
























  D.工蜂一生从事的是利他的事业,而不是优化自己的结构来繁衍后代,从这一点来看,    达尔文的进化论“适者生存”不科学。





A. The number-one guide to what to study in the UK

This two-volume guide features up-to-date and in-depth information about UK course options and institutions. It also includes course charts, teaching and research ratings, and advice on choosing your course.

B. The A to Z of where to study in the UK

A reference directory of UK institutions belonging to the British Council’s Education Counselling

Service. Includes easy-to-use comparative data on everything from accommodation to courses and fees.

C. The essential online guide to UK education

This site gives you instant access to a wide range of information on studying and living in the UK, including hotlinks to the British Council’s Virtual Campus and institutions’ own web sites.

D. The practical guide to making the most of your UK experience

This fully updated book features the latest information about study opportunities, traveling to the UK, arranging accommodation, working in the UK, financial and legal matters, and student life.

E. New guide to choosing the right UK course

Every year, The Times newspaper compiles a league table of all the UK’s ninety-seven universities. This is published as The Good University Guide, which features over fifty tables ranking universities by degree subject.  

F. The magazine that shows why so many international students choose to study in the UK

If you’ve enjoyed reading this magazine and want to keep up with the latest UK student news and views, place your order now for issues 3 and 4.




1.        Tommy has the basic knowledge of American literature. He wants to take a course which can help him read more famous works about American literature.

2.        Kate likes to read literature works and she has many opinions after reading, but she doesn’t know how to express her idea properly.

3.        Jerry wants to write some articles to show the significance of researching literature today. He is looking for a course which can help him.

4.         Helen wants to become a famous writer in the future. She is eager to take a course which can help her realize her dream.

5.        Peter was ill last term and missed a lot of lessons in American literature. He wants to take a course which can give him an outline of it.

A.American Comments

The course is a study of how to write literature comments through some vivid examples. We believe that practice makes perfect. Only by following our examples can you acquire your ability on literature comments.

B.Works of Some Famous American Writers

Works of Some Famous American Writers show us the introductions to eleven famous writers and their works and also give us some comments on the works.

C.Detailed Reading of American Literature

Detailed Reading of American Literature is a course which focuses on some important and moving details in the works of American literature. It will analyse the details.

D.Story and Plot

It is a course which analyses the setting of the main plots in some famous stories. The aim of this course is to help those who want to become writers in the future.

E.Characters and Life

As you know, literature comes from our life, but it is more than our life. This course will analyse the personalities of some important characters in the world literature, and combine the analysis with our life. It will help us gain wisdom from the characters.

F.A Look at American Literature

A Look at American Literature is a course which gives us a brief outline of American Literature. Our classes are organized in small size and given by professors who are expert in American literature.



信息匹配 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



A. The number—one guide to what to study in the UK

This two-volume Guide features up-to-date and in-depth information about UK course options and institutions. It also includes course charts, teaching and research ratings, and advice on choosing your course.

B. The A to Z of where to study in the UK

A reference directory of UK institutions belonging to the British Council’s Education Counselling Service. Includes easy-to-use comparative data on everything from accommodation to courses and fees.

C. The essential online guide to UK education

This site gives you instant access to a wide range of information on studying and living in the UK, including hotlinks to the British Council’s Virtual Campus and institutions’ own web sites.

D. The practical guide to making the most of your UK experience

This fully updated book features the latest information about study opportunities, traveling to the UK, arranging accommodation, working in the UK, financial and legal matters, and student life.

E. New guide to choosing the right UK course

Every year, The Times newspaper compiles a league table of all the UK's ninety-seven universities. This is published as The Good University Guide, which features over fifty tables ranking universities by degree subject.

F. The magazine that shows why so many international students choose to study in the UK

If you’ve enjoyed reading this magazine and want to keep up with the latest UK student news and views, place your order now for issues 3 and 4.



任务型阅读:阅读下面的短文并从方框中的 A-F 中为每段文字选出最佳标题,在答题卡上将对应的选项涂黑。其中有一项选择是多余的。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

A. Take some time to speak English

B. Join an English club

C. Have a mirror on the wall

D. Keep it short and simple

E. Listen to good English speakers

F. Practice with peers or family

Here are some tips to improve your spoken English.


   Whatever you have learnt or read in a day, practice in front of the mirror. For a start, you can read something from newspapers, English magazines, and books. Take a passage and read it aloud. After you think your accent has improved, try reciting a poem in front of the mirror. This will increase your confidence as well.


    Talk to your family members and friends in English. You can also organize debates and speeches on a low level, where everyone in your family or friend circle speaks on one topic for a few minutes. It will help you get over the fear of making mistakes, as you will be with your friends and family—your comfort zone.


    Listen to people who you think are good English speakers. It will help you catch the skill better. You can also watch their videos, listen to them online, or even in person. It can be anyone from Barack Obama to your teacher in school. Find every opportunity to speak English.


    You will meet people like you there and it will help you realize that you are not the only person who isn’t good at this subject. Also meeting different people will help you overcome your complex. You can also join coaching classes, which will provide you professional help in learning spoken English.


Nothing is more beautiful than simplicity. So, instead of using an ambiguous(含糊不清的) language with tough words, go for simple words. Learning any new language is difficult and English is no exception. Start simple and go with the flow. With time, you would learn bigger words too.



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