摘要: A. such B. little C. lot D. that


A daughter’s duty? Adult daughters are often expected to caregiver for older parents. In 2007, Jorjan Sarich and her dad moved from California to Idaho. It was where he wanted to live his rest time.

“I left my occupation, I left my friends; he did the same thing,” said Sarich, who bought a house with her father, George Snyder, in the China Gardens neighborhood of Hailey after his health began to decline. Though a graduate student struggling to finish her dissertation(论文), Sarich chose to be her dad’s full-time caregiver.

“It’s only now, several years later, that I’m realizing how much work it was. It’s the kind of exhaustion(疲惫)that sleep doesn’t cure,” she said.

About 6 million Americans provide care to elderly relatives or friends living outside of nursing homes. Laurel Kennedy, author of “The Daughter Trap” (Thomas Dunne Books, $25.95), says that women bear a disproportionate(不成比例的)share of the burden — about 70 percent of hands-on care giving such as bathing.

“I want to be clear: Women don’t hate this,” Kennedy said. “What they hate is that everyone just assumes they’ll do it.”

Kennedy is calling for a social revolution equal to the rise of affordable child care and day care: Employers should help working caregivers by offering accommodations. Men should step up more often. It’s unfair that women are always chosen to provide care for an elderly family member.

Despite the hard work it took on Sarich — interrupted sleep and the knowledge that his 2009 death was the end game, she would do it again. Since about half a century had gone by, she wasn’t the person he remembered, and he wasn’t the person she remembered either. Caring for her father changed how each saw the other.

Why did Jorjan Sarich caregiver for her father?

   A. It was a very easy job.                          B. She had no work to do.

   C. It was the social practice.                         D. She lived with her father.

What can we infer from the book “The Daughter Trap”?

   A. Daughters don’t like care giving.

   B. Daughters devote a lot to care giving.

   C. Care giving is daughters’ duty.

   D. Care giving should be sons’ duty.

What does the underlined phrase “a social revolution” refer to?

   A. The child care revolution.                            B. The reform in day care.

   C. The social development.                              D. The change in care giving.

How many years did Jorjan Sarich work as her father’s full-time caregiver?

   A. Five years.          B. Only one year.          C. Four years.        D. Two years.

In her care giving, Jorjan Sarich _____.

   A. got along well with her father                  B. was a little tired of her father

   C. changed her father in every way            D. felt it was unfair to do so


A well-dressed man came into a famous jewelry shop. He explained that he wished to buy a pearl (珍珠) for his wife's birthday and that the price didn't matter since business had been  very good for him that year. After examining a number of beautiful and valuable pearls, he chose a nice black one that cost $5,000.He paid for the pearl, shook hands with the jeweller and left.

A few days later the man returned and said his wife had liked the pearl so much that she wanted another one just like it. It had to be exactly the same size and quality (质量) as she wanted a pair of earrings(耳环) made.“Can you give me any advice on how to get such a pearl? ” said the man. The jeweller replied, “I would say it's nearly impossible to find an exact one like that pearl.”

The rich man asked the jeweller to advertise (登广告) in the newspapers, and offered $25,000 for the matching pearl. Many people answered the ad (广告) but nobody had a pearl that was just right. Just when the jeweller gave up hope, a little old lady came in. To his surprise, she pulled the wonderful pearl from her handbag. “I don't like to sell it,” she said sadly, “I inherited (继承) it from my mother, and my mother inherited it from hers. But now I really need the money.”

The jeweller was quick to pay her before she changed her mind. Then he called the rich man's hotel to tell him the good news. The rich man, however, was nowhere to be found.

1.From the first paragraph we can guess that the jeweller consider the well-dressed man was ________.

A.an honest jeweller to make friend with

B.a clever cheat with a lot of money

C.a rich businessman and a good husband

D.a poor gentleman who spent money like water

2.He paid $5,000 for the pearl without bargaining ________.

A.because he loved his wife very much

B.in order to get it as quickly as possible

C.since his business had been successful

D.so as to make the jeweller believe him

3.Both the man and the jeweller thought it ________.

A.possible to find an exact one like that pearl

B.difficult to get the matching pearl

C.impossible to advertise in the newspaper

D.easy to buy a similar pearl

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The people who answered the ad wanted to sell their pearls at a high price.

B.The woman was the well-dressed man's wife.

C.The jeweller was lucky enough to buy the little old lady's pearl.

D.The rich man didn't know the little old lady.

5.The jeweller could not find the rich man anywhere because he ________.

A.had moved to another hotel

B.was busy doing business with others

C.had escaped with $20,000

D.had told the wrong telephone number


A friend is better than fortune. A friend is worse than poison in some cases. 
The two sentences above have opposite meanings and seem to be unreasonable, but they can be explained as follows: the first refers to all good friends who drive us towards good while the second all bad ones who lead us into bad ways.
  My ideal friend is of course a good friend whose goodness is shown below — he has no bad habits, such as smoking and drinking. He lives in frugality (节俭). He studies hard so as not to waste his golden time. At home he honors his parents and loves his brothers; at school he respects his teachers and shares the feelings of his classmates. He treats those truly who are true to him. In a word, he has all the good characteristics that I don’t have. I can follow him as a model. With his help I can be free from all difficulties.
Indeed, if I have such a person as my friend, I shall never fear difficulty and I shall never know the existence of the word “failure”.
【小题1】This passage tells us ____.

A.how to make friends with others
B.how to help friends
C.what kind of person the writer’s friend is
D.what kind of person we should make friends with
【小题2】According to the writer, an ideal friend refers to _______. 
A.a friend without bad habits
B.a famous man
C.a perfect man
D.a respectable man
【小题3】From the passage we can learn that ________. 
A.the writer and his ideal friend have a lot to learn from each other
B.the writer has a lot to learn from his ideal friend
C.the writer’s ideal friend has a lot to learn from him
D.the writer has only a little to learn from his ideal friend
【小题4】From the second paragraph, we can infer the writer is sure that _______. 
A.friendship means a great deal to him
B.nothing can be done without friends
C.he who does not smoke or drink must be a good friend
D.good friends should always help each other


A wife’s level of education positively influences both her own and her husband’s chances of having a long life, according to a new Swedish study.
In the study, researchers from the Swedish Institute for Social Research in Stockholm found that a woman’s level of education had a stronger connection to the likelihood of her husband dying over education. What’s more, they discovered that a husband’s social class, based on his occupation,  had a greater influence on his wife’s longevity(长寿)than her own class.
“Women traditionally take more responsibility for the home than men do, and, as a consequence, women’s levels of education might be more important for determining lifestyles-for example, in terms of food choices-than those of men,” say Srs. Robert Erikson and Jenny Torssander of the Swedish Institute for Social Research in Stockholm.
The results show that a husband’s level of education does not influence his longevity, but that men with partners who had quit studying after school were 25 per cent more likely to die early than men living with women hodling university degrees. In turn, those married to women with university degrees were 13 per cent more likely to die early than those whose wives had post-graduate qualifications.
According to the researchers, a woman with a good education may not marry a man who drinks and smokes too much or who drivers carelessly, and men with such habits may not prefer highly educated woman. Drs. Erikson and Torssander also suggest that better-educated woman may be more aware of what healthy eating and good health care consist of.
The findings suggest that education has a huge impact on how long and how well people live. It also reflects social factors, since educated individuals usually have better jobs, which allow them to afford healthier diets and lifestyles, as well as better health care.
68. In this passage the author intends to_______.
A. encourage women to get higher education
B. present the results of a study.
C. analyze the relationship between education and life
D. discuss why women usually live longer than men
69. A wife’s education has more effect on a family than a husband’s because______.
A. women make more sacrifices to their families than men do
B. most women have higher degrees than their husbands
C. most men marry women with higher degrees
D. women have a leading role in the home life of most families
70. A woman with higher education is likely to_____.
A. choose a husband with a higher degree than hers.
B. marry a man without many bad habits
C. earn more money than her husband
D. teach her children well
71. We learn from the passage that_______.
A. a man with a lot of education live longer than one with little.
B. a man’s longevity depends on not only his wife’s level of education but also his own.
C. educated wives tend to choose healthy lifestyles for their families.
D. highly-educated women don’t marry uneducated men.


"Reduce, reuse and recycle, this familiar environmentalist slogan tells us how to reduce the amount of rubbish that ends up in landfills and waterways.
The concept is being used to deal with one possibly dangerous form of waste –--- electronic junk (电子垃圾), such as old computers, cell-phones, and televisions. But this process for managing e-waste may be used in an unscrupulous(不择手段的) way more often than not used, a recent report suggests.
“A lot of these materials are being sent to developing nations under the excuse of reuse –--- to bridge the digital divide,” said Richard Gutierrez, a policy researcher.
One of the problems is that no one proves whether these old machines work before they hit the seaways. Because of this, the report says, e-waste is a growing problem in Lagos, Nigeria, and elsewhere in the developing world. Much of the waste ends up being thrown away along rivers and roads. Often it’s picked apart by poor people, who may face dangerous exposure to poisonous chemicals in the equipment.
Businessmen also pay workers a little money to get back materials such as gold and copper. This low-tech recovery process could expose workers and the local environment to many dangerous materials used to build electronics. According to Gutierrez, this shadow economy exists because the excuse of recycling and reusing electronics gives businessmen “a green passport” to ship waste around the globe. “Developing nations must take upon some of the responsibility themselves,” Gutierrez said. But, he added, “A greater portion of this responsibility should fall on the exporting state.”
China, for example, has become a dumping(倾倒,堆放) place for large amounts of e-waste. The nation is beginning to take action to stop the flow of dangerous materials across its borders. The Chinese government, after many years of denial(否认), is finally beginning to take the lead.
70.What does the fourth paragraph mainly discuss?
A. Old computers and TVs still work before they are sent abroad.
B. Poor people break up e-waste to collect some valuable materials.
C. A lot of e-waste is dumped in developing countries.
D. The problem of e-waste is growing in developing countries.
71.From what Gutierrez said we can learn that ________.
A. exporting countries should mainly be responsible for this problem.
B. neither rich nor poor countries should be blamed for this problem
C. developing countries should be responsible for this problem
D. poor countries should be blamed for this problem
72.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _______.
A. China has hidden a large amount of e-waste in many secret places
B. China has greatly changed the idea about the problem of e-waste
C. China has prevented poisonous materials from entering China for a long time
D. China is falling behind other countries in dealing with e-waste
73.The passage mainly tells us that _______.
A. developing countries are facing serious environmental problems
B. e-waste is a growing problem in developed countries
C. e-waste is sent to developing countries under the excuse of reuse
D. developing countries are making full use of e-waste


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