摘要: this poisonous material, they will have to seek for another one to replace it. A. Forbidden using B. Forbidden to use C. To forbid using D. Forbidding to use



For years , many people would not believe that smoke could attack so many parts of the body in so many ways . Study shows , however , that tobacco isn’t one single thing .  At least 60% of it is gas—20 different kinds of gas . And one of these is the deadly carbon monoxide (CO) (一氧化碳).

In factories , the amount of this gas in the air is measured , and it must be kept under fixed , safe level . But there is 640 times this safe amount in cigarette smoke .

Oxygen is carried through your body by the red blood cells . But this poison gas , CO, will get to the blood cells before the oxygen can . So , if you smoke your blood carries five to ten times more of this deadly gas than is normal . To make up for this , your body must make more red cells .

The oxygen in your blood passes into your tissues(组织). But here again CO makes trouble . It keeps the oxygen from passing into your tissues as fast as it should . Because of this , cigarette country is always about 8000 feet above sea level . Someone who smokes and lives at sea level gets as little oxygen as a nonsmoker at an altitude(高度)of nearly two miles .This happens to everyone who smokes , no matter how old or how young . Anyone who competes in sports can tell you that those who smoke run out of breath more quickly than those who do not .

1.The gas amount in cigarette smoke is______________.

A.640 times higher than the gas safe levels in factories

B.640 times lower than the gas safe levels in factories

C.640 times as much as that in factories

D.as dangerous as that in factories

2.If you smoke , ______________ .

A.your blood carries more oxygen than is normal

B.your blood carries much more CO than is normal

C.you can have five to ten times of blood than usual

D.your blood will be poisonous

3.Those who smoke______________.

A.all live at sea level

B.don’t live at an altitude of two miles

C.breathe as much oxygen as non-smokers

D.only get the same amount of oxygen at the sea level as non-smokers at an altitude of nearly 2 miles

4.Smokers are______________.

A.easily hurt                  B.easily excited      C.easily tired            D.healthy



For years , many people would not believe that smoke could attack so many parts of the body in so many ways . Study shows , however , that tobacco isn’t one single thing .  At least 60% of it is gas—20 different kinds of gas . And one of these is the deadly carbon monoxide (CO) (一氧化碳).
In factories , the amount of this gas in the air is measured , and it must be kept under fixed , safe level . But there is 640 times this safe amount in cigarette smoke .
Oxygen is carried through your body by the red blood cells . But this poison gas , CO, will get to the blood cells before the oxygen can . So , if you smoke your blood carries five to ten times more of this deadly gas than is normal . To make up for this , your body must make more red cells .
The oxygen in your blood passes into your tissues(组织). But here again CO makes trouble . It keeps the oxygen from passing into your tissues as fast as it should . Because of this , cigarette country is always about 8000 feet above sea level . Someone who smokes and lives at sea level gets as little oxygen as a nonsmoker at an altitude(高度)of nearly two miles .This happens to everyone who smokes , no matter how old or how young . Anyone who competes in sports can tell you that those who smoke run out of breath more quickly than those who do not .
1.The gas amount in cigarette smoke is______________.
A.640 times higher than the gas safe levels in factories
B.640 times lower than the gas safe levels in factories
C.640 times as much as that in factories
D.as dangerous as that in factories
2.If you smoke , ______________ .
A.your blood carries more oxygen than is normal
B.your blood carries much more CO than is normal
C.you can have five to ten times of blood than usual
D.your blood will be poisonous
3.Those who smoke______________.
A.all live at sea level
B.don’t live at an altitude of two miles
C.breathe as much oxygen as non-smokers
D.only get the same amount of oxygen at the sea level as non-smokers at an altitude of nearly 2 miles
4.Smokers are______________.
A.easily hurt              B.easily excited      C.easily tired         D.healthy


For years , many people would not believe that smoke could attack so many parts of the body in so many ways . Study shows , however , that tobacco isn’t one single thing .  At least 60% of it is gas—20 different kinds of gas . And one of these is the deadly carbon monoxide (CO) (一氧化碳).

In factories , the amount of this gas in the air is measured , and it must be kept under fixed , safe level . But there is 640 times this safe amount in cigarette smoke .

Oxygen is carried through your body by the red blood cells . But this poison gas , CO, will get to the blood cells before the oxygen can . So , if you smoke your blood carries five to ten times more of this deadly gas than is normal . To make up for this , your body must make more red cells .

The oxygen in your blood passes into your tissues(组织). But here again CO makes trouble . It keeps the oxygen from passing into your tissues as fast as it should . Because of this , cigarette country is always about 8000 feet above sea level . Someone who smokes and lives at sea level gets as little oxygen as a nonsmoker at an altitude(高度)of nearly two miles .This happens to everyone who smokes , no matter how old or how young . Anyone who competes in sports can tell you that those who smoke run out of breath more quickly than those who do not .

1.The gas amount in cigarette smoke is______________.

A.640 times higher than the gas safe levels in factories

B.640 times lower than the gas safe levels in factories

C.640 times as much as that in factories

D.as dangerous as that in factories

2.If you smoke , ______________ .

A.your blood carries more oxygen than is normal

B.your blood carries much more CO than is normal

C.you can have five to ten times of blood than usual

D.your blood will be poisonous

3.Those who smoke______________.

A.all live at sea level

B.don’t live at an altitude of two miles

C.breathe as much oxygen as non-smokers

D.only get the same amount of oxygen at the sea level as non-smokers at an altitude of nearly 2 miles

4.Smokers are______________.

A.easily hurt              B.easily excited      C.easily tired          D.healthy


Some snakes eat other snakes, even poisonous ones. The poison does not do them any harm(伤害). Snakes can swallow(吞下) things that are bigger around than they themselves are. This is possible because the jawbones(腭骨) are loosely joined, and the mouth can stretch(伸展)to make room for a fat animal. The snake’s slim body stretches to make space for the animal when it is inside.

      Many snakes eat birds’ eggs or frogs(青蛙). Others eat pests(害虫), mice and other animals that harm crops on farms. Because snakes do this valuable work, you should never kill one. It is too dangerous for you to kill a poisonous one. Leave that job to experts.

1. Which of the following groups of food is usually had by a snake?

A. Mice, crops, birds’ eggs.

B. Pests, frogs, some animals, plants.

C. Birds’ eggs, frogs, all animals, other snakes.

D. Mice, frogs, pests, some animals, other snakes.

2.We should not kill a snake because       

A. it is poisonous

B. it can do something useful for man

C. it will strike you in return

D. we are not experts

3.Snakes may do some valuable work by       

A. eating pests, mice and some harmful animals

B. doing harm to other animals

C. eating birds’ eggs and frogs

D. both A and C

4.In writing this passage the writer mainly wants us to       

A. have a better impression(印象) about snakes

B. like snakes

C. kill snakes with the help of experts

D. regard snakes as one of man’s best friends



LEEDS, England—A Leeds University psychology professor is teaching a course to help dozens of Britons forgive their enemies.

"The hate we hold within us is a cancer, " Professor Ken Hart said, adding that holding in anger can lead to problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease.

More than 70 people have become members in Hart's first 20-week workshop in London—a course he says is the first of its kind in the world.

These are people who are sick and tired of living with a memory. They realize their bitterness is a poison they think they can pour out, but they end up drinking it themselves, said Canadian- born Hart.

The students meet in groups of eight to ten for a two-hour workshop with an adviser every fortnight.

The course, ending in July, is expected to get rid of the cancer of hate in these people. "People have lots of negative attitudes towards forgiveness," he said, "People confuse forgiveness with forgetting. Forgiveness means changing from a negative attitude to a positive one."

Hart and his team have created instructions to provide the training needed.

"The main idea is to give you guidelines on how to look at various kinds of angers and how they affect you, and how to change your attitudes towards the person you are angry with," said Norman Claringbull, a senior expert on the forgiveness project.

Hart said he believes forgiveness is a skill that can be taught, as these people "want to get free of the past".

1.From this passage we know that________.

A.high blood pressure and heart disease are caused by hate

B.high blood pressure can only be cured by psychology professors

C.without hate, people will have less trouble connected with blood and heart

D.people who suffer from blood pressure and heart disease must have many enemies

2.If you are angry with somebody, you should________.

A.attend Hart’s course

B.never meet him or her any longer

C.persuade him or her to have a positive talk with you

D.treat him or her positively instead of negatively

3.In Hart's first 20- week workshop, people there can ________.

A.meet their enemies                     B.change their attitudes

C.enjoy the professor's teaching             D.learn how to quarrel with others

4.If you are a member in Hart's workshop, you'll________.

A.meet in eight or ten groups

B.get rid of the illness of cancer

C.attend a gathering twice a month

D.pour out everything stored in your mind

5.The author wrote this passage in order to________.

A.persuade Britons to go to Hart's workshop

B.tell us the news about Hart's workshop

C.tell us how to run a workshop like Hart's

D.help us to look at various kinds of angers



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