摘要:means是新课标的重点词汇 意思“方式.方法.手段 .单复数同形.作主语前有不同词修饰.谓语动词的单复数区别为考查的重点,固定短语和同义词辨析是另一个考查的重点,短语的特殊用法:by no means /not by any means位于句首时.主句用部分倒装,此外mean为动词时.其后接doing, to do的含义不同.2010年将考到同义词辨析.以及倒装句式.这些知识点


(2013·高考新课标全国卷Ⅰ)I went to a group activity“Sensitivity Sunday”which was to make us more ____ the problems faced by disabled people.We were asked to“___a disability” for several hours one Sunday.Some members____chose to use wheelchairs.Others wore sound?blocking earplugs (耳塞) or blindfolds (眼罩)

Just sitting in the wheelchair was a____experience.I had never considered before how____it would be to use one.As soon as I sat downmy____made the chair begin to roll.Its wheels were not___.Then I wondered where to put my____.It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest into____.I took my first uneasy look at what was to be my only means of____for several hours.For disabled people“adopting a wheelchair”is not a temporary(临时的)___.

I tried to find a____position and thought it might be restful____kind of niceto be___around for a while.Looking aroundI____I would have to handle the thing myself! My hands started to ache as I____the heavy metal wheels.I came to know that controlling the____of the wheelchair was not going to be a(n)____task.

My wheelchair experiment was soon____.It made a deep impression on me.A few hours of “disability” gave me only a taste of the____both physical and mentalthat disabled people must overcome.

1.A.curious about? Baware of

Cinterested in? Dcareful with

2.A.cure? Badopt

Cprevent? Danalyze

3.A.instead? Bstrangely

Cas usual? Dlike me

4.A.learning? Bworking

Csatisfying? Drelaxing

5.A.convenient? Bawkward

Cboring? Dexciting

6.A.height? Bforce

Cskill? Dweight

7.A.locked? Brepaired

Cpowered?? Dgrasped

8.A.hands?? Bfeet

Ckeys? Dhandles

9.A.place?? Baction

Cplay? Deffect

10.A.operation? Bcommunication

Ctransportation?? Dproduction

11.A.exploration?? Beducation

Cexperiment?? Dentertainment

12.A.flexible? Bsafe

Cstarting?? Dcomfortable

13.A.yet??? Bjust

Cstill?? Deven

14.A.shown?? Bpushed

Cdriven? Dguided

15.A.realized? Bsuggested

Cagreed? Dadmitted

16.A.lifted? Bturned

Cpressed? Dseized

17.A.path? Bposition

Cdirection?? Dway

18.A.easy? Bheavy

Cmajor? Dextra

19.A.forgotten? Brepeated

Cconducted?? Dfinished

20.A.weaknesses? Banxieties

Cchallenges?? Dillnesses





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