摘要:B 这里Most相当于Most of the.表示“大多数 .The most表示“最-- .与句子意思不符.


The Focal Point of the “ Chinese Liquor Golden Triangle”
In China, there is a saying: a good spirit(wine) is in Sichuan, but the great one is in Yibin.
Yibin, the birthplace of Wuliangye, has a centuries-old tradition of producing great spirits. At the confluence of Jinsha and Min rivers, Yibin is praised as the first city on the source of the Yangtze River. Here, the water is clean, the soil is rich, and the climate is very favorable for brewing good liquor. The blessings of nature and centuries-old liquor brewing traditions gave rise to “ The Ten-Mile Liquor City ”, the main production facility of domestic liquor giant Wuliangye Group Co. Ltd.
Extending across 10 kilometers and dotted with gardens and sculptures, the city attracts domestic and foreign visitors with its famed liquor brewing and related culture. Another attraction is its legendary Ming Dynasty (1368-1644AD) liquor cellars (酒窖,地下储藏室).
The city has 30,000 large modern brewing tanks that provide an enormous capacity to store liquor.
The high quality of Wuliangye also owes much to its unique brewing techniques and materials. These traditional techniques are included on the list of national intangible(非物质的) cultural heritage.
Wuliangye’s sales revenues(销售额)and pre-tax profits accounted for nearly half of the respective (分别的) 59 billion yuan and 12.5 billion yuan generated by Sichuan’s provincial liquor industry in 2008. Liquor production by large enterprises in the province was about 1.1 million kiloliters, accounting for 19.6% of the production in the country.
Wuliangye is now investing 300 million yuan in a state-of-the-art quality assurance center (质保中心)that has higher standards than national requirements, which will boost the existing quality-control system when it is put into service next year.
With a goal of production value of 100 billion yuan for the year of 2020, Wuliangye is playing a leading role in the development of the liquor industry in the region. A lot of related industries are now building up in the region to create a Chinese Liquor Golden Triangle —the Chinese equivalent (相当于)of the French Bordeaux region---that continues to appear on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.
67. To be exact, the domestic liquor giant Wuliangye Group Co. Ltd. Lies _________.
A. on the Jinsha River              B. in the city of Yibin
C. to the west of Sichuan            D. on the middle reaches of the Youngtze River
68. Which of the following is the most favorable for brewing the good wine?
A. The water       B. The soil         C. The climate          D. The facility     
69. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage above ?
A. Compared with the western countries, Chinese wines have a long way to go.
B. The Golden Triangle is known for its wines and related industries.
C. Wuliangye’s pre-tax profit accounted for nearly 6.25 billion in 2008.
D. The liquor production of our country in 2008 is about 5,6 million kiloliters.
70. Domestic and foreign visitors go to the city for its _______.
A. famous wine brewing and related culture
B. beautiful geographical landscape
C. historic relics of different Chinese dynasties
D. the source of the Yangtze River



The Focal Point of the “ Chinese Liquor Golden Triangle”

In China, there is a saying: a good spirit(wine) is in Sichuan, but the great one is in Yibin.

Yibin, the birthplace of Wuliangye, has a centuries-old tradition of producing great spirits. At the confluence of Jinsha and Min rivers, Yibin is praised as the first city on the source of the Yangtze River. Here, the water is clean, the soil is rich, and the climate is very favorable for brewing good liquor. The blessings of nature and centuries-old liquor brewing traditions gave rise to “ The Ten-Mile Liquor City ”, the main production facility of domestic liquor giant Wuliangye Group Co. Ltd.

Extending across 10 kilometers and dotted with gardens and sculptures, the city attracts domestic and foreign visitors with its famed liquor brewing and related culture. Another attraction is its legendary Ming Dynasty (1368-1644AD) liquor cellars (酒窖,地下储藏室).

The city has 30,000 large modern brewing tanks that provide an enormous capacity to store liquor.

The high quality of Wuliangye also owes much to its unique brewing techniques and materials. These traditional techniques are included on the list of national intangible(非物质的) cultural heritage.

Wuliangye’s sales revenues(销售额)and pre-tax profits accounted for nearly half of the respective (分别的) 59 billion yuan and 12.5 billion yuan generated by Sichuan’s provincial liquor industry in 2008. Liquor production by large enterprises in the province was about 1.1 million kiloliters, accounting for 19.6% of the production in the country.

Wuliangye is now investing 300 million yuan in a state-of-the-art quality assurance center (质保中心)that has higher standards than national requirements, which will boost the existing quality-control system when it is put into service next year.

With a goal of production value of 100 billion yuan for the year of 2020, Wuliangye is playing a leading role in the development of the liquor industry in the region. A lot of related industries are now building up in the region to create a Chinese Liquor Golden Triangle —the Chinese equivalent (相当于)of the French Bordeaux region---that continues to appear on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

67. To be exact, the domestic liquor giant Wuliangye Group Co. Ltd. Lies _________.

   A. on the Jinsha River              B. in the city of Yibin

   C. to the west of Sichuan            D. on the middle reaches of the Youngtze River

68. Which of the following is the most favorable for brewing the good wine?

   A. The water        B. The soil          C. The climate           D. The facility     

69. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage above ?

   A. Compared with the western countries, Chinese wines have a long way to go.

   B. The Golden Triangle is known for its wines and related industries.

   C. Wuliangye’s pre-tax profit accounted for nearly 6.25 billion in 2008.

   D. The liquor production of our country in 2008 is about 5,6 million kiloliters.

70. Domestic and foreign visitors go to the city for its _______.

   A. famous wine brewing and related culture

   B. beautiful geographical landscape

   C. historic relics of different Chinese dynasties

   D. the source of the Yangtze River



  The pleasures which a movie film offers to our eyes have been paid for with the loss of sight of a man whose name is hardly known outside the annals(编年史)of science——Joseph Plateau, a Belgian professor born in Brussels in 1801.

  He studied the mechanism of sight, beginning a series of most dangerous experiments at the age of 28 by staring into the sun for 25 seconds to see what the effect on his eyes would be. He was blind for nearly a month. But he went on experimenting, increasing the length of time during which he looked into the sun, knowing that in the end this would cost him his sight. At the age of 42 he was completely and incurably blind; the sun had destroyed the retina(视网膜)of his eyes. But he continued to work as well as he could until he died at the age of 82.

  Science profited(获益于)enormously from this research. He studied the so-called inertia(惯性)of the eye, which makes a picture remain on the retina for about one-sixth of a second after it has disappeared from our vision. This means that, if we see a succession of individual pictures each of which appears only for a fraction of a second, they“overlap(重叠)”one another in our brain; and if they show consecutive(连续的)phases(定相)of movement, that movement will appear to us continuous.

(1)The images that we see are recorded in ________.

[  ]

A.the brain        B.the eye

C.the retina of the eye    D.the pupil

(2)Motion pictures ________.

[  ]

A.cause inertia of the eye

B.show a succession of unrelated movements

C.show consecutive phases of movement which appear continuous

D.show each phrase of movement for on-half of a second

(3)Scientific advancements are often the result of ________.

[  ]

A.losing individual happiness for experimentation

B.the usage of machines

C.some scientists' crazy action

D.doing dangerous work

(4)Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.Joseph Plateau was very famous.

B.Joseph Plateau, who was born in Belgium, was a professor.

C.Seeing films will lose our sight.

D.A picture remains on the retina for about one-fourth of a second.


  The television camera is rather like the human eye.Both the eye and the camera have a lens(镜头),and both produce a picture on a screen.In each case the picture is made up of millions of spots of light.

  Let us see how the eye works.When we look at an object a person, a house, or whatever it may be we do not see all the details of the object in one piece.We imagine what we do, but this is not the case.In fact, the eye builds up the picture for us in our brain, which controls our sight, in millions of separate parts, and, although we do not realize it, all these details are seen separately.

  This is what happens when we look at something.Beams of light of different degrees of intensity(强度), reflected from all parts of the object, strike the lens of the eye.The lens then gathers together the spots of light from these beams and focuses them on to a light sensitive plate the retina(视网膜)at the back of the eyeball.In this way an image of the object is produced on the retina in the form of a pattern of lights.

  The retina contains millions of minute light sensitive elements, each of which is separately connected to the brain by a tiny fibre in the optic(视力的)nerve.These nerve fibres, working independently, pick out minute details from the image on the retina and turn the small spots of light into nerve impulses(冲击)of different strengths.They then transmit these impulses to the brain.They do this all at the same time.

  All the details of the image are fed to the brain, and, as we have taught our brain to add them together correctly, we see a clear picture of the object as a whole.

  Television, which means vision at a distance, operates on a similar principle.A television picture is built up in thousands of separate parts.

  Beams of light reflected from the subject being televised strike the lens of the television camera, which corresponds to(相当于)the lens of the eye.The camera lens gathers together the spot of light from these beams and focuses an image of the subject on to a plate, the surface of which is coated with millions of photo electric elements sensitive to light.


In the first paragraph, we are told that the television camera is like the human eye in ________

[  ]


one way


two ways


three ways


a large number of ways


Which of the following is NOT true according to the writer?

[  ]


The eye produces a picture on a screen.


Our sight is controlled by our brain.


We see all the details of an object in one piece.


The picture is made up of millions of spots of light.


All the rays of light reflected from objects are ________

[  ]


of the same intensity


not at all intense


to some degree intense


of varying intensities


A camera lens focuses an image on to ________.

[  ]


the subject


a surface made up of millions of light sensitive elements


a television set


millions of photo electric beams of light




  The world would have been so much better if we all knew to say and do the right thing at the right time.However, that is not the case, especially when it comes to instilling(逐步培养)proper behavior in kids.Behavior modification(BM)techniques were recently created to help in instilling proper behavior in children as well as adults.

  Behavior modification refers to establishing appropreciate behaviors in individuals and discouraging those that are not desirable.Behavior modification techniques are developed largely according to the principles of operant conditioning by B.F.Skinner, an American behaviorist.These techniques are used in behavior modification therapy that aims to correct and instill appropreciate behavior in children.

  The most commonly used behavior modification techniques are positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and punishment.Positive reinforcement refers to reinforcing a desired behavior through the process of rewarding it.This can be done by praising the individual as soon as he performs a desirable behavior.Negative reinforcement behavioral strategies are based on the removal of a negative consequence or a behavior because the desired behavior was performed.For example, letting a child not help in washing dishes because he behaved well at a family gathering is a form of negative reinforcement.Punishment is something that we all can relate to.Yes, it is just what it means.However, when put in words, punishment refers to subjecting(使服从于)an individual to a negative condition because of an inappropriate behavior.

  The behavior modification techniques for children are mostly based on positive and negative reinforcement.However, parents should realize that these techniques can’t be relied upon totally for child behavior modification.Though the behavior modification techniques lead to quick results, a parent should continuously try to cultivate in his child the ability to appreciate the reason why such a behavior is expected of him.This can be done through effective communication and greater focus on the parent-child relationship.As a parent, don’t make the reward a monetary one.Try to make it look more like a privilege than a reward.

  A parent should also be consistent with his technique and apply it whenever there is a chance so that the child gets a clear idea of what is expected and what is not.Although we talk so much about the role of a parent in bringing positive behavior modification in children,both parents and teachers have equally important roles to play.Teachers play their role through preventive classroom management, teaching social problem-solving skills like alternative thinking, and continuous monitoring of a child’s behavior.It is true that there are various behavior modification techniques available for encouraging proper behavior in children.However, there is nothing that can take the place of proper parenting and an affectionate environment.


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