
"Reduce, reuse and recycle, this familiar environmentalist slogan tells us how to reduce the amount of rubbish that ends up in landfills and waterways.
The concept is being used to deal with one possibly dangerous form of waste –--- electronic junk (电子垃圾), such as old computers, cell-phones, and televisions. But this process for managing e-waste may be used in an unscrupulous(不择手段的) way more often than not used, a recent report suggests.
“A lot of these materials are being sent to developing nations under the excuse of reuse –--- to bridge the digital divide,” said Richard Gutierrez, a policy researcher.
One of the problems is that no one proves whether these old machines work before they hit the seaways. Because of this, the report says, e-waste is a growing problem in Lagos, Nigeria, and elsewhere in the developing world. Much of the waste ends up being thrown away along rivers and roads. Often it’s picked apart by poor people, who may face dangerous exposure to poisonous chemicals in the equipment.
Businessmen also pay workers a little money to get back materials such as gold and copper. This low-tech recovery process could expose workers and the local environment to many dangerous materials used to build electronics. According to Gutierrez, this shadow economy exists because the excuse of recycling and reusing electronics gives businessmen “a green passport” to ship waste around the globe. “Developing nations must take upon some of the responsibility themselves,” Gutierrez said. But, he added, “A greater portion of this responsibility should fall on the exporting state.”
China, for example, has become a dumping(倾倒,堆放) place for large amounts of e-waste. The nation is beginning to take action to stop the flow of dangerous materials across its borders. The Chinese government, after many years of denial(否认), is finally beginning to take the lead.
70.What does the fourth paragraph mainly discuss?
A. Old computers and TVs still work before they are sent abroad.
B. Poor people break up e-waste to collect some valuable materials.
C. A lot of e-waste is dumped in developing countries.
D. The problem of e-waste is growing in developing countries.
71.From what Gutierrez said we can learn that ________.
A. exporting countries should mainly be responsible for this problem.
B. neither rich nor poor countries should be blamed for this problem
C. developing countries should be responsible for this problem
D. poor countries should be blamed for this problem
72.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _______.
A. China has hidden a large amount of e-waste in many secret places
B. China has greatly changed the idea about the problem of e-waste
C. China has prevented poisonous materials from entering China for a long time
D. China is falling behind other countries in dealing with e-waste
73.The passage mainly tells us that _______.
A. developing countries are facing serious environmental problems
B. e-waste is a growing problem in developed countries
C. e-waste is sent to developing countries under the excuse of reuse
D. developing countries are making full use of e-waste

70---73   CABC  



There is an English saying:“ laughter is the best medicine.” Until recently, few people took the saying seriously. Now, however, doctors have begun to look into laughter and the effects it has on the human body. They have found that laughter really can improve people’s health. 

Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films while doctors checked their hearts, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter had similar effects to physical exercise. It increases blood pressure, the heart beating and breathing; it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial .

Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be able to reduce the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs. The group that tolerated(忍耐)the pain for the longest time was the groups which listened to a funny program. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce a kind of chemicals in the brain which  diminish  both stress and pain .

As a result of these discoveries, some doctors in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they help to improve their patients’ condition by encouraging them to laugh. They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.

Doctors have proved the following EXCEPT that   ____   .

A. smiling does good to health 

B. laughter can be tolerated

C. there is a way to reduce pain 

D. laughter can work the muscles in the feet 

.The main idea of the passage is          .

A. laughter and physical exercise have similar effects on the human body 

B. smile can produce the same effects as laughter 

C. pain can be reduced by laughter 

D. laughter is the best medicine 

The students who  ___  tolerated the pain for the longest time .

A .listened to different radio programs

B .slept in the room 

C. don’t have stress of pain 

D .listened to a funny program

The underlined word “diminish” is similar to   _____     .

A. test    B .stop     C. reduce    D. find 

Doctors hold laughter clinics _________. 

A .to give better condition to their patients 

B .in order to improve patients’ health 

C .to make patients smile   

D. to prove smile and laughter have the same effect



       All areas of the world face a nurses shortage. But the shortage is most severe in developing countries. Many of their nurses move to the more developed nations for better pay, better working conditions and better chances for career development. For example, nearly 2,000 nurses left the Caribbean between 2002 and 2006.

       The Caribbean nations currently have about 1 nurse for every 1,000 people. The ratio(比例) of nurses to population is about 10 times higher in the United States and countries in the European Union(EU). Now, more than 21,000 nurses who trained in the Caribbean are working in the United States, Canada and Britain.

       Gaetan Lafortune is an official of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(O.E.C.D) in Paris. He says the nurses shortage also affects industrialized countries. He says, “There is concern in most O.E.C.D.countries that the number of nurses is too small to meet the demand. And what is more worrying is that their concern is sort of growing.” Mr Lafortune says a large number of nurses are expected to retire within the next 10 years. At the same time, the health care needs of aging populations are expected to grow, intensifying the shortage of nurses.

       Gaetan Lafortune said, “In the U.S., for instance, some researchers have found that there may be a shortage of close to a million nurses by 2020.” The United States is 1 of the 21 countries in the O.C.E.D. Gaetan Lafortune says in the recent years many of the countries increased their efforts to hire foreign nurses. As a result of that, O.E.C.D. countries were mainly exporting their shortage problem to countries that may have an even greater need for these nurses.

What will be the main causes of the global nurses shortage in the next 10 years?

       a. The demand for nurses will decrease.                    

b. Many nurses will be too old to work.

       c. Many rich countries will hire more foreign nurses. 

d. Nurses are often looked down upon.

       e. Aging populations will increase rapidly

       A. a and b             B. b and c              C. b and e              D. c and d

The underlined word “intensify” in para. 3 means “________”.

       A. strengthen         B. neglect            C. reduce               D. cause

We know from this text that America and the EU countries ______.

       A. refuse to offer equal pay to foreign nurses

       B. have at least one nurse out of 100 people

       C. don’t like to train nurses of their own countries

       D. have more serious nursing problems than the Caribbean nations

What does the text mainly tell us?

       A. Nursing is no longer a worthwhile profession in most countries.

       B. The different attitudes towards nursing in different countries.

       C. Nurses shortage will result in serious consequences.

       D. The health care industry needs more nurses.

All areas of the world face a nurses shortage. But the shortage is most severe in developing countries. Many of their nurses move to the more developed nations for better pay, better working conditions and better chances for career development. For example, nearly 2,000 nurses left the Caribbean between 2002 and 2006.

       The Caribbean nations currently have about 1 nurse for every 1,000 people. The ratio(比例) of nurses to population is about 10 times higher in the United States and countries in the European Union(EU). Now, more than 21,000 nurses who trained in the Caribbean are working in the United States, Canada and Britain.

       Gaetan Lafortune is an official of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(O.E.C.D) in Paris. He says the nurses shortage also affects industrialized countries. He says, “There is concern in most O.E.C.D.countries that the number of nurses is too small to meet the demand. And what is more worrying is that their concern is sort of growing.” Mr Lafortune says a large number of nurses are expected to retire within the next 10 years. At the same time, the health care needs of aging populations are expected to grow, intensifying the shortage of nurses.

       Gaetan Lafortune said, “In the U.S., for instance, some researchers have found that there may be a shortage of close to a million nurses by 2020.” The United States is 1 of the 21 countries in the O.C.E.D. Gaetan Lafortune says in the recent years many of the countries increased their efforts to hire foreign nurses. As a result of that, O.E.C.D. countries were mainly exporting their shortage problem to countries that may have an even greater need for these nurses.

What will be the main causes of the global nurses shortage in the next 10 years?

       a. The demand for nurses will decrease.                    

b. Many nurses will be too old to work.

       c. Many rich countries will hire more foreign nurses. 

d. Nurses are often looked down upon.

       e. Aging populations will increase rapidly

       A. a and b             B. b and c              C. b and e              D. c and d

The underlined word “intensify” in para. 3 means “________”.

       A. strengthen         B. neglect            C. reduce               D. cause

We know from this text that America and the EU countries ______.

       A. refuse to offer equal pay to foreign nurses

       B. have at least one nurse out of 100 people

       C. don’t like to train nurses of their own countries

       D. have more serious nursing problems than the Caribbean nations

What does the text mainly tell us?

       A. Nursing is no longer a worthwhile profession in most countries.

       B. The different attitudes towards nursing in different countries.

       C. Nurses shortage will result in serious consequences.

       D. The health care industry needs more nurses.

Cats have no emotions . At least, that's what my husband once claimed. I   21   that my two cats experience emotions. They feel anger, fear, and   22  . He agreed with me, but   23  his opinion that cats don't feel love.  24  , my tuxedo cat, Sebastian, would teach him otherwise.
When my next-door neighbour moved in, he had a she cat named Juliet. She was an indoor lady, always watching   25   through the window.
Then one day when I   26   my cat to the backyard for his playtime, Sebastian   27   Juliet gazing at him behind the window. It soon became   28  that they were attracted by each other. So every day thereafter, whenever I let Sebastian out, he would rush   29__to the backyard next-door and they would sit gazing   30   at each other through the screen, she inside, and he outside. Even my husband watched   31 , and he would murmur, "But cats can't feel love... can they?"
Five months later, my neighbour had to   32   because of work. My heart sank. I wondered how Sebastian would   33   to Juliet's leaving.
For months after Juliet moved away and the new neighbour moved in, I often   34   Sebastian sitting by Juliet's window, looking into the apartment   35   his lady. The new neighbour didn't mind having the "Peeping Sebastian" after I   36  his reason for being there.
Sebastian   37   the small area outside that window as his territory.  Other male cats were allowed in the   38  , but not near Juliet's window, which he guarded until his   39 .
Even now, when my husband and I walk through the backyard and see that window, he   40   me of the lesson Sebastian taught him... that cats do indeed fall in love.
21. A. argued                B. quarreled                  C. suggested                 D. discussed
22. A. energy                B. power                  C. strength                    D. happiness
23. A. referred to          B. prepared for                C. stuck to                    D. approved of
24. A. Therefore           B. However                  C. Besides                    D. Meanwhile
25. A. the environment  B. the sky                        C. her owner                 D. her boyfriend
26. A. forbade               B. prevented                 C. accompanied             D. left
27. A. called attention to       B. caught sight of       C. took charge of          D. paid a visit to
28. A. ambitious            B. doubtful                   C. skeptical                   D. obvious
29. A. secretly               B. straight                    C. quietly                            D. worriedly
30. A. lovingly                 B. angrily                            C. hungrily                   D. greedily
31. A. in trouble            B. in sorrow                 C. in amazement           D. in horror
32. A. settle                  B. travel                       C. apologize                 D. move
33. A. react                   B. reply                        C. reduce                      D. replace
34 A. took                    B. caught                      C. met                          D. sensed
35. A. in place of          B. on the basis of          C. in search of                     D. on account of
36. A. explained            B. requested                  C. blamed                     D. asked
37. A. discovered          B. reformed                  C. preserved                 D. marked
38. A. street                  B. backyard                  C. window                    D. village
39. A. birthday                     B. departure                  C. death                       D. arrival
40. A. reminds                     B. informs                    C. tells                         D. Accuses



Most people give little thought to the pens they write with , especially since the printers in modern homes and offices mean that very 36things are handwritten .All too often,people buy a pen based only on 37,and wonder why they are not satisfied 38 ,they begin to use it ,However, buying a pen that you’ll enjoy is not 39 if you keep the following in wond.

First of all, a pen should fit comfortably in your hand and be 40 to use .The thickness of the pen is the most important characteristic(特征)41comfort. Having a small hand and thick fingers, you may 43 a fatter pen .The length of a pen can 44 influence comfort. A pen that is too 45 can easily feel top-heavy and unstable.

Then, the writing point of the pen should 46 the ink to flow evenly(均匀的) while that pen remains in touch with the paper 47 will make it possibly for you to creat a 48 line of writing .The point should also be sensitive enough to 49 ink from running when the pen is lifted.A point that does not block the 50 may leave drops of ink, 51 you pick the pen up and put it down again. 

52 ,the pen should make a thick , dark line. Fine-line pens may 53 bad handwriting, but fine, delicate  lines do not command  54  next to printed  text ,as ,55,  a  singnature  on  a printed  letter  .A   broader line, on  the  other   hand  ,gives  an  impression of  confidence  and  authority (权威)。

36.A.many    B.few    C.pleasant       D.important

37.A.looks     B.reason  C.value        D.advantanges

38.A.once      B.if      C.because      D.though

39.A.coveenient  B.practocal   C.strange    D.difficult 

40.A.heavy B.easy C. hard                  D.safe

41.A.taking        B.finding      C.determining    D.seeking

42.A.strong         B.weaker      C.smaller       D.larger

43.A.prefer          B.recommend   C.prepare     D. demand

44.A.hardly         B.also     C.    never      D。  still

45.a.thick           B.light              C.  rong        D.   soft  

46.A.change        B.allow            C.  reduce     D .press

47. Athey           B. one        C.  this       D.  some

48.  A. from        B. rough         C. black         D. smooth

49.  A. prevent      B. free           C. protect        D. remove

50.  A. way         B. sight          C. flow          D. stream

51.  A. so          B. as             C. and          D. yet

52.  A. Meanwhile   B. Generally       C. Afterwards    D. Finally

53.  A. show up     B. differ from      C. break down    D. compensate for

54.  A. attention     B. support         C. respect       D. admission

55.  A. at most      B. for example      C. in brief      D. on purpose


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