摘要:40.D.解析:从最后一段第二句“And while plans to offer the feature overseas haven’t been made yet, - 可知.D项是正确的.根据第一段和最后一段可排除A项.由第三段的this is the only paint like it in the world可知.它还没有同类产品.所以可否定B项.选项C在文中没有作出说明.


In Singapore, most of us love window-shopping while some others enjoy having a picnic at East Coast Park or Changi Beach on sunny days. Singaporeans are never bothered by the occasional thunderstorm. However, we know that if it rains for long continuous periods, there will be more serious effects. Just recently the main shopping street of Orchard Road was flooded and some part of Bukit Timah was impassable to traffic. People reacted by writing in to the newspaper to complain about this! We forget that other countries suffer much worse effects. Elsewhere, heavy tropical(热带的)storms often result in floods that ruin crops especially in Thailand and Malaysia. This in turn usually means that the price of rice and vegetables here in Singapore will rise because we import these products from them. If there is a typhoon or tsunami, thousands of lives are lost too. This happened in Indonesia and Phuket in Thailand in 2004 and it serves to remind us of how Mother Nature can cause great damage.

Weather patterns in general have changed dramatically in recent years. Scientists believe that global warming and the resulting melting of the polar ice-cap has caused the level of the ocean to rise. This in turn causes flooding of low-lying areas in countries where the land is rather flat and some parts of which is below water level. It is believed that human activities have caused Mother Nature to show her extreme anger, so it is now important that we really work together to cut down on harmful activities, for example, illegal logging(伐木)or irresponsible forest-burning to clear land for farming.

56.From Paragraph 1, we can see that most Singaporeans love________.

A. making complaints           B. going out for picnics

C. doing window-shopping    D. traveling along the coast



57.What will happen in Singapore if there are floods in its neighboring countries?

A. Heavy tropical storms will follow shortly.

B. The price of rice and vegetables will go up.

C. Many people will write in to the newspaper.

D. More rice and vegetables will be imported.



58.The underlined word“it” in Paragraph 2 refers to___________.

A. the arrival of heavy tropical storms

B. the import of rice and vegetables

C. the rising price of rice and vegetables

D. the loss of lives in natural disasters



59.Which of the following shows how the low-lying areas are flooded?

a. global warming

b. the rise in ocean level

c. harmful human activities

d. the flooding of low-lying areas

e. the melting of the polar ice-cap

A. c→a→e→b→d         B. a→c→e→b→d        

C. c→a→b→e→d         D. d→a→c→b→e



60.What should we do in order not to make Mother Nature angry?

A. Clear more land for farming.           B. Reduce harmful human activities.

C. Bring down the price of food.          D. Improve the quality of weather.


【解析】根据最后一段It is believed that human activities have caused Mother Nature to show her extreme anger, so it is now important that we really work together to cut down on harmful activities,“人们认为是人类的活动导致了大自然极端愤怒, 因此,现在我们真的应该团结合作减少有害活动。”


Tykoon is an online website that allows you to teach your child financial principles through allowances, assignment of tasks and daily chores. As the parent, you can assign a cash value to the things you want your child to do. Then, your child can go in, accept the task and add to their wish list of what they would like to purchase with the money that they earn.

Let’s start with the parent side of things. The parent must be the one to set up the account. You simply enter your information and your child’s information to get started. You are then able to assign allowance amounts to your child.

Then you can add tasks for your child to accept and link them to either their weekly allowance or a pre-determined amount. Your child is then able to accept or decline their tasks. They can see how much each task earns, how often they need to do it and what they will get if they do! They can add items that they are working toward earning and can even earn nn-cash incentives such as extra TV time or staying up late!

Tykoon is a great way to start teaching your child about responsibility and financial principles in fun and safe way. Through the creation of their own profile and the ability to accept or decline tasks, they are taught the skills that they will need later in life when they are managing their own budgets! So, head over and sign up for a free account today and watch your child get excited about doing their chores!

And right now, as a special reward, if you share Tykoon with your friends and have five friends sign up and stay active for more than a month, you’ll earn a $25 Amazon.com gift card! So get your child enrolled(注册), tell your friends and let’s start teaching all our kids about the important financial principles today!

66.The purpose of the text is to___________.

A. make an advertisement                    B. share teaching experience

C. describe an online website               D. present a way of making money


【解析】第一段介绍Tykoon,二,三,四段介绍怎样操作以及所带来的好处, 最后一段是奖励措施。因此, 本文的目的是做广告,吸引大家都来参与。

67.The underlined word“incentives” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “_________”.

A. promises           B. rewards             C. gifts           D. tasks


【解析】根据下文such as extra TV time or staying up late!,可见,“incentives”表示的是一种奖励。

68.What can kids learn from Tykoon?

A. The ability to manage their budgets.        B. The responsibility to do daily chores.

C. The skills to earn their own living.           D. The tricks to accept or refuse tasks.


【解析】根据第四段they are taught the skills that they will need later in life when they are managing their own budgets!他们被教给在以后生活中他们自己管理自己财务时需要的技巧。

69.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that_________.

A. no parents will resist the special reward          B. Amazon is a very popular website

C. Tykoon wants to attract more visitors            D. friends should share information



70.What is the best title of the text?

A. Tykoon—A Safe Way to Manage Your Financial Issues

B. How to Create Funny Tasks for Your Kids on the Website

C. Opening an Online Account with the Help of Tykoon

D. Teaching Your Kids Financial Principles with Tykoon




Drunk driving(醉驾) has become a serious problem in China. According to the Ministry of Public Security(公安部), the police caught more than half a million drunk drivers in 2010. On the night of May 9.2011. musician Gao Xiaosong ran his car into three other cars in Beijing because he drank too much wine. He was punished(惩罚) under China’s new drunk driving law that came into use on May 1.2011.

The new law sees drunk driving as a crime(犯罪). In the west, drunk driving is also a crime. In the US, for example, if the police catch a drunk driver, the driver will pay a fine, lose his or her license and even go to prison(监狱). If the driver wants to drive again, he or she has to do public service, and take part in educational programs.

You may think: drunk driving is crime? Isn’t this law too unkind? But experts say: not at all. They think it is to protect people’s tights to life and health. Drunk driving is very dangerous!

1. Mr. Gao ran his car into three other cars because      .

A.he went home too late

B.he drank too much wine

C.the road was too crowded

D.he was sleepy

2. What does the underlined part “a fine” in the second paragraph refer to(指)?





3. When do experts think of the new law?

A.The law is to protect people’s rights to life and health

B.The law is not kind to drunk drivers

C.Driving has become a serious problem

D.Drunk driving is very dangerous

4.Which of the following sentence is TRUE?

A.Drunk driving isn’t dangerous

B.In the US, drunk drivers will lose their licenses

C.The police caught less than half a million drunk drivers in 2010

D.In China, drunk driving is not a crime

备注:1.文章最后一段的tights 应改为rights, 2.第65小题中的when 应改为what



The number of speakers of English in Shakespeare’s time is estimated(估计) to have been about five million. Today it is estimated that some 260 million people speak it as a native language, mainly in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. In addition to the standard varieties of English found in these areas, there are a great many regional and social varieties of the language as well as various levels of usage that are employed both in its spoken and written forms.

In fact, it is impossible to estimate the number of people in the world who have acquired an adequate(足够的) working knowledge of English in addition to their own languages. The purpose for English learning and the situations in which such learning takes place are so varied that it is difficult to explain and still more difficult to judge what forms an adequate working knowledge for each situation.

The main reason for the widespread demand for English is its present-day importance as a world language. Besides serving the indefinite needs of its native speakers, English is a language in which some of important works in science, technology, and other fields are being produced, and not always by native speakers. It is widely used for such purposes as meteorological and airport communications, international conferences, and the spread of information over the radio and television networks of many nations. It is a language of wider communication for a number of developing countries, especially former British colonies. Many of these countries have multilingual populations and need a language for internal communication in such matters as government, commerce, industry, law and education as well as for international communication and for entrance to the scientific and technological developments in the West.

1.What would be the best title for this passage?

A.The Difficulties of Learning English

B.International Communications

C.The Standard Varieties of English

D.English as a World Language

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Some 260 million people in the world have an adequate working knowledge of English.

B.There are some 260 million native speakers of English in the world.

C.It is almost impossible to estimate the number of people with an adequate working knowledge of English.

D.People learn English for a variety of reasons.

3.According to the passage, what is the main reason for the widespread use of English?

A.It was popular during Shakespeare’s time.

B.It is used in former British colonies.

C.It serves the needs of its native speakers.

D.It is a world language that is used for international communication.

4.What forms an adequate working knowledge of English?

A.The ability to read a newspaper.


B.It is difficult to judge because it differs for each situation.


C.Being able to speak several languages.

D.Being a native speaker.

5.What type of developing countries would be most likely to use English?

A.Those geographically close to the United States.

B.Those interested in the culture of the United States.

C.Former colonies of Great Britain.

D.Countries where international conferences are held.



That year , in the local school, there was a new math teacher, as well as some new pupils. One of the new kids was the stupidest child anyone had ever seen. It made no difference how quickly or how slowly they tried explaining numbers to him; he would always end up saying something enormously stupid. Like two plus two was five, seven times three was twenty-seven, or a triangle had thirty corners……
Before this boy arrived, math lessons had been the most boring of all. Now they were great fun. Encouraged by the new teacher, the children would listen to the pieces of nonsense spouted by the new kid, and they would have to correct his mistakes.
Whenever the new teacher asked questions, the stupid kid would stand up but made the wrong answers, the other students all wanted to be the first to find his mistakes, and then think up the most original ways to explain them. To do this they used all kinds of stuff : sweets, playing cards, oranges, paper planes, etc. It didn’t seem like any of this bothered the new kid.
However, Little Lewis was sure that it was bound to make him feel sad inside. Lewis was sure he would see him crying. So, one day, he decided to follow the new kid home after school. On leaving school, the new kid walked a few minutes to a local park, and there he waited for a while, until someone came along to meet him……
It was the new teacher!
The teacher gave the new kid a hug, and off they went, hand in hand. Following from a distance, Lewis could hear they were talking about math.
【小题2】根据短文最后一段Following from a distance, Lewis could hear they were talking about math.描述,可知选B,这个所谓的最蠢的学生其实比其它学生知道的多。
【小题3】根据Lewis was sure he would see him crying. So, one day, he decided to follow the new kid home after school.描述,可知选B。
【小题4】联系上文To do this they used all kinds of stuff :可知选C。
【小题5】The math lessons became interesting again because of the new teacher’s ___________.

【小题6】The passage implies that the stupidest child____________________________.
A.was in great need of math teacher’s help after class
B.knew much more about math than other classmates
C.had no much gift for math and was slow to learn it
D.disliked both the new math teacher and his lessons
【小题7】According to the passage, Lewis followed the stupidest in order to ______________.
A.learn about where he livedB.find out if he felt upset
C.say something to comfort himD.make friends with him
【小题8】 What does the underlined word “this” in the third paragraph refer to ?
A.To find the stupidest kid’s mistakes.
B.To think up the most original ways to explain.
C.To use all kinds of stuff.
D.To follow him home after school.


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