


1.How did Charles travel?

A.By car.

B.By bus.

C.By train.

2.What does the man think of the price of the car?

A.It's reasonable.

B.It's too high.

C.It's low indeed.

3.What will the man probably do?

A.Boil some coffee for the woman.

B.Take the woman to a coffee shop.

C.Get for the woman some tea instead.

4.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.Drop him off at home.

B.Wait until he finishes the letter.

C.Mail the letters on her way to class.

5.Where was the woman going?

A.To the shore.

B.To the gate.

C.To the lake.



6.What kind of dress does the lady get?

A.A cotton dress, Size 9.

B.A special dress, Size 8.

C.A silk dress, Size 9.

7.How much is the change?

A.6 dollars.

B.10 dollars.

C.16 dollars.


8.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At home.

B.On a bus.

C.At an airport.

9.What was the best part of the man's trip?

A.Sending the mail by air.

B.Not speaking Italian.

C.Staying with his relatives.


10.What position among the big cities in the UK does the city of Sheffield hold?

A.The third.

B.The fourth.

C.The fifth.

11.How many trees are there in Sheffield?

A.One million.

B.Two million.

C.Three million.

12.When did the industry really take off in the city of Sheffield?

A.About 250 years ago.

B.About 230 years ago.

C.About 210 years ago.


13.What does the woman ask the man to do tonight?

A.Play some sports.

B.Join her for dinner.

C.Help with her study.

14.What is the man going to do in Miami?

A.Go sightseeing.

B.Attend a wedding.

C.Set up a coffee shop.

15.Where is the woman going now?

A.To the tennis court.

B.To the coffee shop.

C.To her school.




1.What can the woman do?

A.Stay at home.

B.Stay out the whole day

C.Go out but come back early.

2.What does the woman mean?

A.The man has to wash the dishes first.

B.The man can’t play computer games.

C.She can’t play with the man because she has to wash the dishes.

3.What does the man mean?

A.Tom doesn’t have to come.

B.The woman shouldn’t have agreed.

C.Without Sally, the party has no meaning.

4.How much is the white bicycle?




5.Who’s Jimmy?

A.The man’s son.

B.The man’s brother.

C.woman’s brother.




6.Where does this conversation take place?

A.At a party.

B.In the office.

C.In the computer room.

7.Where does Tim work?

A.In a department store.

B.a research company.

C.In a computer company.

8.Where does Peggy work?

A.In a general store.

B.In a computer company.

C.In a government office.


9.Why can’t the woman meet Sally?

A.Because Sally has changed her plan.

B.Because the has to meet an important guest.

C.Because the boss wants the man to meet Sally.

10.What does Sally look like?

A.Tall with short hair.

B.Short with long hair.

C.Short with short hair.

11.Which flight will Sally take?

A.88 157.

B.AA 175.

C.AA 425.


12.What is NOT among the good points of shopping in a big shop?

A.More choices.

B.Lower prices.

C.Faster shopping.

13.Why does the speaker hate the large crowd?

A.Because one has to wait to pay his things.

B.Because one doesn’t feel comfortable in a crowd.

C.Because the shop will be in poor order with the crowd.

14.When does the speaker go to the corner shops?

A.When their prices are down.

B.In busy hours of the big shops.

C.When only a few things are needed.


15.What kind of hotel did the speaker stay in?

A.It kept old German customs.

B.It was built in the 18th century.

C.It used wood for fire in the guest rooms.

16.How did the fire start?

A.The speaker carried the burning wood outside.

B.The speaker dropped the burning wood on the floor.

C.The curtain caught fire as the speaker opened the window.

17.How was the fire put out?

A.The army came to help.

B.The speaker dropped the burning wood.

C.A group of people put it out under the leadership of the manager.


18.Why is Beijing the right place for the man?

A.It’s the capital.

B.It has a long history.

C.It takes a long time to visit.

19.How can Beijing satisfy the man’s wife?

A.She can buy things she likes.

B.Prices of goods are low in Beijing.

C.There are several shopping centers.

20.Why will the man’s daughter like the Great Wall and the Forbidden City?

A.Because she has heard about them.

B.Because these are new things for her.

C.Because they are the signs of Beijing.




1.Where did the conversation happen?

A.In a bank

B.In a department store

C.In an office

2.What color does the lady want to buy?

A.Dark black

B.Dark green

C.Dark brown

3.How did the lady pay for the belt?

A.By cash

B.By Master Card

C.By credit card


4.Who do you think the man is?

A.travel guide

B.The woman’s husband

C.A history teacher

5.When was the Great Wall first built?

A.In the third century BC

B.More than 2,000 years ago

C.more than 2,500 years ago

6.How wide is the Great Wall at the base?

A.6.5 meters

B.6.4 meters

C.5.8 meters


7.What does the waiter try to advise the woman to eat?

A.Some fresh fruit

B.An apple pie

C.Chocolate cake

8.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the conversation?

A.What the waiter can serve is only chocolate cake.

B.There are many kinds of dessert for the woman to choose from.

C.The woman doesn’t choose pineapple pie at all.

9.What’s the result of the conversation?

A.The woman has no choice but to eat chocolate cake.

B.The woman can only drink a cup of coffee.

C.The woman leaves the restaurant without eating or drinking anything.


10.What did they talk about?

A.The method of baking the roast meat

B.The description of the roast meat

C.The roast meat

11.Which of the following is TRUE according to the dialogue?

A.Mix one egg, two teaspoons of salt, two pounds of ground beef and twelve ounces of milk and a cup of bread crumbs.

B.Mix two eggs, one teaspoon of salt, half pound of ground beef and twenty ounces of milk and a cup of bread crumbs.

C.Mix one egg, two teaspoons of salt, one pound of ground beef and two ounces of milk and two cups of bread crumbs.

12.What’s the last step?

A.Bake fifteen minutes at 300 degrees

B.Bake an hour at 530 degrees

C.Bake an hour and fifteen minutes at 350 degrees.


13.How did the speaker and his wife get around in London?

A.By taxi

B.By bus

C.On foot

14.Which of the following places haven’t they been to during their stay in London?

A.Buckingham Palace

B.The British Museum

C.C.The National Gallery

15.What could they do in London that they can’t do at home?

A.Have some very good meals

B.Go shopping

C.See some very good plays



第一节 听力理解(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



1.What does the woman advise the man to do?

A.Watch a TV play.

B.Go to the cinema.

C.Listen to a radio play.

2.Why doesn't the man buy a new radio?

A.Because he doesn't have enough money at present.

B.Because he thinks the old one is as good.

C.Because he doesn't like a new one.

3.What does the man think of the radio programme?

A.It's hard to understand.

B.It's interesting.

C.It's boring.


4.What does the man want to do?

A.Buy a package.

B.Visit Union Express.

C.Send something back home.

5.Where will the package be picked up from?

A.From the Company “Union Express”.

B.From University of Glasgow.

C.From the post office.

6.What's the man's response to the charge?

A.He accepts it.

B.He has to think about it.

C.He thinks it's too expensive.


7.When will the man go to San Francisco?

A.At 2∶30 p.m., Feb.18.

B.At 6∶00 p.m., Feb.20.

C.At 6∶00 p.m., Feb.18.

8.Why does the man cancel his ticket?

A.Because the flight is delayed.

B.Because there is not flight on 18th

C.Because he has changed his plans.

9.Where will the man get back the refund(退款)?

A.At the travel agency.

B.Where he bought the ticket.

C.At New York Airport.


10.When can they talk to the teachers?

A.When the teachers are not busy.

B.When school is over.

C.When they sit in the classes.

11.What can they do during the visit?

A.They may talk to the students in Chinese.

B.They can take photos of the students.

C.They may teach the pupils some Chinese.

12.Why should they follow the programme set up by the schools?

A.Because the schools in UK are very strict.

B.Because the teachers in UK are very busy.

C.Because there are too many visitors.


13.Where does this news programme take place?

A.At a shopping center.

B.At a local school.

C.At the door of the woman.

14.What does the woman and her family eat on this day?


B.Food from Turkey.


15.What does the woman think of Christmas?

A.It's a time when people exchange gifts with friends.

B.It's a holiday when family members give gifts during a dinner.

C.It's a day when people think of others without waiting for a gift in return.

第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)





Conversation 1

1.Where does this conversation probably take place?

A.In a shop.

B.In a post office.

C.In a hospital.

2.How much is the change?




Conversation 2

3.What will be on Channel 3?

A.A talk show

B.A romantic film.

C.A football match.

4.When will the football match start?

A.At 8∶00.

B.At 7∶45.

C.At 7∶30.

Conversation 3

5.Why dose the woman’s cousin want to sell his car?

A.The car is too old.

B.The car is broken.

C.He will take a job overseas.

6.What is the car like?

A.It has four doors.

B.It has no sunroof.

C.It is air-conditioned.

Conversation 4

7.How is the woman feeling now?




8.Why was Rachel giggling?

A.Because she saw someone getting hurt.

B.Because she was happy to see the woman.

C.Because of David’s joke.

9.What can we learn from the dialogue?

A.The woman thinks David is a fool.

B.The man thinks David’s behavior is bad.

C.David put a piece of paper on the woman’s back.

Conversation 5

10.How dose the woman feel about her regular life?




11.Why dose the man NOT want to go to the concert?

A.He doesn’t like music.

B.The music hall is far from their home.

C.He thinks it is too late to go out.

12.What will the two speakers do tonight?

A.Watch TV.

B.Go to a concert.

C.Go dancing.

Conversation 6

13.Where did the woman go last month?

A.She went back home.

B.She went on a trip.

C.She went on business.

14.What does the woman’s cousin Keira look like?

A.She has dark hair.

B.She has dark eyes.

C.She has a heart-shaped face.

15.What does the man think of Jane?

A.She is proud.

B.She is ugly.

C.She is cute.







1.What is the woman doing?

A.Meeting guests at the airport

B.Looking for her luggage.

C.Discussing volleyball matches.

2.How many volleyball teams have already started training?




3.What will the man do this evening?

A.Go back to China.

B.Have a meeting.

C.Play volleyball.


4.How did the man get the MP3 player?

A.He borrowed it from Jay Chou.

B.He got it from his uncle.

C.He bought it himself

5.Why do the speakers think of Jay Chou as a superstar?

A.Jay Chou’s albums are selling well.

B.Jay Chou is vey cool and talent.

C.Jay Chou’s songs have Chinese culture.

6.What’s the poosible relationship between the speakers?





7.What does the man think of his job?




8.Where does the man probably work?

A.On a train to London

B.In an office in London.

C.At a club outside London.

9.What can we know from the conversation?

A.The man gets up at 6:30 every day.

B.The woman thinks it’s an enjoyable time on the train.

C.The man feels relaxed now on the train.


10.When did Sally give up her tennis dreams?

A.After she enrolled in a college.

B.Afer she entered Stanford University..

C.After she spent three months practising

11.How many degrees did Sally earn in Stanford University?




12.How many women were among the 35 people?

A.Only one.




13.What is the woman sending to her sister?

A.A box of homemade candy.

B.Some fruit.

C.Some vegetables.

14.When is the woman’s sister’s birthday?

A.On Thursday.

B.On Friday.

C.On Saturday.

15.Which method will the woman use to send her package?

A.By regular rate.

B.By priority service.

C.By the cheapest way.



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