摘要: D研究人员通过分析这些数据后指出.不论哪种类型的双胞胎.受到环境伤害的面部皮肤与吸烟.年龄增长.体重超标有很大关系.此处应该填上表示指出.发现.或者得到结论之类的动词.这四项中只有D项noted.而ABC三项依次分别所表达的意思:用正式的文件记录.用磁带等录制.以新闻的形式报告.


They understand each other through the U.N. interpreters. Some of the interpreters speak as many as ten languages. But they all must know at least three of the official languages.

     All of the 2,026 seats in the General Assembly Hall are equipped with earphones. The earphones are attached to the sides of the seats. At each seat there is a box that has a switch with numbers on it. There is a number for each of the six official languages and one for the speaker. By turning the switch, the listener can hear either the speaker or the translations into any of six languages; Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

     Now imagine that a meeting is going on. Some of the delegates(代表)speak only English. Others only French or Spanish. Still others speak only Russian or Chinese. How can they understand each other?

     By using the earphones and listening to the amusing interpreters!

     The interpreters sit in glass-walled, sound-proof booths(隔音的单个小间)looking over the Assembly Hall. They listen to each speaker and translate what he says almost immediately. They speak into microphone connected to the earphones at the listeners’ seats.

     How does this work?

     Let’s say a delegate at the meeting is talking in Russian. The French delegate doesn’t understand Russian. So he turns the switch at his seat to the number for French. At once he hears the Russian speech translated into French.

     The interpreters must be very good indeed. They must be able to hear someone talking and in a matter of seconds translate what he has said.

1. The test is mainly about     .

A. the interpreters who work at the U.N.

B. the delegates who hold meetings at the U.N.

C. how people at the U.N. understand each other

D. how people work at the U.N.

2. The underlined word “interpreters” refers to       .

A. 勤杂人员               B.联络人员

C. 口译人员               D. 笔译人员

3. The interpreters must speak at least     official languages.

A. 2    B. 3    C. 6    D. 10

4. If you speak only Chinese and the delegate is talking in French, how can you understand what he has said?

A. Try your best to learn French

B. Ask others who understand it

C. Turn the switch to the number for French

D. Use the earphone and listen to the interpreters.

5. Suppose you work at the U.N. as an interpreter, so you must     .

A. be an American citizen

B. be able to translate what the delegate has said almost at once

C. be with listeners together

D. know Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish



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