摘要: foreigner 7. unlimited 8. on 9. whose 10. fixed Passage (15) In Daniel Defoe’s novel Robinson Crusoe, the hero Crusoe is shipwrecked and washed up on a rocky shore. He soon realizes that he is alone and lacks basic 1 like clothing, food, and weapons. 2 (determine) to survive, Crusoe salvages what he can from the wreck and builds a shelter. Relying on his wits and 3 he can find on the island, Crusoe grows crops and capture wild goats 4 meat. Although there are illness, storms, loneliness and other hardships, Crusoe does not give 5 . Years pass in this way. Then on a trip to the other side of the island, Crusoe sees footprints - the first sign of human life in more than five years! Almost immediately, he realizes that the 6 (visit) to his island must be cannibals ! Crusoe strengthens his fort and lives in fear of capture. At one point, he is able to overcome his fear and rescues 7 young captive from the cannibals. He names the man Friday. Eventually, Crusoe and Friday are rescued. Today, people still read Defoe’s novel Robinson Crusoe, 8 first edition 9 in 1719. 10 enjoy its high adventure and its insights into the problems of loneliness and isolation.


Pubs play an essential part in British people's lives. You could  36 find a native who has never been to a pub. A pub can be easily found  37 you are in a faraway area. The British are known as indifferent (冷漠) people. In the pub, however, people are  38 together about weather, football, etc. and the  39 is relaxing and cheerful.

You have to be 18 years old to  40 a drink in a pub. Some pubs will allow people over 14 to go inside if they are  41 by someone who is over 18. You have to go to the bar to buy yourself. So those who don't know the  42 always have to wait a long time before realizing that they have to  43 their own.

You are not  44 to pay pub waiters in cash. The correct behavior is to  45 them a drink. Pubs pride themselves on their egalitarian (主张人人平等的) atmosphere. A tip  46 would be a reminder of their service role, whereas the offer of a drink is a friendly  47 .

About 10 minutes  48 closing time, the landlord will ring a bell and will tell people to order their  49 drinks. The pub is not allowed to  50 drinks after closing time. You must stop  51 20 minutes after closing time; if you have not  52 by this time, the pub landlord may ask you to leave.

Pubs offer the best  53 for foreigners to understand British  54 . That's why pubs are regarded as the  55 of British culture. So if you have the opportunity to visit Britain, go to a pub.    

36. A. never         B. hardly           C. sometimes     D. often  

37. A. as if          B. when            C. even if           D. because 

38. A. chatting           B. drinking          C. discussing     D. arguing 

39. A. life B. pub C. weather D. atmosphere

40. A. offer          B. order            C. charge           D. pay  

41. A. allowed B. promised         C. proved D. accompanied

42. A. custom        B. pub             C. entrance      D. landlord 

43. A. drink         B. offer            C. fetch         D. afford 

44. A. permitted      B. suspected         C. supposed         D. respected

45. A. offer          B. accept           C. allow        D. refer  

46. A. in turn        B. in cash              C. in order       D. in surprise

47. A. customer      B. foreigner         C. movement     D. gesture 

48. A. before         B. after             C. at              D. by  

49. A. first          B. last             C. own         D. fine  

50. A. serve         B. make            C. carry        D. take  

51. A. chatting           B. ringing           C. drinking       D. eating 

52. A. drunk         B. left              C. served        D. waited 

53. A. drinks         B. seats            C. places        D. wine 

54. A. culture            B. food             C. wine         D. service

55. A. sign          B. symbol          C. direction      D. flag


1  there, don’t try to speak English perfectly,  2 if you do so, no one will understand you. In London ninety-nine in every hundred people speak  3 English. You may say that  4 they don’t speak English well themselves, they can  5 understand it when it is well spoken. They  6 when the speaker is English. But when the speaker is a  7 , the better he speaks, the  8 it is to understand him.

No foreigner can  9 stress(重读) the syllables(音节) and make the tone(声调)  10 and fall in question and  11 exactly as a  12 does.  13 the first thing you have to do is to speak with a strong  14 accent, and speak broken, that is, English without any  15 . Then every English person you  16 will at once know you are a foreigner, and try to understand you and be ready to  17 you. He will not  18 you to be polite and use grammatical phrases. He will be  19 by his cleverness in making out(弄清) your  20 and being able to tell what you want to know.

1. A. settled    B. heard    C. understood  D. known

2. A. because    B. unless    C. whatever   D. for

3. A. American   B. bad     C. standard   D. no

4. A. because    B. since    C. when     D. even if

5. A. hardly    B. really    C. at least   D. at most

6. A. say      B. can     C. think     D. hope

7. A. foreigner   B. native    C. Londoner   D. traveler

8. A. better    B. easier    C. harder    D. clearer

9. A. never     B. even     C. ever     D. only

10. A. right    B. exact    C. raise     D. rise

11. A. request   B. answer    C. sentence   D. phrase

12. A. native    B. foreigner  C. child     D. reporter

13. A. While    B. Although   C. Because    D. Therefore

14. A. London    B. British   C. foreign    D. country

15. A. grammar   B. mistake   C. expression  D. word

16. A. know     B. see     C. look for   D. speak with

17. A. welcome   B. help     C. teach     D. praise

18. A. expect    B. scold    C. show     D. think

19. A. strict    B. surprised  C. pleased    D. praised

20. A. way     B. meaning   C. mistake    D. country




  Every Chinese-language textbook starts out with the standard phrases for greeting people, but as an American, I always found myself 1 to speak freely when it came to seeing guests off at the door. Just a good-bye would not do, yet that was all I had ever learned from the 2 books. So I would smile and nod, bowing like a Japanese and searching madly for words that would 3 over the visitor's leaving and make them feel they would be 4 to come again. In my unease, I often hid behind the skirts of my Chinese husband's kindness.

  Then finally, listening to others, I began to pick up the phrases that 5 relationships and sent people off not only successfully but also skillfully.

   6 for the Chinese includes a lot of necessary habitual practice. Although as a 7 , I'm not expected to observe or even know all the rules, I've had to learn the expressions of politeness and 8 at a leaving-taking.

  The Chinese feel they 9 see a guest off to the farthest possible point--down the flight of stairs to the street below or perhaps all the way to the 10 bus stop. I've sometimes waited half an hour or more for my husband to return from seeing a guest off, 11 he's gone to the bus stop and waited for the 12 bus to arrive.

  That's very well, but when I'm the guest being seen off, my protests are always 13 My hostess or host, or both, insists on 14 me down the stairs and well on my way, with my repeating the“Don't 15 to see me off at the every landing” . If I try to go fast to 16 them from following, they are simply out to the discomfort of having to run after me. Better to accept the inevitable(不可避免的).

  Besides, that's going against Chinese 17 ,because haste (doing things quickly) is to be avoided. What do you say when you 18 someone? Not“Farewell or Godspeed(祝福)” , 19 “Go slowly” .To the Chinese it means“Take care”or“Watch your 20 ”,or some such caution(谨慎), but translated literally(字面意思)it means“Go slowly”.



(1) Aeasy








(2) Auseful








(3) Asmooth








(4) Acontent








(5) Asped








(6) AParting








(7) Awife








(8) Aprotest








(9) Acan








(10) Afarthest








(11) Aalthough








(12) Afastest








(13) Aeffective








(14) Aleading








(15) Atrouble








(16) Aprotect








(17) Arule








(18) Ameet    with


Btalk    with


Cpart    from


Dcall    on


(19) Aand








(20) Afoot











  第一节 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍.

1.What is the woman looking for?

[  ]

A.A post office.

B.A bookstore.

C.A doctor's office.

2.Where does the conversation take place?

[  ]

A.At a train station.

B.On a bus.

C.At a booking office.

3.What does the woman do first after she gets up?

[  ]

A.Brush her teeth.

B.Do some reading.

C.Have breakfast.

4.How much is the ticket to London?

[  ]

A.$6. 40.

B.$3. 20.

C.$9. 60.

5.What is the woman?

[  ]

A.A teacher.

B.The boy's mother.

C.A saleswoman.

  第二节 听下面5段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.


6.When will the man go to Los Angeles?

[  ]

A.Next Monday.

B.Next Sunday.

C.This Sunday.

7.When should the man check in?

[  ]

A.9: 25.

B.9: 55.

C.8: 55.


8.What are the two speakers talking about?

[  ]

A.Whether they should go for a holiday.

B.Where they should go for the holiday.

C.How they could save money for the holiday.

9.Why doesn't Bob want to go to Florida?

[  ]

A.It is warmer than Sheffield.

B.It is too far away.

C.It is colder than Sheffield.

10.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.They are husband and wife.

B.They are father and daughter.

C.They are friends.


11.Where are the man and the woman going?

[  ]

A.To the bus station.

B.To the police station.

C.To the railway station.

12.What does the woman think they should do?

[  ]

A.Take a taxi.

B.Walk slowly.

C.Leave the bags with the police.

13.What does the man find out at last?

[  ]

A.Fifteen minutes is too long.

B.The traffic is moving too slowly.

C.He is not able to carry both bags.


14.How did the man feel the first time he spoke English to a foreigner?

[  ]




15.What was the man worried about?

[  ]

A.His pronunciation was bad.

B.He might make lots of mistakes.

C.He might not be able to express himself clearly.

16.What did the foreigner response (反应) when the man talked with him?

[  ]

A.He nodded and smiled, but didn't say anything.

B.He nodded and said something.

C.He smiled and repeated something.


17.By whom was the technical school run?

[  ]

A.An American.

B.A Japanese.

C.A young Englishman.

18.What do you think of the young man?

[  ]

A.He was kind.

B.He was better than the old man.

C.He was cruel.

19.What did the 16-year-old boy want to b e?

[  ]

A.He wanted to be a brave man.

B.He wanted to be a strict man.

C.He wanted to be a manager.

20.Why did the old man say “Good”?

[  ]

A.Because he thought what the boy did was quite right.

B.Because he thought the boy was stronger than the young man.

C.Because he never thought a boy dared to hit a young man.

  第三节 听下面一段独白,读三遍;第一遍听短文大意,第二遍边听边写下所缺的词或者短语,第三遍检查.

  (1) ________, most people nowadays (2) ________ with each other by telephone. The first telephone (3) ________ was printed in a town (4) ________. In 1877 there were only 2, 600 telephones in the world. .By 1990 there were over 250 million. (5) ________ by Alexander Bell, (6) ________ in the last quarter of the twentieth century, there have been great advances in telephone equipment. (7) ________, more and more (8) ________ telephones are being used by people. The mobile phone which has no (9) ________ can be carried easily. The cordless phone also has no wires, which is very useful in the office or in the factory. It is easy for people to look up any information. (10) ________ in it has been developed for business people.


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