摘要: A. through B. thoroughly C. upon D. up


  So you are attractive and you think you would like to be a model! Are you sure you are the   1   type Are you fairly tall with a small   2  ? Are your breast and your hips more or less of the same measurement? Have you got good legs? Yes? Well, these are only the   3  requirements. First of all, make up your mind how you are going to begin. You can go to a model school,   4  such schools are expensive. There they will teach you how to make the   5  of yourself; how to make up well, how to walk, how to look after your complexion (肤色) and your hair. But you may not have enough money for this.    6  can you do? Have some photographs   7  by a really good professional (职业的) photographer who knows the fashion business.

If you are not photogenic (上镜头的) —well, there's   8  that even the best photographer can do for you. Oh—you are photogenic? Good? Now we can begin. You can either become a house-model, or work free-lance. A house-model is an employee,   9  the salesgirls and the bookkeeping staff. She is   10  by a dress firm to show off clothes. These shows are for buyers from big stores or for the press. It's a full-time   11   . But if you are more ambitious (有抱负的) and want to earn a lot of  12  , you can become a free-lance mold; that is to say , you will be paid by the hour for your   13  All your work will come to you   14   a model agency (经纪部门), and you will not choose your clients (客户). The agency will tell you   15  to go, at what time, and what you will have to do. It may be for a magazine or television   16   , to model dresses in a smart hotel, or for a "collection" show in a big fashion house. Whatever the occasion (不管什么样的场合),your job will be to look as decorative as   17  . You always have to   18   to be enjoying yourself, even if you are being photographed outdoors on a   19  cold day, wearing practically nothing. Are you   20  enough for that?

1. A. fair          B. just            C. unfit            D. right

2. A. neck         B. waist           C. head            D. back

3. A. basic         B. senior          C. junior            D. high

4. A. because        B. for            C. although           D. so that

5. A. best        B. use           C. worst           D. full

6. A. How           B. Where        C. When           D. What</span>

7. A. taken       B. developed        C. made           D. brought

8. A. everything       B. something     C. nothing            D. thing

9. A. like          B. as           C. being           D. with

10. A. fired          B. dismissed         C. taken           D. employed

11. A. job         B. work           C. action           D. showing

12. A. fame        B. money         C. face            D. respect.

13. A. cries        B. smiles         C. supplies              D. services

14. A. through        B. by          C. because          D. with

15. A. when          B. where         C. how               D. who

16. A. keyboard      B. set            C. screen           D. advertisement

17. A. probable       B. possible         C. terrible           D. reasonable

18. A. think      B. imagine       C. suggest        D. appear

19. A. bitterly        B. sweetly        C. fortunately        D. friendly

20. A. weak      B. tough       C. rough        D. poor


  College and university graduations in the United States are arriving earlier each year as the average length of school year gets shorter.

    The school year has fallen by nearly six weeks, from 197 days in 1964 to 156days in 1994,   1   the National Association of Scholars.   2  , most American kindergarten, elementary (初等的) and high school students are   3  to spend 180 days a year in their schools. The   4  of the average class period also has   5   , from more than 57minutes to less than 54,the Association reports.

    “The   6  has to be that students are simply   7  less,” said the director of the Association. “If you count the actual    8  of contact hours, you'll find they are   9   four years in college getting an education that would have taken about    10  years in 1964.”

The universities argue (认为) that they are simply teaching more  11   “The traditional idea that learning   12  in the classroom and   13  reading and writing   14  based on seat time is out of date,” said a spokesman for the American Council on Education. “  15  than attending lectures, students now   16  their professors on their computers or use other types of   17  technology, allowing for a shorter school year,” he said. It is very   18  .that, in many schools, they are going to spend   19  time   20  than they used to.

1. A. according to        B. by the accordance of     C. following         D. followed

2. A. By comparison        B. In particular           C. Strangely enough  D. As a result

3. A. intended           B. required            C. requested       D. inquired

4. A. long                 B. length            C. time           D. period

5. A. fallen             B. declined            C. oppressed       D. lowered

6. A. reason          B. cause             C. conclusion          D. condition

7. A. playing             B. learning            C. working       D. paying

8. A. number       B. times            C. need            D. arrangement

9. A. spending          B. given            C. living        D. asked

10. A. five            B. two             C. three          D. six

11. A. quickly           B. thoroughly             C. wisely           D. efficiently

12. A. came           B. took place            C. started         D. appeared

13. A. through            B. across             C. by the way of     D. with

14. A. questions          B. books             C. assignments       D. texts

15. A. Rather          B. More            C. Less          D. Easier

16. A. chat with         B. argue with           C. speak           D. tell

17. A. knowledge         B. information           C. message          D. intelligence

18. A. possibly         B. probably            C. lovely          D. likely

19. A. less           B. little             C. more           D. much more

20. A. at home        B. in the laboratory          C. in the classroom  D. on computer



The school was across the street from our home and I would often watch the kids as they played during the break. She seemed so small as she pushed her way __1__ the crowd of boys on the playground. She __2__ from them all.

I began to notice her at other times, basketball in hand, playing __3__. She would practice dribbling (运球) and shooting over and over again, sometimes until __4__. One day I asked her __5__ she practiced so much. She looked __6__ in my eyes and without a moment of hesitation she said, “I want to go to college. The only way I can __7__ is if I get a scholarship. I am going to play college basketball. I want to be __8__. My Daddy told me if the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.”

Well, I had to give it in to her—she was __9__. One day, I saw her sitting in the grass, head __10__ in her arms. I walked toward her and quietly asked what was __11__ “Oh, nothing,” came a soft reply. “I am just too short.” The coach told her that at her height she would probably __12__ get to play for a top ranked team, __13__ offered a scholarship. So she __14__ stop dreaming about college.

She was __15__ and I sensed her disappointment. I asked her if she had talked to her dad about it yet. She told me that her father said those coaches were wrong. They just did not __16__ the power of a dream. He told her __17__ she really wanted to play for a good college, if she truly wanted a scholarship, __18__ could stop her except one thing — her own attitude. He told her again, “If the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.”

The next year, as she and her team went to the Northern California Championship game, she was seen by a college recruiter (招聘人员). She was indeed offered a __19__. She was going to get the college education that she had __20__ and worked toward it for all those years.

1. A. through  B. across     C. over    D. into

2. A. brought out   B. showed out   C. stood out    D. work out

3. A. only     B. lonely   C. simply   D. alone

4. A. dark     B. dawn      C. midnight    D. daybreak

5. A. how   B. when      C. why       D. what

6. A. worriedly B. shyly      C. quietly     D directly

7. A. go      B. get       C. enter      D. attend

8. A. worse    B. better     C. the best    D. the worst

9. A. determined B. encouraged   C. fixed      D. fascinated

10. A. covered   B. enclosed    C. dropped     D. buried

11. A. the affair B. the wrong    C. matter   D. the matter

12. A. ever    B. even      C. once      D. never

13. A. far more B. much less    C. much fewer   D. many more

14. A. should     B. must      C. can       D. may

15. A. overjoyed   B. moved    C. embarrassed   D. heartbroken

16. A. understand   B. experience     C. learn      D. believe

17. A. even if    B. as if      C. that if     D only if

18. A. anything B. nothing     C. something    D. everything

19. A. prize    B. medal    C. scholarship   D. position

20. A. dreamed of B. accepted    C. thought of     D. appreciated



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