摘要: A. leave out B. bring out C. hold out D. figure out 答案及解析 本文说明的是:越来越多的科学家提醒.即使经常锻炼身体.长时间坐着也会对健康产生有害影响.完成此题时要结合日常生活中的常识.


Below is some advice on how to prevent colds and flu.

8 Ways to Avoid Colds and Flu

1. Wash your hands and wash them often

The US Naval Health Research Center conducted a study of 40,000 volunteers who were ordered to wash their hands five times a day. The volunteers cut their incidence of flu by 45 percent.

2. Wash your hands twice every time you wash them

Researchers at Columbia University found one hand washing had little effect, even when using antibacterial soap. So wash twice if you’re serious about preventing colds.

3. Change your toothbrush every three months

You think your toothbrush gets your teeth clean — and it does. But once you’ve finished brushing, it can be a breeding ground for germs. Most dentists recommend you change your brush every two or three months. It’s also a good idea to replace it after you’ve had a cold or flu.

4. Sneeze and cough into your arm or tissue (纸巾)

Whoever taught us to cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze got it wrong. That just puts the germs right on our hands, where you can spread them to objects — and other people. Instead, put your arm over your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough if a tissue isn’t handy. It’s pretty rare that you shake someone’s arm, after all.

5. Stop blaming yourself when things go wrong

Believe it or not, blaming yourself makes you more likely to catch a cold! Researchers found that even those who had control over their work were more likely to begin sneezing if they lacked confidence or tended to blame themselves when things went wrong. Such attitudes make people more stressed on the job, and stress, as you know, can challenge your immune system.

6. Once a day, sit in a quiet, dim room, close your eyes, and focus on one word

Meditate (冥想). It is a proven way to reduce stress. Studies have shown that stress weakens your immune system. In fact, people with high stress levels have up to twice the number of colds as non-stressed people.

7. Get moving

Ride a bike, join a dance class, or go for a walk. A study found that older women who did 45 minutes of gentle exercise, five times a week for a year, were up to three times less likely to get a cold than women who took little exercise. The researchers found that the exercisers’ immune system was strongest in the last three months of the study.

8. Leave the windows in your house open a crack

You don’t have to keep all of them open, but one or two in the rooms in which you spend the most time. This is particularly important if you live in a newer home, where fresh circulating air has been the victim of energy efficiency. A bit of fresh air will do wonders for chasing out germs.


1.To prevent yourself from getting colds, you should wash your hands____.

  A. twice every hour                                        B. twice every time

  C. five times every hour                                  D. five times every time

2.When you cough or sneeze, you should ____.

A. put your hands over your mouth

B. avoid shaking hands with other people

C. cover your mouth with your arm or a tissue

D. keep away from other people

3.Your immune system will be weakened if ____.

  A. your stress level is high

  B. your room is not bright

C. you have control over your work

  D. you do not exercise for 45 minutes every day

4.If you live in a new house, it is particularly important to ____.

  A. leave all the windows open a crack

  B. leave only one or two windows open to save energy

  C. keep one or two windows open in the rooms where you spend the most time

  D. keep all the doors and windows open to let in more fresh air when you are at home



I’m Monty Don. Though I’m a host and writer now, I had an unhappy study experience actually. I changed   21   many times.

I first went to school at five. None of my teachers or classmates liked me, because I always gave them a lot of   22  . I once put a worm in a girl's pocket. When I was seven, I was asked to      23   the school. Then I was sent off to a boarding school. I missed my   24   very much at first; I didn't want to leave once I returned home. Later I met a very   25   teacher, who cared for me and helped me with study. He was also the   26   person to encourage me to act and write. At 13, I moved to Malvern College, but I was kicked out at 15 for   27   school rules. Then I went to another school where I failed my English A level. In fact, I didn't like studying.

I finally   28   that life shouldn't be like this. So I retook the  29   and got an A grade. And more   30  , I made a decision: to go to college, so I began to   31   for the entrance exam. I   32   passed the exam and went to Cambridge to read English. I met my wife there and I was   33   I made that decision, otherwise I wouldn't have had a happy family. Looking back on what I've   34  , I come to know that if you devote yourself to it, nothing is   35  .

1.A. schools            B. majors          C. jobs         D. directions

2.A. attention      B. respect          C. trouble          D. help

3.A. leave          B. join         C. visit            D. describe

4.A. friend         B. childhood        C. teacher       D. family

5.A. rude           B. good         C. terrible     D. new

6.A. first          B. youngest     C. last         D. right

7.A. following      B. changing     C. misusing     D. breaking

8.A. guessed            B. doubted      C. remembered   D. realised

9.A. lesson         B. exam             C. photo            D. position

10.A. difficultly       B. effectively      C. importantly     D. likely

11.A. prepare       B. call         C. wait         D. hope

12.A. suddenly      B. unluckily        C. accidentally     D. finally

13.A. sorry         B. proud            C. glad              D. afraid

14.A. written           B. experienced C. seen         D. concerned

15. A. strange          B. perfect          C. impossible    D. false



Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

I hadnt even got a chance to enter the store before an African American woman approached me and asked if I would help her return an item. The item she has _____ was intended for her daughter, but she had already received a similar one. The lady _____ to exchange the item for something else in the store but she was told she needed an ID or the deal could not take place.

I went to the ____ with the woman so we could use my ID. The sales associate immediately started ______ her of asking the first random person she saw to help her. Although that was ___ , I didnt understand why it mattered. After all, not everyone is given the opportunity to ____ an ID in this country.

Then, we asked to speak with a manager, who explained that there was no way to return the item without a receipt and then went on to say the woman could not ______ she purchased the item.

If I , a young white female, were to enter the store and request you to make an exchange without a receipt, I would not be _____ the privilege--- as I have proof from the past. I said. He must have realized at that moment what he had done, because he _____ to exchange the item.

There are many valuable lessons in the story. The first is to help a stranger in need. I hesitated when the woman asked for my help, but ______ in my hand I asked myself, Why not? What valid reasons do I usually have? I had none, so I helped her.

The second lesson is not to judge a book by its ______. The woman looked poor, but she _____ the same treatment as anyone else does.

1.A. purchased????????????? B. shown????????????? C. lost????????????? D. mended

2.A. managed????????????? B. wanted????????????? C. refused????????????? D. promised

3.A. counter????????????? B. department????????????? C. market????????????? D. window

4.A. warning????????????? B. informing????????????? C. reminding????????????? D. accusing

5.A. wrong????????????? B. true????????????? C. reasonable????????????? D. meaningful

6.A. leave????????????? B. pay????????????? C. find????????????? D. obtain

7.A. answer????????????? B. prove????????????? C. support????????????? D. admit

8.A. ordered????????????? B. asked????????????? C. denied????????????? D. given

9.A. agreed????????????? B. prepared????????????? C. failed????????????? D. remembered

10.A. totally????????????? B. gradually????????????? C. hardly????????????? D. quickly

11.A. design????????????? B. cover????????????? C. content????????????? D. price

12.A. deserved????????????? B. required????????????? C. received????????????? D. appreciated



Here's a new warning from health experts: Sitting is deadly. Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for prolonged periods — even if you also exercise regularly — could be   1  for your health. And it doesn't matter where the sitting takes place — at the office, at school, in the car or before a computer or TV — just the overall number of hours it   2   .

Research is preliminary, but several studies   3  people who spend most of their days sitting are more likely to be fat, have a heart attack or even die.

In an editorial   4  this week in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, Elin Ekblom-Bak of the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences suggested that authorities rethink how they define   5  activity to highlight the dangers of sitting.

While health officials have issued guidelines   6  minimum amounts of physical activity, they haven't suggested people try to limit how much time they spend in a seated   7  .

"After four hours of sitting, the body starts to send   8  signals," Ekblom-Bak said. She explained that genes regulating the amount of glucoseand fat in the   9  start to shut down.

Even for people who   10   , spending long stretches of time sitting at a desk is still harmful. Tim Armstrong, a physical activity expert at the World Health Organization, said people who exercise every day —   11  still spend a lot of time sitting — might get more benefit if that exercise were spread across the day,    12  in a single bout.

That wasn't   13  news for Aytekin Can, 31, who works at a London financial company, and spends most of his days sitting    14   a computer. Several evenings a week, Can also teaches jiu jitsu, a Japanese martial art  15  wrestling, and also does Thai boxing.

"I'm sure there are some detrimental   16  of staying still for too long, but I hope that being   17  when I can helps," he said. "I wouldn't want to think the sitting could be   18  dangerous."

Still, in a study published last year that tracked more than 17,000 Canadians for about a dozen years, researchers found people who sat   19  had a higher death risk, independently of whether or not they exercised.

Figures from a US survey in 2003-2004 found Americans spend more than half their time sitting, from working at their desks to sitting in cars.

Experts said more research is needed to    20  just how much sitting is dangerous, and what might be possible to offset those effects.

(   ) 1. A. bad                    B. good               C. mean               D. dead

(   ) 2. A. does                  B. occurs              C. matches            D. dies

(   ) 3. A. advise               B. talk                  C. suggest             D. say

(   ) 4. A. thrown                      B. caught              C. seen                 D. published

(   ) 5. A. biological           B. physical            C. psychological    D. logical

(   ) 6. A. commending      B. mending           C. recommending D. communicating

(   ) 7. A. stand                 B. state                 C. post                 D. position

(   ) 8. A. harmful             B. careful             C. wonderful        D. skillful

(   ) 9. A. head                  B. arm                  C. body               D. foot

(   ) 10. A. sleep               B. rest                  C. walk               D. exercise

(   ) 11. A. and                  B. so                    C. but                   D. then

(   ) 12. A. rather than               B. other than        C. more than        D. less than

(   ) 13. A. bad                  B. harmful            C. disadvantage     D. welcome

(   ) 14. A. behind             B. back                 C. in front of               D. forward

(   ) 15. A. referring          B. involving          C. taking              D. bringing

(   ) 16. A. effects              B. prefects            C. affects              D. offers

(   ) 17. A. inactive            B. active                   C. interactive               D. positive

(   ) 18. A. such                 B. little                 C. lot                   D. that

(   ) 19. A. less                  B. fewer                      C. more               D. further

(   ) 20. A. leave out          B. bring out          C. hold out           D. figure out


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