sand, he   37   a large rock in the middle of the sandbox.

The boy dug around the rock,   38   to move it off the dirt. At first, he wanted to carry it out of the sandbox with his hands; however, it was too heavy. Later, with much   39  , he pushed the rock across the sandbox by   40   his hands. When the boy got the rock to the   41   of the sandbox, he found that he couldn’t roll it up and   42   the little wall.   43  , the little boy pushed, but every time he thought he had made some   44  , the rock tipped (翻滚) and then fell back into the sandbox. The little boy pushed and pushed, but his only   45   was to have the rock roll back.

Finally he   46   tears. All this time the boy’s father watched from his living room window   47   the drama was unfolded. The moment the tears fell, a large   48   appeared across the sandbox. It was the boy’s father. Gently but   49  , he said, “Son, why didn’t you use all the strength that you had?”

Defeated, the boy   50   back, “I did! I did! I used all the strength that I had!”

“No, you didn’t. You didn’t ask me for help.” The father   51   down, picked up the rock and dropped it off the sandbox.

Do you have “rocks” in your life that need to be   52  ? Are you discovering that you don’t have   53   it takes to lift them? There is someone who is willing to give us the   54   we need. Maybe, it’s sometimes a good idea to ask others for   55   when we meet difficulties we can’t overcome.

A. method             B. step         C. practice         D. process

A. created                B. set          C. discovered           D. brought

A. trying             B. managing     C. deciding         D. competing

A. thought             B. struggle     C. movement         D. worry

A. touching            B. shaking      C. using                D. controlling

A. bottom             B. center           C. edge             D. front

A. over                B. down         C. through          D. into

A. Doubted            B. Surprised        C. Pleased          D. Determined

A. attempt                B. progress     C. effort               D. decision

A. hope               B. reward           C. point                D. purpose

A. made out           B. broke out        C. burst into           D. rushed into

A. so                 B. as           C. until                D. before

A. rock               B. picture          C. figure               D. shade

A. surprisingly            B. doubtfully       C. kindly               D. firmly

A. shouted                B. smiled           C. called               D. asked

A. reached                B. looked           C. fell             D. put

A. pushed             B. dropped      C. carried              D. removed

A. who                B. what         C. which                D. where

A. minds              B. spirits          C. force                D. strength

A. help               B. tips         C. advice               D. ideas


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