摘要: C.help with sth. 意为“帮助干些事情 .



  What makes Americans spend nearly half their food dollars on meals away from home?The answers lie in the way Americans live today.During the first few decades of the twentieth century, canned and other convenience foods freed the family cook from full-time duty at the kitchen.Then, in the 1940s, work in the wartime defense factories took more women out of the home than ever before, setting the pattern of the working wife and mother.

  Today about half of the country’s married women are employed outside the home.But, unless family members pitch in with food preparation, women are not fully liberated from that housework.Instead, many have become, in a sense, prisoners of the completely cooked convenience meals.It’s easier to pick up some fried chicken on the way home from work or take the family out for meals than to start opening cans or heating up frozen dinners after a long, hard day.

  Also, the rising divorce rate means that there are more single working parents with children to feed.And many young adults and elderly people, as well as unmarried and divorced grown-ups, live alone rather than as part of a family unit and don’t want to bother cooking for one.

  Fast food is attractive because it is fast, it doesn’t require any dressing up, it offers“fun”break in the daily routine, and the expense seems small.It can be eaten in the cars-sometimes picked up at a drive-in-window without even getting out-or on the run.Even if it is brought home to eat, there will never be any dirty dishes to wash because of the handy disposable wrappings.Children, especially, love fast food because it’s finger food, no struggling with knives and forks, no bothersome instructions from adult about table manners.


Which of the following is mainly responsible for the fast food fad in America?

[  ]


The fast tempo of modern life.


Americans’ preference for ease and convenience.


Keen competition in society.


Americans’ jealousy for time.


It can be inferred from the text that ________.

[  ]


the author feels that the atmosphere at fast food restaurants is nice.


forks and knives are indispensable while eating


not many adults love fast food


people enjoy more freedom while having fast food


According to the passage, all the following factors partly contribute to many Americans’ eating out EXCEPT that ________.

[  ]


they want to be liberated from bothersome cooking


canned and convenience foods are harmful to people’s health


many people stay single and do not like to cook


many women work outside instead of cooking at home day after day


“Pitch in with”in Paragraph 2 probably means ________.

[  ]


start doing


prefer doing


help with


keep up




1.Why can't the man tell the woman the way?

A.He's lost.

B.He doesn't want to help her.

C.He is not familiar with the area.

2.How does the man feel about the play?

A.It's very good.

B.It's terrible.

C.It's the best one he has ever seen.

3.What's the time now?




4.What are the speakers talking about?

A.The parties.

B.The movies.

C.The games.

5.What color is the shirt?





听下面5段对话或独白、每段对话或独白后有几个小题.从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6.What do you think the woman is?

A.A librarian.

B.A shop assistant.

C.A teacher.

7.What is the woman's suggestion?

A.Buying some books on computers.

B.Borrowing some magazines.

C.Asking some experts for advice.


8.What is NOT needed by the man?

A.A pencil-box.


C.A bottle of ink.

9.How many drawing pencils does the man want?





10.With whom is the man talking?

A.Another student.

B.A teacher.

C.His mother.

11.Where will the woman probably go during the holiday?

A.To the mountain

B.To the countryside

C.To the beach.

12.What does the woman think the man should do?

A.Think further about his vacation.

B.Think more about his study.

C.Take a trip to the beach.


13.What does the woman ask the man to do tonight?

A.Play some sports.

B.Join her for dinner.

C.Help with her study.

14.What is the man going to do in Miami?

A.Go sightseeing.

B.Attend a wedding.

C.Set up a coffee shop.

15.Where is the woman going now?

A.To the tennis courts.

B.To the coffee shop.

C.To the school.

16.What does the man decide to do at the end of the conversation?

A.Put off his trip.

B.Come back early.

C.Take tennis lessons.


17.Which is the best way to learn a language?

A.Speaking the language quickly.

B.Using the language as often as you can.

C.Trying to make fewer mistakes

18.What should you do when people laugh at your mistakes?

A.Stop talking at once.

B.Keep your sense of humor.

C.Be careful next time.

19.What is the most important rule of learning English?

A.Try to make no mistakes.

B.Don't be afraid of making mistakes.

C.Be ready to speak English.

20.What is the speaker talking about?

A.How to speak English quickly.

B.How to make fewer mistakes.

C.How to learn English.




1.How did Charles travel?

A.By car.

B.By bus.

C.By train.

2.What does the man think of the price of the car?

A.It's reasonable.

B.It's too high.

C.It's low indeed.

3.What will the man probably do?

A.Boil some coffee for the woman.

B.Take the woman to a coffee shop.

C.Get for the woman some tea instead.

4.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.Drop him off at home.

B.Wait until he finishes the letter.

C.Mail the letters on her way to class.

5.Where was the woman going?

A.To the shore.

B.To the gate.

C.To the lake.



6.What kind of dress does the lady get?

A.A cotton dress, Size 9.

B.A special dress, Size 8.

C.A silk dress, Size 9.

7.How much is the change?

A.6 dollars.

B.10 dollars.

C.16 dollars.


8.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At home.

B.On a bus.

C.At an airport.

9.What was the best part of the man's trip?

A.Sending the mail by air.

B.Not speaking Italian.

C.Staying with his relatives.


10.What position among the big cities in the UK does the city of Sheffield hold?

A.The third.

B.The fourth.

C.The fifth.

11.How many trees are there in Sheffield?

A.One million.

B.Two million.

C.Three million.

12.When did the industry really take off in the city of Sheffield?

A.About 250 years ago.

B.About 230 years ago.

C.About 210 years ago.


13.What does the woman ask the man to do tonight?

A.Play some sports.

B.Join her for dinner.

C.Help with her study.

14.What is the man going to do in Miami?

A.Go sightseeing.

B.Attend a wedding.

C.Set up a coffee shop.

15.Where is the woman going now?

A.To the tennis court.

B.To the coffee shop.

C.To her school.


The US government has started a website, Admongo, to help children think critically about the advertising aimed at them. It claims to provide visitors with an “aducation” through games and other entertainment.

  A cartoon man dressed in old time pilot clothing greets visitors to Admongo. "Call me Haiz", he says upon arrival in a rocket ship that opens up with a crazy world inside it. Spacey dance music plays in the background as Haiz tells visitors that they need to learn about advertising.

    Its inventors say eight to twelve years old is the age kids develop their critical thinking abilities. Kids that age are also a big market for advertisers.

    The idea behind Admongo is to teach children three things: To identify the advertiser. To know what the advertiser is really saying. And to know what the advertisement is trying to get the child to do.

    Children learn these things through a video game. They create their own game character. They can choose different skin colors, hair styles, eye and mouth shapes. Then they begin a trip through ad-land, where there are ads on buses and billboards. The players have to find all the marketing in the neighborhood before they can move on to the next level.

    The Admongo game takes players inside a home, to the advertising studio and everywhere else ads can be found. It is a complete exploration of the world of marketing.

    One such area is food marketing. The Federal Trade Commission(FTC) says it is a big business. The FTC estimates that food, drink and fast-food restaurants spent more than one and a half billion dollars on advertising to young people in 2009.

    The FTC says children are important for three reasons. They buy products. They influence parents and caregivers to buy. And they are the future adult buyers of the products.

    A recent study says most advertising aimed at children is for foods of the lowest nutritional value. First Lady Michelle Obama has said she would like to see advertisers marketing healthy foods for children.


What is the best title of the text?

    A. The guide of Admongo

    B. An aducation website for children

    C. A popular online video game

    D. A website aimed at children


 Why did the government start the website?

    A. To attract the biggest market of buyers.

    B. To sell the products of its company.

    C. To help children know about advertising.

    D. To advertise the video game for children.


 What can players do in the website game?

    A. Choose hair styles for their character.

    B. Travel to a supermarket.

    C. Eat in a fast-food restaurant.

    D. Play video games during the trip.


 Children are important for advertising because they are        .

    A. important for the society

    B. the most potential buyers

    C. easily influenced by ads

    D. easily affected by poor products


 According to Michelle Obama, lots of food advertised for children are ________.

   A. healthy                        B. of high nutrition

   C. yummy                        D. of low quality




London Underground

The world’s first subway was built in London in 1863. At that time, the government was looking for a way to reduce traffic problems in the city of London. The poor areas of the city were so crowded with people that it was almost impossible for horse carriages to get through. The city officials were interested in trying to make it possible for workers to live outside of London and travel easily to work each day. If people had a cheap and convenient way that they could depend on to go to and from work, they would relocate their homes outside of the city. This would help ease the pressure of too many people living in the poor parts of London. From these problems, the idea of the London Underground, the first subway system, was born.

The plans for building the Underground met with several problems and delays, but the fast track was finally opened in January 1863. A steam train pulled the cars along the fast underground track which was 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) long. About 30,000 people got on the subway the first day. Riders were treated to comfortable seats (standing up while the train was moving was not allowed), and pleasant decorations inside each of the cars. However, the smoke from the engine soon filled the air in the tunnels with ash and soot, as well as chemical gases. Fans had to be put in the tunnels later to keep the air clean enough for people to breathe. Even with its problems, riding in the Underground did catch on. It carried 9 million riders in the first year.

1.. What led the British government to build the London Underground?

A. Traffic jams and pollution

B. Population and pollution

C. Overcrowding and traffic jams

D. The poverty and subway problems

2.. The underlined phrase “catch on” most probably means “_____”.

A. be troublesome       B. become popular and fashionable

C. keep up with         D. seize

3. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. To locate the workers’ homes outside London, the government built the subway

B. There were so many problems and delays that in the 18th century the first subway opened

C. The subway greatly eased the pressure of traffic

D. There were not enough seats for the passengers the first day the subway opened.

4.. It seems that the writer is going to talk about _____.

A. more problems with subways            B. subways around the world later on

C. the history and culture of London         D. the Beijing subway



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