摘要:A 考查动词词义的准确记忆.由上一题得知.此空应该填上表示“传播 之意的动词.B项的意思:转变,form的意思是:形成,switch的意思是:转换.故A项正确.


阅读下面的短文, 然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文.

     No wonder English poses (构成) such a challenge to nonnative speakers.This most global language
has more words than any other, over 1 million according to the Global Language Monitor.Out of this
number, the average American college student has mastered between 8,000-15,000.  
     Realizing that words are the building blocks of language, many Chinese students try hard to catch up.
They make out long lists of words-often in alphabetical order-and simply memorize their definitions (释
义) and Chinese meanings.  
     The bad news is that definition memorization does them little good when it comes to college entrance
tests like the SATs.For these tests, a student needs to understand, not simply parrot words studied.    
     The good news is that there are better ways to build an academic English vocabulary.  
     Vocabulary learning system  
     The first thing to do is to develop an organized, but easy means of collecting and learning new words.
We recommend a card system that includes the following information:  
     Word-Simple Definition in English-Phrase or Sentence-Related Words-Synonyms (同义词) and
Antonyms (反义词)-with a Chinese translation on the reverse (背面) of the card.  
    The advantage of this system is that with a single card, a student can learn not just one word but a
group of related words.  
     Keep your cards on a detachable (可分离的) metal ring, so you can carry them around and add to
your collection daily.
1. 以约30词概括上文的主要内容;
2. 以约120词以"有什么记单词的好办法?"为主题写一篇短文, 内容包括:
1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事, 也可以参照阅读材料的内容, 但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称.
概括准确, 语言规范, 内容合适, 语篇连贯.

The English translations of the names of traditional Chinese dishes on menus(菜单) across the country have caused public discussion about the precision(准确) of the translations.
Since more and more foreigners come to China every day, many restaurants around China are providing English translations of their menus. They want to make it easier for foreigners to order Chinese dishes when they travel. Some restaurants also hope that the translations will increase foreigners’ knowledge of Chinese cuisine(烹饪).
But an article in China Youth Daily says the English menu translations haven’t live up to public expectation(期望). It argues most of the English names of Chinese dishes lack the cultural meaning and attraction of the dishes they describe. Instead, the translations only provide a list of each dish’s ingredients(配方), the article notes. For example, one English name of a Chinese dish appears as “stir-fried mutton slice with Chinese onion and green scallion(葱爆羊肉)”.
Because the English translation focuses only on the ingredients, it fails to describe the dish’s rich cultural meaning and charm(魅力). The dish’s beautiful Chinese name, “Fo Tiao Qiang(佛跳墙)”, has a story behind it. Buddhist monks (和尚) are required to eat vegetables only , but they can’t resist(忍住)the delicious dish. So they jump over the temple walls to get a taste of the dish.
The article suggests that translators provide more beautiful translations of the names of Chinese dishes. It also notes a more vivid(生动的) English translation is very important to provide international visitors with a better understanding of Chinese cuisine.
【小题1】Why do many restaurants provide English translations of their menu ?

A.Because they want to show their ingredients in dishes.
B.Because the public expect them to do so.
C.Because Chinese dishes are popular.
D.Because it is convenient for foreigners to order food.
【小题2】According to China Youth Daily, what is the main problem of the English menu translation?
A.They are too long to remember.
B.Many of them are not correct.
C.They lack cultural meaning and attraction.
D.They are difficult to learn.
【小题3】What can we infer from the story of “Fo Tiao Qiang” dish?
A.Monks can jump high.
B.Monks lived a poor life.
C.Old China had little meat for people.
D.The dish attracted many people because it’s delicious.


The English translations of the names of traditional Chinese dishes on menus(菜单) across the country have caused public discussion about the precision(准确) of the translations.

Since more and more foreigners come to China every day, many restaurants around China are providing English translations of their menus. They want to make it easier for foreigners to order Chinese dishes when they travel. Some restaurants also hope that the translations will increase foreigners’ knowledge of Chinese cuisine(烹饪).

But an article in China Youth Daily says the English menu translations haven’t live up to public expectation(期望). It argues most of the English names of Chinese dishes lack the cultural meaning and attraction of the dishes they describe. Instead, the translations only provide a list of each dish’s ingredients(配方), the article notes. For example, one English name of a Chinese dish appears as “stir-fried mutton slice with Chinese onion and green scallion(葱爆羊肉)”.

Because the English translation focuses only on the ingredients, it fails to describe the dish’s rich cultural meaning and charm(魅力). The dish’s beautiful Chinese name, “Fo Tiao Qiang(佛跳墙)”, has a story behind it. Buddhist monks (和尚) are required to eat vegetables only , but they can’t resist(忍住)the delicious dish. So they jump over the temple walls to get a taste of the dish.

The article suggests that translators provide more beautiful translations of the names of Chinese dishes. It also notes a more vivid(生动的) English translation is very important to provide international visitors with a better understanding of Chinese cuisine.

1.Why do many restaurants provide English translations of their menu ?

A.Because they want to show their ingredients in dishes.

B.Because the public expect them to do so.

C.Because Chinese dishes are popular.

D.Because it is convenient for foreigners to order food.

2.According to China Youth Daily, what is the main problem of the English menu translation?

A.They are too long to remember.

B.Many of them are not correct.

C.They lack cultural meaning and attraction.

D.They are difficult to learn.

3.What can we infer from the story of “Fo Tiao Qiang” dish?

A.Monks can jump high.

B.Monks lived a poor life.

C.Old China had little meat for people.

D.The dish attracted many people because it’s delicious.





During a recent Senior Three English lesson, the teacher caught Xiao Li, a female student, busily typing messages on her cell-phone. To the teacher’s surprise, Xiao Li wasn’t just texting her friends the latest gossip. She was actually blogging about what was being taught in the classroom, sharing her opinions about the information and material with her classmates and other students.

         The case aroused a heated discussion among teachers and students city-wide. Miss Li, an English teacher from another nearby school said, “I am amazed at how creative the students can be when writing on their blogs. To me it’s a great way for students to improve their writing skills while writing about personal feelings and experiences.” But other teachers are worried that blog-addiction may interfere with their students’ study.

         A supporter and classmate of Xiao Li said, “We love her blog! We all read it each day and can’t wait to see what she writes about next. Her interesting stories and great suggestions on study really help to motivate us. And it adds a little fun to our stressful life.” Another student blogger admitted that he often works late into the night, writing his blog and responding to comments posted there. “Sometimes I don’t even have time to finish my homework. I can’t help myself. I really have a lot to say.”

















  No wonder English poses(构成)such a challenge to non-native speakers.This most global of languages has more words than any other, over 1 million according to the Global Language Monitor.Out of this number, the average American college student has mastered between 8,000-15,000.

  Realizing that words are the building blocks of language, many Chinese students try hard to catch up.They make out long lists of words-often in alphabetical order-and simply memorize their definitions(释义)and Chinese meanings.

  The bad news is that definition memorization does them little good when it comes to college entrance tests like the SATs.For these tests, a student needs to understand, not simply parrot words studied.

  The good news is that there are better ways to build an academic English vocabulary.

  Vocabulary learning system

  The first thing to do is to develop an organized, but easy means of collecting and learning new words.We recommend a card system that includes the following information:

  Word-Simple Definition in English-Phrase or Sentence-Related Words-Synonyms(同义词)and Antonyms(反义词)-with a Chinese translation on the reverse(背面)of the card.

  The advantage of this system is that with a single card, a student can learn not just one word but a group of related words.

  Keep your cards on a detachable(可分离的)metal ring, so you can carry them around and add to your collection daily.











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