
1. 孩子们停止打扰他们的父亲。

The children stopped _____________. (bother)

2. 你已经付出了这么多努力,一定会通过考试的。

You’ve done so much work that _____________ the exam. (bound)

3. 在那些场合下,她禁不住笑了。

She _____________ on those occasions. ( resist)

4. 首先给我留下深刻印象的是墙上有大量图表。

The first thing _____________ was the numerous charts that covered the walls. (strike)

5. 只要在晚饭前做完作业,你就可以留下。

You may stay _____________ before supper. (condition)

6. 他从来没有像那一次那么勇敢。

_____________ been braver than in that case. (time)

7. 这种改变不可能在一天之内发生。

Such a change _____________ in one day. (bring)

8. 这一歌剧是根据一对年轻夫妻的真实经历改编的。

The opera _____________ a young couple’s real experience. (base)

 1. bothering their father

2. you’re bound to pass

3. could hardly/not resist laughing

4. that struck me

5. on condition that you finish your homework

6. At no time has he

7. cannot be brought about

8. is based on


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