摘要: be known 因--而著名


Most people think that the capital of the movie world is Hollywood, in the United States. However, the real movie capital is Mumbai, in India. Mumbai used to be known as Bombay, and so the film industry(工业)there is called “Bollywood”. Bollywood makes twice as many movies each year as Hollywood-more than 800 films a year.

The movies from Bollywood are very different from Hollywood movies. For one thing, Bollywood movies are much longer than most Hollywood movies. Most Bollywood movies are more than three hours long, and contain singing, dancing, action adventure, mystery, and romance ( but usually no kissing). Because Bollywood films contain so many different features, this style of film is sometimes called a “ masala” film.

Another big difference between Bollywood and Hollywood movies is the way the movies are made. It takes much longer to make a movie in Hollywood than in Bollywood. In fact, filming may begin on a Bollywood movie before the script(剧本)is even finished. The director and writers can make up the story while the film is being made. Sometimes they will even write the script by hand instead of taking time to type it.

Bollywood actors are very popular and some are in such high demand that they may work on several movies at the same time. They may even shoot(拍摄)scenes for several films on the same day using the same costumes and scenery. Since most Bollywood movies follow the same kind of story, shooting scenes for several films at the same time is not a big problem for actors or directors. This also helps keep the cost of Bollywood movies lower than the cost of Hollywood movies. The average Bollywood film, with a budget(预算)of only two million US dollars, seems very cheap compared to the average budget of sixty million US dollars for a Hollywood film -thirty times as much!

Which of the following is the main topic of the reading?

A. Famous stars in Bollywood.

B. The differences between two movie industries.

C. How Bollywood movies are made.

D. The history of movie making in India.

Which of the following is NOT true about Mumbai?

A. It is the movie capital of India.

B. The new name is Bombay.

C. More movies are made there than in Hollywood.

D. It is less expensive to make films there than in Hollywood.

Bollywood films are often called “ masala” films because      .

A. they are very popular            B. they are much longer than Hollywood films

C. they show Indian culture        D. they mix different styles of movies

Which of the following statements would the writer probably agree with?

A. Most Bollywood movies are very similar.

B. It takes a lot of money to make a good movie.

C. Only Indian people can understand Bollywood movies.

D. Hollywood movies are too short.


It’s easy to see how to help others, but what about those whose needs aren’t so obvious? This story may have happened a while back, but it was a lesson which has stayed with me and helped me ever since.
It was Thanksgiving and I was volunteering with my parents at a shelter for the poor. We stood behind the counter dishing out hot food to whoever came in. most of our dinners looked like they had been having hard times, their clothes old, worn and dry. In short, they looked poor!
Then, a man came in, who looked anything but poor. He was well dressed, wearing an expensive suit. I wondered what he was doing there and my jaw dropped in amazement when he joined the line for food. The closer he came to my service station, the more I muttered. What was this man doing? I wanted to know. Surely he wasn’t gong to take food.
Then my mother quietly took me to one side. She said, “You have assumed that the needs of the people who come here must be purely physical: hunger, inadequate shelter and needs are emotional? What if he needs comfort, friends, or just to be among other human beings?” her words hit me like a ton of bricks! I felt like I should apologize to the man, but I didn’t.
About a week later the shelter received a large donation from an anonymous source. I can’t help but wonder if it came from that man.
Now, whether I meet others, I remember my mother’s words and try to send kindness and blessings to them, regardless of how they look.
Needs aren’t always visible. But kindness always makes a difference.

  1. 1.

    The task of the author at the shelter was to_______.

    1. A.
      decide whether dinners looked poor
    2. B.
      learn life experience there
    3. C.
      serve hot food to the poor
    4. D.
      help parents order dishes
  2. 2.

    When the man waited in line, how did the author feel?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    The author felt he should apologize to the man, because he_______.

    1. A.
      was asked to do so by his mother
    2. B.
      gave the man food much less than others
    3. C.
      realized something was wrong with the man
    4. D.
      knew later that the man went there to donate
  4. 4.

    What can we infer from the last paragraph?

    1. A.
      We should show others kindness whatever their needs are
    2. B.
      Some needs can’t be known clearly at times
    3. C.
      Needs can always be met by kindness
    4. D.
      We should find out others’ needs

Of all living creatures on earth, insects are the most plentiful. Some  36  are very useful to man, for example, bees,  37  we get honey and wax, and silkworms, which  38  us with silk. Other varieties,  39  , are extremely harmful, and do a great  40  of damage, especially to crops. Locusts (蝗虫) are perhaps the most dangerous of all,  41  they will eat almost any green  42  , and when millions of them  43  on cultivated land(耕地)they soon leave it  44  . In some countries they are the farmer’s  45  enemy. Another nuisance is the common  46  , not only because it  47  us indoors and out - of- doors, but because it spreads diseases.

  Scientists have given much time and  48  to the study of insects. It needs the most careful and  49  observation. Thanks  50  their discoveries we now know almost all  51  is to be known about the habits of these hardworking insects, bees and ants, which live in  52  better planned in some ways than our  53  . But the most valuable work has been done in trying to give  54  to men, animals and crops from the  55  which insects cause.

  36.A. members  B. forms  C. qualities  D. varieties

  37.A. by which  B. from which  C. of which  D. in which

  38.A. give  B. produce  C. offer  D. supply

  39.A. however  B. meanwhile C. therefore  D. what's more

  40.A. majority  B. number  C. amount  D. quantity

  41.A. and  B. for  C. if  D. when

  42.A. grass  B. field  C. fruit  D. plant

  43.A. settle  B. attack  C. pass  D. cross

  44.A. bare  B. nothing  C. empty  D. untouched

  45.A. hardest  B. greatest  C. serious  D. wildest

  46.A. insect  B. creature  C. fly  D. enemy

  47.A. dislikes  B. bites  C. worries  D. hates

  48.A. understanding  B. ideas  C. comprehension  D. thought

  49.A. serious  B. patient  C. curious  D. long

  50.A. for  B. of  C. to  D. with

  51.A. that  B. which  C. there  D. what

  52.A. societies  B. crowds C. teams  D. organizations

  53.A. world  B. nation  C. selves  D. own

  54.A. help  B. protection  C. living  D. defense

  55.A. injury  B. wound  C. sickness  D. ruin



The family sphere (范围) used to be defined by its isolation from the public realm. There was the public male realm (领域) of "rational accomplishment" and cruel competition, and the private female and child-rearing sphere of home, intuition (直觉) and emotion. The private realm was supposed to be isolated from the realities of adult life. For both better and worse, television and other electronic media tend to break down the difference between those two worlds. The membrane around the family sphere is much more permeable (可渗透的). TV takes public events and transforms them into dramas that are played out in the privacy of our living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms.

Parents used to be the channel through which children learned about the outside world. They could decide what to tell their children and when to tell it to them. Since children learn to read in stages, books provide a kind of natural screening process, where adults can decide what to tell and not tell children of different reading abilities. Television destroyed the system that separated adult from child knowledge and separated information into year-by-year slices for children of different ages. Instead, it presents the same information directly to children of all ages, without going through adult filters.

So television presents a real challenge to adults. While a parent can read a newspaper without sharing it with children in the same room, television is accessible to everyone in that space. And unlike books, television doesn't allow us to flip (翻转) through it and see what's coming up. We may think we're giving our children a lesson in science by having them watch the Challenger take off, and then suddenly they learn about death, disaster and adult mistakes.

Books allow adults to discuss privately what to tell or not tell children. This also allows parents to keep adult material secret from children and keep their secret keeping secret. Take that same material and put it on The Today Show and you have 800,000 children hearing the very things the adults are trying to keep from them. "Television takes our kids across the globe before parents give them permission to cross the street." 

More importantly, children gradually learn that adults are worried and anxious about being parents. Actually, television has also places families under a lot of stress.

How Television Changes Childhood?

Main comparisons


Distance between   1  and the outside.

Homes used to be isolated from the   2  realm.

Homes nowadays are   3  to the outside world.

Media through which children can obtain information

In the past, children might learn   4  about the outside world with the help of parents and   5 .

More information is got directly through TV and other electronic media, which breaks down the   6  between adult world and the child world.

  7  of the information children get

Traditionally, kids could only knew what they should learn at their age, carefully   8  by their parents.

Everything can possibly be known by children, including many aspects of   9  life.

Effects on family education

Parental instruction

Families are now under greater stress than before.   Adults are anxious about being parents and faced with   new   10 .



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