摘要: satisfy vt. 满足


While football fans feel strongly angry and shocked about mistakes made by referees (裁判) because they cannot see clearly what has happened, a small German company is quietly pleased.

For Cairos Technologies, mistakes made by referees are the kind of advertising that money cannot buy. The company has developed a tiny chip(芯片) that fits inside a football and determines whether the ball has crossed the goal line, by being able to discover its exact location on the field. The world football organization, FIFA, has shown interest in the technology. It is very possible that the new technology will be used in the 2006 World Cup in Germany.

"We've been testing the technology at the main soccer stadium in Nuremberg for some time and more recently in an under-17 FIFA Cup in Peru," said Gunter Rohmer, a director of the company. "The technology has performed well, and we're pretty optimistic(乐观)that it will be used at the games in Germany next year."

The chip only weighs 12 grams, and is placed in the center of the football. It sends 2,000 signals a second to a receiver network of 12 antennas(天线),placed around the field. The receivers then send information about the ball's location to a central computer, and because it works in real time, it can immediately tell the referee whether a goal has been scored. The chip even can tell when the ball crosses the line in mid-air. Oliver Braun, one of the inventors of the chip, says that feedback from German referees was generally positive. Germany sports-wear giant Adidas is also optimistic about using this kind of chip in other ball sports.

FIFA aims to test the technology later this year at another game in Japan before deciding whether or not to introduce it in all 12 stadiums in Germany for next year's World Cup.  

1.Carlos Technologies is pleased because ________.

A.football fans are angry with referees

B.their new product can satisfy football fans

C.their new product will have a good market

D.they can sell a lot of football in the future

2.In the first sentence in Paragraph 2,"... mistakes made by referees are the kind of advertising that money cannot buy" means ___________.

A.Carlos Technologies can't afford the high price for advertising their product

B.Mistakes in production are also a kind of advertisement

C.Carios Technologies has already spent a lot of money on advertising their product

D.Referees' mistakes will be of great help for the sale of Carlos Technologies' new product

3.The underlined word "feedback" probably means ___________.

A.information given back by a user            B.advice given by someone

C.supplying food to customers               D.food given back by consumers

4.The new product has drawn attention from some _________.

A.famous people     B.referees          C.big companies      D.countries

5.According to the passage , the following are true except _______ .

A.The chip sends 2,000 signals a second

B.The chip even can tell when the ball crosses the line in mid-air.

C.The chip will be used at the game in Japan.

D.The chip will also be used at the games in Germany next year."



Spring is coming, and it is time for those about to graduate to look for jobs. Competition is tough, so job seekers must carefully consider their personal choices. Whatever we are wearing, our family and friends may accept us, but the workplace may not.

A high school newspaper editor said it is unfair for companies to discourage visible tattoos (纹身)nose rings, or certain dress styles. It is true you can’t judge a book by its cover, yet people do “cover” themselves in order to convey (传递)certain messages.What we wear, including tattoos and nose rings, is an expression of who we are.Just as people convey messages about themselves with their appearances, so do companies.Dress standards exist in the business world for a number of reasons, but the main concern is often about what customers accept.

Others may say how to dress is a matter of personal freedom, but for businesses it is more about whether to make or lose money. Most employers do care about the personal appearances of their employees (雇员), because those people represent the companies to their customers.

As a hiring manager I am paid to choose the people who would make the best impression on our customers. There are plenty of well-qualified candidates, so it is not wrong to reject someone who might disappoint my customers.Even though I am open-minded, I can’t expect all our customers are.

There is nobody to blame but yourself if your set of choices does not match that of your preferred employer. No company should have to change to satisfy a candidate simply because he or she is unwilling to respect its standards, as long as its standards are legal.

1.Which of the following is the newspaper editor’ opinion according to Paragraph 2?

A.People’s appearances carry messages about themselves.

B.Candidates with tattoos or nose rings should be fairly treated.

C.Customers’ choices influence dress standards in companies.

D.Strange dress styles should not be encouraged in the workplace.

2.What can be inferred from the text?

A.Candidates have to wear what companies prefer for an interview.

B.Hiring managers make the best impression on their candidates.

C.Companies sometimes have to change to respect their candidates.

D.What to wear is not a matter of personal choice for companies.

3.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A.Appearances Matter                     B.Personal Choices Matter

C.Employees Matter                       D.Hiring Managers Matter

4.The author’s attitude towards strange dress styles in the workplace may best be described as_____.

A.enthusiastic        B.positive           C.negative          D.sympathetic




1.Their _________ (behave) towards me shows that they do not like me.

2.He had been under _________ (观察) by the police before he was caught.

3.We’d better take time and money into _________ (consider) when making the plan.

4.We have been told to show r_________ for our elders.

5._________ (inspire) by what the old man said, the boy decided to try again.

6.Look! There is a child _________ (挣扎) in the lake.

7. He made up his mind to r_________ himself of the bad habits.

8. The meeting last week was aimed at _________ (扩张) the company.

9.She r_________ her weight by 5 kilograms because she considered herself too fat.

10.The man, who is _________ (提到,涉及) to at the meeting, is my former classmate.

11.The scientist said that the rocks had changed in both _________ (chemistry) and physical ways.

12.The old man came in, with two young men _________ (支持,支撑) his body.

13.Whenever I come across computer problems, I will consult my uncle because he is a s_________ in that field.

14.More teaching _________ (设备) will be given to the school as a reward.

15.There were strong _________ (argue) for and against the new policy.

16.He felt a great sense of a_________ when he finally succeeded in entering that key university.

17.To my _________ (satisfy), he succeeded in finishing the work ahead of schedule.

18.90% of the products are _________ (出口) to Europe, which earns a lot of money for our country.

19.Researchers in this field have made several important new _________ (discover)

20.The girl is so gossip that she likes to make c_________ on others' clothes.

21.Now more than 60% of the rice produced in China each year _________ (be) from this hybrid strain.

22.Barbara is easy to recognize as she is the only one of the women who _________ (wear) evening dress.

23.Going to bed early and getting up early _________ (be) a good habit.

24.No one can avoid _________ (influence) by advertisements.

25. He attached great importance to _________ (build) up our country.



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