摘要:4.C.the other bees其它的蜜蜂.


Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. Green said, "Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would ___36__."

Blue interrupted, "You only think about the __37__, but consider the sky and the sea.__38__ the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea.Without my peace, you would all be __39__."

Yellow chuckled (笑道), "You are all so serious. I bring laughter, fun, and __40__ into the world."

Orange started next to blow her trumpet, "I am the color of health and strength. I may be __41__, but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. When I fill the sky __42__, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another __43__ to any of you."

Red could stand it __44__ and he shouted out, "I am the ruler of all of you. I am the color of danger and of bravery. I am willing to __45__ truth. I am also the color of passion and of love."

Then came Purple and Indigo (深蓝). …

The colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own __46__. Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder. Rain started to pour down __47__. The colors crouched (蜷缩) down __48__, drawing close to one another for comfort.

In the midst of the clamor (叫嚷), rain began to speak, "You foolish colors, fighting __49__ yourselves, each trying to dominate __50__. Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose, __51__? Join hands with __52__ and come to me."

Doing as they were told, the colors __53__ and joined hands. They formed a colorful rainbow. From then on, whenever a good rain ___54__ the world, a rainbow appears in the sky. They remember to __55__ one another.

36.A.stay                      B.leave                     C.go out                    D.die

37.A.earth                     B.moon                     C.star                        D.sun

38.A.That is                   B.I am                             C.It is                      D.This is

39.A.anything               B.nothing                  C.something              D.everything

40.A.warmth                  B.sadness                  C.depression             D.anxiety

41.A.usual                     B.normal                   C.common                D.scarce

42.A.at midnight            B.at noon or at night   C.at sunrise or sunset D.during the day

43.A.gift                      B.honor                    C.thought                  D.respect

44.A.for more               B.any more                      C.very much              D.no longer

45.A.turn to                   B.fight for                 C.struggle with          D.bend over

46.A.superiority             B.disadvantages        C.inferiority             D.weakness

47.A.gently                    B.quietly                   C.violently               D.peacefully

48.A.with care                      B.in fear                   C.by chance              D.on purpose

49.A.amongst                 B.by                         C.for                        D.against

50.A.others                    B.themselves             C.the other               D.the rest

51.A.equal and simple     B.ordinary and similar C.more or less    D.unique and different

52.A.each other              B.me                        C.one another            D.them

53.A.combined               B.separated               C.united                    D.divided

54.A.cleans                    B.washes                   C.brightens               D.dampens

55.A.appreciate              B.quarrel with           C.ignore                    D.praise


Everyone’s at it, even my neighbors. I thought I might be the only person left in the world who hadn’t done an eBay deal. So I decided to try my hand at online auction(网上拍卖)。

Buying for beginners: Sign up on WWW.eBay.com < http://www..com/> Most items(e.g. tables, computers, and books) ready for auction will come with a picture and a short description; others may be marked with “Buy It Now” and have a fixed price. You can buy these right away.

If the item is being auctioned, you offer the highest price you are prepared to pay and eBay bids (出价) for you. The bid will be increased little by little until it goes beyond your highest bid, then you are emailed and asked if you would like to bid again. Auctions last up to 10 days and when they finish you get an email telling you whether you have won the item.

How to pay: Sellers decide how they would like to be paid and you need to check this before placing a bid as you might not want to post a cheque or postal orders. The easiest way is through PayPal, an online payment system that takes the money away from your credit card.

Selling made simple: If you plan to sell on eBay, it helps to include a picture of the item. I followed my friends’ advice and put up the items I wanted to sell for a 10- day auction, starting on a Thursday. This way buyers had two weekends to bid.

The big things in life: It’s easy to post a small item, but furniture is a big part of eBay and this has to be collected or sent by deliverymen. Check the ways of delivery before you bid.

What is the passage mainly about ?

A. How to make payment online.              B. Ways of making delivery online.

C. Advantages of an online-auction system. D. How to use an online-auction system.

After bidding for an item, a buyer _______ .

A. can’t buy other items any more         B. should make payment immediately

C. has chances to make higher bids         D. must give your credit card to the seller

You should _______if the item is being auctioned.

A. make loud noises                B. get the others not to bid

C. ask the other people’s price  D. offer the highest price you are ready to pay

The easiest way of making payment mentioned in the passage is _______.

A. through an online payment system      B. through a local bank system

C. by sending the money to the seller     D. by paying the delivery man directly


One day,four lawyers were riding their horses along a country road. There had been a rain. Water was dripping (滴) from the trees,and the grass was wet. They rode slowly,talking and laughing. Suddenly they heard some noises from the tree above them. “What is the matter?” asked the first lawyer. “Oh, it's only some old birds!” said the second lawyer. “The storm made one of the babies fall out of the nest. It is too young to fly, and the mother bird is very worried.” “What a pity! It’ll die down there in the grass,” said the third lawyer. “It doesn't matter. It's only a bird,” said the second lawyer. Then they rode on, talking and laughing as before. But the fourth lawyer, whose name was Abraham Lincoln, stopped. He got down from his horse and took the little one in his big warm hands.

“Never mind, my little fellow ,” said Mr. Lincoln. “I will put you back in your little nest.” He climbed up the tree and put the bird softly into their warm little home. A few minutes later, Mr. Lincoln joined them again. His shoes were covered with mud and he was wet. Then the other three laughed at him. They thought it was foolish for a strong man to do so much just for a young bird. “Gentlemen,” said Mr. Lincoln, “I could not sleep tonight if I had left the helpless bird in the grass.” Later Abraham Lincoln became very famous as a lawyer. He also became the president of America. He was one of the greatest American presidents.

1.The reason why the mother bird was worried was that __________.

A.there was a rain

B.the lawyers were under its tree

C.one of its babies fell out of the nest

D.it could not fly

2.The underlined phrase “little fellow” in paragraph 2 means __________.

A.the mother bird

B.Lincoln's little friends

C.the other three lawyers

D.the baby bird

3.The other three lawyers laughed at Lincoln because __________.

A.he climbed the tree

B.he was wet

C.his shoes were covered with mud

D.they thought it foolish for him to do so

4.From the passage we know Lincoln __________.

A.liked riding horses

B.was very kind and loved birds and animals

C.liked being laughed at

D.wanted to be the president of America then



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