
Of all living creatures on earth, insects are the most plentiful. Some  36  are very useful to man, for example, bees,  37  we get honey and wax, and silkworms, which  38  us with silk. Other varieties,  39  , are extremely harmful, and do a great  40  of damage, especially to crops. Locusts (蝗虫) are perhaps the most dangerous of all,  41  they will eat almost any green  42  , and when millions of them  43  on cultivated land(耕地)they soon leave it  44  . In some countries they are the farmer’s  45  enemy. Another nuisance is the common  46  , not only because it  47  us indoors and out - of- doors, but because it spreads diseases.

  Scientists have given much time and  48  to the study of insects. It needs the most careful and  49  observation. Thanks  50  their discoveries we now know almost all  51  is to be known about the habits of these hardworking insects, bees and ants, which live in  52  better planned in some ways than our  53  . But the most valuable work has been done in trying to give  54  to men, animals and crops from the  55  which insects cause.

  36.A. members  B. forms  C. qualities  D. varieties

  37.A. by which  B. from which  C. of which  D. in which

  38.A. give  B. produce  C. offer  D. supply

  39.A. however  B. meanwhile C. therefore  D. what's more

  40.A. majority  B. number  C. amount  D. quantity

  41.A. and  B. for  C. if  D. when

  42.A. grass  B. field  C. fruit  D. plant

  43.A. settle  B. attack  C. pass  D. cross

  44.A. bare  B. nothing  C. empty  D. untouched

  45.A. hardest  B. greatest  C. serious  D. wildest

  46.A. insect  B. creature  C. fly  D. enemy

  47.A. dislikes  B. bites  C. worries  D. hates

  48.A. understanding  B. ideas  C. comprehension  D. thought

  49.A. serious  B. patient  C. curious  D. long

  50.A. for  B. of  C. to  D. with

  51.A. that  B. which  C. there  D. what

  52.A. societies  B. crowds C. teams  D. organizations

  53.A. world  B. nation  C. selves  D. own

  54.A. help  B. protection  C. living  D. defense

  55.A. injury  B. wound  C. sickness  D. ruin

36-40 DBDAC 41-45 BDAAB 46-50 CCDBC 51-55 CADBA


36.D 下文(第39空处)提到other varieties are harmful,因此选D,有些种类的昆虫。

  37.B we get honey from bees,“从蜜蜂身上得到蜂蜜”。

  38.D provide/supply sb.with sth.表示“给某人提供/供应”,用C则就该是offer sb.sth.

  39.A 在此表示上下文的转折关系,“但另一些种类有害”。

  40.C a great/large amount of+不可数名词,a large/small quaintly of+可数/不可数名词表示“大量的”。

  41.B 引导状语从句表原因,具体加以解释说明。

  42.D plant概括性最强,包括grass等各种植物。

  43.A settle用作不及物动词时,表示“停息、停留;安居,定居”等词义。

  44.A 蝗虫飞过,耕地光秃秃的,植物都被吃了(当然有时可能留下光秃秃的枝干)。

  45.B 农民最大的敌人。

  46.C 下文提到在屋里屋外都有,还传播疾病,因此选C。

  47.C 苍蝇在屋里屋外飞,困扰我们。

  48.D 花时间,想办法研究昆虫。give much thought to表示“关心,想到”。

  49.B 观察昆虫需要耐心,上文提到give much time to,因此此处也可说long-time observations.

  50.C thanks to表示“幸亏/多亏有了”。

  51.C 本小题是all(that)there is to be done句式为there's sth to be done(有事需要做)的结构变化形式。

  52.A 既然与“我们的”相比较,其共同之处是society,人类社会和动物“群栖,群集”。

  53.D our own(society),“我们自己的社会形态”。

  54.B 与下文的from相呼应,give sb.protection from,“给……以保护”。

  55.A 昆虫给我们造成的伤害,此空从第39、40空所在句子的harmful,damage等词可推知选A。

     If American customs seem strange, remember that Americans feel the same way when they visit
another country, people living in different cultures do many daily things differently from one another.
What a dull(not interesting or boring) the world would be if this were not true!
     Some differences are small, and one soon becomes used to them. For example, many people find
it strange that Americans move from place to place so often. Born in one city, they may attend school
in a second, enter business in a third, and perhaps move several times during their lives. Today, most
Americans fully expect and accept the fact that they will move frequently.
     However, houses are of great interest to Americans. They spend a lot of time thinking, reading and
talking about their homes and how to improve them. They also enjoy looking at other people's houses,
since they would enjoy visiting and examining a house in another country, they may suppose that you
will probably have the same desire(strong wish) when you visit the United States. So do not be
surprised when you visit an American family and are shown every room in the house besides the
bathroom and kitchen.
1. The first paragraph suggests that ___.    
A. customs are different from country to country
B. Americans feel uneasy when they visit another country
C. only American customs prove to be strange
D. customs are different in different times
2. According to the passage, the world would be terribly dull if___.  
A. the people all over the world spoke the same language
B. most of the world people did daily things differently from one another
C. people livin I in different countries did a lot of thing I in the same way
D. people living in various regions in the world did a few daily things in the same way
3.Most Americans think it normal that___.  
A. they do many daily things differently from one another
B. customs are different from country to country
C. the world is not dull
D. they will move frequently
4. Which of the following statement is NOT true?  
A. It takes Americans much time to think, read and talk about their houses and how to perfect them
B.You are showing all the rooms in the houses except the bathroom when you visit an American family
C. Americans perhaps move several times during their lives
D. Americans enjoy visiting others' houses

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