摘要: D 这一段是the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project的一个调查结果.当然是“根据 这个调查得出:4%的这个年龄群的拥有手机的青少年曾经发送过有关自己的带有性暗示的图片.故用D项.


Tykoon is an online website that allows you to teach your child financial principles through allowances, assignment of tasks and daily chores. As the parent, you can assign a cash value to the things you want your child to do. Then, your child can go in, accept the task and add to their wish list of what they would like to purchase with the money that they earn.

Let’s start with the parent side of things. The parent must be the one to set up the account. You simply enter your information and your child’s information to get started. You are then able to assign allowance amounts to your child.

Then you can add tasks for your child to accept and link them to either their weekly allowance or a pre-determined amount. Your child is then able to accept or decline their tasks. They can see how much each task earns, how often they need to do it and what they will get if they do! They can add items that they are working toward earning and can even earn nn-cash incentives such as extra TV time or staying up late!

Tykoon is a great way to start teaching your child about responsibility and financial principles in fun and safe way. Through the creation of their own profile and the ability to accept or decline tasks, they are taught the skills that they will need later in life when they are managing their own budgets! So, head over and sign up for a free account today and watch your child get excited about doing their chores!

And right now, as a special reward, if you share Tykoon with your friends and have five friends sign up and stay active for more than a month, you’ll earn a $25 Amazon.com gift card! So get your child enrolled(注册), tell your friends and let’s start teaching all our kids about the important financial principles today!

66.The purpose of the text is to___________.

A. make an advertisement                    B. share teaching experience

C. describe an online website               D. present a way of making money


【解析】第一段介绍Tykoon,二,三,四段介绍怎样操作以及所带来的好处, 最后一段是奖励措施。因此, 本文的目的是做广告,吸引大家都来参与。

67.The underlined word“incentives” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “_________”.

A. promises           B. rewards             C. gifts           D. tasks


【解析】根据下文such as extra TV time or staying up late!,可见,“incentives”表示的是一种奖励。

68.What can kids learn from Tykoon?

A. The ability to manage their budgets.        B. The responsibility to do daily chores.

C. The skills to earn their own living.           D. The tricks to accept or refuse tasks.


【解析】根据第四段they are taught the skills that they will need later in life when they are managing their own budgets!他们被教给在以后生活中他们自己管理自己财务时需要的技巧。

69.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that_________.

A. no parents will resist the special reward          B. Amazon is a very popular website

C. Tykoon wants to attract more visitors            D. friends should share information



70.What is the best title of the text?

A. Tykoon—A Safe Way to Manage Your Financial Issues

B. How to Create Funny Tasks for Your Kids on the Website

C. Opening an Online Account with the Help of Tykoon

D. Teaching Your Kids Financial Principles with Tykoon




We've all experienced a "good cry". Shedding (流) some tears can often make us feel better and help us put things in perspective. But why is crying beneficial? And is there such a thing as a "bad cry"?

The researchers analyzed the detailed accounts of more than 3,000 recent crying experiences and found that the benefits of crying depend entirely on the what, where and when of a particular crying episode (一段经历). The majority of persons reported improvements in their mood following a short period of crying. However, one third reported no improvement in mood and a tenth felt worse after crying. Criers who received social support during their crying episode were the most likely to report improvements in mood.

Research to date has not always produced a clear picture of the benefits of crying, in part because the results often seem to depend on how crying is studied. The researchers note several challenges in accurately studying crying behavior in a laboratory setting. Volunteers who cry in a laboratory setting often do not describe their experiences as making them feel better. Rather, crying in a laboratory setting often results in the study participants feeling worse;  this may be due to the stressful conditions of the study itself, such as being videotaped or watched by researchers. This may produce negative emotions, which neutralize (使无效) the positive benefits usually connected with crying.

However, these laboratory studies have provided interesting findings about the physical effects of crying. Criers do show calming effects such as slower breathing, but they also experience a lot of unpleasant stress, including increased heart rate and sweating. What is interesting is that bodily calming usually lasts longer than the unpleasant. The calming effects may occur later and overcome the stress reaction, which would account for why people tend to remember mostly the pleasant side of crying.

Research has shown that the effects of crying also depend on who is shedding the tears. For example, individuals with anxiety or mood disorders are least likely to experience the positive effects of crying. In addition, the researchers report that people who lack insight into their emotional lives actually feel worse after crying.

67. We can infer from the passage that __________________.

A. people don't like being seen crying         

B. crying in public makes people feel better

C. a bad cry is as common as a good cry

D. a good cry can sometimes help us face problems rightly

68. The beneficial effects of crying can be shown when _________.

A. your breath becomes slow              B. you sweat a lot.

C. your face turns pale                    D. you are being watched

69. Who will be least likely to feel worse after crying?

A. People who receive help in course of crying.

B. People who fail to understand their emotions.

C. People who are anxious and nervous.

D. People whose mood is not in order.

70. The passage is mainly about ___________.

A. the types of crying                B. the way of crying

C. the psychology of crying           D. the causes of crying

     We've all experienced a "good cry". Shedding (流) some tears can often make us feel better and help us
put things in perspective. But why is crying beneficial? And is there such a thing as a "bad cry"?
     The researchers analyzed the detailed accounts of more than 3,000 recent crying experiences and found
that the benefits of crying depend entirely on the what, where and when of a particular crying episode (一段
经历). The majority of persons reported improvements in their mood following a short period of crying.
However, one third reported no improvement in mood and a tenth felt worse after crying. Criers who received
social support during their crying episode were the most likely to report improvements in mood.
     Research to date has not always produced a clear picture of the benefits of crying, in part because the
results often seem to depend on how crying is studied. The researchers note several challenges in accurately
studying crying behavior in a laboratory setting. Volunteers who cry in a laboratory setting often do not
describe their experiences as making them feel better. Rather, crying in a laboratory setting often results in
the study participants feeling worse; this may be due to the stressful conditions of the study itself, such as
being videotaped or watched by researchers. This may produce negative emotions, which neutralize (使无效)
the positive benefits usually connected with crying.
     However, these laboratory studies have provided interesting findings about the physical effects of crying.
Criers do show calming effects such as slower breathing, but they also experience a lot of unpleasant stress,
including increased heart rate and sweating. What is interesting is that bodily calming usually lasts longer than
the unpleasant. The calming effects may occur later and overcome the stress reaction, which would account
for why people tend to remember mostly the pleasant side of crying.
     Research has shown that the effects of crying also depend on who is shedding the tears. For example,
individuals with anxiety or mood disorders are least likely to experience the positive effects of crying. In
addition, the researchers report that people who lack insight into their emotional lives actually feel worse
after crying.
1. We can infer from the passage that _____.
A. people don't like being seen crying
B. crying in public makes people feel better
C. a bad cry is as common as a good cry
D. a good cry can sometimes help us face problems rightly
2. The beneficial effects of crying can be shown when _____.
A. your breath becomes slow
B. you sweat a lot.
C. your face turns pale
D. you are being watched
3. Who will be least likely to feel worse after crying?
A. People who receive help in course of crying.
B. People who fail to understand their emotions.
C. People who are anxious and nervous.
D. People whose mood is not in order.
4. The passage is mainly about ______.
A. the types of crying
B. the way of crying
C. the psychology of crying
D. the causes of crying

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