摘要: A. asked B. answered C. avoided D. raised


    Leo married my mother when I was 1l, two years later we moved into a house in a new suburban development. At first our lawn (草坪) was just a mud pile with a few untidy clumps of grass, but Leo saw bright possibilities. "Your mother wants flowers; she can plant them here, where there's lots of sun," he said, "We'll plant trees over there, to give us shade. And in the backyard, I'd like a barbecue.” Then he smiled. "After so many years of apartment living, now we can have cookouts (野餐)!”

    Weekday mornings when the weather was bad, Leo often drove me to school. Having a father drop you off may have been taken for granted, but I always thought it was wonderful. During dinner, Leo would tell my brother and me stories about his job and we'd talk about our friendship and school-work.. "If you need any help, just ask me," he would say. "But I doubt that you need it. You two are so clever."

   Some people might think that doing errands (差事) and eating meals together are nothing special, but , I , who had spent my childhood watching other families do these everyday activities before, enjoyed them now with great delight. Looking back, I realize that Leo gave me what I needed most--the experience of doing ordinary things together as a family.

   One day, we learned that my "real" father -- who hadn't seen or supported my brother or me for more than five years --- wanted to see us again, on a regular basis. We remembered too well the early years we had spent with him. He had been angry and cruel, violent and unloving. Since my brother was then 17 years old, he didn't have to follow family-court rules. But because I was still a "minor", I had to meet with the judge.

    When Leo, my mother, and I entered the courtroom, my "real" father was already present. I avoided his look and told the judge I was one of a new family now, and that Leo taught me how to make things, that he always listened to me and never raised his voice. I said I didn't want to see my "real" father any more because he had never shown any love for me or even much attention.

  The judge looked at Leo. "How are things going?" he asked.

  "They couldn't be better," Leo answered. "I'm a lucky man to have such a family."

   Aren’t the best parents also good friends to their children, accepting them without reservation and telling them they can be counted on? Step families aren't bound by traditional ties, so the love and friendship they develop is extremely precious. Was Leo "perfect''? He'd deny it if I said so. And that's one reason why he was so "perfect" to me.     

   Soon after we moved to the suburb, one of our new neighbors introduced herself to me. She had already met my mother and Leo. "You know," she remarked, "you look just like your father."

     I knew she was just making conversation---- but even so...

     "Thank you," I said.

     Why tell her anything different?

67. What is the best title for the story?

A. My childhood               B. My “Real father”, My Enemy

C. My Stepfather, My Friend      D. Precious Friendship

68. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Leo had lived in a large house alone in the country before he married my mother.

B. Thanks to Leo, our lawn took on a new look.

C. Before Leo came. I was always picked up by my "real" father when the weather was bad.

D. Leo wouldn’t like to help my brother and me because we were very clever.

69. What was very important to step families according to the writer?

A. Love and friendship                B. Care and respect

C. Wealth and understanding           D. Politeness and kindness

70. It can be inferred from the passage that _____.

A. My "real" father’s request was refused and he was out of my life.

B. My mother and "real" father didn’t separate until my brother was 17.

C. Leo was no one special in my life.

D. Leo and I were so alike that my neighbors couldn’t tell us apart.


I was shopping in the supermarket when I heard the young voice. 
"Mom, come here! There's this lady here my ___31___!" 
The mother rushed to her son; then she turned to me to ___32___.
I smiled and told her: "It's okay." Then I talked to the boy, "Hi, I'm Darryl Kramer. How are you?"
He ___33___ me from head to toe, and asked: "Are you a little ___34___? 
"Yes, I have a son," I answered. 
"Why are you so little?" he asked. 
"It's the way I was ___35___," I said. "Some people are little. Some are tall. I'm just not going to grow any bigger." After I answered his other questions, I shook the boy's hand, and left. 
My life as a little person is filled with ___36___ like that. I enjoy talking to children and explaining why I look different from their parents. 
It takes only one glance to see my ___37___. I stand 114 cm tall. I was born a dwarf(侏儒). ___38___ this, I did all the things other kids did when I was growing up.
I didn't ___39___ how short I was until I started school. Some kids picked on me, calling me names(辱骂我). Then I knew. I began to ___40___ the first day of school each year. New students would always stare at me as I ___41___ to climb the school bus stairs.  
But I learned to smile and ___42___ the fact that I was going to be ___43___ my whole life. I decided to make my uniqueness an advantage rather than a disadvantage. What I lacked in height, I ___44___ in personality. 
I'm 47 now, and the stares have not ___45___ as I've grown older. People are ___46___ when they see me driving. I try to keep a good attitude. When people are ___47___, I remind myself: "Look what else I have -a great family, nice friends." 
It's the children's questions that make my life ___48___. I enjoy answering their questions. My ___49___ is that, I will encourage them to accept their peers(同龄人), whatever size and shape they come in, and treat them with ___50___.  
31. A. weight                       B. size                   C. shape                       D. personality 
32. A. scold                         B. explain              C. apologize                 D. Respond
33. A. studied                      B. identified          C. inspected                  D. Checked
34. A. lady                          B. mommy            C. person                      D. kid 
35. A. raised                        B. viewed              C. treated                            D. born 
36. A. stories                       B. pains                 C. stares                       D. Excuses
37. A. shortcomings                 B. strangeness        C. uniqueness                D. Shyness
38. A. Besides                      B. Despite             C. Except                            D. Beyond 
39. A. admit                        B. care                  C. realize                      D. fear 
40. A. hate                           B. tolerate             C. forget                      D. ignore 
41. A. determined                 B. struggled           C. managed                  D. learned 
42. A. refuse                        B. enjoy                C. accept                      D. consider 
43. A. exposed                            B. pitied                C. noticed                     D. Avoided
44. A. made up for               B. ended up with    C. kept track of             D. made use of 
45. A. increased                   B. decreased          C. accumulated             D. changed 
46. A. scared                        B. satisfied            C. amazed                    D. puzzled 
47. A. rude                          B. curious              C. regretful                   D. cruel 
48. A. fantastic                        B. meaningful        C. embarrassing            D. special 
49. A. promise                            B. intention           C. hope                        D. advantage 
50. A. respect                       B. frankness           C. sympathy                 D. emotion 




I was shopping in the supermarket when I heard the young voice. 

"Mom, come here! There's this lady here my ___31___!" 

The mother rushed to her son; then she turned to me to ___32___.

I smiled and told her: "It's okay." Then I talked to the boy, "Hi, I'm Darryl Kramer. How are you?"

He ___33___ me from head to toe, and asked: "Are you a little ___34___? 

"Yes, I have a son," I answered. 

"Why are you so little?" he asked. 

"It's the way I was ___35___," I said. "Some people are little. Some are tall. I'm just not going to grow any bigger." After I answered his other questions, I shook the boy's hand, and left. 

My life as a little person is filled with ___36___ like that. I enjoy talking to children and explaining why I look different from their parents. 

It takes only one glance to see my ___37___. I stand 114 cm tall. I was born a dwarf(侏儒). ___38___ this, I did all the things other kids did when I was growing up.

I didn't ___39___ how short I was until I started school. Some kids picked on me, calling me names(辱骂我). Then I knew. I began to ___40___ the first day of school each year. New students would always stare at me as I ___41___ to climb the school bus stairs.  

But I learned to smile and ___42___ the fact that I was going to be ___43___ my whole life. I decided to make my uniqueness an advantage rather than a disadvantage. What I lacked in height, I ___44___ in personality. 

I'm 47 now, and the stares have not ___45___ as I've grown older. People are ___46___ when they see me driving. I try to keep a good attitude. When people are ___47___, I remind myself: "Look what else I have -a great family, nice friends." 

It's the children's questions that make my life ___48___. I enjoy answering their questions. My ___49___ is that, I will encourage them to accept their peers(同龄人), whatever size and shape they come in, and treat them with ___50___.  

31. A. weight                       B. size                   C. shape                       D. personality 

32. A. scold                         B. explain              C. apologize                 D. Respond

33. A. studied                      B. identified          C. inspected                  D. Checked

34. A. lady                          B. mommy            C. person                      D. kid 

35. A. raised                        B. viewed              C. treated                            D. born 

36. A. stories                       B. pains                 C. stares                       D. Excuses

37. A. shortcomings                  B. strangeness        C. uniqueness                D. Shyness

38. A. Besides                      B. Despite             C. Except                            D. Beyond 

39. A. admit                        B. care                  C. realize                      D. fear 

40. A. hate                           B. tolerate             C. forget                      D. ignore 

41. A. determined                 B. struggled           C. managed                  D. learned 

42. A. refuse                        B. enjoy                C. accept                      D. consider 

43. A. exposed                            B. pitied                C. noticed                     D. Avoided

44. A. made up for               B. ended up with    C. kept track of             D. made use of 

45. A. increased                   B. decreased          C. accumulated             D. changed 

46. A. scared                        B. satisfied            C. amazed                    D. puzzled 

47. A. rude                          B. curious              C. regretful                   D. cruel 

48. A. fantastic                         B. meaningful        C. embarrassing            D. special 

49. A. promise                            B. intention           C. hope                        D. advantage 

50. A. respect                       B. frankness           C. sympathy                 D. emotion 




I was shopping in the supermarket when I heard the young voice. 

“Mom, come here! There’s this lady here my ___31___!” 

The mother rushed to her son; then she turned to me to ___32___. 

I smiled and told her: “It’s okay.” Then I talked to the boy, “Hi, I’m Darryl Kramer. How are you?” 

He ___33___ me from head to toe, and asked: “Are you a little ___34___? 

“Yes, I have a son,” I answered. 

“Why are you so little?” he asked. 

“It’s the way I was ___35___,” I said. “Some people are little. Some are tall. I’m just not going to grow any bigger.” After I answered his other questions, I shook the boy’s hand, and left. 

My life as a little person is filled with ___36___ like that. I enjoy talking to children and explaining why I look different from their parents. 

It takes only one glance to see my ___37___. I stand 114 cm tall. I was born a dwarf(侏儒). ___38___ this, I did all the things other kids did when I was growing up. 

I didn’t ___39___ how short I was until I started school. Some kids picked on me, calling me names. Then I knew. I began to ___40___ the first day of school each year. New students would always stare at me as I ___41___ to climb the school bus stairs. 

But I learned to smile and ___42___ the fact that I was going to be ___43___ my whole life. I decided to make my uniqueness an advantage rather than a disadvantage. What I lacked in height, I ___44___ in personality. 

I’m 47 now, and the stares have not ___45___ as I’ve grown older. People are ___46___ when they see me driving. I try to keep a good attitude. When people are ___47___, I remind myself: “Look what else I have — a great family, nice friends.” 

It’s the children’s questions that make my life ___48___. I enjoy answering their questions. My ___49___ is that people will accept their peers(同龄人), whatever size and shape they come in, and treat them with ___50___. 

31. A. weight                       B. size                   C. shape                       D. personality 

32. A. scold                         B. explain              C. apologize                 D. respond 

33. A. studied                      B. identified          C. inspected                  D. checked 

34. A. lady                          B. mommy            C. person                      D. kid 

35. A. raised                        B. viewed              C. treated                            D. born 

36. A. excuses                      B. pains                 C. stares                       D. stories 

37. A. shortcomings              B. strangeness        C. uniqueness                D. shyness 

38. A. Besides                      B. Despite             C. Except                            D. Beyond 

39. A. admit                        B. care                  C. fear                      D. realize 

40. A. hate                           B. tolerate             C. forget                      D. ignore 

41. A. determined                 B. struggled           C. managed                  D. learned 

42. A. refuse                        B. enjoy                C. consider                   D. accept

43. A. exposed                            B. pitied                C. noticed                     D. avoided 

44. A. made up for               B. ended up with    C. kept track of             D. made use of 

45. A. increased                   B. decreased          C. accumulated             D. changed 

46. A. scared                        B. satisfied            C. amazed                    D. puzzled 

47. A. rude                          B. curious              C. regretful                   D. cruel 

48. A. fantastic               B. meaningless       C. embarrassing            D. special 

49. A. promise                            B. intention           C. hope                        D. advantage

50. A. respect                       B. frankness           C. sympathy                 D. emotion 

     I was shopping in the supermarket when I heard the young voice.
     "Mom, come here! There's this lady here like my   1   !" The mother rushed to her son; then she turned to
me to   2  . I smiled and told her: "It's okay." Then I talked to the boy, "Hi, I'm Darry Kramer. How are you?"
     He   3   me from head to toe, and asked: "Are you a little   4   ? "Yes, I have a son," I answered. "Why are
you so little?" he asked.
     "It's the way I was   5  ," I said. "Some people are little. Some are tall. I'm just not going to grow any
bigger." After I answered his other questions, I shook the boy's hand, and left.
     My life as a little person is filled with   6   like that. I enjoy talking to children and explaining why I look
different from their parents.
      It takes only one glance to see my   7  . I stand 114 cm tall. I was born a dwarf (侏儒).   8   this, I did all
the things other kids did when I was growing up.
     I didn't   9   how short I was until I started school. Some kids laughed at me. Then I began to 10   30 the
first day of school each year. New students would always stare at me as I  11  to climb the school bus stairs.
     But I learned to smile and  12  the fact that I was going to be  13  my whole life. I decided to make my
uniqueness an advantage rather than a disadvantage. What I lacked in height, I  14  in personality.
     I'm 47 now, and the stares have not  15   as I've grown older. People are  16  when they see me driving.
I try to keep a good attitude. When people are  17 , I remind myself:  "Look what else I have-a great family,
nice friends."
     It's the children's questions that make my life  18 . I enjoy answering their questions. My  19   is that
people will accept various peers (同龄人), whatever size and shape they come in, and treat them with  20 .
(     )1. A. weight        
(     )2. A. scold         
(     )3. A. studied       
(     )4. A. lady          
(     )5. A. raised        
(     )6. A. excuses     
(     )7. A. shortcomings 
(     )8. A. Besides       
(     )9. A. admit         
(     )10. A. hate          
(     )11. A. determined   
(     )12. A. receive      
(     )13. A. exposed      
(     )14. A. made up for  
(     )15. A. increased    
(     )16. A. scared       
(     )17. A. rude        
(     )18. A. disappointing
(     )19. A. promise      
(     )10. A. respect      
B. size           
B. explain         
B. searched       
B. mommy          
B. taught         
B. pains          
B. strangeness             
B. Despite         
B. care           
B. tolerate        
B. battled         
B. enjoy          
B. pitied         
B. ended up with 
B. decreased       
B. satisfied       
B. curious         
B. meaningless     
B. suggestion    
B. courage        
C. shape        
C. apologize    
C. inspected     
C. person       
C. treated      
C. stares        
C. uniqueness   
C. Except                   
C. fear         
C. forget       
C. managed     
C. consider      
C. noticed       
C. caught up with
C. improved     
C. amazed      
C. regretful    
C. embarrassing 
C. hope         
C. pity         
D. age                
D. respond            
D. checked            
D. kid                
D. born               
D. stories            
D. shyness            
D. Beyond             
D. realize            
D. ignore             
D. learned            
D. accept             
D. avoided            
D. made use of        
D. changed            
D. puzzled            
D. cruel              
D. special            
D. advantage          
D. pride              

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